Second Chance *Fast and Furio...

By Tweetybird1998

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This is a story about a girl who falls in love with Dominic Toretto's son. *Disclaimer: I do not own any of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 2

1.2K 21 0
By Tweetybird1998

    It was a few hours later and I had not left the room. I had stopped drawing and was just laying there with my eyes closed, thinking. Thinking about everything that has happened over the past year and wondering one simple question...What is life? Seriously what is it...Life for me is just living for other people right now, so that I don’t make anyone upset. But then I question myself if that is true. Am I really just living for someone else, or am I hoping that someone will one day just tell me I’m just perfect the way I am. Daddy use to say that all the time, but it’s different when a stranger or your first crush, or someone who isn’t family says that to you. I heard someone knock on the door and a tell them to come in. I pull my earbuds out and look up to see Matt standing in the doorway.
    “Hi.” I greeted. Why does my southern accent sound even stronger with greetings?
    “Hey.” Matt smiled, “We are going over to Dad's now, so c’mon.” Matt gestured for me to get off the bed and downstairs. I continued to sit there. I just feel so drained and done right now, how am I supposed to go to a barbeque and be happy? I mean I guess I could follow what Momma always says, ‘put your makeup on, and never let them see who you really are.’ But I’m supposed to be able to be myself around these people, right? “Hey, what’s going on in that mind of yours?”
    I sighed, “Believe me, you really don’t want to know.” I replied looking down at the last thing I drew which was a rose wilting because everything around it was toxic. 
    “That’s really good.” Matt complemented looking at the drawing.
    “Thanks...It’s okay...I guess.” I replied.
    “It’s not okay, it’s amazing. Don’t sell yourself short, you’re clearly amazing at drawing.” Matt responded with a smile.
    “Thanks…” I thanked him as I closed the sketchbook but was still looking down.
    “C’mon everyone is waiting for us.” Matt told me holding out his hand so he could pull me up. I looked at his hand for a few seconds then grabbed and he pulled me up gently, trying to make sure he didn’t hurt me.
    “Thank you.” I mumbled.
    “You eat meat right?” Matt asked as we walked downstairs.
    “You saw me eat bacon this morning. I’m pretty sure I eat meat.” I replied amused.
    “Right was just making sure, I wasn’t exactly paying attention to what you had eaten off the plate this morning.” Matt responded as we walked outside.
    I smiled lightly and replied quietly, “ It’s fine…”
    “There’ll be a lot of food, so just eat what you can, don’t force yourself to eat more then you can.” Matt responded quietly, leading me into the backyard of Dom’s place. I stopped walking just before we entered the back. I want to turn back and walk back to the house. But why? Why do I feel like this?
    “I don’t belong here…” I said just above a whisper.
    “Your Nat’s family, which makes you our family, meaning you do belong here.” Matt told me strongly.
    “How can you people just go ahead and take someone in without question? I feel like I’ve just intruded in, on this family and you guys are only being nice to me because I’m friends with Nat. I feel like I should just get the hell out of here, before the worse comes.” I replied, now starting to hear the emotions in my voice.
    “Pretty damn easy. Dad takes people in a lot, he’s like gravity. He draws everyone in.” Matt answered with a smile. “You’ll see soon enough what I mean.” Why do I feel like I can just spill my guts out to him?
    “I’m sorry….I’m just scared to tell you the truth….” I trailed off looking down at my feet.
    “Don’t be sorry. It’s completely normal to be scared, especially with people you don’t know or barely know.” Matt responded gently.
    “It’s not so much that….It’s more like I’m scared that y’all are gonna eventually get sick of me...Or find out the rumours about me and not want me around….Basically I’m scared to let people in because I can’t go through losing anymore friends or family then I already have.” I replied.
    “We don’t listen to rumours. If we heard them and wanted the truth, we would ask. Your family and true family doesn’t turn their backs on each other.” Matt told me gentle.
    I smiled softly, “That’s a saying that I forgot a long time ago...Daddy use to say that to me, so I would always remember that he has my back through thick and thin. Sadly Momma warped my brain into thinking otherwise.” I sighed.
    “While we will just have to un-warp your brain.” Matt said before leading me over to everyone.
    “Thanks Matt… I guess I just really needed to get that off my chest.” I told him with a small smile. But why can I tell him and not Natalie?
    “Don’t worry about it. I’m here if you ever need to get anything else off your chest.” Matt smiled at me, “I’m gonna grab a drink want anything?”
    “Um iced tea, if you have any. Please.” I replied with a smile.
    “Alright, one ice tea it is.” Matt said and headed into the house. Coming back out a few minutes later with an ice tea and a corona, he handed me my ice tea.
    “Thank you.” I said while opening it and taking a sip.
    “Welcome.” Matt replied after taking a drink of his corona.
    “Hi Em.” Nat greeted as she came over and gave me a gentle hug.
    “Hey.” I greeted, hugging her back. We all talked for a while then Dom yelled saying food was ready. We all went and sat down. I noticed nobody had reached in to grab any food yet and I found that strange...I’m getting hungry now so what are we waiting for. I mean I could grab food now, right? Or would that be rude? That would be rude.
    “Don’t grab food first.” Nat told me once she saw the confused look I had, “Whoever grabs food first has to say grace first.”
    “That’s what y’all are waiting for?” I asked her and when she nodded I sighed out, “Oh for the love of god.” Then grabbed food first.
    “You have to say grace. You have to say grace.” Rome told me in a sing-song tone, pointing at me. “She has to say grace.”
    “Is he always this childish?” I asked everyone.
    “Yes. Sometimes he’s more childish.” Nat laughed. Laughing I took her hand along with Matts. Once everyone was holding hands I bowed my head.
    “Thank you lord for this wonderful food. For these amazing people who have accepted me. And thank you for continuing to keep my Daddy safe. Amen.” I said.
    “Amen.” Nat, Alex and Matt said at the same time.
    “Nicely said.” Dom told me. I smiled and we all started eating. Once we were done I walked into the kitchen and saw Mia struggling with the dishes. I walked over and told her to go sit with the others, that I didn’t mind doing the dishes. She was unsure at first but thanked me and went and sat down with the others. I started washing the dishes and was softly singing the song At My Best by Machine Gun Kelly.
    “Nice song choice.” Nat said from behind me scaring me.
    “Mother of pearl! Do you people purposely scare the shit out me?” I asked as I wrapped my arm around my ribs that were now hurting again.
    “No, I thought you heard me, I wasn’t being quiet when I came in here. Sorry by the way.” Nat responded sheepishly.
    “It’s fine. I didn’t hear you cause I was deep in thought while I was singing.” I replied as I turned back to the last of the dishes.
    “What’s got you thinking so deeply?” Nat asked as she started drying the dishes.
    “My world flipped on me a year ago, now instead of just trying to make things work out, I’m trying to flip it back. Does that make sense?” I asked her
    “Yeah, it makes sense.” Nat replied quietly.
    “Okay….But now I just wish I could just accept everything that happened to me and move on, but I can’t. Probably because I can’t bring myself to talk about it….” I told her handing her the last dish.
    “Talking about it does help, even though it can be really painful to talk about certain things. Accepting everything that has happened to takes time.” Nat responded wisely.
    “I feel like I can’t tell certain people though. Like you, or Daddy….I can’t tell the people I’m closest to because when Momma heard what happened she said it was all my fault…” I replied, leaning against the counter.
    “You know me and your dad wouldn’t tell you it’s your fault. If you can’t talk to people you’re close to talk to someone you’re not.” Nat told me gentle as she put the last of the dishes away.
    “Like who? I hope you’re not suggesting therapy. Because I’ve already done that, they wanted to stick me on all sorts of drugs…” I told her.
    “I’m not suggesting therapy. God I would never send you to therapy. Anyone. You could talk to Alex, Matt, Letty, Dom, Brian, Mia, and maybe Tej. I would say Rome too but that’s not a good idea.” Nat responded.
    “Okay..Maybe I will try that. You’re not mad that I don’t feel like I can talk to you, are you?” I asked softly.
    “No, why would I be. There has been a few times I felt like I couldn’t tell you things.” Nat responded honestly.
    “Okay. I just didn’t want you to be offended or anything.” I replied.
    “You don’t have to worry about that.” Nat told me, giving me a gentle hug. I hugged her back then we went out to the living room. We all watched a movie and once it was done Alex, Matt, Natalie and I all left to go back to their place.  Once we got there I just went straight to bed after taking my medicine.
    I woke up the next morning after everyone else had and got dressed, did some light makeup because today I could not handle the bruised eye and cut up face. I mean if I can’t handle looking at it, I’m sure nobody else would. Once I finished covering everything up, which I did pretty well, you could barely tell I got the shit kicked out of me, I walked out of the bathroom and downstairs.
    “Morning.” Nat greeted me when I got downstairs and into the kitchen.
    “Morning.” I greeted as I grabbed a cup of coffee.
    “Food will be ready, real soon.” Nat told me, “So grab a plate.”
    “Okay. Thanks.” I replied and grabbed a plate. Once food was ready I grabbed my plate and dished up a bit of it. It was eggs, bacon and toast for breakfast today, which was one of my favorites and sat down and started eating.
Once I was done I asked, “Would it be okay if I go to the beach today?” 
    “Uh… It should be. Will you be okay to drive?” Nat asked, “Oh and I will give you everyone’s numbers before we leave today.”
    “Um I was just gonna walk…So I can get some exercise. I’m not suppose to drive for at least two weeks.” I replied.
    “The beach is pretty far from here.” Matt informed me, “I could drop you off closer if you want on the way to the garage.”
    “Uh sure… please.” I responded.
    “Alright. Just let me eat quickly then we can leave.” Matt responded and quickly grabbed food.
    “Okay. Thanks.” I said then walked upstairs and grabbed my sketchbook along with all my pencils, as well as my  book (13 reasons why! Such a good book!) and made sure I had my earbuds, then walked back downstairs. Nat gave me all the numbers then I went and sat outside while I waited for Matt.
    “It’s unlocked.” Matt told me, as he walking towards his car.I got up and walked over to his car and got into the passenger's seat. He got in and started driving, and yes we sat in awkward silence for a bit. I didn’t know what to say. I figured I could talk to him about what happened to me, but that might be awkward, and so I have nothing I can really say.
    “Call one of us, if you want a ride.” Matt told me quietly.
    “Okay...Thanks…” I replied awkwardly.
    “Here you are.” Matt announced a he pulled up infront of one of the beaches.
    “I thought you were only gonna get me close enough to walk here and not collapse in pain.” I said in a questioning tone.
    “Thought I might as well drop you off.” Matt shrugged.
    “Thanks, but aren’t you going to be late now?” I asked as I grabbed all my stuff.
    “Dad won’t mind too much. I don’t have a lot to do today anyways.” Matt responded. This is your chance Em, ask him if he could stay for a few minutes later to talk. Just ask.
    “Oh, okay….That’s good. I would really hate if you got in trouble because of me.” I told him. God damn it!
    “It’s fine. Everything okay?” Matt asked concerned.
    “Um...Yeah….No...Nothing’s been okay since last year….” I replied, biting my lip and not looking at him.
“What do you mean?” Matt asked sounding concerned (and worried).
    “It’s a long story…..” I replied, my voice sounding shaky, “Besides you have to get to work, so…. Don’t worry about it, forget I said anything. Thanks for the ride.” I told him and got out of the car. Why did I do that? I guess I don’t want him to look at me differently.
Matt got out after me, “If I’m late so what. Now tell me what’s wrong.”    
    I sighed, “If I tell you, you have to promise that you won’t treat me any differently. You have to promise you won’t tell me it’s all my fault, cause I can’t handle hearing that again. Can you promise me that?” I asked as I continued to walk down to the beach. I could hear him still following me. We got down to the sand and I sat down.
    “I promise.” Matt promised sitting down beside me, crossing his heart. I took a deep breath then started telling him everything. I started by saying that I was obviously not a social butterfly, but for once I decided to go to a party, thinking nothing bad will happen, and sadly I was so very wrong. Then I told him about the quarterback and how I had only two drinks when I was talking to this guy, but that the second one was drugged, but I didn’t drink enough of it to be drunk and high, but it was enough to not be able to defend myself. I told Matt what he did to me. Then I stopped because I was crying pretty hard and needed to catch my breath.
    Pulling me into his arms, “None of that was your fault. Okay? None of it. Who ever told you that it was deserves to be in the cell next to the bastard.” 
    “My momma...The cops….They both said it was all my fault. The cops said that since I was drinking I probably gave consent and don’t remember…..But I do remember… I remember everything…..And momma, when I told her she said I shouldn’t have been drinking, and that I shouldn’t have been acting like a slut……” I told him, “I got raped, but I was and apparently still am a slut…”
    “They are morons. If they did a blood test they would’ve found the drug in your system. Stupid cops and they wonder why no one trust them.” Matt told me, with a sad frown.
    “They did…..They just assumed….The cops in my town are stupid and don’t give a shit about anything…..” I replied.
    “Obviously. I’m glad you aren’t there anymore.” Matt responded pulling away enough so he could look me in the eyes.
    “You are also the first person I’ve told besides my Momma and my brother…. And before you ask yes my brother did care….He wanted to kill the guy...but I begged him not to do anything….. I haven’t even told Daddy, and he was home when it happened….” I told him, looking away from him now cause I felt guilty of something.
    “Not telling your dad is not something to feel guilty over.” Matt told me gentle.
    “I tell him everything…..But I can’t tell him the one thing that has ruined me….The thing that makes me hate myself….The thing that has caused all of this,” I said while motioning to my broken ribs, “To happen to me…” I replied.
    “It just meant that you weren’t ready to tell him and when you are, he will understand why you didn’t tell him right way.” Matt told in a gentle tone.
    “If I ever get to tell him, I’ll keep that in mind….” I told him as I lightly dabbed my face with my sleeve so I didn’t smudge my mascara. I  hate this feeling...I’m glad I told him, but now I just feel exposed...I hate that I can’t trust anyone anymore, I’m honestly just waiting for the ‘just kidding, you really are a huge slut.’ No Em you can’t think like that anymore, you need to just learn to trust again. But I can’t...
    “I’m not going to call you names, I’m not like that. You told me the truth so I have no reason to think you’re a slut. Besides sluts are just girls who love having sex a lot and don’t get paid for it.” Matt told me joking at the end.
    “Are you like a mind reader or something?” I asked, while laughing a bit. It was then I realized he was still holding me and I could literally feel the slight blush in my cheeks.
    “Nah, you’re easy to read sometimes.” Matt answered with a smile, that made my heart beat faster.
    “Oh...Um..Okay…” I said shyly, with a small smile.
    “You want to come to the garage? I can show you how to use the spray gun if you want.” Matt asked letting me go but not moving away. I kind of wish he didn’t let me go, but at least he was still close to me.
    “Yeah..I’d like that.” I mostly want to just hang out with him more.
    “Alright, c’mon.” Matt said with a smile as he got up. Standing he held his hand out for me. I smiled and took his hand, letting him pull me up carefully. We walked back to the car and once we got in he took off to the garage. Once we got there he instantly brought me to a car that was ready for a paint job and showed me how to use it. Since I am a pretty quick learner I figured it out pretty quickly. We worked on it together the entire time we were there until Dom told us it was time to go home. Once we all got home I walked over to the couch and sat down, pulled out my book and started reading.
    “Anyone else just want take out?” Nat asked as she sat on Alex’s lap in one of the chairs.
    “Ooh any good pizza places around here? I haven’t had that in forever.” I asked now really wanting pizza.
    “Yeah, there’s this pizza place that has authentic italian pizza. So pizza?” Nat responded.Everyone nodded in agreement and Nat got up and called the pizza place. Once it got here she paid and we all dug in while watching Captain America Civil War. After the movie Natalie and Alex went upstairs to bed and I grabbed the pizza boxes, which both had a few slices in them still and walked into the kitchen. I moved the pizza into one box and stuck it in the fridge then looked at the sink and saw a few dishes and knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing that there was dishes so I filled up the sink and started to wash them.
    “Go sit down I got them.” Matt told me, gentle moving me away from the sink so he could do the dishes.
    “I’m okay with doing them.” I told him, still standing in the kitchen and crossed my arms stubbornly.
    “I’ve got them.” Matt responded as he started washing the dishes.
    “Fine, I won’t help out around here.” I replied jokingly.
    “You can do them tomorrow if it will make you feel better.” Matt told me with a smile.
    “Maybe I’ll just cook tomorrow instead.” I replied with a smile as I leaned against the counter.
    “If you really want to.” Matt responded.
    “Maybe...Hey um about today….Thanks…” I told him sheepishly.
    “Your welcome. I’m here if you want or need to talk again.” Matt responded drying his hands.
    “Um I hope this doesn’t come off as ungrateful, but why are you so willing to listen to my problems? I mean isn’t it kind of annoying?” I asked.
    “It’s not annoying. And you need someone to talk to.” Matt shrugged.
    “Well  yeah, but I mean, why do you want to? That is just assuming you do want to..” I replied.
    “Cause your family now.” Matt responded. Of course he only thinks of me as family...Go figure. But why do I want him to like me so much?
    “Oh.. Okay.” I replied, god I hope I didn’t sound disappointed.
    “Well family to everyone else, friend to me.” Matt mumbled shifting around. And friend zoned….Awesome.
    I smiled and made sure this time my voice wasn’t laced with disappointment, “Well whatever the reasoning, I’m really thankful for it…”
    “You tried?” Matt asked sounding a little curious.
    “Strangely enough, no. Why?” I asked, tilting my head a bit.
    “Want to watch another movie with me?” Matt asked.
    I smiled, “I would like that. Just let me go get changed into my pajamas.” I told him, he nodded and I quickly ran upstairs and got changed into my shorts and tank top and grabbed my blanket so I wouldn’t get cold. I walked back downstairs and saw him sitting in his pajamas too.
    “What movie do you want to watch?” Matt asked when he saw me come back down.
    “Hmmm could we watch Triple X?” I asked.
    “Sure.” Matt responded then mumbled, “You’re on your way to completely stealing my heart.” I slightly blushed but made sure it wasn’t noticeable so that he didn’t know that I heard him. Matt grabbing the remote turned on netflix and clicked on Triple X. After about half an hour of the movie I felt myself start to get tired and without fully realising it I started to lay my head against Matt’s shoulder. But once I did notice it I sat up.
    “Sorry.” I said quietly, knowing he noticed it too.
    “It’s fine.” Matt told me with a smile then sheepishly said, “You can lay your head on me if you want.” I tiredly smiled at him and laid my head back down on his shoulder, which lead to my head on his chest and his arm slightly around me. By then I wasn’t even paying attention to the movie, I was to distracted by his heartbeat, which was beating fast enough I thought it was going to beat out of his chest. Why was he so nervous all the sudden? I mean I am just his friend now. He may know me a bit better than everyone else, but I’ve only known him for two days. Without realising it we fell asleep like that, only to move closer together in our sleep.
    The next morning I woke up pretty much on top of Matt. At first I couldn’t wrap my brain around it but once I realized what happened I got up slowly with a small smile on my face. I walked into the kitchen and pulled out stuff to make Cajun French Toast, and made sure there was enough eggs to make up some scrambled eggs, and the rest of the bacon that was in the fridge.
    “Morning. Smells good.” Nat greeted from the kitchen doorway.
    “Morning. Thanks.” I replied.
    “Need any help?” She asked as she walked over to the coffee pot.
    “Nope, thanks though.” I answered.
    “If you’re sure. Let me know if you need any help.” Nat responded taking a sip of her coffee. “Ah just right.”
    “I will. But I don’t think I will. Besides I’m just about done. Maybe you could go wake up the boy’s if you really want to help.” I suggested as I finished the last piece of toast.
    “Alex is wake and should be down here in a minute. He’s looking for these.” Nat told me holding up Alex’s car keys. “As for Matt, I’ll go wake him up now.” She turned and walked into the living room. I finished everything and dished it onto different plates so it would be easier for them to help themselves then stuck the pans in cold water so I could wash them.
    “Morning.” Alex said walking over to where I was standing. “Nat has my keys, doesn’t she?”
    “Morning, and good question. I don’t know.” I told him. Lying through my ass, not that he could tell I think, then I handed him a plate.
    “Uh huh.. Thanks.” Alex replied taking the plate from me.
    “Your welcome, Nat come get your food!” I called.
    “Coming!” Nat called, “Matt wake the fuck up!” Natalie walked in then and took the empty plate from me and started dishing some food out. I waited a few minutes then walked to the living room to see Matt was still sleeping. I walked over and started to poke him. 
    “Mmm what’s up?” Matt asked sleepily in his morning voice. Which was damn hot. Ugh! Why do I have to have a crush on him?
    “You gotta wake up. Foods ready, and don’t you have work today?” I told him softly.
    “Fuck! What time is it? And no I don’t have work, I have a few classes to go to.” Matt swore jumping up off the couch.
    “Okay before you hurt yourself, calm the fuck down. What time are your classes?” I asked him as I grabbed my phone to look at the time.
    “My first is at nine-thirty.” Matt answered rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
    “Okay, Matt don’t freak out, but it’s quarter after eight. How far is your school from here?” I asked him.
    “I think this is the latest I’ve slept in, in a while. It’s closer to the center of the city but not at the same time.” Matt answered sleepily.
    “How do you….Nevermind. Look go quickly shower and get ready. If you still have time, come eat. Otherwise I’ll at least save you the Cajun french toast.” I told him.
    “Alright.” Matt said flashing me his smile and ran upstairs to shower. I sighed with a huge smile, then walked back into the kitchen and got some food, then stuck the rest of the french toast(which was only four piece’s) on a plate as well as some bacon for Matt, then walked into the dining room and sat down and started eating.
    “He awake finally?” Nat asked me, taking a drink of her coffee.
    “Yup.” I replied, taking a bite of my food. “Is this really the latest he has ever slept in?” I asked afterwards.
    “Yeah, since he was about seventeen.” Alex told me, getting up from the table.
    “Jesus. Even I can’t wake up that early….I hate waking up.” I replied as I finished eating and just sat there, “Oh hey don’t turn the water on.” I told them.
    “Wasn’t going to.” Alex yelled from the kitchen.
    “Yeah, I don’t know the full story on why. It’s rare that I will wake up and Matt still be asleep.” Nat responded quietly.
    “Hmm, maybe he has insomnia, and y’all never knew.” I replied.
    “Nah, he just don’t like sleeping that much anymore.” Alex told me as he came back in and sat next to Nat. Hmm, I wonder why? Just then Matt walked in with the plate of food.
    “You sure you have enough time to eat?” I asked, worried he was gonna be late.
    “I should.” Matt answered as he sat down and started eating.
    “Okay…” I said well getting up with my plate and walking into the kitchen and stuck my plate in the sink and started washing the dishes.
    “Hey Em, Mia wants to know if you are coming into the garage and if not, If you could go to the cafe and help her today.” Nat told me as she walked over.
    “Tell her that I can definitely go in and help her out.” I told her with a smile. I actually feel good today. Maybe after talking to Matt yesterday, it really did help. Yeah that’s gotta be it, it’s definitely not because I woke up practically laying on him.
    “Alright, do you need a ride there?” Nat asked leaning on the counter.
    “Um, possibly. Or I can just walk.” I replied as Matt walked in with his plate, “Just stick it in here, I’ll wash it.” I told him as he looked like he was waiting for me to move so he could wash his plate.
    “I’ve got it.” Matt replied still waiting for me to move.
    “Matt, you have to go. Now. Just put the dish in the sink.” I told him, putting my hands on my hips.
    “Alright, alright. I’ll do it later then.” Matt responded putting the plate in the sink. “See you guys later!” He called running out the front door.
    “Bye!” We called back then I finished the dishes and quickly ran up the stairs. I did my makeup and got dressed and ran back down the stairs. It’s a good thing I’m starting to feel better otherwise all that running would be awful.
    “I could use a ride actually, Nat. If that’s okay.” I told her. I probably shouldn’t push it...It’s only been like a week since it happened. 
    “Yeah sure. I offered, didn’t I?” Nat responded, “Do you want to go in my car? Or Alex’s? Mine is making a small noise when I turn it on.”
    “Alex’s. Don’t want to risk it breaking down on us.” I told her.
    “Alright.” Nat responded heading towards the door, “Alex let’s go. We’ll be outside.” Walking outside and over to his car. Nat leaned against it while we waited for Alex.
    “So how long have you two been together anyways?” I asked her as we waited.
    “I met him almost immediately after I moved out here three years ago. We were just friends until eight months ago.” Nat answered with a smile.
    “Cool.” I replied. I wish I had a boyfriend, but let’s face it I have zero luck with men, especially after what happened…. You gotta be able to trust the person you want to date...I’m afraid I won’t be able too and I’ll just fuck it up.
    “I guess.” Nat shrugged, “He makes me want to strangle him and bury his body sometimes.”
    “That honestly just means you’re in love.” I told her.
    “I know. It scares me sometimes.” Nat whispered.
    “That’s okay. It can be a scary thing. But in the end it makes you happy, he makes you happy. And that’s all that matters.” I replied. After I said that Alex walked out of the house.
    “Hey, we’re dropping Em off at the cafe. Mia wants some help.” Nat told Alex still leaning on the car.
    “Sounds good.” Alex replied as he gave her a quick kiss. Nat smiled and moved around to the passengers side opened the door and pulled the seat down so I could get in. I got into the back, then Nat pulled the seat up and got in. Alex got in and took off. Once we pulled up to the cafe Nat got out and pulled the seat down to let me out. Once I was out of the car she put the seat back up and got in.
    “Thanks!” I called as I walked over to the doors. They nodded and took off. I walked in and walked over to Mia, who thanked me for coming and helping her then told me what to do. I nodded and got started, first by quickly restocking the shelves and then just help with customers while she did paper work. I had made almost half a dozen sandwiches when I heard a familiar voice. Actually make that two, one was Matt’s, who walked in with a friend, and that friend of his...Yeah I knew him too. His name is Jared, and he was the quarterback of the football team back home. Yes, the same quarterback that raped me at a party, the same one who spread the rumor that I wanted him so badly I was begging for him. Yeah...That quarterback. Sadly Matt has no idea that it’s him, since I never told him the guy’s name….So of course he would be friends with him...
    “Hey Em. How’s it going?” Matt greeted me with a smile.
    “H-hey. Everything is great!” I lied….Okay well I wasn’t really lying, everything was great till I saw he was friends with Jared….Now it’s not so great.
    “That’s good. Aunt Mia leave you here by yourself?” Matt responded then turned to Jared, “I’ll see you in class tomorrow.” Jared nodded and left. “Tell me the truth, what’s wrong?”
    “Nothing’s wrong. And no she’s in the back doing paperwork.” I told him as I moved over to a table and started clearing it, avoiding eye contact.
    “Bullshit.” Matt said calling me out, “What’s wrong?”
    “Its nothing, Matt. Don’t worry about it, okay.” I told him. My hands were shaking so much that I dropped one of the glasses, “Damn it…” I mumbled as I bent down and started picking up the big pieces. Good thing no one else is in here.
    “Go sit down.” Matt told me gently as he started picking up the glass, “I got this.”
    I got up and grabbed the broom, “No point in hurting yourself…” I told him quietly.
    Grabbing the broom from me he smiled, “Thanks.” And started sweeping up the glass into a pile. Should I tell him that his friend is the quarterback from my story? I don’t want to cause him any problems….
    “You can tell me whatever is going on in that mind of yours. You know I’m not gonna judge or call you a liar.” Matt told me as he quietly threw the glass away and put the broom away.
    I shook my head, “I don’t want to cause you any problems…” I told him quietly looking down so my hair covered my face as I could feel the tears coming.
    “You won’t.” Matt told me gently as he pulled me into his arms.
    “You don’t know that….” I mumbled into his chest, “All I ever do is cause problems for people.” I added…. God I’m just a goddamn charity case... Why does he even bother?
    “Honey, I have a thousand problems, one more won’t be a problem.” Matt told me.
    I pulled myself out of his arms and avoided his eyes, “That guy you were with...His names Jared…” I told him trailing off for a second then took a deep breath and continued, “He’s the quarterback I told you about….”
    “I’ll kick his ass.” Matt said quietly while pulling me closer. “He won’t be back here.”
    “Please don’t….I really don’t want you getting into trouble because of me…. I’m seriously not worth it.” I told him.
    “You are worth it to me.” Matt responded putting emphasis on you and me. 
    “Why? You don’t even know me….” I asked.
    “I’ll tell you when Aunt Mia isn’t listening.” Matt answered dodging the question. I looked at him tilting my head a bit still wondering why...But I guess whatever the reason is he’ll tell me later. I moved out of his arms and walked back behind the counter.
    “Hey Em.” Nat greeted as she walked in with Alex who had his arm wrapped around her shoulder.
    “Hey.” I replied, hoping I didn’t sound sad or nervous.
    “You okay?” Nat asked as she sat down and laid her head on the counter.
    God damn voice, “Yeah. Just tired I guess. Been a busy day.”
    “Really? It’s never busy here.” Alex responded raising an eyebrow.
    “I’ve sold half a dozen sandwiches, maybe more, and we even ran out of drinks in the cooler, I just restocked all of them about half an hour ago.” I told him.
    “Damn.” Alex said letting out a small whistle.
“Dad is probably gonna want you in here a lot more.” Matt told me. 
    “Well I wouldn’t mind it.” I replied with a small smile.
    “Good.” Mia said as she came out of the back. “Cause I’m not going to be able to be here for a while. We need to get to the hospital.”
    Everyone looked at her questionly but then realization came to me, “Oh my god, did your water just break?” When she nodded everyone hopped up. Matt and I helped her to his car.
    “You guys go, I’ll get a hold of everyone.” I told them. They nodded and left. I called the garage and told them what happened and they all left for the hospital. I stayed at the store.
    Dom came into the store five minutes later, “C’mon we’re closing up early.” I nodded and grabbed my bag. I was glad when he said that, especially when I saw Jared not far from the store, watching, like he was waiting for me to be alone...Great. Fucking perfect. We got into Dom’s car and he took off to the hospital.
    “I’m going to need you at the store now, I’ll pay you. But I need someone there, Nat or Matt will be with you.” Dom told me as he pulled into the hospital parking lot.
    “Okay, no problem.” I told him with a smile. We got out of the car and walked into the hospital, everyone but Letty and Brian who must have been in the delivery room with Mia. Which means everyone else is waiting and watching Jack.
    “Hey.” Nat greeted tiredly.
    “Hi.” I greeted as I saw Everyone getting a little frustrated with Jack as he just kept crying, “Y’all want me to take him? I’m pretty good with kids.”
    “He just wants his mom. I’m gonna take him outside.” Nat responded as she grabbed Jack from Matt and headed outside.
    “Okay…” I replied, “I’m gonna go get some coffee. I feel like it’s gonna be a while. Anyone else want anything?” I asked.
    “Coffee please.” Alex responded almost beggingly. 
    “Okay, anyone else?” I asked. Everyone shook their heads.
    “I’ll come with you.” Matt told me, “I want to see what they have for sandwiches.”
    “Okay..” I replied and we left. We walked in awkward silence. Why? Why do I feel so awkward? Is it because of earlier? Yep definitely because of what happened earlier. And now I know for sure that Jared is in this town, and at first I thought he didn’t recognize me, but he totally did, and he is totally gonna cause problems. Oh god what if he try’s to….again...oh god, I can’t breathe.
    “Hey, breath.” Matt said as he pulled me into his arms and put my head against his chest.
    “I-I-I can’t….” Oh god why did he have to magically appear back in my life…. Is god just playing some sick joke?
    “He’s not going to get close to you. I will kill him if I have to.” Matt told me gently and quietly.
    “H-how did you….” I trailed off.
    “After you told me and we all left to take Mia to the hospital, I switched cars with Alex and Nat and came back because I saw him down the street. I waited until Dad got there and I knew you were going with him before I came here.” Matt responded quietly.
    “Why?” I asked. I’m not sure if I’m asking why he didn’t just come and get me, or why he was so worried about me. I mean we are friends, I get he doesn’t want anything to happen to me, but seriously since like day one he has been there for me, why?
    “Why? Because I didn’t want anything to happen to you. Why didn’t I come get you? I knew my Dad was coming to get you and close the store.” Matt answered, “Besides if he tried anything, I could have kicked his ass and got him arrested.”
    “And I’ll say it again, please don’t….I’m not worth it….And it happened a year ago, no one believed me then, no one would believe me now…” I told him as I got out of his arms.
    “You wouldn’t believe what people can believe after a year. And you are worth it.” Matt told me completely serious.
    “Earlier you told me you would tell me why I am so worth it to you. So why? Like I said, you don’t know me…” I asked.
    “Because I’m slowly falling in love with you.” Matt confessed quietly.
    “Wait what?” I asked my eyes going wide. Did I hear him right?
    “I’m slowly falling in love with you.” Matt repeated a little louder.
    “......You might want to retract that statement. Like I’m a freaking mess in case you haven’t realized that…..” I told him sadly, looking down at the ground. Why can’t I just be happy with this.
    “I don’t care that you’re a mess. I’m falling for you for everything you are including the mess.” Matt responded, his tone full of emotion. My eyes went wide.

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