forever & Always (Teen versio...

By Twilightfangal

300 24 3

Summary: Bella has been accepted in a program in Italy, so she takes it. When she goes there, she meets a bo... More

chapter 1
chapter 2 :Last Time having Fun!
chapter 3 Goodbye
chapter 4: new Home
chapter 6: Double Date
chapter 7 : Phone Calls
chapter 8 :classes
chapter 9 after school
Day with Edward
Day Before Christmas/ winter Break
Going Home
Back In Jacksonville
Phone Calls and Family Time
Edward Comes Over to visit
We Are Together Back In JACKSONVILLE
Date Night !
Edward's Leave
Heading Back to Italy !
the crash
Watching Edward
chapter 23
Edward is going out
Untitled Part 25
The Funeral
Last Time to See Bella
Back in Italy
Moving on

chapter 5

15 2 0
By Twilightfangal



The following days went by as expected. We didn't stay home; we went out each and every day. We saw nice sights like the Vatican, leaning tower, and other different exhibits; I was so glad I had brought my camera with me. Plus, I also was getting used to the time change.

We couldn't go into the Vatican; it was off limits to tourists and residents. So we just saw the outside of it, which was disappointing. I knew I wasn't really a church-going person like Heidi was, but I do believe in GOD. Every day for lunch we went to different restaurants. Of course since it's Italy, most of the food was Italian.

Okay, since we’d only been here most of a week now, Heidi didn't think about our other life back in the states. She hadn't cried since we landed. She and Chelsea spent most of their time together. As for me, I knew I had seen Edward before, back at the airport in New York. So he lied to me about not seeing him before. I don't like liars. Good thing he's good looking. Next week we start school. We haven't seen the school yet, but I think we are going to visit it tomorrow. That's what Alice told me.

We went back to the house to rest for awhile. After we recharged, Bree asked me if I wanted to hang out in town. I agreed and we left. We were walking around when I saw him (Edward) again, with his friends this time. I figured that if I saw him, he probably saw me. I sighed, because I didn't look my best. Bree and I sat down a little ways from the water fountain and started talking. Every now and then I glanced up. After about the third time, I noticed him getting up and walking over to us. I gave a quick smile as I watched him walk over.

"Belle, he's coming over again," Bree looked over at them.

"Yeah, I know he is," I smiled

"Why is he coming over?" Bree asked. She was still looking in their direction.

"Got me," I answered as I poked her on her arm.

I looked up and there he was, about three feet away from me. Bree turned and faced me, and she was smiling.

"What a surprise to bump into you!" I said with a little smile.

"I knew we would run into each other," Edward replied as he returned a smile .

"Oh Edward, this is my roommate and now my friend, Bree."

“Nice to meet you Edward," Bree extended her hand.

Both of them shook hands and exchanged smiles. I had a feeling Bree was more interested in Edward than he was in her. I was kind of glad since I started to have feelings toward him. I could tell that he was liking me more than Bree. I only knew Bree for a short period of time, but she was getting annoying. No hard feelings toward her, but she kept on blabbing to him about nothing. Edward just looked at me like, let's get away from her.



My friends and I were walking around town at about 7:00 PM when I saw her again. I remembered saying before "hope to see you around". I'm glad that I did. Her friend and she were just sitting down by the fountain. She probably thought I wouldn't notice her, but she was wrong. I saw her just like she saw me. My friends, unfortunately, thought I was crazy. I know I'm not crazy.

There she was in denim shorts and a black tee shirt. As I walked over to them, I could see her smiling. She looked back down as I continued to walk. I overheard her friend tell her "he was coming over". She replied "yeah, I know". Her friend then asked her why I was coming over. She answered "got me".

She looked up and saw me standing in front of them. Her friend faced her, and both of them smiled.

Wow, she was the first one to say something. I was shocked; she seemed shy. She said hello and introduced me to her new friend Bree. I smiled at both of them. Bree said hello and nice to meet you. I know my friend Tyler would like her. She seems like his type.

"Bella, would you like to go out on a double date and get to know each other better?"

"That sounds like fun," she answered.

"Cool, I'll bring my friend Tyler and you can bring along Bree."

She turned to see if Bree would go along with it. She shook her head yes, and I was glad. I wanted to know Bella a little more. Bella and I agreed to go out for a bite to eat . I knew she was enjoying our time together. When we arrived at the restaurant, we waited to be seated. It wasn't a long wait for us to sit at a table. A woman handed us two menus and told us our waitress would be with us soon. We looked over the menus to see what we wanted to eat. Everything looked great to me . I looked up over my menu to see what Bella was doing. About ten minutes later our waitress came over to take our order. Bella ordered chicken parm over pasta, I ordered pasta with garlic and oil. We both ordered bloody marys. As we waited for our meals, Bella was telling me the real reason she decided to come to Italy. When our meals came,we only talked a little. After we had some food in our systems we took a little walk. I didn't want Bella out of my sight. I did enjoy our time together.

We walked about thirty minutes until Bella told me that her feet were hurting her. We stopped and rested for a while. I had to admit that my feet were hurting me also. I never did as much walking in one time. We rested for about five or ten minutes, then we walked back to my car that was parked in the pizza shop parking lot. I walked over to help Bella in, closed the door and then I walked over to the drivers side. I got in and started the car. We were off to her house. As I was driving I took her hand to hold it as I was driving.

"Bella, I am so sorry that I lied to you about not seeing you before,"I kissed her hand.

"It's over and done with, I am still a little upset that you lied to me," Bella looked out the window.

"I didn't want to say anything to bring anything up at the airport.," I kissed the back of her hand.

She didn't look at me, I could tell that she was not happy about my lying to her about seeing her in the airport. She went quiet for a moment or two. That made me feel bad about lying to her. I didn't want to ruin the time I had left with her. So I decided not to talk to her.

When we finally got back to her house, I parked the car, then I got out and walked over to her side. I helped her out and walked her to the door. I took her hand as we walked to the door. Once we walked to the door I turned her so she could face me. She didn't look at me. So I moved her hand up lightly to me so I could look at her brown eyes.

"Bella, I know you are upset with me," I took her hand again.

"I don't like liars, and you lied to me," she whispered as she looked around.

"Will you ever forgive me?" I asked as I brought her hand to my mouth.

"Yeah, eventually, I will." She pulled her hand and started to open the door.

"I am sorry," I whispered.

She didn't say another word and walked back into the house. As she closed the door, I blew her a kiss and walked back to my car. I really felt bad about this time, mostly about my lying to her. I opened the door, got in and drove back to my house. I didn't even turn on the radio. I really think I hurt her. Why did I have to lie to her?

When I arrived back at my house, I saw Jared's car, so I decided to take a ride for a while to get my thoughts and self together. I had to make it up to her before I really ruined what chance I had left to be with her. I felt like an asshole for my lies. I pulled over to the curb and thought about how to make it up to her so far. There had to be a way. We had a date with Bree and Tyler, so maybe that would be a good time to make it up to her. I parked the car and got out to get some fresh air, then I walked back to my car and turned around and headed back to my house.

This time when I arrived I parked my car next to Jared's and got out. Then I walked to the door. I unlocked the door and walked into the kitchen to get something to drink and went up to my room. When I got into my room I closed the door and got changed, then I want to bed.

To say the most, I hardly slept that night. All I did was think about Bella, and how badly I’d hurt her. I think it was about three in the morning that I finally did fall asleep.

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