Forever Alone

By soul-stealer

869 23 1

All the people in upper heaven are considered to be angels. It just takes some growing up before their wings... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 7

55 2 0
By soul-stealer

When i woke up this morning i felt depressed for some reason. Because of this i chose to wear dark jeans with a black shirt that had a colorful peace sign. Only...i didn't feel peaceful.

My walk to school was like it always was...long and boring. Normally I wait at the intersection of Lorea's street and mine, but today i just kept walking. I had thought about what Dustin had said yesterday and part of me felt that he was right.

I need to leave Lorea so she won't be judged for being my friend. But on the other hand, i need to stick up for myself like i said i would. I can't let what people say get to me this way. I have no plan to defy god. Although, i can't help but wonder...did the Kyra's before me intend to defy god and be sent to hell?

"KYRA!!!" i heard someone yell behind me. I sighed knowing it was Lorea. I can't tell her about Dustin. It will just make things complicated. All i can do and smile and act like nothing is wrong.

I turned around with a smile hoping she wouldn't see through it.

"Hey Lorea."

"Why didn't you wait for me like always?" she asked tilting her head ever so slightly. 

"Sorry. I guess i spaced and just kept walking without thinking." I said rubbing the back of my neck. 

"Is everything okay Kyra?" She asked coming closer.

"Yeah. Why would you ask that?" i said trying to smile.

"Are you sure? Because you know you can talk to me about anything." She told me as she grabbed my hands.

"I know Lorea."I said with a genuine smile. "Just like you can always come to me."

She smiled and gave me hug. Once we let go of each other, she crouched down screaming as she held her head in her hands. i didn't know what to do. Did i do something to cause her pain? It's just like Dustin said...I'm no good for Lorea.

"Dustin......he away....from me." She said once she stopped screaming. She stood up and looked at me with sorrow eyes. Tear clouded my vision as i turned and ran away from her. 

I need to get as far away as i can. I can't let Lorea get hurt like that again. I kept running until i saw the school building. I knew the only safe place to hide was among the branches of Syca.

I ran past crowds of people as they walked in the hallway. When i reached the gardens, i saw people surrounding the huge sycamore i call my friend. Orange caution tape created a barrier that students were not aloud to pass.

I slowly walked through the massive amount of people to the front. I covered my mouth with my hands as i saw construction tools. They're going to cut down Syca. Tears spilled from my eyes and down my cheeks. I couldn't bare to lose my only friend left.

"Please." I whispered. "Someone stop them."

"How dare you!" Everyone turned as a smacking sound was heard. The garden went silent as people watched the scene before them. i made my way to the side so that i could see what was happening. There stood Lorea in front of Dustin. Her hand was in the air and a red marking was starting to show on Dustin's cheek.

"How dare you tell Kyra to stay away from me! You have no right!" She yelled.

"I have every right. Do you even know what the girls of her name did in the past? They caused destruction! They did nothing by de..." Another smacking was heard as Lorea once again slapped him on the same cheek.

"Kyra has nothing to do with what happened in the past! She's a smart, caring, honest, and true friend! I feel lucky to have her by my side! So if i ever hear you tell her to stay away from me again, i won't hesitate to tell the principle about your threats on her life! Do i make myself clear?" She yelled making sure everyone heard. I smiled knowing that she was once again sticking up for me.

"It's your funeral then. That girl is nothing but trouble."

"Be quiet boy!" i, along with all the other students, looked at the entrance to the gardens. It was the principle...Mr. White. "If i hear you make an assumption or a threat, like you have done here again, i won't hesitate to have you expelled."

Dustin bit his lip knowing he couldn't bad mouth the principle. So he just walked away from Lorea. On the other hand, Lorea has a smile as she looked at me. I ran to her and hugged her. Once again, she defended our friendship when i couldn't myself.

"I wish you would have told me. Instead, i had to read your mind." She said while she embraced me.

" mind?" i asked confused.

"I guess that's the power god gave me. My emotions to understand you caused my gift to surface. It's all thanks to you again Kyra." She said with a smile.

While Lorea and i were having our moment, the principle had walked over to the scene with Syca. When i looked his way, i felt hatred boil inside me. He was the reason Syca was going to be cut down.

"Everyone please listen. This tree is no longer safe. She's old and could fall any day now. So for your safety we will be cutting her down. We ask that you stay away so that these men could do their work."

Once he was finished he looked out at the crowd. Anger boiled inside my body. How could they cut her down. She's been here since the beginning and you're saying stuff like she will fall down soon. I closed my eyes while i clenched my teeth and put my hands into fists.

I walked towards the crowd. The other students could feel my emotions and made a path for me to the principle. He looked at me with curiosity and it only made me hate him more. I tore down the orange tape causing the students to gasp in shock.

"Miss, we need you to stand back." One of the workers said coming up to me.

"Over my dead body!" i said as i pushed him to the side. I walked past the principle and to Syca. I could feel her sadness. 

"Listen up!" I screamed so everyone could hear me. "This tree is my friend! I have the ability to speak with plants and this tree has done nothing to harm the angels who have been to this school. In fact, no one has every paid any attention to her! For years, she went without a single person stopping by her or say that she was beautiful! I refuse to let her be cut down just when people are starting to notice her and her beauty!"

"I'm sorry Miss. But this is an order by the higher ups. This tree is dangerous and needs to be cut down."

"Fuck you and the higher ups!" i screamed as wings black as night flung their way out of my back. Everyone was in shock at both what i said and at the color of my wings. "If you even dare try to touch this tree, i will harm you!"

The principle and other workers took steps back. Fear was written on their face.

"Okay. We won't touch her. But when she falls, it will be your fault." The principle said before walking away.

I put my wings away and walked towards a corner that has the caution tape. Several students took steps back. 

Once i took all the caution tape down, no one but Lorea was in the gardens. I sighed as i walked up to her.

"I'm sorry Lorea. And after you fought for our friendship." I said walking past her.

"Hold on!" she said grabbing my arm. "Are you saying we can't be friends just because you have black wings?"

"I'm nothing but evil Lorea. You don't need that in your life."

"I don't care! You're my best friend no matter what." She said as she hugged my back.

"I dont want to hurt you." i said as tears stained my cheeks.

"I know you Kyra. There is no way you would ever hurt me. So please...dont shut me out! I want to stay by your side!" she screamed as she held onto me.

"I want to stay by your side too Lorea. You've always had my back and stood up for me when i couldnt do it myself."

"Then please...dont end this." she said as she let me go.

I turned around and saw tears streaming down her face. I smiled know just how much we cared for each other.

"Okay then. I wont let our friendship go." i said as i hugged her.

"Thank you Kyra." she said as she hugged me back. "Thank you."

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