They Called Her El Diablo

By coraswan

197K 6.8K 924

Academy fic. According to Sang Sorensen she can't handle her boys and their newfound 'needs'; abandoning them... More

Before we start
Chapter 1: The Downfall
Chapter 2: Enter our lovable Diablo
Chapter 3: Take Action or To Not Take Action
Chapter 4: Who the hell are you
Chapter 5: Whoo-sah
Chapter 6: There are intruders in the office!
Chapter 7: Strangest Lunch
Chapter 8: Numbers Don't Lie
Chapter 9: Smee
Chapter 11: Unpleasant Surprise(s)
Chapter 12: Kill the Occupants
Chapter 13: Just Let Me Go
Chapter 14: Woke,Ran,Found
Chapter 15: H3LL-O
Chapter 16: You're WHAT?!?
Chapter 18: Unwanted Past
Chapter 19: You Win Again
Chapter 20: So far, yet not far enough
Chapter 21: Closer till it burns
Chapter 22: Revival
Chapter 23: Relentless
Chapter 24: Get Outta Here!
Chapter 25: Decisions & Questions & vice-versa
Chapter 26: Mistake?
Chapter 27: Presents, Smiles and Truth
Chapter 28: The Past, Unmasked.
Chapter 29: Series of WTF events Part 1
Chapter 30: Series of WTF events part 2
Part 31: United We Stand
Chapter 32: Going Places
Chapter 34: Houston; Days 2 and 3
Chapter 35: Houston Days 2 and 3 Part 2
Chapter 36: Yeah...It Ain't Over Yet
Part 37: The Storm Approaches
Part 38: Hero or Zero
Part 39: Schmecovery
NotUpdate: A03 anyone?

Chapter 33: Frankbridge

3.2K 114 6
By coraswan

''You didn't have to!'' I protested weakly, my insides warming up at the sweet gesture. I was dwarfed by all 14 of my angels so I was a little overwhelmed. Not to mention, I wouldn't see them for almost 4 days. ''Yes, we did.'' Marc huffed

They'd upgraded the seat bought for me by Frankbridge from a Business Class to First Class. They would be taking 2 of their private jets and would leave earlier so that I could contact them when I arrived in Houston. They'd offered to send me, by jet, but I didn't want to give a bad impression by ditching the arrangements made for me by Frankbridge. 

The boys had to leave a day before me because the conference had some pre-conference dinner or something for the businessmen to socialize. It was a great opportunity for the boys to widen their business connections and I almost ripped them a new one for suggesting that they miss the dinner to send me off instead. I sighed in fond exasperation as I remembered that discussion. God, they were adorable and annoying and still adorable!

I had expressed concern, from a PR perspective, (I wasn't jealous, no) if their pilot or stewardesses overheard their business discussions. Wall Street Journal and NYT would have a field day. Apparently, Kota, Owen, Gabe, Sean, Raven and Brandon knew how to fly planes (another point on the yummyness meter) so they'd be flying their own jets, removing the need for a pilot. And there was a joke on how Luke and Marc would look so pretty in a stewardess uniform.

''Go on boys, or you'll be late..'' I gave them each a big smooch before pushing them towards their gleaming jets. it was a private runway so I wasn't afraid of any one seeing us out here. My flight was at the public terminal so I'd have to drive back there, but I had a day to kill till my departure. I ignored the sense of foreboding in me as they waved from the tiny windows. I watched as Raven and Gabe entered the cockpit of the first plane and Sean with Brandon in the other. They put on their headsets and started doing checks etc. I took out my phone and sent out a group text as they fired up the jet engines.

Hayden: Good luck angels! Don't miss me too much <3 

I gave a final wave and made my way to my car. They'd probably have turned off their phones but they'd get the message later.

I drove to the entrance of the private terminal and parked my car on the lonely road that would lead me to the highway and the airport. I grinned to myself as I watched the jets soar into the sky, within 15 minutes of each other. I waved even though I knew they probably wouldn't be looking, until the aircrafts were white spots in the distance. I got into my baby Gran Turismo and took the scenic route back home. I was going Underground tonight.

I went to my apartment, which I had insisted on keeping, even though I was living with the guys most of the time, and got changed in record time.

Hayden's new outfit (without the guns hehe):

Gabriel had designed a new outfit for me and I fucking loved it. I took a quick selfie and sent it to the guys saying ''Miss me yet? xoxoxo''

The tension in the room had taken a sexual turn when Gabriel had first showcased his creation. Needless to say we all had a little fun,  but nothing too serious...yet. Heehee

I parked at my regular spot outside of my club and made my way in. I nodded to the bouncer, Joe as a sauntered down the stairs. All activity stopped as the spotlight suddenly shone in my eye. 

''The return of El Diablo, ladies and brutes!! You are all in for a treat tonight,'' the announcer crowed.

I smirked and yelled ''Let's get this party started!!''  Everyone whooped and the fighting in the cages resumed. Joker approached me. ''Hey, Joker,'' I greeted.

''Hey, baby, haven't seen you in a while. Not since that mess of a night...Where's your boys?''

I cackled, 'Did you miss me or the fight that I brought to your turf, Jokes?''

He smirked wordlessly. 

''The boys have work, I'm alone tonight. There's a storm coming, Jokes. I can feel it. I came here tonight for the strength that this club represents. I needed to feel like I'm not alone. The biys are too innocent '' I said quietly.

Joker, in all his blood matted-hair glory, reached out a gripped my hand tightly. ''We're here for you, Diablo. You need us, just call, we're right behind you. Who doesn't love a good fight?'' 

I chuckled weakly and punched him on his bicep. ''Who knew under all that you were a softie?'' 

He winked and tapped me on the ass. ''Our secret, darlin' '' We walked over to the most crowded cage as I signed my name to be the next fighter. ''Remember, just call, honey'' He reminded me and sauntered off.

I laughed as I faced my first opponent. ''Never thought I'd see you again. Let alone here.'' 

''Yep, I'm a fan. Always wanted to fight El Diablo,'' She winked. I smirked, ''Don't go easy on me, Huntress,'' I winked as the bell went off signalling the start of the fight.

Huntress groaned  as she landed on her back for the tenth time in as many minutes. ''The victor is El Diablo!!'' The refereee cried over the roar of our audience. I offered a hand to her to help her up. ''Should've used my knives'' she wheezed. I patted her on her back gently, ''  You held on your own pretty well. Who taught you?'' She glanced at me as she limped and I walked out of the ring, making way for the next match. ''My brother'' she said. Her face contorted a little, so I didn't press on it.

''With practice, I'm sure you'll be even better.'' I reassured her. ''How's the uh, bounty job thing going for you, Sandra?''

''You'll be happy to know that I didn't get paid for that job with your boys' house, '' She said. ''Oh?'' I asked, even though I knew the data would have never made it to her buyer's hands. ''I destroyed the drive. I couldn't do it, especially not when I knew who you were,'' Sandra confessed

''What do you do now?'' I asked her, leading her out of the club. I had to get back early so that I could get some shut eye before my flight tomorrow. She grimaced. ''I do shifts at this hole in a wall restaurant downtown. I thought bounty hunting would get me out of that life, but turns out, you can't be a good bounty hunter if you got a conscience. '' She sighed I thought on it, my heart going out to the girl. She was in her late teens, shitty job, descending into the dark side of this world. The look on her face told me she was telling the truth and she reminded me, of me, a little.

''How are you at multitasking?'' I asked

''Fine, I guess? Do alot of multi tasking in my work,'' Sandra answered, puzzled.  ''I let go my last assistant because I didn't want her to get caught up in this whole mess that I'm in. She was a vulnerability. Now, you're able to take care of yourself. I've seen it. How would you feel about working for me?'' 

She gaped. ''So....?'' I trailed off. ''Yes, yes of c-course!!!'' 

''Great! So, I'll be flying off tomorrow to Houston for 3 days. You'll be flying to San Francisco tomorrow afternoon. I'll book a flight. My boys are having a conference and you can help them co-ordinate their schedules. I'll send everything to you tonight. I'll join you on the fourth day. Here's my number.''

She nodded rapidly, looking like a kid stuck in Disneyland overnight. I turned to leave. ''Oh, and Sandra? ''

''Yes, ma'am?'' She asked attentively

''You're also their pseudo-bodyguard. So if anything happens to them, or if you betray us, there is no corner of the world, that can save you from me. Understand?'' I said sweetly

I felt a little bad as I watched fear consume her face as she nodded shakily, but I had to make sure. ''Cool! So, see ya, assistant!'' I bounced off.

Several hours later, in the morning, I was in the airport, waiting at my gate, rapidly texting my guys about the new arrival. They hadn't pieced together that she was the one that attacked me, even after I sent them her picture. I texted Sandra too, telling her not to be late for her flight and telling her to use the credit card I had given her this morning when we had met at the airport before I departed.

She responded with an affirmative. I liked her already, she was independent and resourceful. She understood most of what I had sent her and only needed a few clarifications before she was good to go. She even offered to take note of meetings so that we could work out how we could handle the PR if things went bad. Damn, I made a good choice. Heehee.

I slept most of my flight in the comfy first class seat I was assigned. I also politely had rejected all the inflight meals as I just wanted to sleep. Not to mention inflight food always tasted odd. 

The flight was almost 4 hours, and when I arrived, it was in the middle of the afternoon. I saw a placard with my name being waved around outside the gates. With my luggage, I walked to the man in the chauffeur uniform and introduced myself. ''Miss Waters, right this way please. Welcome to Texas!'' ''Thanks''

We pulled up to a five-star hotel and I checked in. ''Miss Waters, there is a message for you'' the  concierge informed me. ''Sure, '' I accepted the note that read 

''Dear Hayden,

Welcome to Texas, hope your flight was pleasant. You will be meeting with one of our Board of Director members tonight. Your dress and makeup artists will be there to help you later. Dinner is at 7pm. Restaurant is on the 25th floor.

I will be meeting with you tomorrow morning at 10am. Your chauffeur will be there to pick you up at 9am

Look forward to meeting you!

Chester Frank.''

I went up to the suite reserved for me by Frankbridge and freshened up. Less than an hour later, the makeup artist and my outfit arrived. I took a picture of the finished product and sent it to Gabriel. Simutaneously, I checked in with Sandra and was satisfied that all was going well on her end.

Hayden: They don't do it as well as you, love

The reply was almost instantaneous

Gabriel: You're beautiful no matter what they do, but the make-up doesn't do you justice. :( Want me to fly down? ;) What're you dressing up for anyways?

Hayden: Psh, behave for Sandra and stay where you are. Maybe I'll give you something special when I see you next :)

Gabriel: What do you have in mind?

Hayden: Why, a postcard or two of course~

Gabriel: Fuckin' tease, baby

Hayden: You know it. I have to to you later?

I put my phone in my purse and made my way to the 25th floor. The restaurant was Italian and a very dim setting.

I approached the hostess, as there was no one waiting outside for me. So I guessed that the Board Director would be waiting inside for me. It was nearing 7.10pm now. 

''Hi,'' I greeted the hostess who looked bored.

''Good Evening ma'am. Reservations?''

''Someone's expecting me? I'm with Frankbridge-''

''Oh!'' She straightened her posture as her face contorted with a little disgust. ''The man-the gentleman I mean, is expecting you...Hayden right?'' 

I nodded, dismissing her slip of tongue. She escorted me to the table by the window in the corner. The male was sitting facing away from me but I couldn't help but feel that his build was familiar.

I thanked the hostess and walked up to introduce myself. ''Good Evening, my name is Hayden Waters. Nice to mee-Philip??'' I gasped in horror.

''Miss Waters, please, have a seat. We've been introduced so no need for that.'' He smiled thinly. I was half caught between running the fuck away or slapping this man before running away. He must have caught on to my thinking. ''I strongly suggest you take a seat,'' he said harshly, ''It wouldn't sit well with Chester if you snubbed his Board member, before you started with us.''

I sat my ass down and took a long drag of the wine in front of me. I was still gaping in disbelief and horror so Phil saw this as his cue to continue. ''Now, Hayden, you won't mind if I call you that right? Good,'' he didn't wait for a response from me, ass. ''We might've got off on a wrong foot with our prior meeting. ''No shit ''But, in the business line, I can appreciate good talent, especially if you are able to curl those boys, who are CEOs mind you, around your pinkie'' I opened my mouth to protest but he held up a hand. ''Allow me to finish Hayden.'' 

I glared. ''We could use talent like yours here in Frankbridge. Which is partly why I recommended you to Chester Frank. Think about the opportunities this will grant you in the future! Frankbridge will surpass all of the boys' companies soon enough. I expect that you will have much room to grow here-''

I had to stop this dude. ''Wait wait hold up. You want me to come work with you?''

''For me, Hayden. I am superior to you, you should remember that. ''

''After you called me a gold digging pussy?''

''Well it was a passionate moment. Besides, everyone has a price Hayden. So, here's my proposal. We forget about our previous encounter, leave New York immediately, come work for Frankbridge. You'll get additional benefits, compensation and a fat paycheck. '' He took a napkin and scribbled a sum with many zeroes. I looked up. ''Fifty grand a year? That's almost what I make now, Philip.''

He sighed impatiently, ''No, you stupid girl, per month.'' 

I gaped. Per fucking month?! Holy fuckin' shit. ''That's a lot of dough...'' I mumbled. I couldn't do this to my boys. Not after what Sang did to them. ''That's generous, Philip-''

He suddenly stood and came to sit next to me. I stiffened at his closeness, feeling a dangerous vibe from him. I caught the look in his eyes. Cold, soulless pits. This man could hurt people, and he had hurt people. What scared me was that he revelled in it.

He placed his hand on my exposed thigh. Instead of the usual warmth and tingles I felt with any of my angels, I felt disgust and fear. 

''Now, be a good girl and be reasonable. What's your price Hayden? Shall I sweeten the deal?''

''What?'' i asked, getting creeped out. ''Sixty grand, and we go to your room for the night.''

''No!'' I said. ''Aw, don't play hard to get baby. What's some lovin' for a lonely old man like me?'' 

''I said NO!'' I cried and stood up. I briskly walked out of the restaurant and jabbed the elevator button till it arrived and I took it to my floor. I ran to my room and locked the door. I sank down to the floor, in shock over what had just happened. 

I felt so alone and I wanted nothing more than to run back to my boys' arms and seek comfort. Fuck. I felt the saltiness in my mouth and I realized I had tears streaming down my face. i dug my nails into my forearms as I hugged myself, biting my cheek to keep the scream from escaping. I couldn't tell the guys. What would they say? This was their trusted mentor. The last time something like this happened it was a disaster.

I checked the locks and placed a chair under the handle so no one could get in without me knowing. Stripping, I ran a ice cold bath to get the disgusting feel of his cold clammy hand on my thigh off. I cried in the shower, hating that I came here, that I wanted this opportunity so bad, that it had to be that pervert to recommend me, that I couldn't tell the guys, that I was alone. 

As I got out, I heard my phone ringing from the bedroom. I walked and answered hoarsely. ''Hello?'' I cleared my throat, ''Hello?''

''Ma'am? Hi, sorry is this a bad time?'' Sandra cool dulcet tone came over. I sighed. ''It's cool. What's up Sandra? Any problems?'' 

''You sure? You don't sound very well...''She trailed off. I heard the boys in the background, (sounded like Luke and Gabriel) questioning what she meant by that. She snapped at them to be silent else she banned their room service benefits. My lips lifted slightly, at how quickly she could get the playful boys in line.

''Right, well, one of the reporters got ahold of rumors that Henshaw-Taylor Automotives would be expanding into the electric car market. They are, but they haven't made this information public yet. It could either scare off investors at the prospect of the company taking large risks or draw more in. What should they respond with? They will be meeting with other press members in the later days.''

''Well, what was their initial response?''

She laughed, ''No comment''

I wanted to laugh but I was disturbed by the evening's events so I cleared my throat and thought. ''Tell them to say that 'We have our investors and consumers interests at heart, and will do what we see as best to advance their interests.' '' I told her

''Perfect!'' she gushed. 

I know she walked off to a quieter area as the background noise was non-existent. ''Hayden. The boys aren't with me now, so you can tell me if something's wrong.''

''It's n-nothing...''

''I'm gonna make one of them fly down there Hayden. The conference will survive.''

''No!'' I cried ''It's nothing alright? An old pervertic friend of theirs came onto me okay? I rebuked him, obviously, but I'm shaken by the whole thing. That's all!''

''Hayden.. you know they'll come if you just say the word.... I've been with them a day, and they've done nothing but praise you and  gush about you. Not to mention all the gifts they've splurged on. They really love you, the conference is second to your well being.''

''That's great, but I'm fine. I'll be done with this in a couple of days. What's 48 hours? Tell the guys I went to bed early.''

''Sure, and I expect check-ins tomorrow and the day after. You may be El Diablo, but you're still human, their lady and my boss. ''

''Sir, yes sir!'' I laughed quietly.

 ''Good night Miss Waters,''

''Good night, Sandra.'' I said and hung up.

I texted the boys saying I wanted to grab an early night as I expected a long day tomorrow. 

Hayden: Sorry, couldn't video chat today, feeling quiet tired. Will catch you boys tomorrow. Love you and good night! xoxo

I put my phone on silent and just crashed on the bed.

Fuckin' Frankbridge, Hayden. Fuckin' Frankbridge.


Hope y'all liked this chapter! Had a new idea so I've a new story : Their Wishes. Do give it a read and I hope each and every one of you have a wonderful week ahead <3

Vote/Comment/Share whichever works for you! They are all expressions of love that I very much appreciate <3


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