After Shock (#2 - Semper Fi S...

By caffrey1974

38.2K 1K 115

Amanda Vickers is a Detective for Grubbs County Sheriff’s Department in Grubbs County, GA. She is widowed, ha... More

After Shock
5 Years Later
Who said going to California was fun?
Unbreakable Bond
Closer to the Truth
Preparing to Face the Enemy
Fraction of A Second
Heaven's Role
What Next?
Fear Has a New Name
Light at the End of the Tunnel
Planning a Wedding and maybe a Funeral
Grace and the End
Happy Beginning


1.9K 56 2
By caffrey1974

With a mutual glance, they ran as fast as they could towards the park. Amanda was only a couple of paces behind Paul, and she blamed his longer legs for the fact that she couldn’t beat him. He was in good shape; really good shape. He had broad shoulders, and a nice running form.  “Amanda, this is so not the time to notice.” She murmured to herself right before she stood next to Paul and Alyssa.

“What just happened?” Amanda panted, catching her breath from the impromptu sprint through the apartment complex.

Alyssa tried not to crumble. “I received a package. It had a letter that only said, “BOOM!” The letter was wrapped around a photo of me and the kids playing here on the swings. Underneath that was a stopwatch with two minutes and thirty seconds on the clock. It wasn’t ticking down. It was just stopped at that time. After I hung up with you I put the kids in the stroller and yelled to the other parents to get their kids out of the park. I put it on a table far enough away from everyone. It blew after the allotted time. Why is this happening? I’ve never been malicious to anyone!” With that, and knowing they were safe, she crumbled and started to cry.

Paul explained, “I’m going to call the police. Amanda, take her back to our place. The local authorities will probably want to talk to her, but she needs to get away from here. I’m going to talk to the other parents here just to see if they saw anyone suspicious.”

Amanda managed to convince Alyssa to go with her to the new apartment. Once there, she left Alyssa and the kids and went to Alyssa’s apartment for a stash of baby things, and clothing for all three. After three trips across the parking lot, she had everything she could think to bring. Playpen, diapers, clothes, wipes, baby food, snacks, bottles, sippy cups, baby shampoo and soap, and the list seemed endless past there. She did grab a few teddy bears and some of Alyssa’s clothes.

Paul all but burst in through door, he came in so fast. “I saw a car driving away: black sedan, four doors. Two people were inside. Do you know anyone who drives a car like that?” Alyssa shook her head no. “Okay. The police are sending an officer here to talk to you shortly. They’re already at the scene with the bomb squad. From what I can figure out, it was remote detonated. Someone was watching you get that package, and knew after you opened it how long to wait before it went off. They weren’t trying to kill you, or they would’ve blown it up in your hands. That was a scare tactic.”

“Well, it worked. I’m scared, no, terrified. What if I had waited until we were home to open it? Then what? My kids could’ve been hurt. I’m ready to find this jerk and get him behind bars. It makes me so mad that they’d say I’m a bad parent and then send a bomb that could hurt my kids! The only reason they sent it is probably because they know my routine, and that I normally open the mail at the park. Now they’ve put I don’t know how many more children in danger!”

“We’re here to keep you and these sweet children safe. Do you want to stay here or go to the safe house we have ready?” Amanda reassured her.

“I’m not leaving. This idiot is not going scare me out of my life. Not happening!”

“Okay. Our next step, then, is to make sure your apartment is safe. We can have the police do that, or we can. We’re both trained to do so.” Paul more told Alyssa than asked her. “I want you and the kids to stay here for at least one night to make sure you’re safe. This person knows about us, I’m sure of it, but they don’t know who we are or that we’re here to help you. They just saw us out there with you before speeding off. The police should be here any moment.” As if on cue, there was a knock on the door.


After the local police gathered the information they deemed important from Alyssa, she settled her children in their chairs for dinner and sat down on the couch, placing her face in her hands. She wasn’t crying, but weary of the situation and though not afraid for herself, she was concerned for the safety of her children. “I’ve been thinking I need to take the kids to my Mom until this is over. After we meet at the hotel, because I was threatened otherwise, I am going to fly her out here. Is that okay, Bubba?”

“I think that’s a good plan, except for one thing: the kids need to go now. We will protect you and them and go with you to the hotel.”

“You don’t get it, Paul. The kids’ lives were threatened if they weren’t with me. I have no doubt, especially after today’s event, that this person would do exactly what’s been threatened.”

“The kids can stay here, but I think it’s a risk that is too great to them. So, we have three options: we have a team member from Sight Unseen here to help with protection for Lakota and Laramie. We can do our best to protect you by renting the room next door, hopefully unnoticed, so that a kidnapping isn’t attempted, or we can go ahead and take them to Kansas now, and have a protection arranged there. I happen to be friends with most of the law enforcement, and one of our friends grew up to be a detective, and happens to be a 4th Degree Black Belt. I’m sure he would know how to keep these kids safe. We have a couple more days to decide, but we need to make it quick. Arrangements like these can take time.”

“Paul,” Amanda interjected her own thoughts, “I think sending them back is best. I don’t want them to even be in harm’s way. I found a tracking device in Alyssa’s diaper bag. Someone is sneaky, and somehow always knows her whereabouts. So, the diaper bag was tossed out with the trash. I went through her car and found another one as well as a listening device on her phone. She will be able to use mine until we can get a new one. Alyssa: don’t go anywhere alone. I will have the mailman take your mail to the front office. If you want, we can arrange to have it scanned as well to avoid a repeat performance.” A nod was the only response from Alyssa. She looked worn out and more than a little panicked. Amanda knew from her past experiences of protecting people that Alyssa was nearing a breaking point of sorts. Renee had been the same way: tough, but very vulnerable at the same time. The difference was that this was still an unknown menace. Renee knew early on who and why she was being harassed and stalked. Alyssa had no idea.

“Amanda, the kids are down for the night. Would you mind if I use your phone now to talk to my folks back home? I am hoping they’ll agree.”

“Sure, Lyss, here you go!”

Amanda did a backwards head nod toward the door to signal Paul to come with her outside. “Wanna walk? She’s going to need to talk for a while. We’ll stay within eye-shot of the door.”


They walked the parking lot for a few minutes in silence. “This has been one insane day. I feel like I’ve been up for a week.” Amanda finally said, breaking the solitude.

“I hear that! How are you doing, Mandy? I didn’t forget what you said on the plane about Dan.”

“Honestly, Paul, since we’ve been dealing with everything today, I haven’t had a whole lot of time to think about him. I’m glad you’re with me. Knowing you this last year has definitely lightened the load. Thank you! I wish we didn’t live so far apart. Some nights I just want to sit next to you and hang out.” He stopped her and turned her towards him, placing his hands on her shoulders, and putting his forehead to hers.

“Mandy, really, this is not as easy as you might think. You know how I feel about you and hearing that just now makes me want to kiss you, move to Georgia, and propose to you! You have filled what was missing all this time; what I’ve waited for all these years. I’m not like most guys. I am still waiting for my wife. Yes, it means what you think it does.” He smiled a smile that told her the deepest secrets of his heart. “This has made dating difficult. Most women expect the opposite. You’ve always taken me just as I am.” He stood up and took her hand and went to sit against Alyssa’s front door. They could see her shadow as she paced and she looked to be upset.

“Paul.” Amanda whispered, “I want to be ready. I wish I was. This is crazy. I do care for you. So much so that the last thing I want and this sounds so cliché, is for you to hurt because of me.” She leaned her head on his shoulder, her favorite spot. “So many nights I’ve thought about it, and prayed, and begged God to help me so that I could be ready and it’s just not there yet.” She looked up at him. She suddenly felt a strange fluttering she’d not felt since Dan was alive, before he deployed. That feeling of being right where a girl belongs: next to her man. She was afraid if she kissed him she’d make a mistake that she wouldn’t be able to undo. The next thought that popped into her mind startled her: kissing Paul would not be a mistake. She questioned herself: why am I so hesitant? Now is not the time or place to worry about love. She decided one kiss wouldn’t be terrible, though.

She leaned up to kiss his cheek just as he turned his head. He wasn’t supposed to turn his head. There was no turning back now. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him with an inner potency that she hadn’t before felt.

As Paul’s shock wore off, he put his arms around her back, standing up without breaking the most amazing kiss he’d ever been graced with, and leaning her against the door. She wasn’t all tongue and slobber, but was still very passionate. With much hesitation, he broke the kiss, placing his hands on the back of her head. His words were softly whispered. “I’ve finally figured you out, precious friend. You don’t want to voice these feelings, or even let them surface, because you don’t want to dishonor Dan’s memory. Listen to what I am about to say, okay? I don’t want to replace him. I want you to love me with all your heart without forgetting the love you had for him.”

He pulled her into his arms again, and hugged her so close. He expected her to start crying, but she didn’t. She simply wrapped her arms around his waist, lifted her head and stared him straight in the eyes. She visibly swallowed, and took a deep, cleansing breath. She couldn’t talk right that moment because the man in front of her had waited for her, and she didn’t want him to regret anything. That last thought, not about regret, but that he’d been waiting for his wife to the fullest extent both humbled Amanda and made her feel like the most blessed woman on the planet. He’d made his intentions clear; he loved her. All she had to do was accept the invitation, and they’d have a lifetime of love. “God, please help me,” She whispered. He gently rubbed her back, kissing the top of her head and stroking her hair. It was his turn to surprise her. He might’ve not ever been with anyone, but he did know how to kiss a woman until she was putty in his hands. He lifted her head until their eyes met, and stroked her cheek with his thumb. “I have waited for this moment for eight long, almost agonizing, months. Going on trips together, but not being able to tell you what was in my heart, was torture. I have loved you for so long Mandy, baby, and I wanted to respect your grief and your need to remember your husband. I’m not going to demand an answer from you. I’d prefer you not to answer, because I want to know that when you finally do realize how much I love you and that you love me, you will come running into my open arms. Marry me someday, Mandy.” Without giving her time to respond, he kissed her with an uncertainty for a moment, but then with full confidence. She responded with her heart, though the words didn’t muster, and she returned his love. After this mission was over, she would answer him. She never would’ve known she was ready had they not kissed. She wanted Paul.

Alyssa looked outside from across the street. “It’s about time” was all she said. She smiled and closed the curtain, checked on her babies, and went into the kitchen to make something to eat.

Paul’s phone rang, shattering the mood. “Reinhardt here.”

“This is Max. There are some things you need to know. Can you talk?”

Paul mouthed “it’s Max” to Mandy, and she nodded. Anything he had to say usually was important because he wasn’t one to call just to chat. “I’m gonna check on Alyssa and get something to eat, okay? Fill me in later.” Paul nodded this time.

“What’s going on Max?”

“I heard Amanda’s voice. Did I, um, interrupt?”

Paul pondered telling him the truth. The guys were relentless when a team member found a “significant other” and Max was just as bad, if not worse.

“I get it. It’s not my business. If I did, I’m sorry and happy for both of you! It’s about time you found a woman and it’s about time she’s happy again. I’ve watched her go through the worst thing a girl can face. She’s stronger for it. Tread lightly, though, brother. You hurt her and you’ll have a whole gang on you for it.” Max finished with a laugh. “Now, on to what I needed to talk to you about. We did some research. Allen’s parents live in California. He’s been discharged from the Army due to P.T.S.D. He lives with them in Ramona, which is just under forty minutes from Carlsbad. They are questionable at best. I am doing background check on them now. Allen was honorably discharged, but he’s been in and out of jail. Tell Alyssa to save any envelopes she gets from here on out. We may be able to find prints or DNA on them.”

“Max, someone sent her a bomb. It was attached to a stop watch, but, according to Ms. McDonald, the timer was not counting down. It was stayed at two minutes and thirty seconds. She also received a letter that only said “BOOM!” and a picture of her pushing her kids on the swing set. She was able to put it a safe distance from them, and warned the parents get their kids away from the playground. Two minutes and thirty seconds after she opened the box, it exploded. No one was hurt. She’s going to stay with us tonight. We’ve found a tracking device in her diaper bag, one in her car and a bug in her phone. We’re still sweeping her apartment for bugs and for other devices.”

“This makes the in-laws more interesting. The kids see Allen every other weekend.”

“One of the letters said to meet in a certain hotel room, including the number of the room, in Oceanside two weeks from the letter date. That’s in five days. If she doesn’t have the kids with her, they’ve threatened to kill them. We’ve offered to take them to Kansas where her mom lives and offer protection there. I have connections in our small town and friends who are capable of finding protection. We’re out of ideas for now as far as the suspects are concerned. Thanks for your help, Max.”

“My pleasure. We’re going to call the team in Oceanside to sweep the room and the hotel. I will get plane tickets arranged. I say, let’s get those kids outta there; the sooner the better.”

“Yes, sir. Thanks for the help. Also, can you do a background on Melanie Franklin and Linda Polermo? Melanie is the babysitter, and Linda is Alyssa’s boss. Alyssa is pretty sure Linda is okay, though, because she was the one who helped her sue Mr. Reynolds for hostile work environment. I just want to double check all possibilities. This is one of my closest friends. She may have done some silly things as a youth, but she’s never hurt anyone and she doesn’t deserve this.”

“Sure can Paul. Keep me posted on the situation with Amanda, too, okay?”

“You’ll know when I do, and I’m leaving that right there. She’s certainly an amazing woman.”

“Don’t forget it, either, Reinhardt!”

Paul laughed and said his goodbyes and headed back to the apartment. He crossed the parking lot, thinking about Amanda and that amazing kiss. There was no mistaking the look in her eyes. She loved him! That made him ... what was that noise? As Paul turned around to go investigate further, he heard two clicks, felt the air move, and as he made it to the porch, a car went up in flames, the force of the explosion throwing him against the door and knocking him unconscious.

Amanda looked out the window and saw the car, but not Paul. Memories flooded back of the story Joe told her about the way Dan died. She felt her breath stop in her body. As if she was dreaming, she unwittingly opened the door and looked down at Paul’s slumped form. She managed to dial 911, and bent down to check his breathing and pulse rates. Then, as if some invisible force struck her back into reality, she snapped out of that and the police woman she was took over. “Get in the back with the kids. That...was your car.”

Amanda waited for all of the emergency services to arrive: Police, Firefighters, and E.M.T. “Ma’am did you see what happened?”

“No, I just heard the explosion. My friend witnessed it. He’s on the gurney.”

“Do you want to go with him?” Boy did she ever.

“I need to stay here. Thanks for asking me.”

She dialed Max’s number. “Max. There’s....OH GOD!”

“What is it? Mandy? You have to tell me what’s wrong. Is it about Dan?”


“Calm down sweetheart. Is he alive?”

“Yes. Barely, but yes, he is alive.”

“Okay. What happened?”

“Alyssa’s car...” she broke off into tears again

“What about it?”


She was in hysterics. Max was powerless to help from across the continent. “I’m going to call my friend. His name is Josh Anderson. He’s part of the Team called Sight Unseen in Oceanside. He’ll be there faster than we can hang up, okay? He’s great friend and has credentials longer than the Chief. He’s an OIF and OEF (Operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom) veteran. I am calling him when we hang up, okay? Are you okay?”

“No, but I will be. It’s Dan’s anniversary, Max. That’s why I’m flipping out! This is just a cruel thing to do. I could use some of the team, Max.”

“Sorry. I wish that was possible. There’s too much going on right now. Trust the Sight Unseen Team. They’re the best in the West! You have my word on it. I will be in touch. Alyssa’s Mom will be on a plane in the morning, and she will be taking both Laramie and Lakota to Kansas for a little while. Alyssa will follow if it gets too dangerous. Stay safe, Mandy. Josh will call you soon, okay?”

“Thanks Max.” She said through her sniffles.  She hung up and went inside to talk to Alyssa. They were going to have to smuggle the kids to the airport, almost literally, and get them out of town. This was not going to be easy.

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