House of Anubis [h.styles]

By asylumsfray

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Sarah ventures into Anubis House looking for answers to her parents disappearance. Will she be able to get th... More

Side Note
Characters of Anubis House
House of Beginnings
House of Teachings
House of Curiosity
House of Correlation
House of Sibuna
House of Membership
House of Flashback
House of Horror
House of Nerves
House of Tragedy
House of Discovery
House of Fear
House of Tales
House of Information
House of Spooky
House of Trapped

House of Rendezvous

45 7 109
By asylumsfray


Who knew going on a date would be so stressful?

Here I was: dashing around the bedroom trying to find the perfect clothes, how my hair should be and if I should wear my favourite red lipstick for this date. I had tried on 4 different clothing pieces already, yet I still couldn't decide on what I should wear. I've even searched online for some 'date outfit inspirations', however I've had no luck so far. Everything that had came up online were either too expensive, not my style or I had nothing similar to the pictures. Which sucked.

The amount of emotions that's rushing throughout my body right now is unbelievable (but also incredible). I could feel those butterflies within my stomach, which I've only felt before when I've been on rollercoasters or my favourite television show ship are finally together. I felt so many sensations, I couldn't control the large smile that was upon my lips. Just the thought of Asa made me happy. And despite my feelings of anxiousness, I also felt excited and compassionate for what's going to happen during this date.

Remember Sarah, this is your first date. It's going to be memorable. So in other words... don't mess it up. Here's your chance to be with someone who (probably) likes you back. First dates are supposed to be special, right?

Gods, if only Cora was here right now... she'd definitely know what to do and say. In fact, I can hear her voice telling me to "relax" and then she'd say something along the lines of "it is what it is" or "you're going to be fine, just be yourself and stop overthinking about it" and she's totally correct. Just do what Cora would tell me. That's what I need to keep in mind.

So I peered out of the window. It was a Saturday afternoon and according to the weather forecast, it's going to be cloudy all day with some patches of sun here and there. Maybe I could wear a dress and my favourite denim jacket... would that look okay? Or would that be too much? I wish I knew where Asa was taking me. He said it's going to be a surprise. Luckily, I love surprises but still, it's not helpful for me because I don't have a clue on what to wear.

And so instead of picking a dress, I pick one of my favourite white skirts and this really cute top to go with it. Because you can't go wrong with wearing a skirt. Sometimes. Depending on the occasion obviously. Even though I didn't mind wearing a dress, I thought that wearing a skirt will look smart casual. Plus, the denim jacket actually suits with the skirt that I'll be wearing. So it's a win/win situation, I guess.

I'm doing it again, aren't I? It's going to be okay – stop overthinking about this! Just wear whatever you want to! It doesn't matter what I wear or how I look. What matters is being with Asa and spending time getting to know him. That's what matters; nothing else but us.

(Remember that).

As I had just finished getting dressed into the outfit, there was a knock on the bedroom door and I shouted for whoever it was to enter as I was brushing my hair. Looking to the side, I saw Lela shyly smiling at me.

For some odd reason, she ignored me yesterday during school and back at the house. Whenever I tried to catch up with her or talk to her, she'd ignore me or walk faster. I'm not sure what I've done, but I hope I didn't brag too much about going on this date with Asa. I didn't mean to be so rude – I should've taken Lela's feelings into consideration.

Speaking of Lela, Harry has been ignoring me too. I mean, I know we almost kissed a few days ago, so that could be the reason why. Yet, I was still confused as to why he was so jittery the other day when he told me that supper was ready. He looked frightened about something. But what?

"You look amazing." her voice was soft and slow. I thanked her and continued trying to place my hair into a half-up/half-down style. But it didn't look great.

Suddenly someone lightly holds my hair, "let me." I heard Lela's voice. I pass the brush over to her and she gently brushes a section of my hair near the top of my head, before swiftly placing it into a small bun. It looked cute.

"Thank you." I tell her, gazing at the mirror to look at myself. Now all I needed to do was put on some make-up and then I'm ready to go. In fact, I had to meet him outside in 5 minutes, so I needed to hurry up.

As I sat down and placed concealer onto my blemishes, Lela sat down on Cora's bed watching me as I continued doing my make-up. I was rushing, but I did try my best to make it look presentable overall. And I think it looked okay – well I hoped it did.

"Sarah, I-" Lela stops once I look over. She looks unsure about something and it's as if she's debating on whether or not to tell me about whatever it is. Is everything alright? Oh no, is she going to tell me that there's lipstick on my teeth? Or what if I have some mascara on the bridge of my nose? It always happens every time I apply it on. Which is infuriating.

"I'm sorry I've been a little... off recently." she apologises. My eyes widen from the unexpectedness. Why was she apologising? Shouldn't I be the one doing that? After all, I think I've upset her in some way.

"No. It's okay, I should be apologising to you. I'm sorry." I reply and she smiles, before pulling me into a hug. And of course, I hug back because I love hugging.

"Have a... r-really good time. You two are- so... cute together." she whispers, but her voice is shaky and now I'm quite suspicious. Is she okay?

Before I could ask her, she releases from the hug, gives me a large smile and exits the bedroom. It all happened so quickly, I hardly had any time to process what just happened. I should go and talk to Lela, but I can't right now because I'll be late for mine and Asa's date. And I don't want to upset him. But I also don't want to upset Lela... I just hope she's okay.

Grabbing my phone, I placed it into the pocket of my denim jacket and then left the bedroom. I was just about to exit through the front door when I heard voices shout my name from down the hallway. So I turn around and saw Bea and Alexandra, both of them had wide smiles on their faces.

"Have fun with Asa!" Alexandra exclaims, pulling me into a hug. Bea joins in and squeezes the two of us. Once they let go I couldn't help but blush over all of this. How did everyone find out? Did Lela tell them? Lela's the only one who knows... unless it was Asa. It's definitely a possibility.

"Thank you guys. I really need to leave because I'm 2 minutes late." I inform them and they usher me out of the door.

Gentle breezes touched my skin and the sky looked bright yet somewhat dull. It was very cloudy, but it didn't look like it was going to rain. So that's a good sign, I guess. I don't mind the rain, it's just I want this date to be... ideal. Deep down, I know it won't be because not everything can be 'perfect'. But it'd be nice if this date could go how I'd like it to.

Remember what Cora would say to you! Stop wishing and hoping for things to be 'flawless' – do it yourself. Make this date as you'd like it to; you're the one who's in control of yourself. Therefore you need to make this date supposedly perfect: don't rely on others to make it happen. That's what I kept telling myself over and over.

Somebody coughed and I looked away from the sky and saw Asa, standing there with his hands behind his back. He wore some black pants with a snazzy white button-up shirt. He truly looked handsome. And I noticed that he was checking me out too, hence a blush came creeping upon my cheeks. I wonder what he's thinking about?

"You look incredible." he comments and then brings out a bunch of daises from behind his back. My eyes widen and he offers them to me, which I obviously accept. I was surprised he knew what my favourite flowers were. I don't think I've ever mentioned them to him before...

"A little birdie told me you like these, so I-I thought I'd get them for you..." he trails off and I gawked at the beautiful daises in my hands. They were seriously lovely and I honestly didn't expect him to do a romantic gesture like this. If I'd have known, I would've got him something too. You know, as a thankful gesture in return for his gentlemen actions. But it must've been either Lela or Cora. Probably Lela, considering Cora hasn't spoken to anyone since she left.

"Thank you!" I finally exclaim, realising I hadn't thanked him for his kind gesture. I wrap my arms around him and pull him into a tight hug, before kissing his cheek and releasing him. His cheeks were now flushed, yet had a wide smile upon his face. How sweet!

We then heard a banging sound and we turned around to look back at Anubis House. We then saw Zavier, Alexandra, Bea and William at the window gushing at the two of us. Bea clutched her chest in admiration, Zavier and William were grinning and Alexandra used her hands to make a love heart shape.

Asa and I giggled at their actions and waved at them, to let them know we acknowledged their presence. They eventually went away from the window and as I held onto the flowers, Asa offered me his hand. I graciously took it with the free hand and he leaded the way.

I'm not sure where we're going, but as long as it's with him, I don't care. So far I've loved being here with him every minute, and I can't wait to see what this surprise is. I'm super excited. All of that stress I felt previously had disappeared and now I felt blissful... and I could stay here in this moment forever. I didn't want this to end. Ever.

We were walking in comfortable silence and I honestly didn't mind. The feeling of soft breezes hitting my face was helpful, because I was quite warm. Good job for choosing to wear a skirt or else I'd be sweating. Which would be kinda embarrassing for me. As we trudged out of the forest (which seemed like forever) we entered a gigantic, open field. Asa stopped and so I did too, almost bumping into him due to the suddenness of the stop.

I gazed over at the scene ahead of me and it was breathtaking. There was a picnic blanket in the middle of this large field and a picnic basket was on top of the checkered blanket. I savoured the scenery around me for a while, before peering up at Asa who was already looking back at me with anticipation.

"It's beautiful." I told him and a shy smile spreads across his face. He leads me to the blanket and we both sit down, I place the flowers carefully next to me. As I continued looking around at my surroundings, Asa got the food and drinks out of the basket. I've never been here before.

"How did you find this place?" I ask him out of curiosity and started to help him set out the food. There were crisps, sandwiches, biscuits, cupcakes and bottles of water and fruit juice. He bought all of this for me? That is so sweet of him, I genuinely love it.

"Well when I first came here, I foolishly tried running away," he rolls his eyes, "I was 12 and I missed my parents. I obviously got lost and then I stumbled across this place." he gestures to our surroundings with a cupcake in his hand. "I stayed for a while and somehow found my way back..." he placed two large paper plates in front of himself and then me. "Of course I was in trouble, but I guess it was worth wondering around because- I'm here with you." he tells me, with a cheeky smile and I couldn't help but blush.

We started eating the food and Asa lays down on his side, whilst I sit with my legs crossed on the blanket. "This is delicious." I say with my mouth full of a sandwich, he chuckles and I swallow the food only realising it was rude of me to talk with my mouth full.

"I asked Oliver if he could buy most of these," he gestures to the crisps, biscuits and drinks, "and to make the sandwiches and cupcakes... so I'll make sure to send the compliments to the chef." he pauses, "well sorta chef- you get what I mean." he says and I chuckle, shoving a few crisps in my mouth.

After a few moments of silence and eating, Asa wipes his hands on his pants and clears his throat. "D-Do you like this?" he asks and then scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, "it's just I've never really done this before and-" he rambled on and I put my hand up to stop him from talking any further.

"It's amazing." I tell him honestly. I seriously loved this whole thing and I think it's quite unique. I didn't care if it was simple, it's the thought that counts. And I really respected him for doing all of this; it's incredibly lovely of him to do all of this and I just really appreciated it.

He smiles shyly at me. I felt as if he didn't believe me so I lean over to hold his chin and place my lips onto his. After a few more seconds I release and sit back, smiling widely as did he. We continued eating and talking for an hour or so.

Once we had finished, we pack the leftovers and the flowers (very carefully) into the basket and move it to the side. Eventually, we both end up laying down on top of the picnic blanket and just look up at the cloudy sky. Asa wraps an arm around me and pulls me closer to him. And honestly? I could stay like this forever... I didn't want this to end.

"Did you read more of that book?" Asa asks me, he removed his arm that he had wrapped around me to itch it, before placing it back around me. His other arm was placed on top of his stomach and I looked up at him, nodding.

"It's definitely informative about the Egyptian afterlife, but I can't connect the dots. I still need to ask Zavier to take a look at it..." I pause to think for a few moments, "and I think we should definitely go back to the crypt, we're missing something." I say and he nods, agreeing with me.

"Has anyone else got a mark?" I ask Asa, staring at the sky which began to darken. He shrugs, "I don't have a clue. We haven't had a Sibuna meeting for a while, because everyone's been so busy with these upcoming exams and such." he explains and I nod, letting out a small sigh.

We seriously needed another meeting. I just wanted all of this to end, so I can have answers to my parents disappearance and to just enjoy the rest of my life without all of this commotion. I peered up at Asa who had his eyes closed and I moved my head towards his chest, hearing his heartbeat.

Instantly, I felt a droplet fall onto my head and so I looked up to see a few more spilling from the sky. Sitting up, more droplets started to fall and I could feel my hair becoming damp. Asa opens his eyes, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He also sees that it's started raining and stands up, dusting himself off.

"I can't believe it's raining." Asa mutters (more to himself) and grumpily picks up the picnic basket. Since I loved the rain, I didn't mind about the weather. I was still having a good time nonetheless and the weather didn't bother me – I was just glad to be here with Asa.

Standing up, I grabbed the picnic basket and with Asa's help, we rolled it up neatly. Asa offers to carry it, but I didn't mind holding it. It was light anyway hence I could easily manage. As we walked back to Anubis House, Asa held onto my hand. We were both soaked due to the intense rainfall, yet I didn't care. This was the best first date I've ever had. If that made any sense...

"I'm sorry we had to cut the date short." he tells me, sighing. I rubbed my thumb against his hand, trying to comfort him. "I don't mind." I then find some confidence, "we can always go on a second date!" I exclaim and he grins down at me.

"I'd like that." he simply says and as we were approaching the house, I could hear thunder behind us. Now even though I was a fan of rain, I disliked thunder and lightning. I don't know why but it kinda scared me.

Before I could rush up the stairs to get inside because I was starting to freeze and these clothes were sticking onto me, Asa tugs onto my arm. I turn around and he places the basket onto the floor and gently took the soggy blanket from me. I looked at him with confusion: what is he doing?

He bites his lip and looks like he's debating something with himself. "Sarah I-" he stops and I raise my eyebrows, waiting for what he had to say. Although I desperately wanted a hot bath, that could be on hold right now, because I wanted to know what Asa had to say to me. "Go on." I encourage him by squeezing his hand and he smiles.

"Sarah, w-would you... be my g-girlfriend?" his voice had gone quiet and I couldn't prevent the wide grin upon my lips. My heartbeat quickened and my cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so much.

I nodded ferociously, "yes!" I exclaimed over the loud and heavy rain. He grinned and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. His body heat radiated onto me and I felt a little warmer, but I was still quite cold.

Asa pressed his lips onto mine and I placed an arm around his neck, whilst the other one was tangled into his wild, wet hair. He looked so hot... and I bet I looked like a terrible mess. Especially with my clothes that are now transparent, and my hair always looked awful when it was wet. But here in this moment, I tried not to care about that. Our lips moved together as the rain poured down around us, the sounds of thunder faded out as it was just the two of us, here in this moment, together. And it was everything that I wanted it to be and more. Much more.


i'm so sorry for not updating yesterday, i was so hungover i just couldn't write much lol. & it wasn't saving properly for some weird reason too ?? but here it is!! i hope u like it and sorry harry isn't in this one, but be prepared for the next ghostly chapter *inserts hinted winky face*.

e .xx

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