A Mob Boss's Territory (Book...

By royal888

377K 19.9K 6.7K

Please don't read this book unless you have read A Mob Boss's Heirs. There are spoilers in this Book from the... More

Author's Note
1. December 1979 (Viggo)
2. December 1979 (Vincenzo)
3. Terza's Touch
4. Terza's Heart
5. His Choices
6. A Jasmin's Call
7. Terza's Fears
8. A Father's Love
9. Born To Be A Don
10. Future Battles
11. Teenage Perceptions
12. Tension At Harlem
13. His Beloved's Battles
14. His Honour
15. Watching Snow
16. Scent of Roses
17. The Church In Harlem
18. His Destiny
19. His Oath
20. Unforgettable Love
21. Battle of Scorpious
22. Invader
24. The Love Of A Woman
25. Two Heirs & Their Duties
26. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 1)
27. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 2)
28. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 3)
29. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 4)
30. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 5)
31. The Young Don (Part 1)
32. The Young Don (Part 2)
33. The Young Don (Part 3)
34. The Young Don (Part 4)
35. The Young Don (Part 5)
36. Flying Back To New York
37. The Welcome
38. Nolan At The Mansion
39. Irish Nemesis
40. Show Down
41. 4 Minutes
42. The Past (Part 1)
43. Keys
44. Traitor
45. Adele's Embrace & River of No Return
46. Her Knight
47. Battles Inside
48. Truth
49. Mistakes & Regrets
50. Chambers
51. Allies Always
52. True Meanings
53. Self Discovery
54. One Question
55. True Power
56. New Dawn of Threats
57. His Mother's Words
58. A Hurtful Truth
59. In The City
60. View Of Future
61. Fathers Minds
62. Sweet Dreams
63. Happy Times With Her
64. Early Visit
65. Talking Points
66. Negotiations
67. Cold Wind of Change
68. His Decisions & Choices

23. Icy Times

5.4K 315 101
By royal888

Vincenzo was lying in an ice bath thinking hard about what was to come. Him and his people were not to set off for another hour at least. Then it was time to depart Harlem for the Irish part of New York to visit Jackson O'Kane to celebrate Tristan's appointment as the next Irish heir of the O'Kanes. He didn't see how it was cause for celebration. It truly was not an event to be cheerful for. His sister had just become the most powerful woman in the O'Kane family and she hadn't even realised it perhaps. That meant responsibility. It was ironic how he could feel his sister was worried for Tristan taking on all the responsibility and the title but Vienna hadn't realised it was the beginning of a journey for her too. His innocent sister was no where near ready for anything. Not that she needed to be. Tristan was not going to let her feel any pressure. Neither did he. Vincenzo wanted to be the man for Terza to do all the protection too. But his Terza had a different personality to his sister. She had a fighting spirit that his sister had but didn't want to channel. His sister was like his mother. She was resilient. She was likable. But she was a Rosario. She could fight hard. She had managed to show enough potential at survival camp in school to demonstrate her instincts. But he didn't mind her not displaying her gifts. It was best that people underestimated his sister. She was not ready for fighting but she could fight. He knew she could.

Vincenzo sighed as he heard the telephone ring next to the bath tub. He picked it up. He didn't like it when people disturbed his icy peaceful moments. He just lost himself in the cold and ice at times, just like his father.

Vincenzo reluctantly picked up the phone from the side table and held it to his ear.

Vincenzo raised an eyebrow "Yes Tristan."

He smiled "Shouldn't you be on your way already? The guests will be on their way."

Vincenzo said "Yes. I know you are taking Vienna with your car. My father told me. I am taking your sister with my car unless you have any objections."

Vincenzo narrowed his eyes " No. my grandpa is not riding with us. He goes with a separate car. Terza sits with me. Do you have a problem with that?"

Vincenzo nodded "Good. I will see you at the house of O'Kane." He then put down the phone soundly and sighed as he stood up. He stepped out of the bath tub and wrapped a towel around his lower body. He stood in front of the mirror and he realised he didn't have his favourite aftershave at hand." He sighed and made his way out of the bathroom. As he stepped outside he saw Terza sitting on a sofa reading a newspaper.

Terza looked up as she heard him come through the door to the lounge of the ensuite room. She was about to speak but then froze at his stare and of course his shirtless glorious form. She instinctively stood up "Hi."

Vincenzo looked at her up and down silently. She had a very plain dress. Too plain. It was navy. His favourite colour but she still looked stunning. He walked closer silently to her.  

Terza felt his heavy stare on her and she felt the urge to look away but kept it together as she breathed "I came to see you and I was allowed in by Viggo. He said you don't mind me waiting inside here. He said you are having an ... ice bath and will be quick." She then chuckled "I didn't believe him of course. It is in the middle of the winter."

Vincenzo stood in front of her and looked at her with his penetrating gaze " Terza. Where is your necklace?" He then slowly reached his hand up to her top buttons.

Terza felt his cool hands on her skin as he unbuttoned her blouse. As the top two buttons became undone he gently reached inside.

Terza sighed. He wanted her to reveal the necklace at all times. It gave him satisfaction. It just did. When Vincenzo was satisfied that the collesum necklace was now on her blouse, he started buttoning up the blouse.

Terza asked " Are you happy now?"

Vincenzo nodded " Terza. I will be happy if I kiss you."

Terza took a step away from him "Put on your shirt first." She was now blushing. He looked too irresistible. With no shirt it just felt like he was a normal boyfriend to her. It was not like how it was out there. He was wearing his cross proudly. The chain was her keepsake to him. He always wore it.

Vincenzo took a step towards her "I think I like a kiss first and then I will wear my shirt."

Terza sighed "Why do you act like this. You are the Don now. Why do you talk like it's the most pressing matter you have right now. I am here to talk about what happens now."

Vincenzo explained "Terza Terza. This is behind closed doors. You are my woman." He then reached his hand up to her chin and tilted her chin upwards as he got closer. He suddenly touched his lips to hers and moaned. He pulled away slightly breathing "A lot has changed but our kiss is the same. What happens here stays here." He then let go and took a step away. He walked away to the side table and picked up his aftershave " Terza. I am going to marry you soon. Then we will have a lifetime to talk." He then turned to her "Right now, all we can have is romance. Talking is for husbands and wives. Romancing is what we do right now." He then winked as he walked away. "Give me five minutes."

Terza took a deep breath as he left for the bathroom. She waited five minutes and then went to the bathroom. To her annoyance as she opened the door she still saw him shirtless. But he had his trousers on at least and was wearing his belt. He glanced at her " Did you miss me?"

Terza sighed and walked to him as she pointed at him "Put on a shirt. Will you?"

Vincenzo smiled as he closed the distance between them. He picked her up and put her right in front of the mirror on the table. He kissed her lips and then pulled away while holding her waist. He said earnestly "When I am in my house I don't normally wear a shirt. Especially after an ice bath. I like to absorb the cold."

Terza was taken back "You actually did that?" She then glanced past him at the ice filled bath tub. She shook her head "You are like Tristan. He does the same sometimes. I don't know why you get a kick out of freezing yourself."

Vincenzo said "I get a kick out of it because I can Terza. I can hold you right now and I do it. I can do many things. But reading your mind is not one of them. So tell me why did you come here."

Terza looked into his eyes. They were at the same level. She was seated on a table and he was standing. She reached her hand to his cross and looked at it. She breathed "I want you to promise me something Vincenzo."

Vincenzo asked "What do I need to promise."

Terza let go of her cross and took a deep breath "You must not fight the Irish. I don't have a good feeling when I see the Irish look at you the way they do. I also don't have a good feeling when I see the way your grandfather looks at the Irish. He wants a fight. But do you?"

Vincenzo chuckled "Terza. I am not suicidal. I won't take on your brother in New York. I don't think I will. But in Sicily, I do have a shot and will take it if I am forced to. But I won't take on your brother and his people. What makes you doubt my intelligence Terza. Don't you trust my judgement."

Terza said "You are a don. Your loyalty is to the Sicilians too now. You nearly started a fight with my cousin of all the people."

Vincenzo narrowed his eyes and tightened his hold slightly on her hips "He must keep his hands to himself. He touched you. I don't care if he is your cousin. I don't want you touched."

Terza gasped "What? No Vincenzo. You won't be able to control me. I choose who touches me and who doesn't. If I was uncomfortable I would have pushed him away. You didn't ask me why I didn't push him away. I was just experimenting to see if I could see you jealous. It worked. You reacted."

Vincenzo took in her words and looked at her lips and then into her eyes. He felt mad but not too mad. He spoke in a calm and firm tone. "It worked. But Terza. Don't try it again. I told you I won't take prisoners when it comes to you. If your cousin touches you I will kill him. You wanted to make me jealous. That's good to see. It helps our relationship."

Terza was taken back "What relationship? You are going to Sicily. I will go to Milan. There is no relationship from now on. My father may not let me come to Sicily with you even for a visit. He doesn't trust your grandpa. He doesn't want him near me."

Vincenzo nodded "I know. He spoke to me. He said that to me too. If he doesn't let you near me then I will get you myself when I want you Terza. If I want to take you to Sicily badly enough I will take you and your father's protection won't even predict my next move. I could just grab you right now and take you to airport. But I won't. I am a man of honour. I do it right. But when it's time you will see me and I won't be kept away. I will break traditions for you. But you have to see my great grandfather at some point in coming months. I like to introduce you so he knows I am marrying an Irish."

Terza cringed "could you stop talking about marriage. I am not ready for that yet."

Vincenzo replied "Don't worry. I will prepare you. You will be my wife. You will give me heirs. I can marry you anytime after you turn eighteen. That's the rule I live by. So for now. Enjoy life. But don't flirt. I am watching you in Milan. Andreas and Vitale will send me reports."

Terza narrowed her eyes and didn't like how Vincenzo was running so ahead of himself and had the cheek to go on and on. She felt the urge to slap him. She wondered what he would do if she tried that. But she decided to give it back "Vincenzo. You do know how close my foot is to your most sensitive spot. Do you think it's wise to threaten me? I can tell you that, if you make me cheat on you then you have nothing but yourself to blame. You will deserve to lose me. You have no permanent claim on me. You could lose me if I don't see you worthy. If you cheat on me, you will feel the pain Vincenzo. I have my threats too."

Vincenzo said "I will never cheat on you. I will never let you forget me." He then leaned close and kissed her passionately.

When Vincenzo was satisfied he pulled away "I will see you outside Terza. You are riding with me to the house of O'Kane. I got permission from your father. Do you have any objections."

Terza said "I requested my father to let me ride with you first. I am your Irish insurance actually on the Irish side. When I am with you the security won't bother you much at check points leading to the Irish side of town." She then smiled sweetly and then pushed him away "Give me some space big wolf. I let you kiss me. Because I fight fair. I will make you work hard for me." She then walked away and Vincenzo let her.

Vincenzo sighed watching his woman walk away. He got on with getting ready quick. He looked outside the window and saw his brother.

Viggo was outside the hotel building walking across the snow covered grounds breathing the crispy cold fresh air. It felt good to walk outside after lengthy meetings. However if didn't feel so good to think of the prospect of taking on the path to the Irish territories. Going to Jackson's land was rare for Italians. It did send out the message that now that the O'Kane heir had Italian blood from one side there could be assurance that Italians were not going to be shot if they entered those parts of town. It was reassuring indeed. He didn't think anyone except his aunt Anna had ever stepped foot in the part of the city that the O'Kanes controlled. Jackson did not hate Italian but he didn't have friendship with them either.

Viggo found himself looking at his watch and waiting. He had time to kill. His father was going to take his time before letting them set off. When Adele Rosario was ready then Francesco Rosario ordered for everyone to set off. She was important. If Viggo's mother wanted to take her time, his father let her. Nothing mattered more than his mother to his father. Even the president had to wait if needed. But Viggo didn't want to be the last to arrive at the O'Kane territory. That meant they had to leave last too. That's how it worked. You had to show the Irish hospitality respect.

Viggo saw Vincenzo walk towards him from a distance. He was the don now. He had his own special body guards surrounding him. He walked with an air of authority around him that demanded respect. Viggo wasn't one to bend to him. He just wasn't the type. Their uncle costanzo was the type to bend and kiss the hand of their father. He was not their father's equal in terms of business. He wasn't a leader. But Viggo was an alpha male. He was a born leader and was not going to bend to Vincenzo's wishes even though many expected him to.

Vincenzo dismissed the guards to stand well away while he approached hi brother "I need a word inside the car."

Viggo sighed " Fine. Let's go." He then got into a car and Vincenzo entered after him. The silence in the car was heavy. Viggo leaned back in the passenger seat and crossed his arms over his chest as he stared at his brother next to him.

After Vincenzo closed the door he turned to Viggo " When I go, then you are the next one in line. If anything happens to father you have to protect our family."

Viggo said "Is there anything else?"

Vincenzo said " Yes. If you don't do it right I will come and make you regret it."

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