Unforgiven - Complete

By The_Same_Deep_Waters

45.9K 1.7K 74

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐍 ▸ [AU, Human] Dimitri and Rose were one of the power couples at St. Vladimir's Academy... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five

Chapter Nine

1.2K 47 0
By The_Same_Deep_Waters

"So are you sure she's not going to be out and about tonight?" Jesse asked Lissa for about the fourth time. Ever since their double date the night before, Jesse had thought almost non-stop about Rose.

"I told you – it's the name day for someone in her family. It's a big thing in the Orthodox faith. She'll be at home feasting and celebrating. Rose is not going out tonight."

Jesse frowned. Something about Rose had attracted him in a way no girl had in a long time. He wasn't sure if it were her striking dark looks, the way her eyes danced with mischief and merriment even when there was clearly nothing to be amused about, or whether it was the way all his usual pickup lines hadn't worked on her. Whatever it was, he'd gone to bed thinking about her and had woken up still every bit as interested.

"All right then, Dragomir; let's go out to a club tonight then," he suggested morosely to Andre, dismissing Lissa without a second thought. If he couldn't get between Rose's thighs tonight, there were plenty of other girls who'd be willing to assuage his need until Rose came around.

Not wanting her brother, or more particularly his friend, to know where she was going, Lissa waited at the end of the driveway for Camille's Mom who was picking her up on the way to the basketball game. They were meeting Mia, Christian, and Rose there. It was an important match tonight; not only were College scouts going to be there, the Guardians were playing the Valley team – and if they won they'd be through to the finals. Lincoln High's team 'The Vampires' had won their qualifying game last night, so if St Vlad's won tonight, it would see the Guardians play the Vampires in the finals. The teams were archrivals, so Dimitri and the guys would be pulling out all the stops in tonight's game to try and make it to the finals.

When she and Camille arrived, Lissa was pleased to see the squad had scored good seats. Rose sat, her eyes bright with excitement, waiting with the Christian and Mia.

"Rose, you look beautiful," Lissa gushed admiringly. Whatever lack of effort Rose had made last night, she'd well and truly compensated for it this evening. Her hair was out but pinned back from her face, she'd gone for a subtle look with her makeup, but her lips were full, plump and glistening with gloss. Lissa wasn't into girls, but even she thought Rose's lips looked mega kissable!

"Dimitri said he hoped I'd be here tonight," Rose said with an embarrassed smile, speaking softly so they weren't overheard.

Lissa grinned at her encouragingly. This was exactly what she'd hoped for; a shit date reminding Rose just how wonderful Dimitri was. How in tune they were with one another.

"Gwiazdeczko!" Adrian announced, climbing over the seat back and plonking himself to sit between Lissa and Rose, ignoring the grumbles from both.

"Adrian," Rose acknowledged curtly, her eyes never leaving the door to the players' change rooms from which the team would emerge. When they'd been together, Dimitri had usually come over for a good luck kiss before every game, and she was rather hopeful he might want to reinstate that tradition tonight.

Adrian was trying to engage Rose in conversation when the door opened, and Dimitri, Mason, Eddie and the rest of the guys emerged. Eddie and Mason immediately headed to where they were sitting, Dimitri following behind them. Mia threw her arms around Eddie, liberally peppering him with sweet, loving kisses. Dimitri looked at Rose, then to Adrian as he scooted along the bench to sit hard up against her side. Scowling at Adrian in annoyance, Rose elbowed him in the ribs. Hard. He tried to pretend otherwise, but seeing that made Dimitri's day!

Rose gave Dimitri a tentative smile, and he responded by coming over to where she sat.

"Good luck tonight, Comrade," she said taking his hand when he offered it, giving him a cheeky little smile.

"Thanks, milaya," he grinned, loving that he was holding her hand, but enjoying it all the more seeing Ivashkov having to witness it! "But it's a big night. A lot could be riding on this, and I'd not like to leave anything to chance..."

"Oh?" Rose asked with mock virtue, appreciating what he was hinting at - her knowing, sexy smile belying the innocence of her words. Dimitri wasn't the only one who enjoyed baiting Adrian. But Rose didn't try to fool herself; that wasn't her primary motivation!

Dimitri pulled her to her feet, stepping forward, so they were standing close, facing one another.

"I think I'd play a lot better if I had a little kiss to motivate me..." he teased, his free hand snaking its way around her waist.

"Is that so? Well, I wouldn't want to put you off your game," Rose said coyly, almost able to hear Adrian gnashing his teeth as she reached up and wrapped her arms around Dimitri's neck. Standing on her tiptoes, she brought her lips to the very corner of Dimitri's mouth, giving him a delicate, long, lingering kiss. Neither cheek nor mouth, it was frustratingly ambiguous, but there was nothing to misunderstand about Dimitri's proprietary moan or the way he pulled Rose closer to him.

"I hope you have a great game," she whispered to him, giving him a loving look. She was hoping he might take the opportunity to claim a proper kiss, but he didn't.

"I'm sure I will now," he grinned. "I'll see you afterward," Dimitri said, giving her a final smile before returning to the court as the coach blew his whistle.

"So you and Belikov again, hey?" Adrian said in a decidedly pissy voice.

"No. We're just friends," Rose said in a voice that made it clear it was none of his business.

"I'm your friend, and you don't kiss me like that," Adrian pointed out.

"That's because I know where your mouth has been," Rose quipped looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"As opposed to Belikov's, which has been all over Tasha Ozera," Adrian retorted. "I thought you had more self-respect than to take him back!"

Rose flinched. Adrian was no doubt saying what everyone else was thinking. That she was stupid to try and overlook the fact the man she was in love with had cheated on her; waited until she was out of town and then slept with the first woman to show him any interest.

"Why don't you fuck off, Ivashkov?" Christian said, catching Adrian's words and witnessing Rose's stricken face. "I don't think a manwhore like you gets to lecture anyone about self-respect! And unlike you, I was there the night that shit went down, and I don't think anything happened. Belikov was off his face, but he wasn't showing any interest in Tasha. He never has, and she's given him plenty of chances over the years. I think she made the whole thing up – it wouldn't be the first time she'd lied just to be a bitch."

Christian was right. Tasha could be vindictive and downright nasty when she got an idea into her head – and she'd made no secret of her interest in Dimitri, even though he'd made it clear the attraction was one-sided.

Knowing when he wasn't welcome, Adrian took off, Christian immediately taking the seat between Lissa and Rose.

"Do you really think she made it up?" Rose asked Christian, watching as the team got their final instructions from the coach. They'd never spoken about it before, but if there were anyone who'd have the clearest insight, it would be Christian; he was Dimitri's best friend and Tasha's nephew.

"I think there's a very good chance nothing happened. Dimitri was too drunk even to stand up; I doubt he was capable of doing anything. Besides – Tasha's had a thing for him since he arrived, and he's never shown the slightest interest in her. I honestly think she didn't like there was a guy that said no to her, so she made the whole thing up."

"Really?" Rose asked hopefully.

"That's what I believe. I know Dimitri, and I know Tasha. If she couldn't have him, she wouldn't want anyone else to. I know she's thrilled you and he have broken up. What do you think happened?"

"I don't know what to think," Rose said, her eyes hovering on Dimitri. "I have so many questions..."

"Then talk to him, Rose."

"I will," Rose said decisively. Christian was right. She'd heard everyone else's perspective on what occurred that night – she owed it to Dimitri to finally hear him out. She hadn't been ready before, but she was now. She wanted to hear his point of view.

Feeling reassured, Rose settled in to watch the first and second quarters. Even though they were meant to be eight minutes each, the Valley team and the Guardians were playing hard, so there were several foul calls. As team Captain, Dimitri was the one the other players on his team listened to, and she could hear him telling them to keep it tight. He was well liked and more importantly respected, but it was a little thrilling seeing him being so dominant and commanding. Tonight he was playing Center, as he often did being the tallest player on the Guardian team. Seeing him dripping in sweat, muscles rippling, Rose had to admit he looked sexy as hell. And she was far from the only woman watching him tonight!

Not for the first time, she let her mind wander to what making love with Dimitri would be like. He was strong; she knew that. His body was toned and muscled and would no doubt be a wonder to behold. But other than what may, or may not, have happened with Tasha, he was every bit as inexperienced as she was; and something about that was reassuring. Most importantly, she knew he'd be gentle with her. Loving. Because he always had been. Even with everything else that had happened, she'd never doubted his love.

She wondered if he'd be nervous – because she knew she would be. And then she thought about where and when it could occur. It wouldn't be at her place; her parent's reaction the other night when Lissa stayed made that clear! Dimitri had also said his place was busy as hell – there would be next to no chance of them sneaking off for some alone time there. But she didn't want to do it at Lissa's or somewhere else. When the time happened she wanted it to be special; something private just between him and her.

"What are you thinking about?" Lissa asked curiously, watching her best friend staring at Dimitri as though he were the sexiest thing alive. She kind of understood! While she and Christian were rock solid, she still had eyes – and the Russian was hot as hell!

"Just thinking about Dimitri," Rose admitted with a blush.

"That was quite some kiss you gave him earlier," Lissa said with a grin. Rose and Dimitri might have been too occupied to notice, but the rest of the gym hadn't missed their sexy, heated exchange!

"I know," Rose giggled. "He said he'd play better if he had a kiss to motivate him."

"You're going to forgive him, aren't you?" Lissa asked knowingly. "You wouldn't have let him put his arm around you in public like that if you weren't."

"Well, I'm going to give him the chance to explain," Rose admitted, appreciating that it was virtually the same thing.

Lissa squealed and clapped her hands excitedly.

"You should do it next weekend! If the Guardians win tonight, they'll be in the finals next Friday. I'll hold a party afterward at my place. Mom and Dad are going away, but Andre will probably come home for the weekend, so as long as it's not too big, they won't mind. It would give you and Dimitri a chance to talk..."

Rose smiled. It was a good plan. Lissa's house was huge – lots of private places they could slip away to. If the Guardians won, Dimitri would be in the mood to celebrate – and if not then maybe some kisses with her would take the sting out of a defeat?!

The second half of the game was brutal. Neither team wanted to give an inch. In the end, it went to overtime, but the Guardians wanted it too much – finally coming out as the victors. The gymnasium erupted, and Rose was over the moon. St Vlad's were going through to the finals, and Dimitri had played a phenomenal game in front of the scouts. Now she could hardly wait for the next weekend!

Eddie came over covered in sweat and swept Mia off her feet, kissing her so passionately that eventually Christian told him to take a shower - not that Mia seemed to object to his sweat, the kisses or his attention! Dimitri was standing on the opposite side of the court, grinning while talking to Coach Schoenberg, a player from Valley and two scouts; but his eyes kept flicking across to where Rose stood waiting.

Excusing himself for a minute, Dimitri ducked over to where Rose was standing. "They both want to have a talk with me, so I'll be caught up here for ages..."

"That's ok. I'm going to head home, but I'll see you on Monday?"

"Maybe I could call you tomorrow after Church?" Dimitri suggested hopefully.

"Ok," she said with a smile. "I'll speak to you then!"

He looked like he wanted to give her a kiss, but when he didn't take the initiative, she gave him a smile, blowing him a cheeky kiss before turning her back and walking off, adding just the tiniest bit of extra swing to her hips.

Back at home, Rose was in an excellent mood. She was enthusiastically giving Janine and Abe a blow-by-blow account of the game, ending by proudly describing how the scouts had each wanted to speak with Dimitri.

"Since he couldn't catch up after the game because he had to speak with the Coach and scouts, he's going to call me tomorrow."

"Does this mean you're taking his calls again, darling?" Janine asked with a little smile.

"Yes," Rose said nonchalantly. "He said he'd call after Church."

"Right. The Russian is back on the accepted call list. Any other instructions for your social secretaries?" Abe asked crabbily.

"Abe, give it a rest," Janine said rolling her eyes at him.

"Calling, not calling. Talking, not talking. I can't keep up!" he grumbled.

"You complain about young men calling, but you'd be even more upset if they didn't," Janine teased.

"Don't be so sure about that!" Abe snapped, taking his cup of tea and stomping off downstairs to his workshop.

"What's wrong with Tata?" Rose asked.

"He's feeling old, wee one. I don't think he likes the idea of there being another special man in your life," she explained. "It's hard for a father seeing his little girl grow up."

Rose laughed. "Tell him not to worry too much. I've got four years of college coming up – I still need him as much as ever," she teased.

Janine laughed, but she could see where her husband was coming from. Their only child was spreading her wings! College was just the first step. She'd met Abe when she was not much older than Rose was now, and she'd left her family and country behind to move to America with her new husband not that very long after. Ten minutes after that she was pregnant, fifteen minutes later Rose had started school, and now here they were. Their daughter would be starting college soon, and it wouldn't be so very long before a young man would be asking her a special question! Still - hopefully they had her for a little longer, yet.

"So does this mean you're going to forgive Dimitri?" her mother asked.

"I think so," Rose confided. "I care about him, Mom. As in really care."

"He's an impressive young man. Just remember you're still young. It's a different time now; neither of you needs to make any permanent decisions just yet," Janine cautioned.

"I know, Mom. I'm not in any hurry, and Dimitri isn't either," Rose assured her. "We have college and everything to get through first. But I'd like us to experience that together..."

Her mother nodded, happy enough that things were still apparently casual enough.

Yet all night, Rose's dreams were full of dark brown hair and eyes. Of a familiar sexy, hot, sweaty man leading her. Teaching her dark carnal things about herself and him that she'd never known before. Satiating needs she didn't know how to fully express. Where once such dreams would have left her frightened or apprehensive, now they left her curious and excited. Whatever these secrets were, she was keen to know them. She wanted Dimitri to show her.

The next morning Rose woke up tired and frustrated. She wanted to go back to bed to indulge in more of these sordid fantasies, so she was more than a little annoyed as she dressed to go to Church. Today, of all days, her thoughts were anything but pure!

Another concession between her parents, Rose attended an Orthodox service with her father one week, a Catholic service with her Mom the next. While some might find it confusing, it was the way Rose had grown up – so it was what she was used to.

Her father was quiet on the way to Church; obviously still out of sorts from their conversation the night before.

"You didn't tell me about your date at DeFazio's the other day," her father eventually noted. "The college boy? Jack? James? What was he like?"

Rose laughed, telling her father the more appropriate stories about Jesse, reassuring him that there was no reason concern on that front. Rose thought he was an idiot.

"And what about Dimitri? You're talking to him again now?" Abe asked leadingly. While he suspected the answer was something he didn't want to hear, he valued an honest, open dialogue with his daughter.

"Yep. I like him, Tata. Really like him. I'll decide after our date Sunday, but I think I want to go out with him again."

"I don't like it," Abe warned. "I don't think he's good enough for you!"

Rose looked at her father. He'd always looked young, to her, but he suddenly looked tired and old.

"You'll never think anyone is good enough for me, Tata. And I love you for it," she said, giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek and cuddling in against him as he draped his arm around her shoulders.

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