Unforgiven - Complete

By The_Same_Deep_Waters

46.7K 1.7K 74

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐍 ▸ [AU, Human] Dimitri and Rose were one of the power couples at St. Vladimir's Academy... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five

Chapter Six

1.3K 48 5
By The_Same_Deep_Waters

Rose watched in disgust as Tasha pushed her skanky body against Dimitri's. However, she was happy to note Dimitri looked anything but turned on by it. He looked revolted and honestly almost frightened. Rose couldn't quite work it out, but he was evidently not liking Tasha's attentions, and couldn't get away from her quickly enough. He said something to Tasha as he pushed her away. Rose wasn't close enough to hear what, but it obviously wasn't encouraging or friendly.

Tasha looked at Dimitri in surprise for a moment, before regaining her composure. She turned around, eyes heading towards where Rose and her friends sat, but Rose looked away before she could be caught observing, instead appearing as though she was speaking with Camille who thankfully had turned to Rose at the same moment.

"Did you see that?" Camille gasped, looking at Rose in alarm.

"I did, but I'm not going to give Tasha the satisfaction of knowing it," Rose said meaningfully, lifting her eyebrows at Camille.

"Then you'd better move, she's coming over."

Rose mentally swore. There'd be no avoiding that thot now. No way was she going to let the bitch know she'd gotten to her, though.

Like almost everyone at St Vlad's, Rose knew Tasha. They'd gone through elementary and middle school together. While they'd never been enemies, they'd never hung out in the same squad. Actually, Tasha never really had a squad. She kind of flitted on the outskirts. In her younger years she'd often hung out with her older siblings, but as the years went on and they left St Vlad's, she seemed to attach herself to the biggest trouble maker on campus – no matter who it was at the time. That's how she'd ended up expelled; she and a senior had been caught vaping pot in the teacher's car park.

"Hi guys," Tasha said brightly, coming over to their group. "Great game wasn't it?"

Everyone turned toward her, even though they'd rather not.

"Tasha. Shouldn't you be on your back with your legs open for some guy somewhere?" Christian said nastily.

"Fuck off, Chrissy. If I wanted to hear your whiny voice, I'd stay at home where I can't avoid you." Tasha gave Christian a withering look.

"I'd be the only guy you did try and avoid," Christian said under his breath but still loud enough for everyone to hear, earning amused looks from those present.

Ignoring him, Tasha continued. "Did you see how powerful Dimitri looked tonight? Just seeing those strong arms of his did things to me..."

"Something half the guys at Lincoln High have no doubt also done to you," Mia said nastily, earning a chortle from Christian. There was no love lost between Mia and Tasha, and now Mia was dating Eddie their mutual dislike had got even worse.

"Maybe if you girls gave your guys a bit, they wouldn't go looking elsewhere," Tasha commented to Mia, but actually referring to Rose and Dimitri. Rose was clenching her fist to knock Tasha's teeth out but was saved by Eddie's quick rejoinder.

"Tasha the only thing you can give a guy better than any other girl is an urgent need to get checked out at the clinic." He nuzzled against Mia, slipping his arms around her proprietarily. Camille giggled, and even Lissa's well-mannered façade slipped a little, a tiny smirk appearing on her usually impassive features.

Out of the corner of her eye, Rose could see Dimitri nervously approaching their group. He was looking between Rose and Tasha with concern. And as much as she hated what he'd done, at that moment she hated Tasha even more. Carefully stepping out onto the court, she approached Dimitri.

"Great game, Comrade," Rose said, intentionally using her pet name for him. Moving slowly, so he could see what she was going to do, she slipped her arms around his neck. Reflexively, Dimitri's sweaty arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her against him. She reached up and gave him a lingering kiss on the cheek, hearing his soft moan as he pulled her even tighter against him, his fingers playing with the ends of her hair.

God being in his arms felt good. Hell – even his sweat smelled amazing. Acrid yet somehow oh so manly. It must have been the pheromones because completely unbidden a vision of him naked and sweaty looming above her as she lay in bed flitted across her mind, and she only just stopped herself gasping at the thought of it.

"I haven't forgiven you, not even close," she whispered breathlessly in his ear. "But I'm not going to let that skanky ho think she can throw herself at you when I can see how uncomfortable it makes you."

"I understand," he murmured, still keeping her tight within his embrace, even daring to drop a small kiss into her hair before nuzzling the spot with his nose. "Thank you, Roza."

"Belikov!" It was Coach Schoenberg, coming across the court with a huge smile, followed by two guys holding clipboards. Scouts, by the look of it. "Got a couple of fellas here who want to meet you."

Rose slipped out of Dimitri's arms, giving him an encouraging smile. "Keep it 100, Comrade! See you at midday tomorrow for lunch with my parents?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," he said with a huge grin, dutifully turning to speak with his Coach.

Seeing she wasn't going to get a rise out of Rose, and more than a little confused at her interaction with Dimitri, Tasha gave them all a nasty look and took off. Eddie looked hopefully after the scouts, but Schoenberg didn't seem to be looking for him. Not that Eddie had his heart set on college. His family owned a big meatpacking and distribution business, and he'd worked as a junior meat cutter weekends and holidays since forever. He planned to study and get his Butcher's certificate and start up a high-end butchery in one of the better parts of town.

There were a few areas that were underserviced, and he'd been doing the math. He'd need a pretty big loan from his parents, and he'd have to live at home for three years, pay himself next to nothing plus work the majority of the shifts himself. But even using conservative earning estimates, within three years he should be able to repay his parents, and within five years he hoped he'd have enough saved to buy a starter home in the neighborhood he'd earmarked. Still – the offer of a sporting scholarship would have been nice, even if he would turn it down!

"So what's going on?" Camille gasped as soon as Tasha was out of earshot. "Are you and Dimitri back together?!"

"No," Rose said, flustered and confused about what she'd just done. She'd just wrapped her arms around Dimitri, let him kiss her (even if it was just in her hair), and worse still – she'd kissed him.

"Then why did you just put your arms around him, and why are you finally introducing him to your parents?" Camille countered in surprise.

"I put my arms around him to tell that slut to back off. Couldn't you see how uncomfortable he looked when she threw herself at him? And I never introduced Dimitri to my parents when we were dating because you know what my Tata is like; he would have given him the third degree! But now we're just classmates working on a project together, and we need to use Tata's workshop, so he's coming for lunch and then we'll do our physics project in the afternoon."

"Have you told Belikov that? He looks pretty happy for a guy who's just coming over for lunch," Eddie said, looking over to where Dimitri was standing with Coach Schoenberg and talking with the scouts. He looked over the moon, and even though he was carefully listening to what was being said, Rose noticed his eyes slip once or twice to where she was standing.

Crap! What had she done?! She stood staring at Dimitri in shock, realizing the very mixed signals she'd just given him.

"Come on, Rose. Let's get out of here. Eddie's going to get changed, but he's taking Mia out on a date. Camille's going home with her sister. Christian has to get home to study. We can share an Uber, and I'll drop you on the way?"

"Did you want to crash at mine?" Rose suddenly offered. She was feeling mixed up, and if Lissa were free, it would be nice to have a girls' night. "You've still got some spare clothes at my place."

"Yeah ok. I'll just call Mom and let her know."

They walked out the front to wait for their Uber. It was freezing outside, and Lissa was underdressed, so Christian gave her his jacket to wear. They ended up sharing a ride, dropping Christian home on the way, arriving back at Rose's place to find it empty.

"Date night," Rose explained rolling her eyes and pretending like she wanted to barf. Every second Friday night Abe and Janine would try out a restaurant, see a movie, or go dancing together. "Come on let's get some food."

The girls hung their jackets in the front cupboard, Lissa carefully taking off her boots and putting them beside Rose's shoes. Then the two of them donned house slippers and padded through to the kitchen to make a snack.

"So what was that with Dimitri tonight?" Lissa asked as soon as they were settled eating Mac and Cheese at the counter.

"Ugh! I fucked up, that's what!" Rose moaned. "When I saw Tasha I just saw red! Dimitri looked so uncomfortable when she approached him; I wanted to tell her to back off!"

"By making it look like you've forgiven him? Does he know you haven't?"

"I did tell him," Rose defended quickly. "I whispered in his ear that I hadn't forgiven him and I was only doing it to keep Tasha from pressing herself up against him!"

"By doing the same yourself?! You two were holding on to each other like you never wanted to let go! You should have seen his face when you kissed him, Rose. He looked like he'd died and gone to heaven."

"It was only on the cheek!" Rose wailed, knowing every word Lissa spoke was the truth. She knew it because she'd felt the same way. Standing at the side of a basketball court, wrapped in Dimitri's sweaty arms and pressed against his body, had felt like coming home. "What am I going to do?"

"Do you think maybe you could forgive him?" Lissa suggested leadingly.

"No way! At least not yet," Rose said miserably. Because after being in his arms, that's exactly what she wanted to do. 'But he had sex with another woman' her brain was screaming at her.

"Then make sure you tell him that, Rose. I know what he did was horrible, but don't string him along and let him think he has a chance if he doesn't; that would be cruel."

"I don't want to hurt him. I mean, I did at first but not now. I don't know what I want right now!"

"Well how about you go on a few dates to find out? There's the Valley game next Saturday – why don't I set you up with a date?"

"Not the game. I don't want Dimitri to see me out with another guy. It might put him off his game, and there are scouts around."

"Alright, the Friday, then? We could double date if you'd like?" Lissa suggested, thinking it might make it easier for Rose if she didn't have to go out with a guy alone.

"Ugh. Alright! But make sure Christian doesn't say anything to Dimitri!"

"I promise," Lissa said, taking her empty bowl and putting it into the sink before following Rose up to her bedroom. They climbed together into Rose's huge bed and chatted for ages until at last the two of them fell asleep.

Rose woke the next morning to hear whispering outside her bedroom door. She and Lissa must have been asleep when her parents got home, so it was probably her olds working out whether to make extra breakfast for Lissa. She smiled as she looked over at Lissa who was still sleeping like a log beside her. Climbing out of bed carefully, Rose put her bathrobe on over her sleep shorts and shirt and opened her door.

"Hi, Mom. Tata. Did you have a good night last night?"

Her father looked at her furiously, his eyes nearly bugging out of his head. "You need to come downstairs right now, young lady. Your mother and I wish to speak with you!"

Rose stared blearily at her usually calm father who was all but foaming at the mouth. Whatever he thought she'd done must be big. Janine was giving Abe calming looks, but they didn't appear to be having any effect.

"I demand to know the name of the boy you have in your bedroom!" her father hissed, his eyes flashing dangerously. "Is it Dimitri?!"

Rose scrunched up her nose in confusion.

"We're not stupid! There's a man's coat hanging in the closet, his boots in the shoe rack and two bowls in the sink!"

She tried to answer, she really did, but suddenly Rose was laughing so hard she could hardly breathe. Her parents had seen Christian's coat, Lissa's unisex boots, and come to a very incorrect assumption! Eventually, she calmed down enough to splutter, "It's Lissa! She was cold so Christian gave her his jacket, and the boots are unisex, Tata. Dr. Martens. Everyone wears them."

As if on cue, Lissa came downstairs. Her hair impossibly smooth and her skin flawless, she was dressed in a pretty dress in blues and yellows that she'd left at Rose's for impromptu sleepovers just like these. She looked like an angel, especially to the infuriated Abe.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Mazur," she said brightly. "I hope you don't mind me staying last night? It's been so long since Rose and I have had a girls' night, and it was so nice just to hang out together."

"Not at all dear," Janine said kindly, giving the young woman a hug and rolling her eyes at Abe. "I hope you're staying for breakfast?"

Rose kept giggling over her bacon and eggs, earning curious glances from Lissa and embarrassed ones from Abe. Even Janine found it hard to suppress the pulling at the side of her mouth every time she looked at her flustered husband.

Finishing his breakfast, Abe announced, "I'm going to clear out a spot in the workshop. Let me know when the... boy... arrives." Rose knew he had been going to say 'The Russian' but had stopped himself just in time.

Lissa and Rose spent the morning hanging out, the latter trying not to obsess and worry about Dimitri coming over.

"Don't suppose you want to stay for lunch do you, Liss?" Rose pressed hopefully. "Mom and Tata wouldn't mind..."

"No chance," Lissa grinned as she gathered up her things to get going. "Christian and I are going to the movies."

"Traitor," Rose mumbled under her breath, earning herself a hug and a kiss from Lissa.

"Just be yourself, Rose. You and he always had a great time together. Focus on that," Lissa counseled. Her phone pinged with another message from Christian.

C: D is nervous, how is R

L: Freaking out. She wants to forgive him but can't yet

C: D is worried she never will

L: She will. Tell D to bring some flowers for Rose's Mom

C: He's already bought flowers and is bringing baked goods too

L: Cool. I'm leaving Rose's now. Cya soon

"I've gotta go," Lissa said, scooping up her bag. "Give me a call tonight and let me know how it went!"

Rose walked Lissa downstairs and to the front door.

"I'm beginning to wish I'd never agreed to this," she muttered.

"Nonsense. Just keep it about the project. My ride is here," Lissa said, giving Rose a last reassuring squeeze before racing out the door.

"Need any help?" Rose asked her mother who was in the kitchen preparing the lunch.

"No wee one, I'm just doing a roast. He does eat meat doesn't he?"

"Yeah he does."

"Why are you looking so worried?" Janine asked, putting down her knife and walking around the counter to give Rose a hug.

"I'm so confused, Mom! He hurt me. He didn't mean to, but he did. When I'm with him it feels so right, but then I remember what happened and then I get angry again."

"Maybe you need to work out which is more injured – your heart or your pride?" Janine said looking at her daughter shrewdly. "Do you think he regrets it?"

"I know he does."

"Do you think he'll do whatever it was again?"

"No. He's learned his lesson."

"Do you think he wants you back?"

"He does."

"And you want him back?"

"I don't know. I'm not sure I can trust him again," Rose wailed.

"Then take your time. Try being friends for a while," Janine counseled. "You're both still very young."

"You met Tata when you were only a few months older than me," Rose argued.

"True – and look how that ended," Janine teased with a look of faux horror on her face. "Go get yourself ready; I'm just going to finish up here then I'll go have a word with your father."

"Ugh! He's going to be horrible, isn't he? Dimitri won't want to be with me after Tata's finished with him."

"Don't worry, leave your father to me," Janine smiled confidently.

Rose went upstairs and tried on about twenty outfits before settling on the one she'd started with. She was cross with herself for being so nervous. He cheated on her! It wasn't like she was ever going to be able to forgive him. She'd just calmed herself down when the doorbell rang, right on midday.

"I'll get it!" she hollered, racing down the stairs in a panic to get to the door before her mother or father did.

She opened the door to see Dimitri standing there, apprehensively holding a bunch of flowers and a tin. With his hair neatly tied at his nape, a pair of black cargos, a black sweater and black boots he looked too sexy to be allowed.

"Come in," Rose said breathlessly, giving him a smile. "I'm so glad you could make it."

"I'm so happy to be here," he said tenderly, leaning down and giving her a chaste kiss on the cheek.

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