Fearless ||| James Norrington...

By RavenHopeRoyal

4.5K 90 21

!!!!¡¡¡¡¡UNDER MAJOR EDITING¡¡¡¡!!!! Rosa Kaylee Petrova is known by many names - Roslyn (By her mother.), Ro... More

Prologue ~ 1727. [EDITED]
Prologue 2 ~ 1728 [EDITED]
Chapter 1 [EDITED]
Chapter 2 [EDITED]
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 3

456 9 1
By RavenHopeRoyal

***Becky/Bella's P.O.V***

I turned around to see Commodore Norrington by the fort, without Rose? And Elizabeth has gone too?

"Commodore, what happened?" I asked, frightened.

"Rosanna fell and Elizabeth jumped in after her." He replied as he ran down to the docks. I ran as fast as possible to catch up. Jeez, why are men so fast? I arrive to see Rose and Elizabeth being pulled on to the docks followed by a man who looks like Jack? Jack cuts off Rose's corset and she gasps for breath.

***Rosanna/Rose/Rosa's P.O.V***

I gasp and cough the sea water out of my throat and look up to see Murtogg, Mullroy, Elizabeth with a wet dress and Jack? I thought he was still on the run. He turns to Elizabeth and grabs the medallion from around her neck. I realise I am no longer wearing my dress. Only my chemise.

"Where did you get that?" He asks. Before she could answer, James and his men drew their swords and pointed them at Jack.

"On your feet." James ordered him. Jack slowly stands and holds his arms in the air.

"Elizabeth! Rosanna!" Governor Swann rushes over and puts his coat around Elizabeth. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, we're fine." She replied. James pit his sword away, took his coat off and put it around me.

"Rosanna, are you alright?"

"Yes, James. Thank you." I replied and he once again drew his sword and walked over to Jack. Governor Swann gave Murtogg a dirty look as he is holding my corset. He instantly drops it and points to Jack.

"Shoot him!" Governor Swann orders.

"Father!" Elizabeth yells and turns to James. "Commodore, do you really intend to kill Rosanna's rescuer?" James gives in and the men lower their weapons.

"I believe thanks are in order." James holds out his hand which Jack hesitantly takes. James quickly pulls up Jack's sleeve to reveal a branded 'P'. "Had a brush with the East India Trading Company did we, pirate?"

"Hang him" Governor Swann orders once again.

"Governor Swann! You can't kill a man if he saved my life!" He ignored me and James opened his sometimes stupid mouth.

"Keep your guns on him, men. Gillette, fetch some irons." He pulled up Jack's sleeve more to reveal his sparrow tattoo. Well, Jack really fucked up this time. "Well, well. Jack Sparrow, isn't it?" He pushed Jack's arm away. Here we go.

"Captain Jack Sparrow, if you please, sir." Yep, there it is.

"Well, I don't see your ship... 'Captain'." James mocked him.

"I'm in the market, as it were."

"He said he'd come to commandeer one." Murtogg butted in.

"I told you he was telling the truth." Mullroy held out Jack's effects. "These are his, sir." James picks up the pistol amd examines it.

"No additional shot, nor powder. A compass that doesn't point North." James pulls Jack's sword out of the sheath part way. "And I half expected it to be made of wood." Ouch. "You are without doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of!"

"But you have heard of me." James drags Jack over to a post to have irons put on him.

"Commodore, I really must protest!" Elizabeth yells as we follow him.

"Carefully, Lieutenant."

"Pirate or not, this man saved my life!" I stood in front of him with my arms crossed.

"One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness, Rosanna. You of all people should understand that."

"Though it seems enough to condemn him." Jack butts in.

"Indeed." James is pissed off, I can tell. Gillette finished putting irons on Jack and steps away. Here we go, again.

"Finally." Jack says as he puts the chain around Elizabeth's neck and pulls her back. Yep. It happened again.

"No, no. Don't shoot!" Governor Swann yells at the Naval men who aimed their guns at Jack.

"I knew you'd warm up to me. Commodore Norrington, my effects, please. And my hat. Commodore!" Mullroy hands James the stuff, who gives it to Elizabeth. I notice Becky is frantically fanning herself so I go to check on her.

"Becky, are you alright?" I whisper so no one can hear.

"Honestly, no. This bloody corset is too tight." She gasps and fans herself faster. "Can you please cut the strings at the back?"

"I can, but what do I use?"

"Maybe Norrington has a knife."

"I doubt it but I will ask anyway." She nods and I walk over to James. Jack currently has Elizabeth putting his effects and hat on for her. "Commodore, do you by any chance have a knife I could quickly borrow?" He looks shocked at the question.

"Yes, I have a pocket knife but why do you need one?"

"Bella's corset is crushing her. She asked me to cut the strings at the back." He nods and gives me the knife. I walk over to Becky and carefully cut the strings.

"Thanks, Rose." She smiles. I give James his knife back and Jack immediately pushes Elizabeth at us, and swings away from is on a rope. Idiot.

"Now will you shoot him?" Fuck you Governor Swann.

"Open fire!" James yells and everyone with a gun starts shooting at Jack. Fortunately, they all miss him. By now Jack is out of range. "On his heels!" James and all the officers run after Jack. I lift up my dress to my knees and run behind them, as Governor Swann takes Elizabeth and Becky home.

"Gillette, Mr Sparrow has a dawn appointment with the gallows." James tells him. Gillette just smirks. Well, he really fucked up this time. "I would hate for him to miss it."

"James, are you really going to hang Sparrow? He did save my life." I ask.

"Rosanna, I know he saved your life, but he is a pirate. I'm sorry but I am bound to the law." He replies looking down at me and I look away. I can't believe it. One of my best friends is going to die. If he gets caught.

"I understand. Good day, James." I start to walk away when he reaches out to stop me.

"Rosanna, I am truly sorry, but I don't have a choice. Anyway, you must be freezing. I'll take you home and give you a few days to think about your answer."

"Thank you." Of course I wanted to marry him. He is a fine and noble man. But he would absolutely hate me if he knew I was a pirate. Why is life so difficult?


I was now dry and in clean clothes. Elizabeth is in her room, getting ready for bed while Becky was already in bed. I am wearing a silk slip dress as I want to go for a walk before bed.

"Hey, Rose?" Becky lay in her bed, smirking.

"Yes, Becky?"

"What made you fall off the fort?"

"You want the truth?"


"Alright then. My corset was so tight I could barely breathe. Then.. then Commodore Norrington proposed. At that point I couldn't breathe, hence why I fell. Satisfied?" Becky's grin grew bigger which made me uncomfortable. "Well, then. Goodnight Becky. I will be back soon. I'm going for a walk."

"Oh, Rosanna, if you see Norrington, give him a kiss from me. But don't tell him it's from me." She giggled.

"Oh you are so funny." I walked out of our room anf down the staircase when I came face to face with Governor Swann. "Hello Governor. I was just going for a walk to the fort."

"Yes, well, do try to stay above water level, won't you?" He chucked. "I was actually going there too. Care to join me?"

"Of course." We walked to the fort and talked about random things. Like the weather, which had gotten worse.

"So, Rosanna, do you intend to marry the Commodore? He really does adore you." He asks out of the blue.

"Honestly, I would love to. But there are things which would make it difficult. I really do fancy him." I say looking down. When I do look up, he gives me a questioning look. We are almost at the fort when James turns up behind us.

"Hello Governor Swann, Rosanna."

"Bloody hell, James. You nearly have me a heart attack." I say, shivering a bit.

"I do apologise, Rosanna." We continue walking when we suddenly hear a loud bang.

"What's that?" Governor Swann asks. As if we would know.

"Cannon fire!" Suddenly, James jumps at us, pushing us to the ground. He lost his hat on the way. "Return fire!" The Naval men rush around loading the cannons and firing them. I look towards the town and see fire and cannon balls ripping through buildings. Bloody hell. It must be Barbossa. And of course. The Black Pearl is floating near shore. I help loading the cannons and firing them as fast as possible. Cannon balls come straight at the fort, sending men and bricks flying. James is barking orders which everyone obeys.

"I need a full spread, fore and aft! Mr Stevens, more cartridges!" He yells while walking towards Governor Swann and I. "Governor, Rosanna. Barricade yourselves in my office." A cannon ball comes flying and nearly hits me. The Governor gives James a questioning look. "That's an order." Governor Swann rushes off but I stay put. "Rosanna, please don't be difficult."

"I am not being difficult. I am a sailor for the British Royal Navy. My job is to be here and help protect the people of Port Royal." I say while loading a cannon and firing it towards the Pearl. Out of nowhere, James grabs my shoulders and kisses me. Oh my god. The kiss lasted a few seconds until James pulled away.

"I do apologise for my actions, Rosanna. That was rather unprofessional." He says while his cheeks turn pink.

"To answer your question, James. Yes, I will marry you." I pull him towards me for another kiss. When I pulled away, James just stood there, shocked. I smirked and continued loading and firing cannons. Finally, after about an hour, the Pearl leaves Port Royal, leaving behind a huge mess to be cleaned up. Many sailors have been killed. Many civilians have had their homes burned to the ground.

"Rosanna, would you like to spend the night at my house? It looks like Governor Swann's home has been demolished." James asks when the chaos has calmed down. It's the middle of the night so the cleaning up must wait till the morning. I look over to see Governor Swann's mansion, a pile of stone and rubble on the ground.

"Bella... Elizabeth... My sister and friend are in there!" I cry and stary running towards the mansion. James runs up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, stopping me.

"I'm sorry, Rosanna." He says and I turn to face him, burying my face in his chest, crying my eyes out. "Come on, let's go home."

We arrive at James' mansion, which is huge. I haven't spoken a word since we arrived. I have only just realised I am only in a silk slip dress. Oops. James leads me upstairs to his bedroom.

"You can sleep in my bed, Rosanna. I will be down the hall to the left if you need me." He smiles and goes to walk away.

"Wait." I call out to him. "Will you stay with me? I don't like the idea of being alone after what just happened."

"If you're sure..."

"Please, James." I give him a sad look.

"Alright." He gives in and we get in him bed. And no, before you say anything, nothing will happen. I move closer to hin and rest my head next to his. He suddenly puts an arm on my waist, pulling me closer and kisses my forehead. "Goodnight, Rosanna."

"Goodnight, James."

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