
By Hiddenhearts93

239K 16.1K 863

Jaspar spent most of his life hiding because of his power. He should have listened to the warning not to go t... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57

Part 7

5.6K 334 5
By Hiddenhearts93

By the time Elison arrived back at the Rook, his home for the unforeseeable future, it was after 8 o'clock and the bar was once again busy. Or at least as busy as a bar only a handful of people knew about could be. The night shift workers had rolled in, ordering bacon sandwiches and beers. The day shift workers were cleaning themselves up in the bar bathrooms and eating their own breakfasts with a side of whisky or whatever poison they fancied that morning.

There were a few bodies still passed out on larger chairs and sofas, but even the tables in the room now had people sitting at them eating and drinking in a low buzz of excitement. Mealtimes, and by mealtimes Elison meant the limited breakfast and one choice dinner the Rook served to its patrons, were always the loudest part of the day in the Rook.

"Elison," the day shift bartender smiled at him, Justice currently sitting with one of the regulars eating his breakfast before heading to bed. His name was Leo and was the other man who lived in the Rook.

Leo, like all of John's server boys, was a pretty young thing with slender hips and long plump legs. He was skinny but had enough meat on him to look soft and delectable. He suffered from albinism, meaning his skin was almost translucent and his pretty almond shaped eyes were pink. He, on popular vote from the patrons, currently had his hair dyed a pastel pink which only added to the delicate look he had. His lips were pink also, normally from his habit of biting them, a habit the patrons enjoyed for less than innocent reasons. Which the man knew very well and enjoyed for his own reasons.

Unlike Justice, Leo had a long-term contract with John. Meaning, while he currently looked about twenty-one, he was actually in his thirties, John having stopped his ageing to keep him attractive to his clientele. Justice would go through the process soon no doubt but for the moment was still ageing naturally. It was possible it was his personality but because of his age, Leo was also considerably more mature than Justice, specifically in his wants.

Of the two full-time servers, Leo could have been happily working at John's brothel or strip joints, but Elison suspected Leo was fond of the Rook's regulars. Leo was happy to wear skimpy clothes and had a lower price than Justice to grope or see in compromising positions. Leo had also allowed activities which were definitely more suited to the brothel to be enacted on him in the bar, happy to let everyone watch as his body was used and played with. Elison had never been inside of an ass but he had been lucky enough to have Leo's lovely lips around his cock once or twice before.

"Leo," He smiled, still holding his bag with one hand. He reached over and pulled the server for a kiss on the cheek, letting his hand grope Leo's ass cheek through his tiny shorts. The regulars cheered at the sight, Leo slapping his shoulder playfully. Leo was currently wearing a mesh shirt which showed off his tattooed chest, short leather black shorts and mesh stocking which went up to his thighs with high heeled boots.

"Money," Leo scolded but wriggled his ass into the air, making the regulars grin more. Justice only rolled his eyes, just to the antics of his more amorous partner. Not that Justice had never served the regulars himself, but he was a much higher price for the simple reason, he didn't actually enjoy it. John respected this, as he did the limits of all his boys and girls.

Elison hummed, pressing against him. "You have your stripper heels on Leo, somehow I doubt you care about money too much," he purred, Leo flushing at the implication. Leo still liked acting innocent despite often picking his outfits based on if he wanted to be teased and groped or not. Normally the heels he was currently wearing meant that Leo wanted someone to proposition him during his breaks, after all, they made his ass stick out attractively.

"I wanted to look good today," Leo defended, crossing his arms and shifting his hips from side to side.

"You look good enough to eat," wolf whistled one of the patrons, the rest howling in agreement, hungry eyes looking at Leo. Hungry but not for the bacon sandwiched which were being passed around the room. Justice only groaned lightly at their antics, before finishing his own sandwich and walking over to the bar.

"Come on Elison, I'll show you where you are sleeping. You and the boy are sharing the master room. I need to go up to bed before someone starts a gangbang and I end up working the day shift as well as the night," Justice grumbled, no longer meek like he had been the night before. Justice was oddly braver and outspoken when he was tired. Leo frowned and made a complaining noise, but the people in the bar only laughed.

"Just!" Leo whined, "I wouldn't do that to you again." He let go of Elison and moved over to hug Justice over the bar. "You love me really," Leo purred happily, nuzzling against Justice's cheek.

"Debatable," Justice grumbled but didn't fight the hold. Kissing Leo's cheek before opening the hatch door for Elison to move through. Elison smiled fondly at their antics while the rest of the bar made dirty suggestions of other places Justice could kiss Leo, or just blatantly fantasised about the two handsome men together.

Truth was, they had never even slept together in the same bed, forget having sex. Justice refused to have sex where others could watch so it would never happen. The two men were close friends but they worked opposite shifts and the rare occasions they were both not working at the bar were not enough to form a real relationship. Something Justice longed for. Leo did too, but being older, the pink haired man was more resigned to the fact working for a man like John meant he would never likely have a proper relationship. As much as John loved his boys, he rarely let go of them.

"Goodnight," Justice called backwards to the men, who all called back words along the lines of sweet dreams and sleep well. Justice visibly slumped as he climbed the stairs, Elison watching with gentle eyes.

"They always like that then?" Elison commented softly. He was a regular, but his hours were normally between 3 am and 5 am. After the final call and during the hour closing time, Elison would go back to his own apartment to rest. He had been in at other times but not really in moods where he was paying attention to the things which were going on around him.

Justice sighed heavily. "You mean perverted and horny? Yes," he nodded. "The night crowd actually are pretty good, I don't know how Leo puts up with some of the comments he gets. Even when he's in the full bartender outfit," he admitted, shivering. "It is fine, we are actually allowed to bar people if they push too much," he added, noticing Elison's look of concern.

"I was just thinking, it sounds like John and Lord Calder will be expecting me and the boy to stay here for a while," admitted Elison, feeling a touch guilty he was going to have to admit not actually worrying about Justice or Leo.

If pressed, Elison would say it wasn't because he didn't care about the men. He cared about Justice slightly more than Leo but Justice was one of his former merchandises. The fact of the matter was however, John had strict rules about how the customers could handle his staff members, both slaves and not. If anyone upset the men to the point where they felt unsafe or if they tried to do anything physical without permission, heavily armed guards would appear to deal with the stupid person.

"Oh," Justice sounded slightly disappointed. "They won't touch the boy. We won't let them. We just have to make it clear to them that he's not one of John's slaves and that if anyone tries anything they will be barred from all of John's businesses," he shrugged. "That room is mine," he pointed to a door opposite the bathroom. "The one next to it is Leo's. Your room is here."

Justice pushed the room open to reveal a decent size room. It was decorated in green just like the rest of the pub and the furniture was all made from the same dark brown wood which made up the bar downstairs as well. In the centre of the room was a large double bed with the young man sleeping peacefully tucked under a deep green blanket.

"He didn't wake up?" Elison asked softly. Justice shook his head silently, his brown eyes looking more tired than normal.

"I'm sorry we don't have another room but the Rook isn't that big as you can tell. You can sleep in Leo's room if you don't want to share the bed with him yet but at the moment we don't have anything else for you to use. I can order something tomorrow."

Elison briefly considered taking the offer but shook his head. "Thank you, but no. I think Calder would kill me if I sleep in a different room to the boy after being named his bodyguard. I will just have to manage." He shrugged, dropping his bag to the floor gently. "It's not like I won't wake up if the boy panics at waking up to another body in the bed."

Justice shivered but nodded. "Goodnight Elison," he murmured, moving to his own room.

Elison watched him go silently. Justice was not his. Whatever was going through Justice's mind at the moment was none of his business. He shut the door gently and pressed his forehead against the wood, feeling every muscle in his body cry out aching. It had been a very long day and now it was time for him to sleep.

He glanced back at the bed and the fast asleep boy. Elison was not sleeping on the hard floor after the day he had just had! He was just going to have to hope the young man didn't flail too much when he woke up. Still, the bed was a good size, it wasn't like they were going to sleep pressed together. Shifting from the door, Elison quickly barricaded the door with what things he could move in the room and brushed his teeth at a sink in the corner of the room. He pulled his leather pants off and kicked off his boots before sliding under the covers. It did not take long for the comfort and warmth to pull him under.

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