The Magic Pawn Series: The Di...

By SimonaDiaconescu

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Now available as a compelling series on Amazon globally! What if the very foundation of your existence crumb... More

Chapter 1: Radical changes
Chapter 2: The Island of Kaeillindor
Chapter 3: Dream or reality?
Chapter 4: Looking for answers
Chapter 5: More and more madness
Chapter 6: Word of the day
Chapter 7: Run and don't look back
Chapter 8: Trapped
Chapter 9: Almost dead
Chapter 10: Face-to-face with Baldric
Chapter 11: New beginnings- The Barbara Balfour Campus
Chapter 12: Getting settled in
Chapter 13: Off to a bad start
Chapter 14: Getting to know Eric's dark side
Chapter 15: In the wrong place, at the wrong time
Chapter 16: Fooling myself
Chapter 18: At Baldric's mercy
Chapter 19: Life happens as I wait for a cure
Chapter 20: Surprise attack
Chapter 21: When things are getting complicated
Chapter 22: Confessing my feelings for Eric
Chapter 23: Just another crazy day in the campus
Chapter 24: When you would rather be lied to than find out the truth
Chapter 25: When you think it cannot get any worse
Chapter 26: When the man you love ends up hating you
Chapter 27: The battle

Chapter 17: Time to be honest

57 10 0
By SimonaDiaconescu

Christine woke me up around 11 a.m.

'What are you doing here? Don't you have anything better to do?'

'Is she so grumpy every time she wakes up?' She asked Maggie.

'You get used to it quickly.'

'Come on now; go take a shower and get dressed. The three of us have some talking to do.'

'Do we really have to do this now?'

'Yes', they both said.

'Alright...Where is Camille?'

'She is with Ethan', Maggie replied.

'She is not coming with us to town anymore?'

'Yes, she is. Now move your ass out of bed', Christine rushed me.

I was ready in half an hour. I had put on a pair of high waist tight jeans, a black tank top and some black boots. I had my hair in a ponytail and I was going to take my black leather jacket with me.

'What is this?' Maggie asked pointing to my hair.

I shrugged my shoulders not knowing what she meant by that.

'I understand that you keep your hair in a ponytail when you're going to classes, but we are going out now. Your hair is too beautiful to always have it tied. I think you'd better straighten it and let it loose.'

'But I am just fine the way I am', I fought back, but Maggie had already plugged in the hair straightener.

'And you'd better put on some makeup also. Those black circles around your eyes must be covered', Christine added.

I sighed. I had no chance of getting out of this.

After another half an hour, I was ready.

'Now it is much better', Maggie said. 'You look a bit more alive.'

'Oh, yes. I don't think I have ever seen you so dressed up. You are going to knock Eric off his feet.'

'Errr...Eric? What...what business does he have with this?' I asked stammering.

'Come on...the attraction between you two is too obvious. And I have felt the special connection that you share with him.'

'I don't know what you are talking about.'

They both started to laugh.

'I am glad that I amuse you so much.'

'This is nothing. Wait until the two of you will amuse me today. The way you sometimes act as if you cannot stand each other when in fact all you want is to jump on each other.'

'What? Eric is coming with us?' I jumped as if burned.

'How do you think we can all fit in Maggie's car? It's us three, plus Camille and the Mexicans.'

'Beatrice doesn't like shopping. Can you believe it?'

'And must Eric really come with us?'

'I think this is the last thing he wants to do. Join a gang of girls on a shopping spree', Maggie said amused. 'We'll terrorise him today.'

'I still don't understand why he has to come', I continued commenting.

'So that he can take care of you', Christine said. 'Eric can be so protective when it comes to you. Isn't that nice?'

'NO! Not at all', I said angrily. 'You know very well that I did not ask for this. I did not want to be the Magic Pawn and become a target. Now it seems that I cannot go anywhere outside the campus without having a body guard with me. If Eric had not been able to come today, I am sure that he probably would have had someone follow us. This is the 21st century. Is it a lot to ask for some privacy?'

'Try to calm down. Let's take a walk and have a chat', Christine said. 'There's something we need to talk about.'

'And just so you know, I don' feel like jumping on him. It's more like I want to strangle him.'

They both grabbed my arms and forced me out of the room.

It was a bit chilly but it felt nice. There were not too many people in the main courtyard. Most of the students were probably in their rooms resting after all the partying from the night before.

We spotted a remote bench under a tree and we sat there.

'Now that you're calmer, can we talk like civilised people?' Christine said to me.

'I was calm even before.'

'If this is your definition of calm, then I don't want to see you angry', Maggie said amused.

'I'm sorry girls. It's just that a lot has happened. It's hard for me to get used to all of this. It seems that destiny has played a joke on me, and Eric and I are meant for each other. And, except for the connection I have with him, what is funnier is the fact that I also have a connection with his crazy brother, Baldric, who attacked me back when we were in Greece.'

'When you and Eric are together I can feel the same vibes from both of you, and this has never happened with anyone else. I can simply feel the chemistry between you. You are like a magnet to one another. If I close my eyes and think about you two when you are close to me, I can see rays of light that tie you together.'

'Oh, no...please don't tell me that.'

The last thing that I wanted to hear was that Eric and I were a magnet to one another.

'I still don't understand why you're trying to oppose this connection that you and Eric have. I mean...he looks great!'

'Sister, the outside is not everything', Christine said.

'Yes, fine, he has a lot of qualities also. But he looks greeeat. What does your libido say, Kate?'

'If he is that greeeat, why don't you get him?'

'Do I sense a bit of jealousy?' Christine asked me.

'Well, why wouldn't she be? Eric is a man that many women want. Not to mention the fact that he is an extraordinary wizard and the owner of the campus.'

'Aha...' I said, trying to seem uninterested.

'We have to leave soon. It's time to get down to more serious business. Like the connection you have with Eric's brother', Christine said. 'About that, is there any reason why you'd have to worry?' From what I understood from Eric, when Baldric chose the dark side, he did not realise what consequences this would have on him. He sold his soul for power. He let himself absorbed by hate and now he is no longer capable of any beautiful feeling. Even if he wanted to love, he could not be capable of something as pure as love is. His soul is frozen and that makes him a fierce enemy. He is ruthless and has no kindness left in him. He feeds on meanness. WThe problem is that there was some kind of an exchange of energy between you two. For a few seconds you could look into his soul and see how sad he truly is. You gave him the kind of warmth that he had probably not felt in a long time. You managed to crack his shield of ice. To make it clear, Baldric needs you because you might be able to give him what he wants the most: to have feelings once more. The problem is that while this exchange of energy does him good, it is hurting you.'

'Baldric threatened that he will stop for nothing until he has managed to get his hands on me', I said panicked.

'This will not happen. Eric and Mystic will not let this happen. Moreover, you have us also', she said while pointing at Maggie and herself.

'Thank you so much. I really don't know what I would do without you. I don't know what to say about Eric and Mystic though...'

'Are you saying this because of Annie?' Christine asked.

'You knew about her and you didn't say anything?'

'Eric thinks we should not get you worried, but considering that his forgetting spell does not work on you, I feel I have no choice.'

I looked at her and I could not believe it. I wanted to say something but she signalled me to shut up.

'First of all, listen to what I have to say. You can ask the questions later. I know you don't want to be the Magic Pawn and I realise that this must be hard for you. Having one person embody all that power can be overwhelming. You will lead a constant battle with your own magic. The more your powers grow, the more difficult it will be for you to control them. And if someone becomes controlled by magic, that person will end up like Baldric; having no feelings. Anything you ever knew about that person will not matter anymore once she becomes a pray to her own magic. The Magic Pawn is destined to lead a constant fight between the good and evil in her. It is as if there were two people in that person and each were trying to surface. But Eric and Mystic will not let anything bad happen to you. They will teach you how to control your powers. I know you can do it. You have to! And about Annie; she poisoned a beginner thinking that she might be you. Eric and Mystic did what they had to do in order to find out who was behind her. You are a target Kate and there is a lot of money as bounty on your head. Even if Eric and Mystic's methods are not always the cleanest ones, they are doing whatever they think is best, even if they don't like doing it. '

She took me in her arms; she could sense that I was about to cry.

'It is alright', Christine said when I started to cry.

'It cannot be me', I said and my tears were pouring. 'I do not want that. I did not ask for this. I am afraid. And what's worse is that I am afraid of myself.'

I don't want this! No!

I heard thunders and could feel the cold drops of rain and the wind that made it hard for me to breathe.

'Kate, please try to calm down.'

'I cannot. I don't know how. It is just too much.'

I could feel the warmth coming from Christine, but she was not powerful enough to influence my feelings. Not now, when I felt I was going insane.

'Maggie, call Eric.'

'I already texted him. He is on his way here.'

It was raining so heavily that I could feel the drops entering my eyes.

'Let's go!' Christine said.

They dragged me with them and we took cover in the gym; this was the closest building.

Eric and Mystic entered soon after that.

I started to talk about everything moving from one idea to the other.

'I don't know how to make it stop. I am sorry. For everything. I am sorry for what I told you this morning and because I thought the worst of you two. But I do not want that. I cannot accept that. But I felt it. I feel it, damn it. It is there! I have been talking to it. And it wants to do bad. It gloats just thinking about that.

Eric took me into his arms and his grasp had an immediate calming effect on me. All of a sudden, I felt I was safe; I felt protected.

'It is going to be alright! I will not let anything bad happen to you! I promise.'

And I believed him. In his arms, the truth seems easier to bear. Everything seemed easier. I also took him in my arms and I wished for that moment to last as long as possible. I had not realised until then how much I needed this.

'It stopped', Christine said. 'I knew that Eric was the answer.'

I moved away from him and we both turned to her.

'What do you mean to say with that?' Eric asked.

'You have no idea what I felt when the two of you held each other. The positive energy that you release when you are together Eric, you are the answer. That is why you share a special connection. The prophecy make sense. You are the one who will help Kate take control of her powers and by that I do not mean the numerous coaching and training sessions. These are also needed, no doubt about it. Eric, you are meant to be in her life because your presence calms her when she gets off track. I don't know how aware you are of that, and you will probably deny it and get on me for what I am about to say, but the love between you is the solution. Even if you have known each other for a short while and you have not been interacting much, the love is there from before you met. Your hearts beat as one in a perfect match. You involuntarily influence one another's mood, no matter if you are together or apart.

I was looking at Christine' I could not believe this.

'You should see how you look right now. The expression on your face says it all. How I like this special power of mine.'

'Well, your senses have failed you this time. There are better chances for it to snow in the dessert than for Eric and I to be in love.'

'She is right. I cannot be in love with her.'

I gave him a nasty look.

'You said it as if there was something wrong with me; something other than the magic.'

'Well, there is. You are completely different from me. You are just a spoiled brat.'

'Nice. And by different, are you referring to the fact that I am not self-centred like you are?

'I am not self-centred.'

'I did not expect anything else from you. Denial and teasing', Christine said.

'Poor them', Maggie added.

'I wonder when they will accept the obvious' Mystic said.

'What? The fact that she is a student in my campus?'

'It is not as if this has stopped you before', I said to him and then I left.

'What was that?' I heard him shouting behind me.


We had about fifteen minutes left before reaching the city. Since Eric and I could no longer stand next to each other without being at each other's throats - especially after my last comment – I was now in the car with Mystic and the Mexican girls.

'I take it that you want to buy something for the party tonight?' Mystic asked.

Mayte and Arriana gave me a nasty look.

'It wasn't me!'

'We know everything that goes on in the campus, even if sometimes we act as if we're not aware of things. Moreover, this party takes place every start of the year. I don't see anything wrong with that, except for some people's wish to drink themselves into oblivion. As long as the students don't cause any trouble and they stick to school, I do not care what they do during their spare time.'

'Oh, professor, you are the best', Mayte said.

'Mystic, do you teach?'

'I have a class for beginners; I teach them how to channel the extra energy they have from their special power. I help them control it. Also, one of my many tasks is to find young wizards who have special powers and to bring them to the campus before they end up in the wrong hands. There are people who do not promote white magic. But this is not the time to be having this discussion. I found the girls almost a year ago.'

'We have kept in touch ever since.' Mayte said.

'I don't know what we would have done had you not come into our lives.'

'Arriana, are you turning sentimental or is it just my impression?' Mystic said amused.

'I have my moments now and then.'

'This is what you also said in Mexico, but a moment turned into a week.'

'It was different then. Anyway, this campus was truly the best choice.'

'You two can be crazy sometimes, but you are very dear to me. However, this does not mean that I will handle you with gloves in classes. You will work just as much as everyone else will; perhaps even more.'

'Great', Mayte said ironically and then she changed the topic. 'You have a very nice necklace, Kate', she looked carefully at it for a few seconds. It looks familiar. I think I might have seen it somewhere else. From where do you have it?'

'It belonged to my mother', I said, avoiding at first to give an answer.

'Hmm...where have I seen it before...Arriana? Can you have a look?'

'Professor, didn't you used to have one like that?'

Mystic hit the brakes hard.

'Que pasa?'

'It's nothing. I have to make a call. I remembered I have something to fix. You girls can get out. Go straight ahead and you'll see some shops to the left; there are some nice clothes there. I will call you when I am done. Eric will accompany you.'

She tried to look as calm and stress-free as possible, but she looked as if she was about to vomit.

'No offence, but I think we can manage shopping by ourselves. There is nothing that can go wrong.'

'Exactly', Mayte agreed with me. Eric is very guapoo and no matter how much I like having him around, I would rather not.'

'Some things are for girls only and I don't know how much he would enjoy shopping with us.'

'You are right; I didn't think about that. I don't know if it makes any sense asking him. He will say no anyway. I will join you. I can take care of my business some other time.'

'Mystic, we are going to be alright', I assured her. We don't need to be chaperoned. Go and take care of your things.'

'Alright, but call me if you feel that anything is wrong.'

'You got it, professor', Arriana said. 'And you don't need to be so paranoid.'

'Kate, there is something in your hair', Mystic told me.

'Ouch', I said as I felt her pulling my hair. What is it?'

'Nothing. I thought there was something.'

After that, she checked something in her bag.

'A message from Eric. He dropped the girls off at one of the shops I was telling you about. Enjoy your shopping!'

'Thank you!' said the Mexicans. And don't you worry, Eric will not know that you were not with us the whole time.'

'I will be quick.'

'See you later. I hope everything is all right', I added before I shut the car door.

Ok...that was strange. I am very curious where Mystic is going.

It did not take more than five minutes before we met with the girls. They were waiting for us in front of a store where they sold dresses that seemed to be very expensive.

Yeah...this was not just an impression. They really were expensive. Maggie picked a dress she wanted to try on. When I saw how much it cost, I realised that I did not have any chance of buying anything from there. Unlike the two sisters, I had a limited budget; by a lot.

Christine was in the dressing room and she was trying on the sixth dress. I hope she likes this one.

'No, definitely not!'

Maggie laughed when she saw her.

'You look radiant. You just need some spangles on the corset...not that there are not enough already.'

'It looked well on the dummy' Christine complained.

Maggie gave me a bunch of dresses.

'What's with them?'

'Try them on!'

'But they are too expensive! I am not going to pay this much for a dress.'

'And you are not going to pay for it', Christine said.

'Yes, we want to.'

They were so excited that I did not dare say no. Moreover, Maggie had pushed me into the dressing room.

After I had tried on about 10 dresses, Christine brought me another one.

'I cannot believe you! Must I really try this one also?'


The dress was turquoise blue and was the simplest and most beautiful one I had seen so far; no fringes, no spangles, nothing like that; thin straps, and a quite big v-shaped décolletage, tight on the body and long up to just above the knees. It highlighted my figure nicely.

'Wow', Maggie said.

'I was sure! It is absolutely beautiful!'

'Clearly', the Mexican girls said.

'C'est parfait, Camille added.'

I don't remember the last time I had been complimented like that, but the girls were right. The dress was very beautiful and it fit me really well.

Simplicity is the best choice.

'Thank you, girls. It really is beautiful!'

My enthusiasm went down the drain when I saw the price tag.

'I am sorry, Christine but I cannot accept this. It is too much!'

'Not at all!' Maggie said.

'Maybe not for you, because you are used to different things than I am.'

We contradicted each other a few minutes but they did not manage to convince me otherwise.

'I really appreciate this', I told them as I was leaving the shop, 'but it really was too much. There are plenty other dresses.'

'But not like that one', Christine said.

The Mexicans had bought the most stuff. Camille and I were the only ones who had not gotten anything. Christine bought for herself only a coral dress with a bit of a cleavage; it fit her nice. Maggie got herself a black dress that was tight on the body. When she put her specs on, she looked like a super-hot secretary!

Oh...Nate is really going to like this!

'I'd really like to know where Mystic went', I told the sisters.

'If she left us alone although Eric had made it clear to her that she should not, that means that it was something really important.'

'Don't you think that he is overreacting?'

'Oooh, yes he is', Maggie said. 'It is just that sometimes it is better to be overly precautious in order to prevent unpleasant things from happening.'

'Yes, it is true that there are many people looking for you, but the chances of them knowing exactly how you look are very slim.'

'Christine, do you think we might do a location spell, a tracking one or something like that to help us find out where Mystic went?'

'Hmm...I could try to locate her car. It would help if there was anything of yours in her car.'

'Perfect! My jacket is there.'

'After I've made the spell we will follow a light and it will show us the way that Maggie took. The light will be denser where the car stopped for longer periods. We won't know exactly where she has been. It might take some time. We will walk. We cannot take a cab and tell the driver to follow a light that only you and I can see because we are the ones involved in making the spell.'

'It will have to do. We'll manage', I said, although I had no idea what was I expecting to find.

'Maggie, if Mystic and Eric show up, text us and stall for time.'

'Alright, but be careful.'

'Girls, Kate has to meet up with a friend. I will join her and cover for her. If Mystic or Eric show up, tell them we are in one of the stores just a few blocks away.'

'What friend? Is he cute?'Arriana asked.


'He is very cute', Christine replied.

'Alright girls, you got it. We'll cover for you, no problem', Camille said.

'Couldn't you have come up with a better excuse?' I jumped on Christine as we were getting further from the girls.

'It worked, didn't it? None of them suspected anything and that is what matters.'

' are right...'

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