Chat Mate (Editing)

By kimpyvon

3.4M 74.6K 33.9K

Kimberly Wales is the average type of person. She hates attention and most importantly, she hates Troy Milton... More

Prologue and A/N: ❤
One: youdontknowwhoiam_18
Two: Silent Enemy
Three: Object of Hatred
Four: A New Perspective
Five: Someone I Met on the Net
Six: Getting to Know Each Other
Seven: Fate is Playing the Game
Eight: Football and Rumors
Nine: Arianna
Ten: Troy as Tyler
Eleven: Unseen Chemistry
Twelve: Sugar-Coated Lies
Thirteen: Unraveled Secret
Fourteen: A Confession
Fifteen: A New Friendship Or..
Sixteen: Revealed?
Seventeen: Arianna's Back!
Eighteen: First Love Never Dies
Twenty: Proof of the Scars
Twenty One: Messy Relationships
Twenty Two: Kimberly and Troy No More?
Twenty Three: Cruella de Vil
Twenty Four: Invisible in My Eyes
Twenty Five: A Chance For Love
Twenty Six: Alicia's Fury 1
Twenty Seven: Alicia's Fury 2
Twenty Eight: Operation Avoiding Each Other
Twenty Nine: Being Fair
Thirty: Popular Me?
Thirty One: Be My Valentine
Thirty Two: Twisted Feelings
Thirty Three: Chat Mates Again?
Thirty Four: For Her Happiness
Thirty Five: Happy Ever After ♥
{Prequel: Sequel?}

Nineteen: When Two People Started to Care

78.6K 1.8K 1K
By kimpyvon

❁ Kimberly Wales ❁

I glanced back at my watch and it's six in the evening.

Tyler pulled over and I thanked him for the ride.

"Thanks Tyler." I smiled.

All of a sudden, he cupped my cheeks with both of his hands and the distance between my lips and his are like an inch or two.

I stared hopefully in his black eyes and I was wondering if he is going to kiss me.

My first kiss with Tyler..

Sounds dreamy.

Any girl would want it.

And I am getting one--

My dreams were suddenly overly crushed when he looked away and slowly pulled away.

"S-Sorry." He softly said, scratching the back of his head.

I was still staring at him and when I came back to my senses, I stuttered on the words shyly.

"Uh.. um.. Yeah, it's fine.."

I quickly got off his car and slammed the door as I watched his car disappear in the darkness of the night.

What was that?

I can feel the blood rush to my cheeks and I couldn't explain why I am expecting him to kiss me--

I slapped my forehead with the palm of my hand and scolded at myself.

"Gawd, Kimberly!! Are you out of your mind?! Why were you expecting?!"

I realized my voice was so loud for our neighbor to stare at me.

I must've looked like a complete fool.

I silently brushed off the dirt on my sleeve and went in the house, slamming our door to lessen the embarrassment.

♕ Tyler Hemmington ♕

What's wrong with me?!

She just felt so attractive that I wanted to kiss her but--

I couldn't.

I don't want to make her feel awkward.

She might think I am such a pervert or--


Since when did I become so overly caring for a girl that I prioritize their needs first?

I usually prioritize my satisfactions first.

I wasn't a man of love.

I like girls all because of their hotness and nothing more..

Nah, I just got carried away.

She's just too innocent for me to lay my hand on.

❁ Kimberly Wales ❁

I went inside the house and as usual, my mom's brewing something poisonous in the kitchen.

"I'm home!" I shouted loud enough for mom to hear.

"Hey! Want dinner?" Mom coughed, geting out of the kitchen, waving her hands back and forth to remove the smoke out of the way.

"Uh.. no thanks." I said, smiling.

"Alright then. I'm making something good too! Chocolate and baked eggplant! It's my experimental concoction."

"No thanks."

Just the sound of chocolate and eggplant together wasn't pleasant to my ears at all.

Something burning smelled in the kitchen but that was already the usual for me.

Especially when I know mom's in the kitchen.

I went upstairs and slammed the door to my bedroom, tossing my shoes to the side and changing into my baby pink lacy night dress.

I left my hair messy and turned on my laptop, placing my mug of hot chocolate with *extra* marshmallows this time, beside my laptop.

I logged in and I grinned like a fool when I saw Tyler's new status.

ithinkiaminlovewithK: Waiting for someone to log in-- K. :]

I raked my fingers through my brown locks and started typing.

*Tap tap tap*


dontbotherme: So who are you waiting for?

ithinkiaminlovewithK: Kim! :))))

dontbotherme: That's a lot of smileys. ;)

ithinkiaminlovewithK: I'm just so happy to talk to you. :)

That simple sentence already made my heart race.

Is it just me or am I overreacting lately?

No, no, no.

Whatever it is, I am absolutely neutral over this person.

Maybe just a simple crush and nothing more.

*Tap tap tap*


dontbotherme: What are you doing? :)

ithinkiaminlovewithK: Thinking about you. ;)

dontbotherme: Shut up flirty. :p

ithinkiaminlovewithK: You?

dontbotherme: Starving to death.

ithinkiaminlovewithK: Why? No dinner?

dontbotherme: Mom's making one, and I smell her burnt cooking from here.

ithinkiaminlovewithK: I thought she's improved?

dontbotherme: Yes, she did. But it's still barely edible I tell you.

ithinkiaminlovewithK: Oh, that's too bad. Say, there's this new song and I want you to listen to it. ;)

He gave me a link and I plugged my headphones in the laptop and clicked it.

This has some sort of beat.

It's loud, rockish and you get to hum on with the song.

I turned up the volume and believe me, I am used to exposing my eardrums to rock music so it's really a usual thing for me.

*Tap tap tap*


dontbotherme: It's good. :) Am listening to it now.

ithinkiaminlovewithK: I know you'll love it.

dontbotherme: Heck yeah, I do.

And so, I kept playing the song he told me and I'm loving the clear ad loud sound of my head phones.

▲ Aimee Wales ▲

I was slowly stirring the chocolate sauce for my baked eggplant dish and I am kind of worried that this might not turn out good.

I left it for a while since it's still going to set for ten minutes.

I can feel like I am forgetting something but nonetheless, I will enjoy the fifteen minutes of waiting for the sauce to cool down to watch my favorite soap opera while munching on a pack of Lays original.

And so.. tonight will be episode 9 where Alice gets to bump into the mystery warrior who saves her from the her evil mother-in-law.

❁ Kimberly Wales ❁

I think I am going crazy because I kept playing and playing this song he recommended on my head phones.

It's like a night club party for my ears.


ithinkiaminlovewithK: Are you still listening to it?

dontbotherme: Yeah. I'm addicted. ♫

ithinkiaminlovewithK: Cool. ;)

I can smell burning again from the kitchen but then again, this is usual for me so I didn't mind it.

▲ Aimee Wales ▲

It's been ten minutes since the show started and I am quite frustrated that maybe a commercial break for five minutes and then when the show comes back it will be the episode for tomorrow.


It's not like this is a first.

They always end it with a cliff hanger but I'm used to it so yeah.

I started to smell the chocolate fill the air but it started smelling funny.

I went in the kitchen and--

Holy smokes! What the hell is this?!


How could it--

I saw all the melted chocolate in the floor and I was startled as the fire continued to rise and spread.

So that's what I forgot!

Turning off the stove!

"Kimberly!! There's a fire! Get down here right now!!!" I shouted at the top of my voice.

She should be able to hear that but there's still no response.

I shouted for ten times I think but there's still no response.

Oh no.

Don't tell me she's still in her headphones blasting loud music!

That girl--

I started walking up the stairs but the big chandelier suddenly crashed and blocked my way.

The fire spread so rapidly that the only thing I have left to do is get out of this house!

I know this is a stupid thing a parent would do but no matter how loud I shout, nothing's going to happen.

I dialed the number of the fire fighters and for some strange reason, it won't ring!


I dashed out of the house and all of the neighbors are in a daze.

Their gazes went from the burning house to me.

"What are you staring for?! My daughter's inside! Quick! Help me get some water!" I shouted, my voice turning husky.

All of our neighbors quickly went to their houses and got some pails, basins, buckets.. or anything that can hold water.

What the hell is Kimberly doing inside?!

All I've got left to do is pray.

Pray to God for her safety.

Geez. I bet that girl is panicking already.

Did I even make the right choice?

Leaving that girl in a burning house?




❁ Kimberly Wales ❁


I'm still humming the beats and singing to the lyrics of the song.

For the fifty second time of playing this song I can proudly say I memorized most of the lyrics already.


ithinkiaminlovewithK: You still listening to it?;)

dontbotherme: YES! It's so awesome. :D

The smell of burning became more visible and I'm not stupid enough to think it's still mom's cooking.

I took off my head phones and when I turned around there's a raging fire before me.

The fogging smoke is already going in my room.

But unlike any other normal thinking person, I didn't run away.

I did the weirdest thing a person could ever do in this life and death situation--

Typing on my laptop.

I am also pretty smart to know in this case of huge fire, there is no way I am going to survive.

The smoke is getting foggier and I could no longer breathe properly.

*Tap tap tap*

dontbotherme: I think this will be the last time I'll ever talk to you! I'm going to DIEEE!!!

Now that you mention it, that just sounded odd and out of nowhere.


ithinkiaminlovewithK: What?! What are you talking about?? You're joking, aren't you?


This person still thinks I am joking.

Well, I couldn't blame him mainly because what I said was out of nowhere and out of the topic.

*Tap tap tap*


dontbotherme: Fire!!!! I'm not kidding you meat head! Anyway, I am not going to bicker with you anymore! It was nice meeting you.

I can hear the *Ding* sound but I lost control of myself.

I can feel my hands letting go of the laptop and I fell on the floor surrounded by fire.

I honestly don't want to die--

Not now...

I still have years that I want to spend.

Getting a boyfriend..

Being employed in my dream job..

Getting married to my high school sweetheart then having two kids.. A boy and a girl..

Retiring and watch my kids grow up..

Have grandchildren..

I have so many dreams left--

But as they say, maybe dreams only happen when you're asleep.

Because when you wake up, everything becomes a nightmare.

Everything feels like a dream.

But then right now.. everything is a blur.

♠ Troy Milton ♠

I don't know what's happening and I flooded her but there's no reply.

There must be something wrong!

I took my brown leather jacket from the coat hanger and stormed out of the house not looking back when my mom asked me where I'm going.

I started my car and zoomed down the streets.

I can see a crowd gathering infront of the house, I can see the smoke and the pails and buckets of water they're holding.

I pulled over to a stop and quickly ran towards them.

I saw Kimberly's mom outside, using a hose to sprinkle the house with water but it's no use, of course.

Why won't they call a fireman?

▲ Aimee Wales ▲

I was already panicking and even if we throw some water, the fire is just spreading and spreading.

I am starting to lose hope when I saw a car pull over.

It's that hottie!

What's his name again?

Oh right, Troy!

"Troy!!" I shouted.

"Mrs. Wales! Where's Kimberly?!" He replied.

I swallowed the lump on my throat and pointed to the top most part of the house where there is a window and smoke coming out.

"I'm on it!" He said.

"Wait!" I replied, gripping his arm.

He turned to me with confusion on his face and I gently let his arm go.

I watch him as he went inside the burning house.

It's dangerous.

Kimberly is very lucky to have a man like that, who isn't afraid to get hurt in order to save her.

God bless you Troy and Kimberly.

I silently prayed as tears fall down my pale cheeks.

♠ Troy Milton ♠

I rushed inside and was greeted by awful smokes and intense heat from the fire.

I can't help myself but to cough as I saw the furnitures all burning.

I quickly went to the stairs where the chandelier is blocking the way and raging fire is spreading.

But for some reason, I didn't mind it at all.

I hurriedly jumped over the chandelier and it burnt some of my arm and leg, which really hurted.

But right now, the thing that only stings to me right now is the fact that the girl I like is trapped inside a burning house.

The fire is still spreading, the heat is just too much.

I immediately burst into her bedroom and saw her lying unconscious on the floor.

There were burns in her arms and a couple on her legs so I quickly carried her like a princess on my arms.

The princess cradle.

I tried to escape from the house but the fire blocked the way.

I looked for another way but I couldn't find anything.

One thing that caught my eye is the window in her room.

It's only two floors so if I jump--

I didn't calculate it any longer and opened the windows.

I called for the attention of her mom and she quickly took out the spare mattress from their backyard.

I am not really sure why they have a mattress in their backyard but I didn't care.

I decided to take a leap.

Fingers crossed.

I'm still carrying her in my arms and I covered her head with my hand, so if incase the mattress wasn't soft enough then she wouldn't be so hurt.

Her landing won't be so painful.

I hugged her tightly to my chest, one arm wrapping her shoulders and holding the back of her head whilst the other wrapping on her thigh.

While I..?

I didn't care if I don't have any cover.

At that moment, I realized something so vivid and so clear.

I love her.

It was love to sacrifice for your own pain and for another person's comfort.

We hit the mattress and my back was aching.

Her mom walked towards us worriedly.

"Troy! Are you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah." I softly answered.

"Let's get you to the hospital!"

"No thanks-- Kimberly needs it more." I said.

"Nonsense! I am calling an ambulance right now for the two of you!" She insisted.

I hit my head on the mattress but the impact was too solid that it made the back of my head bleed.

I'm still holding her head, hugging her close to my chest and I'm just happy that she's safe.

I can see the red liquid from the back of my head then I remembered.

"Mrs. Wales!" I said in despair.

She turned to me holding a cellphone on her hand, probably making calls to the hospital.

"Yes?" She answered anxiously.

"When she wakes up, please tell her Tyler's the one who saved her--"

"Why?!" Her mom interrupted.

"It's confidential at the moment."

I can see hundreds of eyes watching my heroic act and I can see pity in their eyes as the blood from my head slowly flow to the mattress then to the cemented ground, as the cemented ground slowly seep the red stain in its grayish gravel texture.

The next thing I know, red lights were flashing and the sound of the ambulance was getting louder and louder by the minute.

After that, my eyes felt heavy and everything surrounding me turned purely black.


Aw, hey, I didn't cliff hang this time. ;)

Darn! :D

Anyway see you in the next chappie(:

An amazing banner on the side made by @ExpiNumber2228! :3

Fan the awesome people. :]

Team Tyler or Team Troy for Kim? ❤

xoxo, random things in my head, milk tea and grass jelly! ♥

With love, kim_pavon (:

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