forever & Always (Teen versio...

By Twilightfangal

300 24 3

Summary: Bella has been accepted in a program in Italy, so she takes it. When she goes there, she meets a bo... More

chapter 1
chapter 2 :Last Time having Fun!
chapter 4: new Home
chapter 5
chapter 6: Double Date
chapter 7 : Phone Calls
chapter 8 :classes
chapter 9 after school
Day with Edward
Day Before Christmas/ winter Break
Going Home
Back In Jacksonville
Phone Calls and Family Time
Edward Comes Over to visit
We Are Together Back In JACKSONVILLE
Date Night !
Edward's Leave
Heading Back to Italy !
the crash
Watching Edward
chapter 23
Edward is going out
Untitled Part 25
The Funeral
Last Time to See Bella
Back in Italy
Moving on

chapter 3 Goodbye

17 3 0
By Twilightfangal

Chapter 3; Goodbye

I did my same routine every morning, then I went downstairs for a cup of hot tea. We gathered my bags and went to my dad's truck. My dad put my bags in the trunk then we got in  we were off to Jacksonville airport. My mom brought a whole box of tissues with her; I know she would need them. She was crying the whole way there.

When we arrived at the airport my dad dropped my mom and me off; then he went to find a place to park. My mom and I went inside the airport. A few minutes later my dad came with my bags.

When we walked over to the gate, there stood Heidi, her parents, Jane, Becky, Ben, James, and Paul. They all had teary eyes. We all talked for a while, like twenty minutes. We all hugged and said our goodbyes and we walked to the airline attendant. We walked toward the door but before I entered I took one more look back and waved bye to everyone, then I walked into the plane.

That was the last time I saw my parents until Christmas break. Heidi was crying, and I was glad that we had seats together. We had to change flights twice. Of course our parents got us first class tickets. It was nice of them to do this.

After I said goodbye to my parents, I boarded the plane, walked to my seat, and got comfortable in my seat. I brought a carry-on bag with me to keep me busy while we were in their. But I wouldn't be able to since the flight from Jacksonville to Charlotte would be shorter. I decided to fall asleep, but when I closed my eyes, the attendant woke me up to let me know that we would be landing soon.

We landed in Charlotte airport in less than half an hour. Once the plane landed we walked into the airport, trying to look for our gate, and found it was half way on the other side of the airport. We had some time to go get a bite to eat, since both Heidi and I were hungry.

After we ate we walked to our gate with five minutes to spare. My feet were hurting me from all the walking. A few minutes later we could board the plane. We found our seats and got settled in. Since it would be a longer flight I could fall asleep. The flight from Charlotte to JFK was somewhat longer. I fell asleep for the rest of trip.

Heidi woke me up a few minutes before we landed. I grabbed my carry on bag and waited for the plane to land. Once we landed in New York, we walked into the airport and looked for our gate, but when we spotted a hot guy I got distracted. Heidi pulled me in the direction of our gate, and I looked back one more time, which was when I realized he was boarding the same flight as we were. We made the flight just in time. We boarded the plane that would take us to Rome's airport. This flight would be all day. So I took out my iPod and play the games and texted everyone back home. I played on my iPad for a little before I fell asleep.

I woke up because I still heard Heidi crying. Our lives were about to change, and I believed that Heidi would turn around and go back home or she would stop crying once we landed in Rome, I hoped so, since I didn't want to be alone. I assured her it would be okay. Bye bye USA, Hello Italy!

We landed in Rome's airport in the morning. Heidi and I went to do some shopping before our friends were here to pick us up. But before we went shopping Heidi pulled out her laptop and we watched our show "One Tree Hill" then we did a little shopping before we left the airport. Heidi finally stopped crying.

After we did our little shopping we walked out of the airport, and there stood our room mates, Bree, Chelsea and Alice, waiting for us. Heidi and Chelsea are pen pals. They both got accepted in the same program. So both of them are happy now.

And for me I'm new to this country with only one friend, Heidi. But I'm glad she did get accepted too.

After we talked for a little, then we walked to their car. When we got to the car Alice opened the trunk and put our bags in. Then we were off to our new home.

On the way to our new home we all got to know each other. We talked about what we like and don't like. They drive on the opposite side as us.

When we finally got to our new home, Alice parked the car and popped open the trunk. Then we got out and took our things into our house. I just put the bags on the floor and took a load off, meaning relaxed for a bit before I unpacked my bags. It felt great to be on land and not to rush around the airports anymore, not for a while at least. I knew I had to call my parents to let them know I made it safely so they don't have to worry. I decided to wait a little before I called; I just needed to calm down and relax a bit. With all the flying I got jet lag and needed time to sit .

I dialed my house to tell my parents I made it in one piece. My mom answered the phone.

"Hello, mom," I said.

"Hi, baby," she replied

"I know it's late in the states, I just wanted to tell you that I made it to Italy in one piece," I yawned.

"You sound tired, and I'm glad you made it safe."

"Yeah, I had a long trip."

"Well, I will let you go, I'll call you in a few days."

"Thanks, love you."

"Love you too, honey."

We hung up the phone. Then I gathered my bags and went upstairs to put my clothes away. As I was putting my clothes away I could hear the girls goofing around. I could tell that Heidi was no longer crying. I was glad she wasn't, because I was afraid that she would change her mind and go back home. It would really suck if she did go back home.

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