A Secret Grave - Season 1

By Nicolucca

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When artist, Nicole Jeffords, learns that a reputable psychic who often works with the police has had a visio... More

Chapter 1 - Important Information from an Unexpected Source
Chapter 2 - Ramona
Chapter 3 - A Strange Disturbance
Chapter 4 - Creepy in a Good Way
Chapter 5 - Gharith Pendragon is a Real Person
Chapter 6 - Everything Comes True
Chapter 7 - Margot Won't Go to a Quack
Chapter 8 - The Man in a White Linen Suit
Chapter 9 - In the Treatment Room
Chapter 10 - The Woman in the Lincoln Town Car
Chapter 11 - Tea Ceremony
Chapter 12 - Mind Expanding Beverages
Chapter 13 - Natural Talent
Chapter 14 - Current Crisis
Chapter 15 - Whoops
Chapter 16 - Betsy Shapiro, Not an Odalisque
Chapter 17 - Pamela Jane Takes a Spill
Chapter 18 - No Need to Call 911
Chapter 19 - Rachel Glazny, Super Model
Chapter 20 - Blind Joe Bennett & His Driver, Lloyd
Chapter 21 - Mercer
Chapter 22 - A Weird Coincidence?
Chapter 23 - Snakebite
Chapter 24 - Caroline
Chapter 25 - White as a Ghost
Chapter 26 - Victor Disappears
Chapter 27 - Puttin' on a Show
Chapter 28 - More About Victor
Chapter 29 - State Secrets
Chapter 30 - Party Time
Chapter 31 - Gharith's Warning
Chapter 32 - Plan of Action
Chapter 33 - Alicia Pays a Visit
Chapter 34 - Slasher
Chapter 35 - Aftermath
Chapter 36 - Everything Has Its Price
Chapter 37 - Playing Games
Chapter 38 - Did You Know He was Jewish?
Chapter 39 - Betsy's Past
Chapter 40 - Done Deal
Chapter 41 - Angels Around Me
Chapter 42 - Alicia, Bounty Hunter
Chapter 43 - Emil's Secret
Chapter 44 - Strange Accusations
Chapter 45 - Victor and the Cops
Chapter 46 - When Betsy Met Victor
Chapter 47 - A Slice of Victor's Story
Chapter 48 - Mystery Game
Chapter 49 - When Fate Intervenes
Chapter 50 - Weekend Romance
Chapter 51 - Disappear Like Smoke
Chapter 52 - Can of Worms
Chapter 53 - Fight-or-Flight
Chapter 54 - A Fellow with a Cello
Chapter 55 - Vanished
Chapter 56 - T-R-O-U-B-L-E
Chapter 57 - Caught Off Guard
Chapter 58 - Stolen
Chapter 59 - Tsuris
Chapter 60 - Victor's Lineage
Chapter 61 - The Crow and the Canary
Chapter 62 - Alchemy
Chapter 63 - Oil and Water
Chapter 64 - The Key
Chapter 65 - Savage
Chapter 66 - Dead Bodies
Chapter 67 - Basket of Mysteries
Chapter 68 - The Green Lady
Chapter 69 - News from the Swamp
Chapter 70 - Fascinator Chat
Chapter 71 - Forbidden Zone
Chapter 72 - Troll Attack
Chapter 73 - Hungry for More Dirt
Chapter 74 - Color Scheme
Chapter 75 - Sentinel
Chapter 76 - Precarious Living
Chapter 77 - Stairways to Hell
Chapter 78 - Mayhem and Murder
Chapter 79 - The Awful Melody of Grief
Chapter 80 - Damocles' Sword
Chapter 81 - As Providence Would Have It
Chapter 82 - I Need You To Be Discreet
Chapter 83 - The Biggest Gamble
Chapter 84 - Tell Me Everything
Chapter 85 - Vying for the Spotlight
Chapter 86 - First Kiss
Chapter 87 - In the Middle of the Night
Chapter 88 - Witness
Chapter 89 - Fall Guy
Chapter 90 - One Day You'll See
Chapter 91 - The 'Bukh'
Chapter 92 - Up to No Good
Chapter 93 - Connections
Chapter 94 - Million Dollar Question
Chapter 95 - Thinking Out Loud
Chapter 96 - Mercer in Trouble
Chapter 97 - Dead Quiet
Chapter 99 - Alien Encounter
Chapter 100 - Facial Contortions
Chapter 101 - Delicious Secret
Chapter 102 - Elephant in the Room
Chapter 103 - Animation of Lovers
Chapter 104 - Diversions of Man
Chapter 105 - Projection
Chapter 106 - Turning the Table
Chapter 107 - No Deal
Chapter 108 - Through a Rarified Lens
Chapter 109 - Big Cojones
Chapter 110 - Only Betsy's Hmm Hmm
Chapter 111 - Ladies Room Buzz
Chapter 112 - If Looks Could Kill
Chapter 113 - A Sundown Town
Chapter 114 - Belly Up at the Local Diner
Chapter 115 - Outrage
Chapter 116 - Poker Face
Chapter 117 - On the Prowl
Chapter 118 - Indifference
Chapter 119 - Ever Been to New York City?
Chapter 120 - A Bowl of Ganja
Chapter 121 - Bounty Hunt
Chapter 122 - Unless He Gets to Me First
Chapter 123 - Silence
Chapter 124 - Like a Bag of Sparkling Diamonds
Chapter 125 - Lawsuit City
Chapter 126 - Foretold Fate
Chapter 127 - Before There Was Yelp
Chapter 128 - Quack, Quack, Quack
Chapter 129 - A Big Stir over Nothing
Chapter 130 - The Plot Thickens
Chapter 131 - Accursed
Chapter 132 - Chipping Away
Chapter 133 - Heart Break
Chapter 134 - After the Autopsy
Chapter 135 - A Perfect Murder
Chapter 136 - Under the Cover of Darkness
Chapter 137 - Alternative Facts
Chapter 138 - Connecting the Dots
Chapter 139 - Rodeo Daze
Chapter 140 - Enigma
Chapter 141 - Sharpshooter
Chapter 142 - Bull's Eye Perfect
Chapter 143 - G.I. Joe
Chapter 144 - Safe from Enemy Fire
Chapter 145 - Other People's Business
Chapter 146 - Hives
Chapter 147 - A Cooler Shade of Blue
Chapter 148 - Abstract Problems
Chapter 149 - Busted
Chapter 150 - Taboo
Chapter 151 - Nostalgic
Chapter 152 - Love Tragedy
Chapter 153 - Periphery
Chapter 154 - Time to Move On
Chapter 155 - What's in a Name?
Chapter 156 - Witch Hunt
Chapter 157 - A Person of the Book
Chapter 158 - The Prettiest Laundress
Chapter 159 - There, There
Chapter 160 - Doctor Daddy
Chapter 161 - Baby Fever
Chapter 162 - Pill Pusher
Chapter 163 - Haunted
Chapter 164 - Theoretically
Chapter 165 - Anathema
Chapter 166 - Jungle in a Bottle
Chapter 167 - Visitors
Chapter 168 - At the Heart of the Mystery
Chapter 169 - I Think We're Being Followed
Chapter 170 - Risks Worth Taking
Chapter 171 - Do You Believe in Ghosts?
Chapter 172 - Ruminations
Chapter 173 - Plan B
Chapter 174 - Home Sweet Home, Temporarily
Chapter 175 - Barton Springs Dreamin'
Chapter 176 - Not your bedroom
Chapter 177 - Be Gone
Chapter 178 - Jumping Through Hoops
Chapter 179 - Fearsome Thing
Chapter 180 - Alive
Chapter 181 - The Return of Mme X
Chapter 182 - Schtupping Roy
Chapter 183 - Almost the Same
Chapter 184 - Terrible Detective
Chapter 185 - The Quarry
Chapter 186 - Cecily Rose
Chapter 187 - Missing
Chapter 188 - Camp Closed
Chapter 189 - Sweating Bullets
Chapter 190 - Suspects
Chapter 191 - End Game

Chapter 98 - House with a Presence

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By Nicolucca

In silent agreement, Ramona and I entered the house. It was dead quiet. And dark, with the curtains drawn. We peeked into the living room and saw wood floors, couches and chairs, my portrait of Caroline above the mantle. The TV had been left on, images of The Walking Dead rotating on the home screen. But no one was there to watch.

Caroline (Nicole Jeffords, Oil on Canvas, 2016)

No one was in the kitchen, either, where remnants of a meal lay on a long refectory table. Calling Mercer's name, we rushed upstairs. I was expecting to find him in a tub of bloody water – that's how weirded out I was feeling – but the bathroom was bright and sunny. In Caroline and Joe's room, the bed was made and everything was in order. We found Mercer's room, pounded on the door and charged in, but the room was empty. A fluffy orange cat lay sleeping on the bed. Beneath one of the windows, an open suitcase bulged with clothes. A trail of discarded underwear, jeans, a pair of sneakers, several cans of Coke snaked across the carpet. We could feel Mercer's presence in the room, but he was nowhere to be seen and the house was utterly silent. Ramona and I looked at one another, perplexed. What the hell was going on? Where was he?

I palmed my cell phone, ready to call Mercer's dad ... or the police. Ramona had her fingers on that beautiful gold cross again, her habitual gesture when she was worried and logic defied her. Then I had the brilliant idea of looking out the window. And there he was, sitting with his back to us, very still and tranquil, under a tree at the end of a yard planted with shrubs and flowers. I was about to shout at him but stopped myself. He looked as if he were in some sort of trance and I didn't want to shock him. Ramona and I grabbed hands and ran back downstairs. We left the house through the front door and circled round to the back. It was a warm spring afternoon, the sunlight soft and yellow on plants that glistened in colorful ceramic pots, water from a fountain gurgling repetitively over an artfully fashioned pile of rocks and stones. Ten feet away our young man sat in lotus position, unaware of our presence. "Mercer," I said softly.

When he didn't turn around I called his name again, this time a little louder. 

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