When we were young | Derek Ha...

بواسطة thehalediaries

1M 25.4K 13.4K

"I love you, Derek Hale." The moment Derek met Emilia, he knew. He knew he would love her forever. Protect he... المزيد

When we were young
Part One
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 6
- 8
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
-15 part 2
PART 1.5
Cast Part two
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| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 6
| 7
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| 9
| 10
Broken Pieces

- 15 part 1

29.2K 790 1K
بواسطة thehalediaries

Last chapter of part one! are you ready??? its a long one so get the popcorn ready! - E

"Derek is that you?" Emilia callled into the darkness, noticing a pair of boots walking her way.

"Derek?" Emilia repeated moving forward, walking off the sidewalk into the trees.

"not Derek." a unkown male voice spoke, his eyes red eyes glowing as he approached Emilia.

Once Emilia spotted the glowing eyes she broke out into a run, weaving her way through the trees as fast as she could. She had no idea why there was another alpha in beacon hills, Talia said that alpha's barely come here since their pack was here, or why it wanted Emilia.

"Here i was thinking all the Bennett's were dead." Ennis shouted after her, catching up with her easily "We're going to have to change that."

Emilia cried out in pain as Ennis slammed her against a tree, his claws scraping against her mid section as her head slammed against the wood.

"Hurry up peter!" Derek walked quickly ahead of his uncle, trying to get to Emilia as quick as he could.

"Calm down, your girlfriends fine." Peter commented, rolling his eyes at his nephew.

"She didn't reply to my text." Derek stated, looking down at his phone again to check if she replied.

"So?" Peter asked, noticing his nephews sudden change in emotion "Whats' wrong?"

"She's supposed to meet me here." Derek answered looking round nervously, running into the trees as he caught onto her scent.

"Emilia!" Derek shouted out for his girlfriend, stopping in shock as he saw her laying on the forrest floor with a alpha stood in front of her.

Derek could feel his heart stop once his eyes landed on Emilia, everything around him stopped moving as he noticed her injuries. Derek didn't give anything a second thought before charging forward, trying to pull the alpha away from her. He wasn't going to let Emilia die because of him.

"Stop!" Derek ran forward, the alpha grabbed onto Emilia pulling her up from the ground.

"Derek!" Emilia cried, struggling against the werewolf.

"Hale cant save you now, too bad your pack got ripped to shreds." Ennis intimidated her, turning to face the two Hales dropping Emilia back to the floor "Now this is unexpected."

Ennis turned to face the Hales in surprise, not knowing that the Bennett's and the Hale's still took care of each others pack. Ennis backed away as they made their way forward. Derek caught Emilia before she could fall back the ground, growling up at the alpha as he continued to back away.

"I would get out of here before my sister gets here." Peter threatened, glowing his eyes at the alpha.

Derek ran away from the alpha, carrying Emilia in his arms as carefully as he could. The teen wolf stopped running, climbing down into some old abandoned cellar that he sometimes hid from the hunters in, sitting down against the dirty wall placing Emilia on his lap.

"Call a ambulance!" Derek shouted out for his uncle, noticing how bad Emilia's condition really was.


"Ennis? Why would he attack her?" Cora asked her uncle as he leaned against one of the beams in Derek's loft, sitting next to stiles at the desk as the storm brewed outside.

"She was part of a powerful pack, if he killed her he would be feared and it would push his pack up the ranks. Of course, he didn't know our packs were still working together. " Peter explained, shivering at the thought of that night.

"He doesn't remember it was Ennis, does he?" Stiles spoke up, turning to face the older werewolf.

"If he does, he keeps it to himself." Peter pointed out.

"So then what happened? did the girl die?" Stiles asked, wanting to know more of the story.

"Once ennis realised who we were he was long gone, but it was already to late."


"Derek." Emilia breathed, taking ahold of his hand.

"Hey you're going to be okay." Derek croaked taking some of Emilia's pain, Emilia gasped as some of the pain went away, "I can't take anymore of your pain."

Emilia looked up to her boyfriend with blurry eyes, squeezing his hand as he took the last bit of pain, the both of their hands covered in dirt and blood. Derek's veins turned black as he took her pain, a red glow rushing through his veins as they slowly turned back to normal.

"Its because I'm dying Derek." Emilia admitted, lying her head on Derek's chest tiredly.

"No, no, no. You're not going to die, okay?" Derek stuttered, trying to take some more pain but nothing happened "You're going to be fine."

"I'm sorry." Derek apologised, pulling Emilia closer to his chest.

"Its not you're fault, Derek." Emilia sniffled, her chest aching every time she spoke "these people have been hunting me down my whole life."

"I should've protected you better." Derek cried, none of the guilt going away.

"You've took care of me more than you think." Emilia started, wincing in pain "You changed my life for the better."

"Stop talking to me like you're dying, you're not going to die." Derek held onto Emilia tightly, applying pressure to one of her wounds.

"Take care of Isaac, please Derek." Emilia begged, tears now running down her cheeks "Promise me you will take care of him."

Emilia would hate herself if she did pass and Isaac would be left with no one, she needed to know that he would have a family.

"I promise." Derek promised moving the hair away from her face with his bloody hand, staring down at her in shock as she stopped talking "Lia?"

"Emilia?" Dereks voice croaked, shaking her body gently.

"I love you." Emilia whispered, her voice shaky over the tears and trouble breathing "I love you, Derek hale."

"Emilia!" Dereks cries were louder than before, listening in for a heartbeat.

"I love you." the werewolf whispered, holding onto her limp body as the tears flowed down his cheeks.

Derek never knew what heartbreak felt like until now, Emilia was gone and his heart was shattered. Deep down he knew it wasn't his fault, but the guilt took over only making his pain worse. The love of his life, his anchor, had been taken from him.

"She's gone, Derek." Peter spoke up gently, kneeling down to take Emilia's body away from Derek.

"No!" Derek wept in denial, watching his uncle carry Emilia out of his sight "She cant be gone, she cant leave me!"

"Derek." Talia ran over to her son sitting down in front of him, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Its my fault." Derek spilled his eyes glowing blue as he looked up to his mother, wrapping his arms around his knees "I killed her."

Talia knew Derek didn't kill Emilia, but she couldn't help but wonder why his eyes were different.

"You didn't kill her, Derek." Talia replied, hearing the ambulance sirens in the distance.

"I love her mom." Derek admitted, looking down at his bloody hands shaking.

"She loved you too, Derek." Talia pointed out, helping her son stand up from the ground.

"She has a family, people that need her." Derek continued, letting his mom guide him to wherever they were going "I need her."

"The ambulance is here." Peter told his sister, motioning for Derek to stay there.

"We have a pulse!" One of the paramedics shouted out, rushing to get Emilia's body inside of the van.

"Whats going on?" Derek asked walking forward, trying not to watch them wheel Emilia's body into the ambulance.

"Emilia's alive, Derek." Peter smiled, watching his nephew stare up at him in shock.

Derek's breath got caught in his throat, sprinting over to the ambulance trying to get as close to Emilia as he could. Derek thought he had lost her, that she would be leaving him forever, but they had been given a second chance and he wasn't going to mess it up.

"Talia, she was dead for five minutes."Peter spoke up once Derek was inside of the ambulance,"what if-"

"Lets just focus on keeping her alive." Talia interrupted her brother, rushing back to her house to get ready to go to the hospital.


"I remember taking her body from his arms, waiting for the ambulance to come. we were in the middle of the woods, it would be obvious to them that it was a animal attack." Peter recalled, looking over to stiles and cora who were concentrated in the story.

"And what about Derek?" Cora asked, wondering about her brother.

"Taking an innocent life takes... Something from you as well, a bit of your soul... darkening it, dimming the once brilliant, golden yellow to a cold, steel blue... like mine. But with Derek it was different, he didnt kill her but he blamed himself for it. The guilt changed his eyes." Peter explained, glowing his eyes at the teenagers.


Melissa smiled at something another nurse said as they filed some of the patients information at the front desk, the two of them stopped laughing as the emergency team wheeled in a teenage girl. Melissa gasped as once she noticed it was Emilia in the stretcher, tears falling from her eyes as she heard the paramedics talk.

"Were loosing her!"

"Emilia!" Melissa dropped her clipboard on the ground as a cry escaped her lips, running after the paramedics.

"You can't be in here." one of the paramedics spoke blocking her from entering the room, looking down at her with a sympathetic expression.

"She's my daughter!" Melissa cried, trying to get past him.

"I'm sorry." the paramedic moved out the way, letting Keith run into the room.

"I'll keep you updated." Keith told the crying woman, rushing over to Emilia's battered body.

Derek sat on the floor leaning against the wall of Emilia's room, staring down at the floor in shock.

"Move!" Jason's voice echoed through the halls, shoving past anyone in the way "Where's my sister?!"

"What the in the hell happened?" Jason whisper shouted to Talia, noticing Melissa stood close to them.

Jason couldn't look through the window in Emilia's room, he wouldn't be able to see her in that state, he was supposed to protect her and he failed.

"A alpha found her." Talia replied, staring over at her son sadly.

The four teens ran into the hallway after Jason, like everyone else they were in shock. Charlie, Melanie and Blair moved forward while Camden stood still unable to move.

Camden felt like the world had stopped spinning, other than Isaac, Emilia was the most important person in his life and he could be loosing her. Camden wouldn't know how to live his life without his best friend, she was his rock like he was hers.

"Em." Melanie breathed, backing away from the glass widow in shock.

"Camden!" Blair ran back over to him, wrapping her arms around him as he fell to the ground.

"She's going to be okay, she's strong." Melanie comforted, bending down to try and calm Camden "She's not going anywhere."

"She's not going to be okay, she dying!" Camden exploded, moving back slowly as Blair guided him to a chair.

Melanie stood wrapped in Charlie's arms as the two cried, watching the doctors run around Emilia's body. The teens might not of known Emilia for as long as the others, but that didn't mean they loved her any less.

"Its not your fault." Jason spoke up, sliding down against the wall to sit down next to Derek.

"If i never came into her life she wouldn't be lying in a hospital bed." Derek mumbled, struggling to get his words out over the tears.

"Emilia was born into this life, Derek." Jason consoled, standing up noticing Blair making her way over.

Jason pulled Blair into a hug, feeling relaxed once he was with her. Blair's tears soaked his t-shirt while he rested his head on top of hers, trying to be strong for the both of them as he wiped away his tears.

"Did you call him?" Talia asked her brother as she walked into the next hallway, Keith following his wife.

"He's almost here." Peter replied, turning to Keith as they walked into another hallway "Anything?"

"She needs the bite. the werewolf venom in her system is fighting against the wolf inside her, Lincoln needs to bite her or else she's going to die." Keith informed them, leaning closer so nobody could hear "The only way she can survive is if we can trigger her wolf that she was born with, if Lincoln bites her it has a high chance of working."

"Because it's the same wolf." Talia realised, the three of them walking back into the waiting room.

"She's going to be okay?" Blair asked Keith as he walked past, trying to get conformation about her best friends health.

"We think so." Keith smiled, walking back into Emilia's room.

"Who's that?" Charlie asked, noticing the stranger walk into the room with everyone there for Emilia.

"Her dad." Camden spoke up, avoiding looking into the window.

"What?" Melanie questioned in surprise, wondering why he would be here.

"When did this happen?" Blair asked at the same time.

"A few weeks ago." Camden answered, twiddling his thumbs nervously.

Melissa looked up as she spotted a pair of familiar boots stood in front of her, staring at the werewolf in shock. Lincoln didn't say anything, pulling Melissa into a hug that she desperately needed.

"Melissa, Lincoln." Keith walked out of her room, gaining her parents attention "she's stable, you can see her now."

"Its okay, take a minute to calm down." Lincoln spoke up, gently putting his hand on Melissa's shoulder as she walked away to calm down.

"We need to talk." Lincoln followed him into the room, looking down at his daughter sadly.

"What the hell happened to my daughter?" Lincoln asked, rushing over to her bedside.

"An alpha found her, Ennis i think." Talia replied, still unsure of what actually happened.

"She's human, these wounds would've killed her by now." Lincoln realised, holding onto Emilia's hand as he sat down on the chair next to her bed.

"She's a bennett, she still has some wolf in her." Keith chimed in.

"You need to bite her." Talia explained, observing Emilia's wounds "She's going to die if you don't."

"Are you sure this is what will save her?" Lincoln asked, hesitating to take ahold of Emilia's weak arm.

"Its our only option." Talia added sadly, nodding for Lincoln to continue.


"She's going to be fine, Emilia's a fighter."

"Can we see her?" Melanie rushed over to the nurse leaving Emilia's room, Camden, Charlie and Blair following.

"Visiting times are over, family only." the nurse answered, looking at the group of teens sympathetically.

"We are family." Blair called after the nurse, watching her walk away.

"You've all been here all night, go home and get some rest." Melissa stood up from her seat, gaining the attention of her daughters friends "She's still going to be here when you come back in the morning."

"Call us if anything changes." Camden hugged Melissa before following the others out of the door.

"You're not going anywhere are you?" Melissa asked sitting down next to Derek as he stared at the floor, shaking his head in reply.

"Im not leaving her." Derek stated, looking up to the window where he could see Emilia still unconscious in the hospital bed.

"She must be special, she had a whole waiting room full of people waiting to see her." another nurse commented, walking into the waiting room to check another patient.

"She is." Peter replied truthfully.


Emilia's eyes fluttered open, noticing Melissa sat in the chair next to her. After the crazy events that had just happened to her Emilia had realised some things, one of those things is that Melissa was her mom.Maybe not by blood but Melissa was the closet thing Emilia had to a mother, and there was no point in keeping that a secret anymore.

"Mom?" Emilia croaked, her voice scratchy after what happened.

"You're okay." Melissa gasped, leaning forward on her chair so she could hold onto Emilia's hand.

"Sorry for scaring you, again, mom." Emilia apologised quietly, trying to sit up.

Melissa smiled as Emilia called her mom, her heart finally feeling complete.

"Come on, Melissa. I want to see her too." Lincoln complained jokily, trying to lighten the mood.

"Am i still unconscious or are both of my parents sat in the same room?" Emilia looked over to her father in surprise, immediately regretting moving so quickly forgetting about how stiff she would be.

"Its a miracle you're alive, you know?" Lincoln pointed out, hugging his daughter carefully.

"I'm never letting you leave the house again." Melissa stated, never wanting to see her daughter hurt again.

"How long have you guys been here?" Emilia asked, taking ahold of the cup of water Melissa handed her.

"Since yesterdays shift, your dad got here a few hours ago." Melissa replied for the both of them.

"Melissa, you need to go home and rest." Emilia stressed, noticing how tired her mother was "You've been here for almost two days, go home, sleep and come back with Scott in the morning."

"Are you sure?" Melissa questioned, standing up from the seat.

"Yes! you need to rest." Emilia smiled, encouraging her to go.

"Love you." Melissa spoke, standing in the doorway.

"Love you too." Emilia replied as she left the room, looking over to her father who sat in the seat next to her.

"How am i alive?" Emilia asked the alpha, noticing his nervousness "I heard everyone saying i was dead."

"You died for five minutes." Lincoln explained, motioning to her almost healed bite "The only way to save you was for me to give you the bite."

"Im a werewolf?" Emilia gasped, cradling her arm as she examined the bite.

Emilia didn't know how to feel about being a werewolf, in some ways it made sense for her to be a werewolf, seeing as most of her family was. She wasn't worried or scared because she knew that she would have the people to she loved around to help her.

"You're going to be a strong one to, miss Bennett." Lincoln grinned, "Derek's going to kick off if i don't let him in soon."

"I think he's waited enough." Emilia nodded, wanting to see her boyfriend.

"Hey." Emilia smiled, looking up to Derek as he stood in the doorway.

Derek rushed foreword, Emilia grinned as she leaned forward to kiss Derek placing her hands on the sides of his face.

"I love you so much." Derek admitted pulling away, sitting down on the chair holding onto Emilia's hand "I didn't get to say it back."

"Does everyone know?" Emilia asked about their friends, smiling down at their hands.

"They were here all night." Derek answered, "You scared us all so much."

"Im a werewolf now, you won't have to worry so much." Emilia joked, try to calm Derek's nerves.

"You died in my arms, Emilia." Derek continued, "I don't think I'm ever going to let you go."

"Well thats fine with me." Emilia smirked feeling more energy as her body healed, moving to the side so Derek could sit next to her.


"Isaac." Emilia smiled, noticing the eight year old run into the doorway.

"I thought you were gone." Isaac mumbled, trying not to cry as he ran over to Emilia.

"I told you i'd never leave you." Emilia sighed sadly, wrapping her arms around the boy "Where's Camden?"

"I ran ahead." Isaac replied, pointing to his brother walking quickly past the window.

"Hey Isaac, why don't we go the vending machine." Derek suggested, walking out the room with the eight year old to give the bets friends some privacy.

"Are you crying?" Emilia questioned, watching as Camden sighed in relief rushing to her bedside.

"I'm just happy you're okay. I don't know what i would do without you." Camden explained sitting down on the chair next to her bed, wiping away his tears "What Isaac would do without you."

"i'm not going to leave you or Isaac anytime soon." Emilia stated, holding onto Camden's hand "Me and you will be sitting on our porches when were eighty, drinking too much coffee, in our matching houses next door to each other. Driving each other and our children crazy."

"Can i be sat in a hot tub?" Camden asked, laughing as more tears flooded down his cheeks

"Yes, yes you can." Emilia nodded, tears now falling down her cheeks as she smiled with her best friend "Now I'm crying!"

"Don't tell me we missed the reunion." Blair spoke up, Melanie stood beside her in the doorway.

"You guys!" Emilia exclaimed, letting out a laugh as Charlie came into view carrying way to many balloons and gifts for one person "You didn't have to do all this."

"You couldn't tell them that before they made me carry it all." Charlie wined, grinning at the brunette cheekily.

"Don't you ever scare us like that again." Blair warned her best friend, hugging her tightly making sure she didn't hurt her afterwards.

Emilia smiled at her group of friends as they made themselves comfortable in her room, Isaac and Derek waked back into the room, the eight year old waving a bar of chocolate in his hands as he sat on the bed next to Emilia.

"We need to tell you guys some things." Emilia started letting Isaac snuggle into her side, looking over to Derek who nodded encouragingly waiting for her to continue.


did you guys really think i was going to kill off the main character?

theres still lots more to tell about Emilia's story.

- Ebony

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