The Unexpected (A Tony Stark...

By AprilRenton

353K 7K 5.2K

The great Tony Stark has had many affairs and never had to pay any consequences for them. But this isn't his... More

Escapade or Escape?
Salt(y) and Pepper
Magic or Manipulation?
Welcome Home?
The Room for Royalty
Cheese and Chats
I Did Say "Above All: Sarcasm" Didn't I?
The Mark Problem
Friendly Faces
Authors Note
Basketball is for Boys
Meet and Freak
The Elevator Exile
Home of the Brave
The Parent Trap?
The Unexpected End

Live, Love, Laugh;and Above All: Sarcasm

35.4K 468 648
By AprilRenton

Kayden is pictured above you'll meet him later

Well I'm not going to lie, my life isn't great, but it definitely could be worse. My mom is a druggie; always has been. The doctors were actually shocked that I came out normal and healthy considering she took drugs when she was pregnant with me. She never told me anything about my dad. Sometimes when she's "out of it" though, she's  mentioned a guy. And from the way she talks, I'm okay with him not being in my life. Don't get me wrong a dad would be cool, especially if he actually was competent. But a dad that's an "egocentric, playboy, narcissistic, arrogant" man, isn't exactly something I need in my life.

"April? Are you still with us?"

Oh yeah. Guess I should have told you guys I'm currently a sophomore at Montana High School. Also currently in school. And currently zoning out per usual.

"Yeah. 100%."

"Good." I could hear smugness approaching in her voice. "Then you won't mind answering the problem on the board."

I glanced at the board.
4= 9 - 5x/2
I blinked at it.


The answer popped into my head.

"Uhh 10?"

I noticed the teacher bite back a smirk.
"Maybe if you paid attention instead of daydreaming you would know that the answer is in fact 2. See me after class Ms. Renton."

I mentally groaned. This was the third time this month that she was holding me after class. Anytime we had an assessment the next day she would tell me if I didn't pass I would need to get a tutor of her choice. And every time I somehow managed to pass by a single point.

Well since I'm clearly not going to pay attention to the rest of this class, I might as well tell you more about my life.

I'm not a huge fan of school because everyone seems to think they can fix you or change you. No one ever seems to think that maybe you're actually okay and don't need their help. Anyway you probably don't care about that. You're probably more wondering why on earth I completely botched that question. You probably think I'm some wacko strawberry blonde who is actually super smart but pretends to be dumb for her reputation. Well that's a good theory. But it has one flaw. I have no reputation. I'm not invisible, but people don't really seem to think I'm worth caring about for the most part. But you might just be Sherlock Holmesy enough to figure out that I am indeed pretty smart. If you want to get into the technicality of it, don't. My IQ is like 140 or something. My mom had me tested for some unknown bizarre reason. I don't like to flaunt it around school though. And honestly why should I care? Why should I care enough to actually try in this school? Besides I get the nice extra bonus of driving teachers insane that I always pass by one point. Oh and then there's the guidance counselors. They'll call me in and try to talk to me about how smart I would be if I would just try. Yadda yadda yadda. When they finally finish talking to me I just make up crap about how hard my home life is and then they feel sorry for me and leave me be. There's a system here, and I just figured out how to work it.


Oh yay! Time for another stupid meeting with a teacher. It's incredibly stupid. Like think about the logic of it.
They're going to take time away from my learning to talk to me about how I need to spend more time studying.
Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaah because that makes perfect sense.

"Ms. Renton."

I snapped my head up towards the teacher who beckoned me towards her desk. I grabbed my notebook and pencil and walked towards her. Anyone else hear the death march playing, or is that just me? Maybe my mom should have tested me for psychotic behavior instead of genius IQ. Oh look I've arrived!

"It has once again come to my attention that your grades are falling in my class. It would be my recommendation that you get a tutor. If anything it will provide you a set time that you have to study. As I hope you are well aware, we have a chapter 6 assessment tomorrow. If you do not get a 70% or above I will be forced to get you a tutor."

My eyebrows raised at this increased percentage. "What happened to only needing a 60% to pass?"

"New school policy." I held in a laugh. Ok suuuuuure. "If you do not score a 70% or above you will start tutoring lessons every day after school in the library, or wherever it works best for you a your tutor. They will start they day following the test."

She was enjoying this way too much.

"The day after the test is Spring Break."

She waved her hand like she was swatting away a pesky fly. And who knows maybe she was. Maybe the fly was looking for a meal and mistook her for a rotting corpse. "The first day back then."

I contained an eye roll and nodded. "I understand."

"Good. You are dismissed."

Well thank you your royal majesty for letting me be graced by your presence for this long. Would you like me to bow before I exit or salute you?

I turned and left the room heading towards my locker. The hallway was jostling with students who paid zero attention to their surroundings. Upon reaching my locker I began putting in my combination when I was suddenly grabbed from behind and spun in a circle.

"Hey babe."

I rolled my eyes.
"Hi Kayden."

Oh did I forget to mention I have a boyfriend? Guess it kinda slipped my mind. We've been dating for about 2 months now. Honestly it's nothing serious and we haven't even kissed. I actually think we act more like super close siblings, but whatever he's fun to hang out with. He's currently the backup quarterback for the varsity football team, which is highly impressive for a sophomore. Anyway he's the reason I'm not completely invisible in school but luckily it's not a ton of attention on me. I go to his games and hang out with him, which is nice especially because I have nothing else to do. And he likes that anytime he gets annoyed with cheerleaders flirting with him (which is way too often) he can just tell them he has a girlfriend.

"You're coming to my game tonight right?"

"Don't have anything better to do."

"Babe I'm actually playing tonight because the starter is on vacation!"

"Wait seriously? That's epic dude!"

He laughed at my boyishness.

"See you tonight." He kissed me on my cheek and then walked away.

I took the bus home and started on my homework. Yes I know, you probably find it weird that I do my homework when I act stupid. Honestly it's more of a game to see how fast I can get it done because I end up 'forgetting' it at home. Anyway I won't bore you with all the invigorating details of algebra and biology. I looked at the clock and realized my mom still wasn't home, but I honestly wasn't all that concerned because she's been late plenty of times before. So I made a sandwich and then left for the game. I called a taxi if you honestly need that much detail. And if you do need that much detail you really might want to consider reprioritizing things in your life. Oh and here comes another fascinating detail... I arrived at the game!


I turned towards where I had heard my name and saw Kayden. I couldn't help but smile. I might not be dating him for like cereal, but I'm still a teenager and he looks super cute in his uniform.

"You made it."

"You didn't actually think I was going to miss the first game where you weren't on the bench, did you?"

He threw his arm over my shoulder. "Oh come on. Just admit it. You couldn't resist my charm and amazing smile."

"Right and that ego that goes through the roof."

"Whatever. I'm awesome and you know it. You're just in denial. But don't worry denial is a healthy thing in every relationship."

"Even fake ones?"

"Oh low blow there babe. Low. Blow." He grinned.

"Good luck tonight."

"Awww thanks babe. I'll try not to get sacked too many times. Don't want to damage this money maker." He said gesturing to his face.

"I'd be more concerned with all the safety's you're going to get."

"Seriously why do I even date you?"

"Cause I'm the only girl that puts up with you and your... money maker."

We both started laughing.

"Alright I gotta go. See you after the game?"

I nodded and watched as he walked away. He seriously was like an amazing older brother. Boyfriend material? I feel that I can't answer that unbiasedly.

Okay people there is a reason that you never see every single thing in a movie. It's because they've acknowledged that every single detail would bore people to death. So why, why do you feel the need to have every single detail in this? Basically it was a good game. We beat the opposing team by 3 touchdowns and Kayden managed to only get sacked once. And it didn't damage his 'money maker'. Just as I was getting down from the bleachers to congratulate him on his first game, my phone buzzed. I looked at the screen and was surprised to see the hospital's number. Yes I know their number, because my mom has paid them the occasional visit. I immediately answered.


"Is this April Renton?"

"Yeah. Is my mom okay?"

She cleared her throat. My breathing immediately became faster. They normally will just tell me straight up what happened.

"Angie Renton passed away at 21:45 this evening. We believe it was due to a drug overdose, however it would require an autopsy to be conclusive. I have more details for you if you'd like to come to the hospital, I can explain it?"

I couldn't comprehend what she was saying. My mom was dead? No. No she couldn't be. She wasn't always 100% with me but she would never just leave me like this.


I shook myself out of it. "Yeah. Yeah I'll be there. Just give me a couple minutes."

I hung up the phone and dialed the taxi.

What up? Feel free to leave comments, concerns, recommendations, heck even behavioral issues. Love to hear from you guys and hope you enjoy the story!


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