They Called Her El Diablo

By coraswan

193K 6.7K 895

Academy fic. According to Sang Sorensen she can't handle her boys and their newfound 'needs'; abandoning them... More

Before we start
Chapter 1: The Downfall
Chapter 2: Enter our lovable Diablo
Chapter 3: Take Action or To Not Take Action
Chapter 4: Who the hell are you
Chapter 5: Whoo-sah
Chapter 6: There are intruders in the office!
Chapter 7: Strangest Lunch
Chapter 8: Numbers Don't Lie
Chapter 9: Smee
Chapter 11: Unpleasant Surprise(s)
Chapter 12: Kill the Occupants
Chapter 13: Just Let Me Go
Chapter 14: Woke,Ran,Found
Chapter 15: H3LL-O
Chapter 16: You're WHAT?!?
Chapter 18: Unwanted Past
Chapter 19: You Win Again
Chapter 20: So far, yet not far enough
Chapter 21: Closer till it burns
Chapter 22: Revival
Chapter 23: Relentless
Chapter 24: Get Outta Here!
Chapter 25: Decisions & Questions & vice-versa
Chapter 26: Mistake?
Chapter 27: Presents, Smiles and Truth
Chapter 28: The Past, Unmasked.
Chapter 29: Series of WTF events Part 1
Chapter 30: Series of WTF events part 2
Part 31: United We Stand
Chapter 32: Going Places
Chapter 33: Frankbridge
Chapter 35: Houston Days 2 and 3 Part 2
Chapter 36: Yeah...It Ain't Over Yet
Part 37: The Storm Approaches
Part 38: Hero or Zero
Part 39: Schmecovery
NotUpdate: A03 anyone?

Chapter 34: Houston; Days 2 and 3

2.8K 110 33
By coraswan

Super-Duper-Uper long ass chapter because I wanted to give y'all a treat! heehee

If are enjoying this, may want to check out my new story ''Their Wishes'' :D while waiting!

Hayden POV

Well, yesterday was a absolute fucking disaster. I woke up wondering if I should even bother to head down, as Philip would have no doubt gone to Chester Frank and sullied my prospects with Frankbridge. Ironically, he was the one who gave me the opportunity. I dressed casually and wore one of the sweaters I had stolen from Sean's closet, so I could feel their presence. I called Frankbridge HQ, and asked for Frank's secretary. 

The hotel had an amazing breakfast buffet spread that I was going to gouge myself on. It was the least I could do, given the shitty hospitality given by Philip. The phone line was busy so I left a message.

Looking at the time, it was still too early to call the boys who were probably exhausted from their day. 8am here meant it was around 6am there. I would call them later, I decided, dropping a text message as all their good night/good morning messages from last night came flooding in.

I was lazing about the lounge, enjoying my second helping of berry yogurt and third helping  of an Asian breakfast food; congee when my phone buzzed. 

It couldn't be the boys, Sandra would only gather them up around 8am (their time), and it wasn't Sandra since I just spoke to her earlier. ''Hello'' I answered over a mouthful of food.

''Miss, Miss, where are you?'' A frantic voice came over.

''Me? Who are you?'' I asked, chewing lazily. I patted my full stomach contentedly. ''J-jacob Miss. Your driver to Frankbridge HQ this morning? We musn't be late ma'am.''

''Frankbridge??'' I choked out.

''Yesss,'' he pleaded, ''I am in the lobby Miss. Are you ready to go?''

Oh, shit? Looks like I'm going casually dressed then. ''Uh, yeah, yeah. I thought th- nevermind. I'll be there in a minute.'' I downed my orange juice and walked out to the lobby. The poor guy was sweating and frazzled. ''This way miss, this way,'' he ushered me to the car and we sped off. 

''sorry 'bout that Jacob. I thought it was cancelled....'' 

''No, miss. Not cancelled. I received direct confirmation today to pick you up.''

''oh, alright then.'' I mumbled.

We reached the HQ with a few minutes to spare. I lugged my full stomach out of the car and into the elevator, thanking Jacob for his services. 

Chester Frank was a portly fellow who greatly resembled Colonel Sanders of KFC. That was my first impression. He had many laugh lines and kind eyes. Unlike a certain doctor, under him.

''Morning Miss Waters! I've heard much about you, I'm glad you're considering to be a part of us.''

''Hayden, please, Mr Frank. It's great to be here sir.''

''I insist you call me Chester, Hayden. I do want to also apologize for Phil last night. I understand he said some upsetting things last night?''

''Sir-I mean, Chester?'' I raised my eyebrows, '' What do you mean?''

''Well, he called me and told me that he pressed you too hard for you to come and join us and you left unhappily. He also made a strong case for your joining package. You've made quite the positive impression on him, and I think I see why. You'll be pleased to know that I've doubled your initial pay and that you can join us whenever you are done with your current clients in New York.''

Why, that lying, two faced son of a jackal. ''Ah, I see. How...thoughtful of him. That's a very generous offer, Chester, but I wanted to ask if it was possible for me to be stationed at your New York offices? I've grown attached to the place.'' I asked, trying to ignore my anger at Phil. I wanted to expose him, so bad, but there was no evidence and I really didn't want to throw the excitement Chester was exuding back in his face. 

Chester hummed. ''Well, that can certainly be arranged Hayden. You're a high valued asset, I don't see why we can't make a little room for you in New York.'' I smiled thankfully.

''Thanks very much Chester. I might just join you sooner than you think,'' I said lightly. Soon as I deal with that damn old man.

He stood, grinning broadly. 'That's wonderful! I'll have the paperwork drawn up and you can send it to me at your convenience!''

I nodded in agreement and shook his outstretched hand, firmly. He got a pensive look suddenly which made me frown. ''Is there something wrong, Chester?''

''no...I've forgotten something I'm sure of it... Oh you know you'll be doing a mini orientation after this and tomorrow morning.''

''Sure thing. I'll get the details from your secretary? I'll be leaving tomorrow evening then, if all is well?''

''Yes, yes...get it from her...''He hummed scratching his head. His face llit up. ''Yes! I've remembered! We will reschedule your flight for the next morning is that okay?''

''Reschedule? I have somewhere to be for my current clients that morning, sir.'' I said respectfully. ''I could do a later flight that night?''

''nonsense! You'll rest and take the first flight out to...?''

''San Franscisco...what do I have to do tomorrow night? You still haven't told me, sir'' 

He laughed heartily, ''Forgive me child, I am a little absent minded this morning. Why, a bright thing like you should know! If you're going to be working with us in the near future, we should all try to get off on the right foot, yes?'' I held in a gasp of horror as realization set in. No fucking way. Don't say it, prove me wrong. Don't let me be right, please, god.

''Dr Roberts is terrible sorry for the bad impression he gave yesterday. He admitted that perhaps he had one too many drinks. So, he'd like to do over!'' Fuck me, ''So, I've taken the liberty to arrange a dinner for the two of you tomorrow night! He insisted on being a gentleman and giving you a surprise, so I can't tell you where he'd taking you. So, tomorrow at 8pm if I remember right'' He laughed again while I wanted to just run away screaming. 

''You'll be going, won't you Hayden? I'd be most disappointed if you don't try and be a team player so early into our relationship?'' He frowned at me, not understanding why I wouldn't want to go to dinner.

''I-i-it's '' I cleared my throat, ''It's only dinner right?'' I feebly joked.

''That's the spirit! I knew I chose you for a reason!!'' He slapped my back and laughed again like fucking Santa 'ho-ho-ho-ing'' even after I left his office. I facepalmed.

''Hi, I need my schedule for the orientation....'' I asked the secretary, my mind preoccupied with wondering if I should tell the guys any of this.

A few hours later, I was done with the orientation which was basically a huge introduction session where I was brought to see all the department heads and made to introduce myself. All while intermittenly checking in with Sandra like I had promised.

I sank down on my bed, finally back in my suite exhausted with all the fake smiles and fluffy conversations I had to keep up for them during my time around the Frankbridge. I was excited at the prospects of working here, but meeting the people and knowing Phil was involved in the whole thing made me want to walk away and not look back. 

I couldn't afford to do that though. I was barely making my way in the corporate world and to turn away such a big opportunity would be arrogant and foolish. I called Sandra. I barely knew the girl but I felt like I could trust in her; a kindred spirit.

''Hello?'' She answered on the first ring.

''Hey, Sandy, it's me. Is it a good time to talk?''

''yeah. As good as it will ever be. The boys are in separate conference rooms now, fielding questions from the press. I'm monitoring the situations though. If things get messy, I might just hang up on ya''

''I'd kill you if you didn't'' I quipped

She laughed. ''So, you okay from last night's fiasco with Phil?'' 

I sighed. ''It just seems to be getting worse. He's manipulated Chester into thinking that I'm the sensitive one and playing the nice guy card by inviting me out once again. And he fucking knows I can't say no to Chester fucking Frank if I want a shot at this!"

''Hayden, you know that I will send them over right this instant.''

''No! Don't. I know how much the conference means to them. It's their first one since they disappeared and we both know how much they need to show their face to the world to assure the public.Brandon and North were so proud when they showed me the new plans they had for their company's direction. I'm not gonna be that whiny needy girlfriend and steal them away, just because I broke a nail.'' I ranted

''I'm not happy with this Hayden... I don't like it. The fact that none of the guys knew that Phil was in Frankbridge worries me. What else is he hiding?''

Even she was on the same page as me about Phil. ''You don't know, Sandy. The boys feel like they owe him everything; their success, their recovery, hell, maybe more! He was there to help them put the pieces together when they were broken. Not me. I can't make them choose, I won't be that person. I'll handle Phil and Frankbridge. You handle the front in San Fran. There's no problems right?''

''I don't agree with you, sestra, (sister) but I will play along for now. As for here? Well, nothing more than the usual I'd expect. Phoney investors, conmen and of course your regular dose of skanks. Your boys, are good though. They handled them efficiently and effectively''

''Ah, what would we do without them,'' We giggled over the phone.

''I gotta go, sestra. I will talk to you later.''

''Alright Sandy, bye.''

I trudged over to the bathroom and washed up. I felt so fucking disturbed by Phil's behaviour and his advances last night, that I don't think I was gonna get much sleep tonight. Not when I knew I had to face that again to tomorrow. I felt like I was betraying my angels and even though it wasn't my fault, I felt so rotten.

I let a few tears leak as I dreaded the thought of sitting next to that vile man. If only I wasn't saddled with so much of debt. Why didn't I choose another path? Why did it hav- Oh, stop it Hayden, you're not making it better. Wondering about what-ifs and thinking about the what-could-have-be, would just send me down that nasty little depressive spiral. 

My phone started ringing from the next room. I walked over to see who it was. Axel! Shit, look normal, Hayden, look normal. I wiped my eyes and tried to lessen the reddening. I answered the video call.

''Hey guys!!'' Fuck, forgot to clear my throat. 

Axel, Sean and Owen appeared on the screen. ''Where are the rest?'' I asked

''Oh, we finished our press conference first, so we called. The rest aren't done yet.'' Sean said. ''Haydes, baby, are you alright?'' Owen asked, frowning.

''Oh!,'' I laughed, its sound fake, even to me, ''I'm finee. This thing? Allergies. I walked into a dusty cupboard.'' I waved my hands face.

''So, you're flying down tomorrow right?'' Axel asked, as Owen still stared intently, frown deepening.

''Ah...yeah, I'll be there later than I expected. I'm hoping to get a really later flight like after 10pm or one first thing in the morning... Chester booked me one for the next morning but I'd rather take one tomorrow night, even if it is late.''

''Aw, boo, why?''

''Cheer up cherub.'' I giggled. ''I'll be there soon okay?'' I faked a yawn, hoping to not answer the 'why' part.

''Are you sure you're okay? Your voice is a little off.'' Owen pressed

''I'm fine!'' I snapped.The trio looked taken aback. ''I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap....feeling a little under the weather is all'' Yeah, at the prospect of meeting a pervert, again. Another yawn came up, and it wasn't faked.

''Boo, you better sleep, you tired thing.'' Sean cooed, oblivious to the scrutinizing looks that Axel and Owen were sending me. 

''Tell the rest I'm sorry, y'know.'' I said quietly, feeling drained.

''What could you be sorry for?'' Axel asked in the same tone. 

''Just....sorry...'' for feeling like I cheated on you when Phil touched me, for not being stronger to tell Chester, to tell one of you, to tell all of you.

''Okay, love, don't worry about it. We'll arrange the flight, you just go to bed now,'' Owen assured me calmly.

I nodded, feeling tears mist in my eyes. I touched my lips and brought my fingers to the screen. ''Love you.''

''We love you, our Queen, always.'' Axel murmured. I hung up and just cried myself to sleep.

I kept tossing and turning the whole damned night. So, after a fitful rest, I gave up on trying to have a good night's rest. I got my ass in gear and headed to the hotel's gym for a workout. I spent almost 2 hours in there, and was broken out of my thoughts by my phone ringing. I answered ''Hayden Waters,'' I said, feeling a little more like myself again.

''Hey, my Queen, good workout?'' Victor's baritone filtered through. I took the phone away from my ear and stared at his name in surprise. I brought the phone back to my ear, ''How did you...?''

''Baby, we can't actually run a tech business if we're no good with tech'' Dakota answered.I furrowed my brow and wondered how he could have actually known. Corey decided to help me out, '' Corner camera, we can  see you, say hi!''

I waved, amused. ''You know you shouldn't be hacking into hotels' cameras right?'' 

''But we missed you!'' Victor whined. I giggled.  They were so loving. ''I miss you boys too.''

''You'll be here tonight right?''Dakota said expectantly

''Ah, you should ask your brothers about the story, I told Owen, Sean and Axe last night that I'll be delayed due to a unplanned event.'' I hummed in displeasure. '' They were going to find a flight for me or something, but I'm guessing they're busy? On a side note, Sandra's been good to you hasn't she?''

''She's great, where did you find her? She also looks kinda familiar but we couldn't find anything strange on her background check'' Victor questioned

''Victorrr,'' I mock scolded scowling at the camera. ''I wouldn't put someone with you if I didn't trust in her!'' I stuck my tongue out.

''If you were here, baby doll, I'd show you what to do with that tongue,'' Dakota said huskily. 2 slaps were heard with him calling out an 'Owww'

''Don't hurt your brother'' i said, leaving the gym. ''I gotta run, I have an orientation and other stuff to do...See you soon, I hope'' I told them

''Sure...but, baby, what other stuff do you have?'' Dakota inquired.

''Eh, minor orientation shit, don't worry 'bout it. I'll try to find the first flight out.''

''You don't sound very convincing doll,'' Corey mused. Yeah, if only you knew the actual thing that was happening, you wouldn't be very enthused either.

''Yeah, well, it is what it is...I'll get some souvenir or something if I find anything nice''

''Only need you back here with us, doll. See you soon, we love ya'' Dakota said

''Aww, you softie! I love you too, see ya!'' I hung up and got ready for my day.

Day 2 of the orientation was immensely boring. I was given an empty conference room and a stack of files detailing the company's mission, values, motto, policy and focus, throughout the years. Given that the stack of files was so high, I had locked the door and Chester had flown off to Asia for a meeting, no one was gonna catch me sleeping if I napped behind the mountain of files. Nap it is!

I was rudely awakened by my phone's loud jarring ringtone. I jerked and hurriedly reach for my phone. Gosh what time was it, the windows showed sun setting. Did I miss the stupid dinner?

''Hi?'' I answered, subtly getting the sleepy tone out of my voice

''Hayden? Chester here. Just wanted to call you and remind you that your meeting with the good Doctor is at 8pm? ''

''Yes, sir, I haven't forgotten.'' But I wish I had.

''Great! How's the orientation?''

''I've been reading the files all day sir, and I am actually still at HQ. Yesterday was good, I met a lot of very welcoming people'' boring, backstabbing ones too ''And I'm very excited to work with Frankbridge''

''Oh, you better hurry back to the hotel then. But, it's good, Hayden. The first step will be tonight's meeting to help you get off to a good start here. Wish you all the best Hayden, and I'll be waiting for those signed papers!''

''Yes, Chester, thank you!''

''Goodnight, Hayden.''

''Same to you sir.''

The dial tone sounded and I heaved a tremendous sigh. I texted Sandra. 

Hayden: Hey, hope everything's fine there? Going for the shitty dinner now. Have a bad feeling D:

Sandra: I'm holding down the fort here, that's for sure...Hang in there....

Hayden: Tried calling Raven, there's no answer, for Dakota too... They're okay?

Sandra: They are a little high atm....They'll call back, don't worry. 

I called her. ''What do you mean high!''

''Ah, just boys being boys. Don't worry, they're fine. Trust me! You're having the dinner at your hotel right? ''

''The prune is picking me up at 8pm and I'm not sure where he's taking me....''

''Alright, but, uh... keep your phone on.... not-silent mode? and turn on the GPS. Then we...I can know where you are.''

''I'm a fighter, like I'd let him do anything''

''Mhmmmm'' I knew she was talking about the previous meeting

''It won't happen again'' I hope I didn't just jinx myself.

''Just hang tight, Hayden.''

I frowned in puzzlement. Oh well, Gabriel had texted me earlier saying that they had found a flight out at night. But I couldn't find any yet, so I was a little confused. Hence why I called them, but no answer. Oh well, worse case scenario, I would just leave to the airport and sleep there till tomorrow morning's flight that Chester had arranged for me.

I got dressed in a modest long sleeved dress with a slit up my right leg.

I felt ill to my stomach and just wanted this over with. Then I'd have minimal contact with him. I sat in the lobby waiting. 30minutes to 8pm.

15 minutes to 8pm, someone tapped my arm. I turned. Philip stood there in a ill-fitting tux. ''I'm glad you're here Miss Waters. I see you got my message from Chester.''

''yeah, whatever. Let's get this over with.'' I snarked.

''I'll have the final say on your employment, Hayden. We wouldn't want Chester to get a scathing review of his potential employee...And just what would he say to the rest of the businessmen he comes in contact with?'' He gripped my arm tightly enough that I was sure there'll be marks if not bruises, and brought me to his car.

''Where are we going grandpa?'' I asked coldly.

''Play nice, puppy.'' He grumbled and started the car. I was glad now that I'd remembered to turned on the GPS on my phone. And not to mention I tucked my phone in my boots. 

I glared at him, and just wished this night over.

XxXxXxXTo Be Continued Next Chapter!!xXxXxxxxxXxxx

Thank you all for your support and encouragement!!!


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