McGonagall's Daughter: Book 1...

By ElliePaws

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McGonagall's Daughter: Book 1
Chapter 1-Flowers Slytherin?
Chapter 2 - Meeting the Golden Trio and becoming an Enemy
Chapter 3: Lessons and having fun with Snape
Chapter 4: Waking up on Twins and learning how to make stuff float. FUN!!
Author Note
Chapter 6: The Quidditch Game
Chapter 7: Reunion with the House Elves and thinking of Pranks.
Chapter 8: I may have pranked the Slytherins a little too much.
Author's Note #2
Chapter 9: We know about the Philospher's Stone
Starting a new Version
Another Author's Note...sorry
New Book is now being published

Chapter 5: Returning from the Infirmary

983 35 9
By ElliePaws

Chapter 5: Returning from the Infirmary

Nixie's POV

"Urghhhhh...." I groaned, trying to open my heavy eyelids. They felt like they were glued shut. There was a ringing in my ears which soon disappeared, much to my relief. Once my hearing was back to normal, I could hear loud talking and even some shouting. "I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT YOU LIKE THAT!" shouted a very exasperated Ron. "Yes, well you know I just wanted to help you." said Hermione. I chose this as the time to open my, now less heavier, eyelids. 

I looked around and saw that I was in the Infirmary. What the hell happened? Everything suddenly came back to me. Ron insulting Hermione, me talking to her in the Girl's Bathroom, the Troll attacking us. Were they all okay, or were they in the Infirmary just like me? Groaning, I held my head, hoping it would soothe the headache, which was slowly starting to pulse in my head. "So I'm in the Infirmary and you argue? You know, it's not very nice to wake up to shouting." I said jokingly. They spun around to face me and gasped. "Nixie, you're awake!" shouted Hermione. I chuckled and nodded, slowly sitting up.

I guess I shouldn't have done that as soon as I had moved, a shooting pain went through my body. "Owch!" I whispered. Ron rushed up to me and pushed me down again. "I don't think you should do that." he said. I rolled my eyes and said, "No shit sherlock." I looked to the right and saw both Harry and Hermione standing there, smiling down at me. "So what happened yesterday?" I asked them. They exchanged a confused look and turned to look back at me. "What do you mean, 'yesterday'? You've been asleep for 3 days..." said Harry. I gasped slightly and asked, "Really?" They all nodded and pulled a chair up.

"So what happened 3 days ago?" I asked them again. "How much do you remember?" asked Hermione. I shrugged a little bit, but winced when the pain returned. "I remember everything from Ron mocking you, to me passing out in a puddle of blood." I said. They flinched, as if the memory hurt them, and nodded. "After you passed out, Ron used the spell we learned in Charms class and knocked the Troll out with his club. McGonagall, Snape and Quirrell appeared, along with a few others, and asked us what happened. Hermione got 10 points taken away and both of us got 10 points each. Then you got sent to the Infirmary and 3 days later, here you are." explained Ron. I nodded, taking it all in, and played with my blanket.

Looking up, I saw a pile of sweets and cards standing on a table in front of my bed. "I got gifts?" I asked them. They grinned and nodded, Ron blushing a bright red. "I may have eaten a few of your sweets whilst you were in here." he muttered, blushing at the ground. I giggled and said that it was alright. "I would have done the same with your sweets." I said, which caused him to smirk at me. I was about to ask about School life in the last 3 days, when the doors bangd open. Snape and my mum came rushing in smiling when they saw me awake. Well...mum was smiling, Snape looked like he was grimacing. 

"Nixie, you're awake! I was so worried." said Mum, rushing up to us. The trio looked awkwardly at the floor, not knowing what to do. "I think we'll go now. We'll see you later Nixie. The Twins will want to come too." said Hermione, waving at me. I waved back at them, before facing my mum and the man that was like a father to me. "Hey guys." I greeted them, looking at them with a guilty expression. I knew they were going to tell me off about the Troll. "Don't 'Hey guys' us. You know you are in trouble." said Snape. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "So I'm getting into trouble for...what exactly? Going after Hermione? It's what friends do." I said exasperated. He glared at me, but mum looked at me with a soft expression. 

"I understand you wanted to stop your friend from confronting the Troll by herself, but you got yourself in trouble. Instead of calling a teacher, you followed her yourself. Do you know how foolish that was?" said Snape, getting louder at the end. I glared at him and crossed my arms. "She is my friend! She wasn't trying to confront...actually, nevermind. I am very sorry for worrying you, I won't do it again." I said quickly, thinking that she probably told an excuse. I knew she could be loyal when she thought it was the right time. They both nodded and Snape looked at his watch. "It's nearly time for lessons. We have to go, but Poppy said you can go once she gave you one last potion." said Snape. I grinned, happy about the news, and hugged them both. "Bye." I said. They returned my farewell and left. It seemed really early, so I decided to lie back down and think about random stuff. Hopefully Poppy will wake up soon, because I think I may die of boredom if she doesn't.

 A few hours later

Finally getting out of the Infirmary was good. I could finally see Hermione, Harry and Ron! I stopped in front of the Great Hall doors and took in a deep breath. Knowing the speed that gossip travels in this place, everyone would already know about yesterday. This is going to be a lot of fun, note the sarcasm. 

Opening the double doors, I slowly walked into the Hall, looking at everyone. The Hall, which was filled with chatter and laughter before, was now so silent, you could hear a pin drop. I made my way to the Gryffindor table at a normal speed and smiled at my fellow housemates. "Hey Guys!" I said excitedly.

"Nixie! We didn't know you were allowed to leave today! We were gonna visit you after dinner." yelled Ron. I chuckled and hugged my friends. The other Students all went back to talking, some about me and some about other subjects. "Yeah, Madam Pomfrey only had to give me a potion." I said, shovelling food into my mouth. "So what's been going on whilst I was in the Infirmary?" I asked them. They all went into different stories about Malfoy taunting them, loads of studying (told by Hermione of course) and how the first Quidditch Game of the year is coming up tomorrow. 

"Do you think you'll be fit enough to play?" asked Ron. I nodded and went back to eating. Today's dinner was absolutely delicious, although that might have been because I've had no food since the morning of the Troll attack. "Yeah! The game is gonna be great! We'll all be cheering loudly for you." smiled Harry. I grinned at him and said 'thanks'. 

It was soon time for lessons, so we ran up to our dormitories and got all of the right books out. Potions was first, so we went to the dungeons and waited along with the other students. We were happily talking about the oncoming Quidditch game, when a certain blond haired Slytherin boy and his croonies stepped in front of us. "Looking forward to the Quidditch Game Potter? Let's hope your little friend doesn't fall off the broom. That'd be....most unfortunate." sneered Draco. Harry glared at him and took a step forwards. "Stop, Harry. He's not worth it." I whispered. Harry stopped and looked at me, before nodding and standing back next to Ron. "Leave us alone Malfoy." I said, giving him a small glare. He was silent for a minute, thinking, before he left. "There. That wasn't too hard." I giggled. They laughed slightly and followed the students into the Potions classroom.

"Sit down class and be quiet." sneered Snape. Wow...what a nice way to say 'Hello'. We did as we were told and sat down in our seats, mine being in between the boys and Hermione's next to Ron's. After he did the register, he turned around and faced us all, giving me occasional glances. "Today you will be making the Cure for Boils." he stated with a bored tone. Yes! That's the easiest potion in the book! Snape told us the ingredients of the potion, before sending us off to work.

Gathering the Ingredients only took me 2 minutes, which left me with plenty of time to make it. I looked at the already boiling cauldron and took out the snake fangs. I had to crush them into fine powder, so I went over to the equipment cupboard and got a pestle. I was about to go back to my place, but accidently bumped into Draco. "Sorry." I whispered, not wanting anyone to hear me being nice to Draco. "It's ok. Good to see you well." he whispered back, twisting his face into a sneer to make it look like any oridnary bump into Malfoy. I nodded quickly and went back to my seat, getting back to work. If anyone else would have bumped into him, he would have sneered at them, but he actually seemed to care about me which was nice.

50 minutes later and I was done nearly done with the potion. All I had to do was wave my wand, which would finally finish it. I waved my wand and put it into a vial, which I would then have to take to Snape so that he could judge me on it. Whilst walking over to his desk, I looked around the classroom and saw that all of my friends and classmates were still waiting for the potion to finish brewing. Even Hermione wasn't done yet, who was frantically stirring her thick and lumpy potion. Poor Mione.

"I'm done Professor Snape." I said, passing him the vial. He took it and examined it. "The colour and texture is right, but will it work?" he asked. He took another vial out of his desk drawers and poured a little bit onto my finger. Almost immediately, boils started to grow all over my fingers, making me hiss slightly. "I hope this one is as good as your last few." he whispered. I nodded and waited for him to pour my potion over the biols, which were starting to slightly grow. When the blue liquid touched the boils, they instantly disappeared and left a nice warm feeling behind.

"Well done Miss Nixie. You get an A for this potion." said Snape in a normal volume. The people closest to us heard him and gasped, whispering to each other. Oh please... Their siblings or their friends probably told them that Snape never gave out A's or B's. Liars. "Thank you sir. What should I do for the next 40 minutes?" I asked him kindly. He pursed his lips, thinking of things I could do, and said, "Get a book from the cupboard and read through it. It would be more useful though, if you helped some of these idiotic students." he said. I giggled slightly and nodded, making my way back to my seat. I've read all of those books before, so I decided to help people.

Looking at Harry's and Ron's potions, I tutted and shook my head. "You have to add 4 horned slugs into the cauldron, not 2 or 3 Ron." I instructed, grabbing another slug. I put it into Ron's outstretched hand, amused to see his disgusted expression. "Stop being a sissy and put it in, before your potion explodes." I ordered. He flinged it in and stirred it quickly, wanting to get rid of it as soon as possible. Harry's Potion seemed okay for now, so I set off and looked at Hermione's. "What bit are you at right now?" I asked her. She pointed to one of the sentences in the books and went back to stirring. I looked and saw that she was at the 'Take the cauldron off the fire' step.

"Why are you stirring Hermione?" I asked her. She shrugged and continued, her face twisting into a disgusted expression. I sighed and took the spoon out of her hand, before taking the cauldron off the fire. "Normally you follow the instructions in the book, not completely ignore them." I smirked at her. She rolled her eyes and looked at the next instruction, before doing as asked.

I helped several more students and was happy to see that most of them didn't need it. I was about to go over to Neville, when his potion exploded. Bloody great. I quickly dodged the flecks of liquid and hid behind a random person. "Get off me, you weirdo." they shouted. I held my hands up in surrender and grinned at the boy in front of me. "There's nothing wrong with weirdos. Unless they are Pedos. OOOOH! THAT RHYMED. I'M A POET AND I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT." I shouted loudly. Everyone was too busy screaming and running to the other side of the classroom, to notice me shouting though. How rude.

"Stop being such a wuss!" I yelled at them, throwing my hands up in the air. "Shut up!" screamed a pug-like girl. I scoffed at her and put my hands on my hips. "And what if I don't, Pug-face? You gonna come running at me with those chubby little legs of yours?" I taunted her. She growled and tried throwing herself at me, but was stopped by Snape. "Imobolus!" shouted Snape, freezing the pug girl. "Detention Miss Parkinson and 2 points off Slytherin!" he said, glaring at the frozen girl. Snape repeated the spell, which infroze pug-face, and dismissed us, but not before sending the people who were touched by Nevill's exploding potion to the Infimary.

"That was so funny!" I said, laughing. Hermione shook her head disapprovingly at me, whilst Harry and Ron were laughing along with me. "Oh, come on. Did you see the look Pug Face gave me when I talked about her legs?" I asked them. This caused us to laugh even more, even making Hermione chuckle a little.

The rest of the day was normal and boring, like any normal school day I guess. We went for dinner once all of the lessons were done, and then up to our common room. We joked around a lot and talked about random things, until all of us were tired and went to sleep. Let's hope tomorrow is a little more exciting than today, I thought.


Thanks for reading guys! :D Don't forget to vote and comment! :D 

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