The Maze Runner - Victory

By 600000helena

536 41 58

Subject A10 - The Victory, WCKD called her that since she got there, That's her name - Tori... Victoira.... V... More

Tori... I like that.
Finding a job... This can be good.
Finding Job, Day 2.
Work, Work, Work.
WCKD is good.
Thomas (part 2)
The maze.
The maze. (part 2)
The maze (part 3)
The Maze Runners.

Light it up and bring it on!

30 3 0
By 600000helena

Tori POV:

I watched the Gladers as they crowded around the fire, Alby gave me a torch.

"Go on Greenie! Light it up!" He called out, Everyone cheered, I looked around and smiled before I threw the torch.

It spinned in the air and landed the branches pile, Everyone cheered again as the Bonfire lits up, The boys started to dance or fight with Gally, I just sat down and stared at nothing...

Newt POV:

"So she doesn't remember anything?" Alby asked.

I shook my head, He stared at Tori who just sat alone and watch the fire.

"Well... Keep an eye on her and let me know if she'll remember anything." He said, I nodded and he left, I decided to go and talk to her.

I walked towards her and smiled awkwardly as I sat down next to her.

"You know you won't be able to enjoy the party if you'll just sit here, right?" I told her, trying to light the mood up.

"It's hard to enjoy something when you have so much on your thoughts." She answered without looking at me.

"Like...?" I asked.

"I don't understand why the creators of the maze put us in here! I mean, What are they going to get from that?" She asked.

"I wish I knew Tori, But we'll get out of here, And it'll be thanks to Minho and his runners." I told her.

Tori POV:

"Who's Minho?" I asked, Suddenly an Asian boy sat next to me.

"Hello Sugar~! I heard that no one told you my name. Too bad, I'm pretty sure you'll have to remember to become my girlfriend." I looked at him with a look...

It's SOOOO on!

"Let me guess; You're Minho, The Sass Queen" I said, Newt and him satred at me with shock, A few Gladers stopped what they were doing and laughed.

"Nice guess Greenie, Here! Drink some." He suddenly gave me a jar full of some kind of drink.

"Thanks" I said as I openned it.

"Love, I don't think you should -" But it was too late, I took a sip...


Wow, Not bad! I tasted it on my tongue.

"That's actually pretty good, What is it?" Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me with a shocked look, Even Alby and Gally.

"What?" I asked in confusion and took another sip.

"Are you kidding me? There's no Greenie that can take a sip from Gally's recipe and swallow it!" Newt said, I looked around and drank some more.

"Mmm... Great job Gally, This is really good! But I think you should add more resin into this next time; It will be much stronger." I told him, Gally just smiled, Which seems rare for him.

"You like it?" He asked.

"Of course!" I said and finished the jar.

"Well..." I started as I cleaned my mouth, using my hand.

"If you all done with staring at me like I have a pear instead of a head, I'd like to see my fighting skills." I grinned as I looked at Gally.

"What do you say Gally? I believe you're going to get to my nerves a lot in the future, The ring is my only chance to hit you without getting a punishment." I said, The Gladers laughed.

"You wanna fight, Ginger?" He asked.

"Greenie! Greenie! Greenie!" Everyone cheered.

"Yes I do Eyebrows, Unless you're a chicken, BACK BACK!" I said while doing a chicken voice and moving my hands like wings, Everyone laughed and cheered.

"Let's do this!" He said and smashed his fist into his other hand.

We got into the ring.

"Here're the rule Ginger: I'm trying to get you out of the ring, And you try to survive more than five seconds." Everyone laughed loudly.

"Don't worry Eyebrows, Even two seconds will be more than you'll stay on your feet." I said back while using my headband as a hair rubber for a ponytail.

Everyone 'ooo'ed and one of them yelled 'Burn!' as another one yelled 'Get outta there Man!' as I got into fighting stand.

Gally tried to get me but I jumped away, He landed, face first, on the ground.

"You know Gally, Sometimes doing nothing is the best at fighting." I said with a smile, He tried to get me again but I got him and froced him to the ground, Frypan counted 10 and I won, Minho grabbed me and lifted me in the air.

"I'm crowning you the new Sass Queen!" He called out loud, Everyone laughed, Gally stood infront of me and shook my hand.

"You did good." He said blankly.

"Yeah, But I believe that you're still the Ring Master. It was just beginners' luck." I replied, He chuckled nodded.

He's not that bad, You just need to get use to him... Or know how to defeat him incase he'll try to murder you in your sleep.

Maybe I should try sleeping with one eye open for tonight...

"Alright everyone, Lights out!" Alby called out, The Gladers turned off the fire as Newt and I walked to find my hammock.

"Strong, Witty and knows how to fight? How come I never met you?" He asked, I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"I've had a lot of fun today, Tell Alby I said thanks for the Bonfire." I said and he chuckled and nodded.

"At least now I know who're Minho and Gally." I said.

"You should've seen Minho's face when you sassed him!" Newt told me as he laughed.

"Oh I saw it! Wish I had a camera though." He chuckled again.

"Well, I see your hammock is next to me." He said.

"Great!" I said as I jumped in.

"Goodnight Tori." He said and got into his hammock.

"Goodnight Nene..." I snapped as I realized what I said.

"Hey! I found you a nickname!" I said happily.

"There's no way you're calling me that!" He said, a little serious. Again: A LITTLE.

"Yes I am!" I said and with one last thought:

'Maybe being here is not so bad after all...' I fell asleep.

(Heya guys! How was that? I hope you like it, Please leave a comment and tell me what do you think, Love ya!)

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