Surrender- Agents of SHIELD

By ladyoliviarb

102K 2.9K 781

Spyen Keller is not just your average agent of SHEILD. She is an Avenger. After the mysterious and fake death... More

Shoot or Welcome
Clear Your Mind
Dr. Dad
Bermuda Triangle?
First Mission
The Index
Hex Witch
Power Training
Emotional Battle
Nuclear Codes
Sokovia Pt. 1
Sokovia Pt. 2

Fitz's aid

1.8K 65 30
By ladyoliviarb

Spyen fiddled with anything she could get her hands on while Skye was listening to her music on high and neither of them noticed Fitz standing against the glass. The scientist tinkered with a device in his hands before Spyen and Skye noticed him at the same time. Spyen let go of her thread and Skye sat up. She pulled the headphones from her head and stood to greet Fitz.

"Hey, Fitz."

I need to tell her, both of them. Crap, uh...

"What's wrong?" Spyen was leaning against the glass separating the two units.

Fitz looked up at Skye, "Can you tell me?" He looked down at the tech in his hands, "I fixed your bio-meter watch. Checked your vitals at the time of the temple collapse."

Oh, God.

"Your heart rate was recorded at almost...three hundred BPM."

Skye let out a sharp breath, "That's very fast."

Fitz shook his head, "No," He let out a breath before looking up at Skye, "That's inhuman."

Spyen's stomach sank as she could feel every emotion that Skye was feeling with perfect accuracy.

"I thought the readings were a mistake, that I put the thing together wrong. Been struggling to, um, something's wrong with the data in my head."

"What are you saying?" Skye had sat on her bed trying to keep her breathing normal.

"So, I was thinking how the heart monitor seemed to shatter from the inside out, but it was still on your wrist when we found you. That doesn't make sense. How we found you..." Fitz let out a shaking breath, "Basically unharmed in the collapse, with destruction all around you!" Fitz's voice had rose considerably and it startled Spyen.

The scientist tried to control his breathing and Spyen stood at the edge of her unit trying to understand what Fitz was saying. The lab around Spyen suddenly started to shake. Skye looked up at Spyen when she let out a small cry of pain. Spyen put her head into her hands and clenched onto her hair. Spyen could feel the fear and despair around her, but she wasn't sure if it was her own emotions or Skye's.

"I thought I was losing my mind all over again... that there was something wrong. So it took a while to dawn on me, or maybe I was just afraid to think it—that you survived the destruction because—"

Spyen felt her face contort in pain as her fingertips started to tingle.

Fitz let out shaking breaths, "You caused it."

Skye quickly came up to the glass with tears in her eyes, "No, no, no, no, Fitz."

Spyen shot her head up and had tears of her own. Fitz glanced between the agents and was fully aware that Spyen's eyes were glowing scarlet, "Raina wasn't the only one changed in there. And I'm pretty sure the DNA results we're running right now are gonna confirm it."

Skye gripped her head in pain and Spyen knew that she couldn't help her sister in anyway.

"There's nothing wrong with the data in my head, Skye. There's something wrong with you."

"No!" Skye gripped her head and let out a scream. Both Spyen and Fitz flinched away from the light that had shattered above Skye's head. Fitz's eyes went wide and he ran from the room. Spyen had tears down her eyes and she smacked at the glass.

"Skye, look at me!"

Skye had wide eyes and her breathing was elevated, "I need to clean this up."

Skye knelt down next to the broken glass and started picking it up with her hands.

"Stop, you're going to cut yourself."

Skye hissed in pain. Too late.

Spyen's quickly jerked up, "May's coming."

Skye looked up at Spyen before she quickly picked up a blue cloth and covered her sliced hand before May entered the room with a smile. Spyen swallowed and tried her hardest to keep her eyes from shifting.

"Hey." Spyen gave a strained smile and Skye stood with her hands behind her back, "Feeling like you've been in that glass box your whole life?"

Skye let out a small nod, but May saw the shift in behavior, "You doing okay?"

Skye shifted so that May didn't suspect anything, "Yeah, yeah. I-I just feel isolated and exposed at the same time. Being a caged animal is no fun."

May let out a nod, "It's for your own good. Both of you—temporary."

Skye nodded, "I know, I know," She let out a breath, "Maybe I just need a hug. I hate seeing everyone fighting."

"They're just having a hard time."

"Yeah, but I've never seen Coulson like that before. He seemed so cutthroat."

May sighed, "Yeah, I've rarely seen him like this myself. For Coulson, Trip was the embodiment of the principles he wants SHIELD to be build upon. Compassion, loyalty, heart. And that is SHIELD's strength. And Trip's death remind Coulson that HYDRA doesn't have that and that is their weakness."

Skye moved to sit, but May quickly spotted the blood that was on the edge of Skye's bed.

Her eyes went wide, "Are you bleeding?"

Skye looked down at her bed as Jemma entered the lab, "We should have both of your DNA results back any minute now. Once we know that nothing's wrong, we'll have you out of there." Jemma quickly caught onto the tension between the three agents, "Something's wrong?"

Skye slowly stood and pulled her hand from behind her back to expose the blood on her hand.

"What the hell happened?"

Skye didn't know what to say and she looked at Spyen for help, "F-Fitz—" Spyen could see Skye's trouble.

"Fitz was a klutz again." Skye let out a breath as Fitz entered to save the situation, "She's cleaning up my mess. Sorry, it was my fault. I knocked over the lamp when I was taking a sample of blood with one of the ridiculous HAZMAT suits on and, uh, I guess my coordination still needs work. But I was anxious to double check the results." Fitz tapped at the tablet and handed it to Jemma, "Both of their DNA is an exact match to what it was before. They're clear."

Every person in the room had a form of a smile on their face. Fitz had just saved the sisters.

"Thank God." Jemma was the most relieved.

"I'm gonna call Coulson. He can use the good news. You all right?" May gestured to Skye's hand. Skye let out a breath and nodded.

May left the room and the sisters looked up at Fitz with wide eyes.

"Um, are your bunks made?"

The both shook their heads as Skye answered, "Uh, no it's a mess."

Fitz looked to Simmons to try to get her to leave, "Uh, well maybe you could get some clean sheets? They should probably sleep."

Jemma let out a smile, "Yes, you both deserve a good night's rest.

"Yeah, I mean, I would do it but last time I was in there, there was lots of ladies' things, and she's a slob." Fitz tried to find an excuse. "I'll help bandage her hands. It was my fault, anyway."

Jemma let out a breath before she left the room. When the lab was clear of prying eyes and ears, Fitz opened up Skye's unit.

Fitz entered the unit and Skye sat on the bed, "What did you just do?"

Spyen leaned against the glass with confusion. "I switched both of your blood results with your old samples. Give me your hand."

Fitz took Skye's hand as Spyen spoke with a broken voice, "The new samples are different."

Fitz looked up at Spyen, "Drastically. But until everyone around here calms down, I don't think we should tell anybody, what with the way Simmons is acting. For now we should just keep it between us." Fitz glanced between the agents, "Keep both of you save, until we figure it out. Okay?"

Spyen hadn't realized how emotional she was until she saw Skye hut Fitz. Spyen let out a breath and wished that she was out of her bubble and had a physical connection with the team the way that Skye did. Spyen turned her back to the glass and slid down to the ground with large tears rolling down her cheeks. The emotions were one hundred percent Spyen's. The young agent suddenly wished that she was with her other family of Avengers than with SHIELD surrounded by almost strangers. 


Spyen sat on her bed in her room looking down at her fingertips. Through out the course of the past few days, Skye had seemed to gain a bit of control over her newfound power, but Spyen was something entirely different. The agent had kept herself locked in her room and away from prying eyes. Spyen looked down at the itch in her fingers and saw a small mist of read. Spyen had found out that not only could she read the minds of almost everyone in the base, but she could also move things with her mind. It had started to fascinate and frustrate her at the same time. Although, not every time did the red mist fall from her fingers.

Spyen had her eyes on a vase on her nightstand and willed for it to move. The vase wiggled slightly, but didn't move the way she wanted it. Spyen let out a breath and concentrated. She set her sights on the crystal again and after a moment she was able to get the vase to hover above the floor. Spyen let out a small smile, but a knock on her door broke her concentration. The vase fell to the floor and shattered.

"Damn it."

The door slowly opened, "Can I come in?" Fitz.

Spyen knelt down over the shards of the vase as Fitz fully entered the room. He shut the door as Spyen picked up her mess.

"What happened?"

Spyen shook her head, "Nothing. Did you want something?"

Fitz melted from his awkwardness, "Yeah. So, I got you these coloured contacts. The should mask the red in your eyes." Spyen stood with the pieces of the vase in her hand and threw them in the bin before coming up to the scientist. "They are the same shade of blue you have, so no one would know the difference."

Spyen took the contact case out of his hand and opened it. Inside the case floated two blue contacts, "Thanks."

Spyen set the case on her nightstand before she sat down on her bed.

Fitz leaned against the wall, "Uh, Sky's doing better. She's, uh, training with May right now."

Spyen nodded, but knew that Fitz was only trying to make conversation, "That's great. Although the contacts and the update on Skye aren't the only reason you are here."

Fitz let out a breath, "N-no, it isn't. I wanted to check up on you. You seemed to decline after we cleared you."

Spyen looked up at Fitz and wanted to lie to him, but she realized that he was the only person she could talk to.

Spyen let out a sigh, "It's, uh, it's hard. The past few days have been hard."

Fitz felt accepted into the conversation, "Hard how?"

Spyen bit her lip, "When I sleep. I can hear every thought in the base. It makes it difficult to stay asleep at times. And I get these constant headaches." Spyen cringed as she remembered the pain of her most recent headache, "I don't know how to turn it off."

Fitz pushed off of the wall and sat next to Spyen on the bed, "Maybe I can—Maybe I can make a Neural Inhibitor. Some-something to block the neural pathways. Make it easier to concentrate."

Spyen looked up at him, "You can do that?"

Fitz gave a shrug, "Probably. It might take a few tries and it would have to stay a secret from Jemma, but I'm sure I could."

Spyen let her expression lighten, "If you can, that would be great. But I don't want you to push yourself or get you in trouble."

Fitz let out a wave, "It's nothing. Anything for a friend."

Spyen pulled in a breath at the word Fitz used to describe her. She decided to change the topic, "I can move things."

Fitz looked down at her, "Move things?"

Spyen nodded, "Yeah, with my mind."

Fitz let out a smile, "Whoa, really?"

She looked down at her hands, "I haven't mastered it yet, but yeah."

"Does Skye know?"

Spyen shook her head, "Uh, no. I haven't seen her since the other day."

"Is there anything else you can do?"

Spyen shrugged, "I don't know. I found out that I could move things my accident. The vase wasn't the first thing I broke." Spyen glanced at the broken lamp in the corner of the room, "But every once in a while I can feel the air around me change. I don't really know how to explain it. It almost changed the feel and how I see."

Fitz furrowed his brows, "How you see?"

"Yeah, like," Spyen let out a breath, "Like the colour of an aura. I can see the colour of, like, an emotion. It shows up in my head."

"What are you seeing right now?"

Spyen went into her mind before answering, "Red and blue?" It was more of a question, "I don't really know what it means."

Fitz let out a nod, "I might. Maybe each colour is an emotion."

Spyen looked up, "An emotion? You're saying I can see emotions?"

He gave a shrug, "It is possible. Is it your colours that you are seeing or somebody else's?"

Spyen looked down in concentration before coming up with an answer, "It's yours." She looked up, "You're curious? Frightened?" Spyen's expression changed, "Are you scared of me?"

Fitz heard how worried she was, "What? No. Of course not. I trust you, Spyen."

She pulled in a breath and slowly let it out, but the pain in her head returned. She let out a cringe. Fitz was quick to notice.

"Hey, let me get you some acetaminophen or something for your head."

Spyen rubbed at her forehead, "Yeah, thanks Fitz."

He pushed off of the bed, "I'll just be a minute." Fitz exited Spyen's room leaving the agent to her thoughts again. Spyen pulled her legs up onto the bed and couldn't help but think about how her life is going to change. She now had inhuman powers that she doesn't know how to control and she was hiding from her own people. She seriously wondered if she should call Natasha Romanoff or Clint Barton. She wondered if she left the base that maybe she could get away from the stress of SHIELD. She wanted nothing more than to be reunited with her family again.

The door to Spyen's room opened again and Fitz returned with a bottle in his hand, "Okay, two of these every six hours should do the trick." Fitz handed the white bottle to Spyen and she gratefully took it.

"Thanks, Fitz. And, uh, thanks for the contacts."

Fitz let out a small smile, "No problem. Just, uh, let me know if you need anything else."

Spyen let out a small nod, "Yeah, I will." Fitz heard the tone of her voice and rose an eyebrow, "Fitz, really. If I need anything, I will tell you. You are the only person who would understand anyway." Spyen's words had gotten considerable lower.

Fitz tightened his lips in a smile before he left Spyen. The scientist was worried about how quickly the agent was acquiring her abilities and what it might do to her. As Fitz walked down the hall, he thought of a blueprint in his mind for the Neural Inhibitor.

Spyen stood from her bed with a breath and walked up to the mirror in her room. She set the bottle of medication on the table before she untwisted the contact case. She took the blue-coated contact onto her finger and as carefully as she could, she secured the lens into her eye. The contact was the exact same colour as her natural eyes, but when her right eye suddenly glowed red, the left was concealed. Spyen let out a breath of relief before she put the other contact in just as there was a knock on her door.

Spyen didn't know who it was and she let out a breath, "Uh, come in."

The door slowly opened and Coulson stood on the other side, "How do you feel about going on a mission?"

Spyen let out a small, but nervous, smile, "What kind of mission?"

Coulson gave a shrug, "Containment. There's an unusual threat on the ground."

Spyen pushed away from her mirror, "Unusual, how?"

"A man with unusual strength. He attacked an asset."

Spyen glanced down, "Who's going?"

"The usual. Fitz-Simmons, May, Skye, Hunter, Mack, Bobbi. We could really use you."

Spyen let out a shaking breath but smiled, "Sure. Let me...Uh...I'll meet you on the Bus."

Coulsonlet out a smile at his agent before he left the room. Once the door was closed,Spyen let out a series of breaths to calm her racing heart rate. Once calmenough, the young agent dressed in an outfit more suitable for a mission. Spyenpulled on her black top and before she left her room, she popped two whitepills into her mouth and swallowed them dry.     

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