Surrender- Agents of SHIELD

By ladyoliviarb

102K 2.9K 781

Spyen Keller is not just your average agent of SHEILD. She is an Avenger. After the mysterious and fake death... More

Shoot or Welcome
Clear Your Mind
Dr. Dad
Bermuda Triangle?
Fitz's aid
First Mission
The Index
Hex Witch
Power Training
Emotional Battle
Nuclear Codes
Sokovia Pt. 1
Sokovia Pt. 2


2.4K 69 5
By ladyoliviarb

Spyen followed close behind her friends as they quickly chatted about a HYDRA attack that had happened at a wedding reception.

"Eight dead. Six of them Navy."

May shook her head, "All of them apart of an anti-HYDRA unit."

Hunter looked over at the group, "Any idea what was used to carry out the attack?"

Skye shook her head, "Nope, but the effects appear similar to those from the Obelisk."

"Which we must assume is in HYDRA's possession."

Spyen followed close behind Skye. Every since Miami, Skye has had to keep Spyen grounded from floating memories and distractions. Spyen was still in denial about being brainwashed and Skye was her only anchor at the moment. Spyen followed close to the group as they entered Coulson's open office.

"Heard anything from your Navy contact?"

Coulson looked up from his own distraction to May, "Radio silence."

Skye came to a halt next to May, "Any chance we could find a way in? Maybe poke around a bit?"

Coulson stood from his desk and looked at his field agents, "Entire fleet's closing ranks. These were their men." Coulson gestured to the screen and the team quickly glanced at it, "No one other than the CDC and Navy's top brassers are setting foot in that room."

"Okay then, that's a dead end." Spyen glanced at Hunter as he spoke.

"What about Agent Simmons? She's inside HYDRA. Any chance she had Intel?"

Spyen flinched at the use of the word HYDRA and has been doing that for the past two days.

"Still waiting for her to make contact."

Spyen looked back at Coulson and she noticed a detail carved into his desk. Spyen pointed at the carvings, "Sir, What is that?"

Skye furrowed her brows and looked to where Spyen was looking, "Uh, just sketches." Coulson pushed a file over the carvings, "If the Obelisk is back in play, we need to know what this writing means. Any progress on your end, Skye?"

Skye let out a breath, "I put some feelers out to my Rising Tied contacts about the painting we recovered in Miami, and no one has seen anything like it."

"Keep looking, something will turn up."

Spyen took a step forward, "I can run the writing through Stark, see if he has any idea what it could be."

Coulson looked down at Spyen and gave a small shake of his head, "No need to involve the Avengers."

"What about the writings you've been giving me? Why don't you tell me your source and I'll follow up." Skye was trying to get Coulson to confess.

"I'm afraid that's classified." Spyen hardly doubted that.

"Well you're the boss man, maybe you could declassify it?" Hunter was always trying to make the situation less serious.

"I could. I won't."

"Why not?"

Spyen had slowly made her way to the edge of the room to avoid being in the center.

"I already answered the question, Skye."

Spyen could tell the Director was getting angry; she could almost feel it.

"No, you didn't. You skirted it. There's a difference."

Spyen held her breath at her sister's sass.

There was a slight pause before Coulson spoke with a strong tone, "Then it's a difference I'm comfortable with, but if you continue questioning my authority then you and I are going to have a very different conversation. One you will not be comfortable with. Is that clear?"

Skye let out a breath, "Yes, sir." Skye turned to leave with a flick of her head and Spyen let out a breath before following her.

Skye walked away from Coulson's with Spyen at her side. They didn't say a word and Spyen didn't like the silence.

"Skye, Coulson was just trying to keep you safe."

Skye paused her stride and turned to her sister, "Safe? He's keeping me in the dark and I don't know why. It's infuriating. I can't help him if he won't tell me anything. I'm left trying to figure out a puzzle I don't have all the pieces to."

Spyen shrugged, "Maybe Coulson doesn't want to tell you because he's still trying to figure things out himself. Maybe he doesn't have all the information yet."

Skye gave a sigh, "I still don't like being in the dark."

Spyen folded her arms, "I don't either."

The two shared a glance before Spyen was aware of her surroundings. They had stopped at the intersection where the vault door was stationed. Spyen could feel an underlying pull and she was trying hard to fight it. Skye noticed her sister's struggle.

"Come on. I want to take a look at the painting again."

Spyen gave a shrug, "I'm not going to be much help."

Skye let out a breath before pulling Spyen away from the vault with more force than necessary.

Skye walked up onto the bus with the painting and Spyen in tow. Skye sat in her bunk as Spyen shook out her jitters. For a few minutes they were alone, but soon Hunter decided to grace them with his presents. Hunter leaned against Skye's bunk as Spyen continued to walk about the plane.

"I was a fat baby."

"You know this is, like, a religious painting, right?"

"Yeah, well," Hunter took the painting from Skye's hands, "When Alien's started scribbling on the back of it, it kind of avoided God's warranty as far as I'm concerned."

"I just wish I knew what that scribbling meant." Skye gave a sigh, still wracking her brain for an answer.

"Well the Director won't be much help."

Spyen pushed a hand through her long hair as Skye answered, "Do you think I was wrong to press?"

Spyen knew the answer to Skye's question, but decided to hold her words.

Hunter shook his head, "No, on the contrary, couldn't agree more. Reminded me of how I used to put the screws to my old lady."

Spyen furrowed her brows. She hardly every understood what Hunter was saying.

"It's not like that." Skye was starting to get more desperate than angry.

"No? Then why put yourself into Coulson's cross hairs?"

"Because Coulson used to be different. He wasn't always so closed off."

Hunter let out a breath, "I'm telling you my ex was the same way. Always keeping secrets. Drove me absolutely mental." Spyen let out an eye roll; she really didn't want to hear about Hunter's ex again. "There really is only one way to handle people like that." Skye waited for a response, "Dig deeper. Invade they're privacy until they go crazy themselves."

Spyen let out a scoff as Skye answered, "Wow. Thanks for the advice, divorced guy."

Spyen saw Hunter give a smile, "All I'm saying is there's something Coulson doesn't want you to know. Maybe you should find out what it is."

Spyen shook her head, but kept out of the conversation.

"And how do you suggest I do that?"

"Well I don't know that exactly." Hunter handed the painting back to Skye, "But it seems your HYDRA boyfriend downstairs would be a good place to start."

Spyen's body tightened at the word again as Hunter walked away. Skye gave a second to herself to think before she stood up.

Spyen came up to her sister, "You're not really going down there are you?"

Skye shook her head as she walked away from the bunks, "I have to. We need answers."

Spyen let out a breath and came up to Skye's side, "I'm coming with you."

Skye stopped her gait and turned to face her, "No. You are not allowed down there anymore. Just say here."

Spyen pulled at Skye's departing figure, "Please, Skye."

Skye looked back at her sister and saw an emotion playing on her expression. It was almost hunger. Skye shook her head, "No, Spy."

Spyen bit at the inside of her cheek and continued to follow Skye, despite her order.

Skye let out a frustrated breath and shook her head. She didn't say anything and she figured that she probably couldn't stop Spyen if she wanted to. Skye allowed Spyen to accompany her as they carefully made their way down to the vault. The moment that Spyen was in the vicinity of Ward, she let out a sigh of relief. Skye slowly walked to the chair and Spyen stood off to the side.

Ward kept his seat on his bed, "I'm surprised it took you so long." Ward was fully aware that Spyen was in the room.

"This isn't about that." Skye was a different person when she was around Ward.

The HYDRA agent looked over at Skye, "Come on, Skye. Don't pretend you haven't though about what I said."

Spyen pushed herself from the wall and came up to Skye, "What did he say?"

Ward shifted his glanced to Spyen, "Skye didn't tell you?"

Spyen narrowed her eyes, "Tell me what?"

Ward kept a straight face, "I know where your father is."

Spyen's body froze, "What?" She wasn't sure if she should be angry or scared. Skye gave a tight expression to her sister, but kept herself composed while she was in front of Ward. Skye let out a breath and looked back to Ward, "You are the last person I would talk to about our father."

"Not if you want to find him." Again, Ward was confident.

Spyen shook her head, "Our parents were killed in the Hunan province, along with everyone else in their village."

Ward gave a small shake of his head, "That's not what happened."

Spyen could feel a small level of trust that she shared with Ward and she didn't think Skye had noticed.

Skye narrowed her eyes, "I know what your doing."

"I'm just trying to help."

Skye shook her head, "Nope. You're exploiting a weakness, looking for a way in."

Ward adjusted his position to standing, "I told you, I would never lie to either of you. Not again."

Skye sat back in the chair, "Okay, if you're really being honest, name your source."

Ward was confused, "What?"

Skye gave a shrug, "If you have information about my father, tell me where it came from. It's that simple."

Spyen pulled in a breath as they waited for an answer. Ward dipped his head before he answered, "Raina."

Spyen had heard the name before, but she never had the pleasure of meeting the woman. She got the sense that Skye and Raina had a history when Skye let out a small chuckle.

"She knows him, Skye." Ward glanced at Spyen who had taken a step back.

Skye still had a chuckle in her throat, "No, I believe that you think she does." Skye let out a sigh, "Don't you get it? Raina played you. She found your weakness and then used it against you."

"Skye—" Ward let out a warning tone, but Skye stood up, obviously angry.

"Shut up Ward. I don't want to hear you say another word about it."

Ward let out a sigh, but kept his mouth shut. He was trying to get Skye to trust him.

Skye was satisfied. "Good." She pulled the tablet from the table with the picture of the Alien writing on it and held it up to Ward, "Tell me what you know about this."

Ward let out an inaudible sigh, but answered the agent. "I first saw that when we were in Belarus. Me and you, and later when Garrett started etching that into the glass."

Skye finally gave a slightly shocked reaction, "Garrett carved this stuff himself?" Ward gave a slow nod, "Did he say what it was?"

Spyen came up behind Skye and looked at the picture again as they waited for a response.

"No, but he wasn't making a lot of sense after he was injected with the GH formula."

Spyen shot her eyes up at Ward as he mentioned the familiar drug. GH-325. There was an obvious tension between all three of them as Ward glanced at both of the sisters.

"These writings. They're not either of yours are they?"

Skye glanced at Spyen before she shook her head.

Ward let out a small breath of relief. "Good. That's good. 'Cause once Garrett started he couldn't stop. The writing was anyway he could carve it. On the walls. On the floor."

Spyen realized what she had seen on Coulson's desk, "On his desk." Spyen whispered her findings and Skye let out a breath.

Ward didn't hear the words as he continued, "To be honest, I was relieved when SHIELD put him down. The Garrett I knew was long gone once the writing started. And whatever took his place, I don't think it was meant to survive."

Spyen swallowed when she realized that Coulson was slowly losing his mind. Skye didn't say anything as she too, realized the fate of their Director. Spyen took a slight step forward, "Why did you think that either of us could have done the writing?"

Skye let out a breath as Ward answered, "Because both of you were injected with the GH formula."

Spyen and Skye shot each other a glance, "What?"

Ward nodded to Skye, "When Skye got shot and when you had your accident."

Spyen's eyes glazed over, but she didn't say anything. The tension in the room grew thick and Skye quickly stood up. Before Spyen was rudely dragged up the steps with Skye, she shared a glance with Ward. The context of the look was odd to Spyen. She wasn't sure what to make of it, but as she was pulled from the vault, all she wanted to do was rush back down and to Ward's side.

Skye kept Spyen in tow to Coulson's office, even though Spyen had voiced her concern about the confrontation. Skye quickly pushed the office door open and strutted in.

"The reason you won't name your source is because you are the source."

Spyen let out a breath and closed the door behind her.

Coulson glanced up at the girls, "By all means, come on in."

"Please, I know it's you, so just be honest with me."

Spyen put her fingers to the bridge of her nose. She expected for Coulson to shout at them, but the man just let out a sigh.

"Are you okay?" Skye pushed her anger down.

"I'm fine." Spyen didn't believe his words.

Skye shook her head, "Because once Garrett started writing, he went kind of nuts."

"I see you've been talking to Ward. And you went with her?" Coulson gestured to Spyen, but neither of the sisters said a word.

Coulson shook his head, "I told you, I'm fine. May's been keeping an eye on me."

Skye dropped the stack of papers that she had in her hand on the desk, "When did you start doing this?"

Coulson glanced at the papers before coming clean, "First night I saw Garrett's writings. It just triggered something in me."

Spyen took a step forward, "What do you think caused it?"

"The GH formula, most likely. Garrett and I were both injected. Not a coincidence."

Spyen knew every detail about the TAHITI project and knew that Fury had used GH-325 to revive Coulson.

Skye unfolded her arms, "Yeah, but so were we and we haven't written anything like that."

Coulson glanced at Spyen not knowing about Spyen's accident, "You were injected?"

Spyen gave a small nod, "I had an accident a year ago and it was used then."

"And you haven't had a reaction to the writings either?"

Spyen shook her head.

Coulson let out a breath, "That is either very good, or a whole different kind of scary." Coulson looked up at Skye, "Which is why, we had to monitor you."

Skye's eyes went wide at the revilement, "Whoa, wait. Monitor? That's a very specific word."

Spyen swallowed. Now that Coulson knew that she was injected, she wasn't sure if she would be monitored now.

"We didn't tell you about this because we wanted to passively observe. See if the writing would trigger something in you."

Skye kept her focus on Coulson, "So what you guys put, like, tiny hidden cameras in my bunk?"

Coulson shook his head, "Not in your bunk, but I think you're focusing on the wrong details here."

Skye glanced down at Spyen before answering Coulson, "I didn't react the same way."

"Right. I believe that Garrett and I had a negative reaction to the Alien DNA in our system. Maybe you, both of you, didn't because it was already there."

Spyen wasn't sure she was following him correctly, "Yeah right, like we're Aliens."

Coulson let his face drop with distain and Skye saw the seriousness in his expression.

"Hold on, are you saying that we are Aliens?"

Coulson gave a slight shrug, "It's a theory."

Skye shook her head, "No, a theory is what scientists use to prove things in nature. This is you telling me that we might be Aliens. That is not something you just say like it is no big deal."

"I was trying not to rattle you."

Spyen ran a hand through her hair at the possibility that both of them could have Alien DNA. Spyen thought back to her time in the battle of New York where she helped the Avengers kill off the invaders.

"Well guess what? Epic fail!"

The door behind Spyen suddenly opened and May walked into the tense conversation.

"Coulson you have a call on line one."

Skye turned to face Spyen with her arms crossed."

Coulson looked up at May, "Really not a good time."

May gave a nod, "You're going to want to take this call."

Spyen and Skye both swallowed their anger as Coulson answered the mysterious phone call.

"Hello?" There was a slight pause as the other person answered, "Somehow I suspect that was the point. What do you want Raina?"

Spyen let out the breath at Raina's name. That was twice that she had heard Raina's name that day. Both Skye and May shared a glance and Coulson was quiet for a few moments before he agreed to what Raina wanted. Coulson hung up the phone and turned to his most trusted agents.     

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