Marko Tenkou

By kingofe3

479 9 2

What happens when Marko Tsuna, an antisocial normal girl, picks up a mysterious snowflake off the ground? She... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 9

12 0 0
By kingofe3

Marko Tenkou Ch.9

Sitting lazily in Titania's room, Umetaro stared blankly at her marron colored ceiling. He regularly stayed outside in the shed her father rarely goes into, but he decided to stay in her room in hope she would return right after school. Much to his surprise, it was already night and she was still out.

"Hmm... I wonder what is keeping her. Perhaps she's doing something at school." he wondered in thought. He remembered she said something about her friend. "Hmm... maybe that, but I don't know why it would take this long for a simple kiss. I'll never understand the woman of this time period."

Suddenly, he felt a surge of energy enter inside his body. He immediately jumped to his feet."T... This is..." he spent a second to calm the new founded energy. "How is this possible? This shouldn't happen until..."

Not thinking for a second more, he grabbed his swords on the floor and ran out of the house.

At Marko's house, Titania felt the same type of energy in her own body.

"Titania?" Marko asked in concern.

"Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about something." she lied. "It got pretty late fast, huh?"

"Yeah, I hope your parents don't give you too much hell."

"My dad is pretty reasonable. I doubt he's home anyway."

"Would you like me to walk you home?"

"Isn't that something a guy would usually say?" she teased.

"I... I didn't mean it like that!" Marko blushed.

"Seriously though, I'm fine walking home alone. My house isn't far from here."

"But what if something bad happens to you?"

"If something like that happens... will you be there to save me?"

"Of course I will."

For a while, they stared into each others eyes. You can literally see hearts and cupids floating around them.



"I'm sorry for turning you gay."

"It's alright..." her trance broke. "H... Hold on! I'm not..."

"I know, I was just messing with you. So, ready to go?"


They exited Marko's room and walked into the living room. It was still plastered with underwear. Hero just sat there in admiration of the sight.

"Ah..." he sighed in relief. "I'll never get tired of this."

"Hero, if my underwear isn't back in my room by the time I get back, I'll kill you." Marko threatened him as they walked to the door.

"Okay..." he simply said.

As Marko's hand touched the doorknob, a knock sounded on the other side.

"Are you expecting someone?" Titania asked.

"No, not at this hour."

She knew it wasn't her parents as they had a key to the house. It couldn't be an enemy as they would've properly just bust in. Reluctantly, she opened the door.

"Titania." Umetaro greeted.

"Umetaro?!" Titania was surprised to see him. "What are you doing here?"

"You know him?" Marko spoke up.

"I apologize for interrupting you, but I..." he stopped when he noticed Marko. "Marko Tenkou?!"

"W... What? How do you..."

"I see, so that explains it. Now it all makes sense."

"Who are you?"

"Do you mind if I come in? I wish to discuss something with the both of you."

"Um... sure thing."

Umetaro bowed as he walked into the house. As soon as he reached the living room he stopped, his eyes staring in amazement and shocked.

"I... I apologize for the display! You see I..." Marko attempted to come up with a lie.

"H... Hero! Is that really you?!" Umetaro's eyes were not set on Marko's underwear collection, but Hero, who was folding the panties into a small, organized pile.

"Yes?" he looked at him confused.

"I can't believe it! It really is you!" a smile appeared on his face. "You're alive and well, my friend!"

"I'm sorry. Have we met?"

"S... Stop playing games, Hero. It's me, Umetaro!" Hero just stared at him. "N... No... don't tell me you..."

Umetaro sat down in disbelief. Tears were beginning to whelp up in his eyes.

"U... Umetaro..." Titania walked to his side to comfort him.

"I... I'm sorry... it's just that..." he couldn't find the words to speak.

"Mr. Umetaro... what exactly is going on?" Marko asked him.

It a minute for him to respond. "My name is Umetaro. I am one of heroes chosen by the Tenkou fairy to stand by Titania's side."

"You're a hero too? Wait... does that mean that Titania is..."

"Yes, she is the Tenkou of Uranus. Titania, Marko is the Tenkou of Mars."

Both of the girls stared at each other in shock.

"Marko, I never knew you were..." Titania tried to speak.

"T... This is..." Marko sat down as well. "Wait, if Titania is a Tenkou, then how come I didn't sense her?"

"Because she hadn't activated her power yet. We have yet to perform the activation process." he answered. "However, it seems we don't need to anymore."

"How come?"

"Because you two kissed, completing the activation process yourselves. When..."

"Hold on a second!" Hero rose to his feet, his tone was serious.

"H... Hero?"

"Those two kissed and I missed it?! This is completely unfair! I say we make sure that the process was a..." Marko punched him before he could finish.

"As I was saying..." Umetaro continued, unaffected by what happened. "Since Marko had already finished her activation with Hero, her powers had already awoken. When she kissed you, her power awoken both of ours. In a sense, all that needed for your powers to awaken was a kiss from the Hero you are destined to or a fellow Tenkou."

"I see, that makes sense." Titania nodded.

"So how do you know Hero, Mr. Umetaro?" Marko asked.

"He and I met before about a week ago at the Hero Base where all the heroes were first summoned. He was an unexperienced in the form of swordplay so I thought him how to wield one."

"So you're both friends?"

"I guess you can say so." he slightly laughed. "I was the only hero that accepted him in. The others thought he was a perverted nuisance who wasn't qualified to be a hero."

"Well... that isn't far from the truth."

"I know he can be... affective about the female body, but he's a promising hero. The purpose of coming into the world is to accomplish one's duty. Hero has his own way of doing things as I have mine. I see great potential in him."

Marko thought hard about Umetaro's words. She had seen Hero fight before and he's amazing at it. Perhaps, there was more to him than she wasn't seeing.

"Yeah... I guess so... Anyway, what was this about Hero being dead?"

"That..." Umetaro paused. "About three days ago, the heroes were attacked."

"Attacked?! By who?!"

"We don't know, but whoever attacked us was able to kill three of us. As we retreated, Hero decided to stay behind and handle the attacker himself. I tried to stop him, but he already left. The next thing we knew... the entire base was set aflame.

"Afterwards, I searched for him, but I was unable to find him. I thought he was killed in battle... or was burnt to death. It was then, the Tenkou fairy told us that we needed to find our Tenkous and complete our activation processes fast."

"So that's why Hero has amnesia?"

"Maybe so... Hero... are you positive you don't remember anything?" he turned to him.

"Um... I don't remember anything... not even my own name. I woke up in empty space and the Tenkou fairy just informed me about everything else. That's all I remember..." Hero's voice became sadden.

"I see, thank you, Hero." Umetaro rose to his feet and walked to the front door. "Come along, Titania."

"A... Alright..." she agreed and walked after him.

"Wait!" Marko stopped them. "What are going to do about the killer?"

"That... I do not know." he answered without turning his back.

"We should team up! We can work better in numbers! We already lost three heroes and along with them three Tenkous! Our numbers are halved before the battle even begun!"

"Do you... honestly believe we can unite all the heroes and Tenkous?"

"We can at least try! If whoever killed the heroes is on the betraying Tenkou's side, then we have no other choice but to join forces! It's kill or be killed from here on out as soon as we gained our powers! I rather die with a fighting chance than running away!"

Umetaro turned to face Marko, looking deeply into her burning, blue eyes. He first chuckled, then burst into laughter.

"My what a generation this is! I am glad to be alive to such youth! I am a person who raises himself up to the next level, rather than becoming discouraged. Marko Tenkou, it'll be my honor to fight alongside you!" he agreed.

"I will too!" Titania also agreed. "Together, we'll defeat her!"

"Yeah!" Marko smiled. "Hero did you..."

Hero woke up from his nap. "36D!"

She placed him in a choke hold. "You idiot! We're going to fight alongside them!"

"Huh? Yeah, sure! Okay! Whatever makes you happy, my love!"

Titania and Umetaro laughed as they watched Marko choke Hero. This was only the first pairing of the Tenkous to come. Three more were to be found to form the new Tenkou alliance against Mrs. Burns and her foundation of evil. Will they find all the Tenkous? Is the hero killer among Mrs. Burns' minions? And will Hero finally gain his memories back?! Find out all and more in the next season of... Marko Tenkou!

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