Unforgiven - Complete

By The_Same_Deep_Waters

45.9K 1.7K 74

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐍 ▸ [AU, Human] Dimitri and Rose were one of the power couples at St. Vladimir's Academy... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five

Chapter Five

1.4K 54 1
By The_Same_Deep_Waters

After Thursday's study meetup, Dimitri all but floated home. He couldn't believe Roza had smiled at him. Even called him Comrade! He wasn't an idiot – he knew she was still angry with him; that she might not ever forgive him. But now he had something that he hadn't had yesterday. Hope.

"How was your study session?" Abe asked when Rose got home.

"Yeah, it was good. The project is huge, but we've divided it into equal parts. Although we have to build a project to do experiments with. I've looked at a few plans on the Internet, but we'll need a workshop. Do you think you could help us, Tata?"

As Rose had anticipated, her father lit up like a Christmas tree. Abe was very much a hands-on sort of guy, and the prospect of getting to help his little girl with some sort of school project was particularly appealing. Watching on from the kitchen, Janine had to laugh at her husband's excited expression. Abe had always been like that with their daughter. He was probably the only parent who was genuinely disappointed that the school's 'working bee' days were only twice a year!

In her younger years, Abe had helped with many of her school projects, but the older Rose got, the less help she needed. Abe couldn't help but feel the time was coming when his little girl wouldn't need him for anything, anymore. Hell – the time probably wasn't too far off when there'd be another man in her life she'd turn to instead. Another man she'd give her love and trust.

"I'd love to help, Rozalia!" he beamed. "Now what is it you and Lissa are working on?"

"The project is looking at Faraday and Lenz's laws, and we have to design an experiment about them. I found these on the Internet," Rose said, sidestepping the issue of her project partner for a moment. Abe studied the diagrams quickly, asking questions about the precise nature of their experiments and observations.

"That's for physics, isn't it?" Janine asked, not fooled by her daughter's attempts to avoid correcting her father's incorrect assumption. "I didn't think Lissa did physics?"

"Yeah, it is," Rose said evasively. She looked up and caught her mother's expression, realizing there was no way of getting around this. "The topics and groups were assigned by Mr. Alto. I'm working with Dimitri on this project."

"The Russian?" her father snapped, earning himself a swift rebuke from Janine. "Why isn't his father helping then?"

"His father deserted his family," Rose snapped, annoyed both at what her father said as well as making such a big deal out of this. "He lives with his mother, grandmother, and sisters and doesn't have access to a workshop like yours. But if you don't want to help us, I'm sure we can figure it out," she said, starting to gather up her papers in a huff.

"Of course I want to help. I just don't want to see you lumped doing the whole project," Abe said quickly, trying to smooth the situation over.

"I won't be," Rose replied. "We're meeting up every Thursday after school to work on the project together, and I thought we could meet here every second Saturday to build the project and do the experiments?"

"And that's what you want me to help you with?" Abe clarified.

"Only if you want to..." Rose said giving her father a look, knowing full well that wild horses would not stop him from being involved – especially if it gave him the chance to meet Dimitri.

"Well, of course, I'll help," Abe said. "Does this Saturday suit, Rozalia? We could spend the afternoon finalizing the plans and maybe even start construction?"

"That would be perfect, thank you, Tata," Rose smiled sweetly.

"Why don't you invite Dimitri to join us for lunch, darling?" Janine asked, not missing the slight flush on her daughter's cheeks. She was darned if Abe was going to get to meet this Dimitri without her getting a look in. "The two of you can discuss your ideas with your father over lunch and then get straight into it afterward?"

"Um, I'll have to see if he's free," Rose said noncommittally. "I'll ask him at school tomorrow and let you know."

Upstairs Rose flicked on her stereo, lying on her bed, trying to work out her feelings. Today in the library had been good. Kind of fun, even. Even though they only talked about the project, being with Dimitri had been easy. Of course, it didn't hurt he'd brought his grandmother's cooking. She could eat those cakes like they were going out of fashion! He hadn't tried to talk about what happened, which she appreciated. She didn't know if she'd ever be ready to speak about that. But, for now, talking about the project was good.

She wasn't sure how she felt about Dimitri coming to lunch. When they were dating, she'd always been worried about introducing Dimitri to her parents. Her father could be so anti-Russian, and was also so protective of her, that she didn't entirely trust him not to be rude. But maybe now they weren't together, it would be better? Then again, it might be worse?

Caught in indecision, she decided to consult with Lissa. Dialing the numbers she'd known for a long as she could remember, Lissa picked up on the first ring. As with most other things, the Dragomirs had been progressive with phones; Lissa had been the first to get a cell phone, and Rose could dial the number in her sleep.

"How did the study meetup go?" Lissa asked cautiously as soon as she'd greeted Rose, not giving anything away. She wanted to see how her best friend was feeling.

"Um... Ok? We only talked about the project, but it was ok being around him. He didn't try anything, just kept it about the project. Although he did bring some cakes his Babushka made, but I think she cooks a lot, so I'm not reading too much into that."

"Sounds like he might have accepted it's over and moved on?" Lissa suggested testingly.

"What makes you think that?" Rose asked, and while most might have missed it, Lissa detected the slight note of worry in her best friend's voice. Yup. Just like she thought, Rose was still crazy about Dimitri. The real question was whether she'd ever be able to forgive him.

"Well, I guess I thought he'd keep begging?" Lissa replied.

"No," Rose said confidently. "He knows he did the wrong thing. I think he's stopped begging because he knows it upsets me. We have to work together, so I think he's just focusing on that."

"That makes sense," Lissa admitted.

"We're meant to work on the project again on Saturday. Tata said he'd help us build the project in his workshop in the afternoon, and then Mom suggested I invite him to lunch. Do you think I should?"

"Why not? If it was Myron or Bastian or one of the other guys in your physics class and they'd not met your parents before, would you invite them to lunch if your olds suggested it?" she asked.

"Yeah probably," Rose admitted. "It would be the friendly thing to do..."

"Then ask him," Lissa said, glad she was on the phone and Rose couldn't see the devious look on her face.

"What if he takes it the wrong way?" Rose wailed. "I don't want him to think I'm starting to forgive him. Because I'm not!"

"Of course you're not," Lissa said soberly, but unseen in the privacy of her bedroom she was rolling her eyes. "But like you said, you'll treat him just like any other project partner."

"Yeah, you're right," Rose said sounding more confident. "It's just lunch, and it will save time. We can discuss the project as we eat."

Finalizing their plans for tomorrow's basketball game, and then moving on to another discussion about the merits of 'A Night in Paris' versus 'James Bond' as a prom theme, they rang off when Rose's father called up the stairs to announce dinner was ready.

Dimitri and Christian were sitting in their now familiar seats in homeroom when Rose and Lissa walked in. Lissa gave Rose an encouraging look, before moving over to distract Christian.

"Um, Dimitri?" Rose asked, walking to her seat but looking behind her to where Dimitri sat. "I'm just checking whether Saturday afternoon still suits to work on our project? I asked Tata, and he's happy to help us. Mom suggested you might like to come to lunch first?"

"Lunch," Dimitri almost murmured, as though it were an unfamiliar concept.

"Only if you're free. Mom thought we could iron out the project details as we eat so we could make the most productive use of our time in the workshop."

"That makes sense," Dimitri said with a half smile. "What time should I get there?"

"Midday on Saturday?"

"I'll be there," Dimitri said, giving her a very tentative smile.

"Great," Rose said, quickly turning back to her seat – but not before Dimitri caught the tiniest little smile from her in response.

Friday passed, and by physics in their last period, Rose was in a great mood. It was nearly the weekend, looking around she and Dimitri were further ahead than any other group with their project, and she was looking forward to the basketball game tonight.

"So do you think you'll beat Jefferson?" Rose asked Dimitri once they'd finished reading through each other's research summaries.

Dimitri was surprised. This was the first non-work related thing she'd said to him, excluding her serve when she'd bumped into him on Monday.

"I hope so," he said, slowly looking up from his reading. "If we beat Jefferson and then the Valley next week, we'll be through to the finals. A win would be a big plus on my scholarship applications."

"How are they going?" Rose asked apprehensively. She knew Dimitri had been working on submissions for months. Each one required different information or forms to be filled out, so he'd started at the beginning of senior year, devoting hours each week to getting them ready. It was the only option for him; his family couldn't afford to be of any assistance, so he needed a hefty scholarship if he was going to go to college.

"So far so good," he replied with a tight smile. "I've got most of them ready to go. Just waiting to sit the scholarship exam now."

Rose nodded. An academic aptitude exam, the scholarship exam would give a numeric score which would accompany most of Dimitri's applications. The higher the score, the more likely he was to get a scholarship. Not knowing what else to say, she gave him a tentative smile and wished him good luck. Back when they'd been together, the idea had been to apply for all the same colleges – but now they weren't together that had probably changed. Rose was still applying primarily to local colleges. The same ones she knew Dimitri was focusing on. She knew her parents would find the money to help her out no matter where she went, but she wanted to ease the burden on them as much as possible and going to school locally would help with that.

Packing up when the bell went, Rose turned to Dimitri. "Well good luck tonight."

"Will you be there?" Dimitri asked, even though he knew from Christian that Rose had said she'd come with him and Lissa to the game.

"Yes," she said a little awkwardly.

"Then I might see you there," Dimitri replied before turning to pack his books.

Rose met up with Lissa at her locker. They had a few hours before the game began, so Lissa had suggested they hang out and get ready at her place. Rose readily agreed. It had been forever since she'd got ready for something one-on-one with Lissa. Sure they'd seen a lot of each other when they'd hung out as a foursome, but it wasn't quite the same.

Chatting the whole way back to Lissa's, when they arrived Rose was, as always, struck by the size of her house. While most of them lived in the city, Lissa's house was a twenty-minute bus ride out into the suburbs. A large double story white weatherboard home with a verandah, a manicured lawn, and a pool out back, it was the quintessential successful American family home; a monument of domestic felicity that proudly declared 'We've made it.'

Coming inside, Lissa and Rose were greeted by Rhea, Lissa's Mom. A beautiful woman in her mid forties, Rhea worked part time in the office of the family construction business but spent the rest of the time looking after her home and family. She spent a moment chatting with Rose before shoeing the two of them upstairs with glasses of milk and freshly baked cookies.

"I can't believe your Mom still does milk and cookies," Rose giggled. It had been the same since time immemorial. "And she did the macadamia white choc chunk ones!"

"She did them because she knew you were coming," Lissa laughed. "She knows they're your favorite." If Lissa's mother making them cookies was a tradition, it was only because Rose was so well known for adoring them!

"Shit! That reminds me. I'd better text Mom and tell her Dimitri is coming to lunch tomorrow," Rose said, quickly pulling out her phone and firing off a text to her mother reminding her she was spending the afternoon with Lissa before going to the game, and confirming that Dimitri would be at lunch tomorrow at midday.

"So how are things going between you?" Lissa asked.

"I don't know," Rose wailed. "I know I should hate him for what he did, but it's hard you know? When we're together I remember all the things I like so much about him, but as soon as we're apart I remember what he did, and then I start to hate him again!"

Lissa nodded sympathetically.

"Maybe you need to get out there and date?" she suggested. "I don't mean anything serious, but it might help you either move on or maybe decide to give Dimitri another chance?"

"I won't be giving him another chance," Rose said quickly.

"Then why not go on a few dates?" Lissa pushed.

"Alright!" Rose said, more to shut Lissa up than anything else.

"Good! Well if you're open to dating, let's make sure you look hot so that the boys will notice you!" Lissa grinned.

"Nothing over the top!" Rose stipulated. "I don't want to look like I'm trying..."

"I'll keep it subtle, I promise," Lissa replied gleefully, pulling out her cosmetics case.

An hour later, Rose had to admit Lissa had done a rocking job. Her hair was half up and half down in loose, soft curls. Her makeup was on fleek, and the clothes she was wearing showed enough skin to be alluring without looking like a tramp.

"You look hot, Rose!" Lissa smiled, standing back to look proudly at her handiwork.

"All Gucci, heh?" Rose laughed, secretly pleased with what she saw in the mirror.

Lissa finished getting herself ready, and they went downstairs.

"Hey, Rosie – looking good!" It was Andre, Lissa's older brother. A couple of years older than Lissa, he was at College and lived on campus, but came home some weekends – usually to get Rhea to do his washing and to get some home cooking into him. Many mothers would resent it, but there was no denying it; Rhea Dragomir was in her element and loved having her firstborn home – even when he brought his washing.

"Thanks, Andre," Rose said. She'd known Lissa's brother since they were all little kids, and while he was undoubtedly a hottie she'd known him forever, and besides which she knew he was a bit of a player. Thankfully he saw her in much the way as he saw his sister.

"You two off to the game tonight?" he asked, filching one of the cookies his mother had made from the airing rack. "I'm going over that side of town if you want a lift?"

The two readily agreed. Parking was a bitch, so they'd usually catch a bus or an Uber, but if Andre was going that way, they might as well grab a ride. Half an hour later Andre dropped them out the front of Jefferson High where they met Christian, Camille, and Mia. Eddie and Mason were on the team with Dimitri, so they'd already be inside preparing for the game.

Going inside and claiming plum seats, Rose kept trying to drag her eyes away from where Dimitri and the rest of the team stood getting final instructions from the coach. In his black and white Guardian uniform, she could pick Dimitri a mile away. Not only did she instinctively look out for the number twenty-two and his surname emblazoned on the back of his jersey, but he also stood almost half a foot taller than any of the other players. Looking without looking, Rose suppressed a little shiver as she admired his toned, muscled arms. His whole body was like that, and if his arms were smokin', then his chest and abs were ten times better. She'd seen them – she would know!

Seeing his girl on the side, Eddie came over and gave Mia a quick kiss.

"Whole team's gotta be on point tonight. Coach says there's a couple of college scouts here!" he said excitedly.

That made Rose pay attention. A sports scholarship could be the answer to Dimitri's prayers. Often more generous than academic scholarships, with his height, athletic prowess, and good grades if he could get noticed he'd probably be in with a good chance.

Looking up Rose caught Dimitri looking at their group, but most specifically her. He had an unreadable expression on his face, but mostly he just looked sad.

Rose panicked. He couldn't afford to blow his chances just because of what had happened between them. Tonight could mean the difference between college or not for him! Giving him a smile, she mouthed the words 'good luck' to him – letting him know she knew scouts were going to be there tonight.

He replied with a small nod and a big smile, and all of a sudden he felt on top of the world.

The game was fast and furious. Both teams needed to win if they were to have any chance of getting into the finals, but in the end, the Guardians were too strong and took Jefferson down. Dimitri had played magnificently – if there were scouts there, they'd have to be blind not to at least inquire about him.

The team was grinning ear to ear as they did the post-match handshakes with the disappointed team from Jefferson. Eddie walked over to swoop Mia up into his arms for a not PG kiss, and Dimitri was making his way over to their group when a dark haired, blue eyed woman came racing across the court and literally threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around him excitedly.

Tasha Ozera was there. And she was hugging Dimitri as though she had some right to.

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