Olympia Weasley: Ron Weasley'...

By Kateem_99

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I'm Olympia Weasley but call me Olly. I have 6 brothers and 1 sister: Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron... More

Chapter 1- The prank
Chapter 2- The Aftermath
Chapter 3 - The Birthday- pt.1
Chapter 3 - The Birthday - pt.2
Chapter 5 - The First Day Of Classes- pt.1
Chapter 5 - The First Day Of Classes Pt.2
Chapter 6 - In Your Blood
Chapter 7 - The 3 Headed Dog?!?!
Chapter 8 - Halloween!!
Chapter 9 - Quidditch

Chapter 4 - Meeting the Boy who Lived

807 19 10
By Kateem_99

I woke up to Ron, suprizingly, jumping on me. I managed to half open my eyes and mumble to myself,
" What time is it?".

Ron managed to hear this and told me it was '9:00am' and that 'we have to catch the train which leaves at 11:00am'.
Then I remembered what day it was today. It was the way we went to Hogwarts!

I lept out of bed had a quick breakfast and ran upstairs, two steps at a time. I put my robes inside a small bag with my wand and a potions book to read on the journey.

I got dressed into a white t-shirt and a black jumper which Charlie gave me. The jumper has a small dragon on it.
I wore some hand me down blue jeans and a pair of Fred's old trainers.

I brushed my firey red, curly hair and pulled it into a high ponytail. My hair turned yellow and I shook my head.

My hair returned to its natraul colour and I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Afterwards I finished my packing and dragged my case down the stairs slowly, one at a time.

I was at the front door by 10:00am and I decided to go to a mirror and practise changing my hair different colours.

By 10:30 we were in the car driving to Kings Cross Station. Once we had made it, we quickly got our out cases from the boot and then we were on our way to platforms 9 and 10.

Dad went through first and then Percy stuck his head up high and walked at the wall and disappeard.

"Fred you next." My mum says to my older brother.

But then George steps up and says,
"He's not Fred I am." I was trying to not laugh at this knowing our dear mother would fall for it.

"Honestly you call yourself out mother." I let out a laugh but then turned it into coughs.

"Oh, I'm sorry, George."

"Only joking I am Fred" Fred says quickly running into the wall with George following abruptly after.

I snigger as a boy spoke up to mum.
"Excuse me! C-could you tell me how-" The boy stuttered

"How to get on to the platform? Yes, not to worry dear. It's Rons and Olly's first time to Hogwarts as well." I wave at the Boy while Ron smiles.

"Now, what you've got to do is walk at the wall beetween platforms 9 and 10. Best do it with a bit of a run if your nervous."

"Good Luck." Ginny says timidly.

The boy takes a deep breath and runs at the wall disappearing as well. Mum gives us a little nod and I run up to the wall.

I close my eyes feeling a small breeze as a pass through it. When I open them they are greeted by the lovely, familiar, scarlet train.

Which this year I would finally be going on and waving off to my family. I find Fred and George and ask them to help me with my things.

Then said they would in a minute but mum would explode if we didn't say goodbye first.

"You know that boy on the platform. We just helped him with his bags and guess what..." Fred and George say randomly yet excitedly as me reach our red headed family.

"He's Harry Potter." My eyes widen and Ginny begs mum to see him but she refuses.

Ginny looks disappointed but deals with it anyway. I hugged mum and dad and then I came to Ginny.

She had burst into uncontrolable tears. She hugged me tight and made my jumper a bit wet but I didn't care.

"Why you crying Gin?" I ask hoping to be able to cheer her up.

"I-I'm gonna b-b-be all alone this y-year. Charlie and Bill aren't home and you and Ron are going to Hogwarts with the others."

"Ginny, I promise I'll write regulaly and you'll be going next year." She wiped away the tears from her eyes with her sleeve, seemingly a bit happier.

I missed something while talking to Ginny because mum was shaking her head at the twins.

She had given them and idea...it was a face that was made every time the two a were leaving for the train.

Percy was walking away fuming also. I had really missed something really entertaining. The whistle went and we said few fire goodbyes and left.

The twins in the end didn't help me with my stuff or Ron's so we had to find a carriage and sort out our stuff ourselves.

Once our belongings were sorted the train had started moving. We checked every carriage and found only one empty space.

The carriage had the boy we met before we got into the platform.

"Excuse me, do you mind. Everywhere else is full." Ron spoke to the boy.

The boy smiled."No, not at all."

Once we had sat down I got a proper look at the boy. He had unruly, raven black hair, green eyes and round glasses held together by a muggle version of spellotape.

He wore clothes way too big for him making him seem skinnier than he already was.

"I'm Ron by the way. Ron Weasley." My brother spoke up.

"And I'm his amazing, twin sister Olympia. But everyone calls me Olly." I said grinning at the boy.

"I'm Harry. Harry Potter." Ron eyes widen probably suprised that the twins actually said something true.

"So-so its true?! I mean do you have the...the..." Ron stuttered.

"The what?" Harry asked.

"Scar...?" I whispered just loadly enough so he could hear.

"Oh, yeah." Harry says lifting up his long fringe revealing the lightning bolt scar.

"Wicked!" Me and Ron say in unison.

"Anything from the trolley wears?" A lady says approaching the doors with a cart of sweets.

"No thanks, we're set." Ron says and we hold up our squashed sandwiches at the same time.

I see Harry out his hand in his pocket and pull out a load of coins.

"Well take the lot!"

The rest our journey is filled with sweets, reading (for me), chatter and this one time a bushy haired girl, named Hermione Granger, came to our carriage and I ended up having a good convosation on books with her.

I hoped I would get into the same house as her.

When we got off the train we were greeted by a half-giant who Harry said was called Hagrid.

He apparently took Harry to Diagon Alley after rescuing from some cruel muggles, who were his Aunt, Uncle and Cousin...or his guardians.

We got into a boat with Hermione, while Harry told his story about how Hagrid, saved him from the living hell in the muggle world.

When Hogwarts came into view Hermione and me were having an intellectual conovosation about the book 'Hogwarts: A History'.

When the boats docked we got out and waited in a cluster at some steps outside a great, double door.

A woman with her black hair tied tightly into a meat but came out. She wore emerald robes and looked kind yet very strict.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, School of Withcraft and Wizardy..." I zoned out of her speech after hearing it from Percy mulitiple times after asking him what sorting was like and ending up with his whole life story, with every detail.

She left for a moment, which have us time talk amonst ourselves for a few minutes. A boy walked up to us, well Harry.

He had platinum blond hair, which was slicked back, and he looked at everyone like he was above all of them.

"So it's true then, Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." The boy started, starting up mummers from the other first years.

"This is Crabb and Goyle." He said gesturing over to two thugs which I guess we're there to terrify others.

"And I'm Malfoy..." I changed my hair to a blue colour to confuse him as I know his attention at some point would at somepoint diarect to us.

"Draco Malfoy." The boy finished proudly making me and Ron snigger.

"Think my names funny, do you?!" Malfoy said to us then glared at Ron.
"No need to ask yours. Red hair, a hand me down robe. Must be a Weasley."

Then he turned to me his glare faded into a face of confusion as he kept glancing at Ron and me then a face of disgust.

"Oh and you, girl, with your coloured hair and me having no idea who you are, you must be a mudblood." He spat.

I thought my eyes turned red for a second and then my hair went back to its normal colour.

"Firstly, don't say the 'm word' ever again it's muggle-born.
Secondly, I'm not a muggle-born , not matter how lovely they are, I'm a proud Weasley.
Thirdly, don't you ever insult my family again I'll hex you into an oblivian. What do you have to say to that weasel?!" I said through gritted teeth.

He looked back to Harry and continued his speech.

"Well you'll soon find some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. Don't wanna go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there."

Draco extends his and for Harry to shake but he just looks at it and then speaks.

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks,"

He opened his mouth to say something multiple times and in the end he didn't say anything. Professer McGonagall (the professer who is in the emerald robes) had returned to bring us all in.

She tapped him on the shoulder with a piece of parchment which made him leave.
As he walked away be gave us one last glare.

Then we walked into the great hall.
Hermione started muttering something about the ceiling being bewitched to look like the night sky.

It was some thing I read a while back. I felt a bit nervous as the sorting began and I saw that Ron was nevous too so I grabbed his hand and gave it a reasuring squeeze.

"Potter, Harry." McGonagall spoke loudly and the murmers from the rest of the school silenced.

After a while, the hat shouted 'GRYFFINDOR !' And the Gryffindor table cheered and whisled.

I looked at my brother who was also getting more and more nervous. We shot each other occasional glances to see if the other felt the same.

We both wanted to get into Gryffindor as all our family was in that house but we also wanted to be in the same house as Harry.

I wanted to be in the same house as Hermione too, and she had been sorted into Gryffindor as well.

"Weasley, Olympia." McGonagall called my name out. I let go of Rons hand and slowly walked up the stool.

I sat down and the sorting hat was placed upon my head. The hat slid down in front of my eyes and started talking.

"Interesting, very interesting. Hufflepuff would be good but your too mischevious.
Maybe Sytherin... No! You wouldn't fit in there. Ravenclaw seems great yet you happen to not follow the rule book.
Gryffindor would be a good place to be with your family but it may help your hot temper grow. Ravenclaw or Gryffindor? Very well, You have made you decision and I think you will fit in there well. GRYFFINDOR!"

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and walked over proudly to the Gryffindor table.
Harry, Hermione and all my brothers were cheering loudly.
I sat next Hermione and opposite Harry.

"Weasley,Ron." My twin walked up to the stool. His face was full of fear.

The hat sunk down over his eyes and it quickly shouted, "GRYFFINDOR."

He did a quick walk over the table while we all cheered. He sat next to Harry opposite Hermione.

Once the sorting was finished Proffesser Dumbledore stood up and said a few words.

Then the table filled with all sorts of food. Ron starts piling food on his plate at lightning speed.

I ate some chicken, yorkshire puddings and roast potatoes and a bit more.
Hermione had a similar thing to me and Harry was similar to Ron but are quite a bit less.

Ron had almost everything on the table. Sir Nickolas popped his head out from the table and then fully came out.

"Hey I know you. You're nearly headless Nick." Ron excitedly exclaimed.

"Is prefer Sir Nickolas, if you don't mind."

"Nearly headless? How are you nearly headless?!" Hermione asked the ghost.

"Like this..." He said and pulled his head to the side.

His head mostly came off but didnt because it wasnt properly cut off. Ron shouted a bit at the sight while Hermione looked at the ghosts disgusted.

Then the food disappeared and we had pudding. I had a knickerbocker glory, Hermione had a bananna split while Harry and Ron had vanilla and strawberry icecream.

Once we had finished out feast the prefects led us to our common rooms.
"Gryffindor follow me please. Keep up, thank you." Percy called out to us. "This is the most diarect path to the dormitries. Oh, and keep an eye out for the staircases...they like to change."

We came up to a painting of a woman. Our brothers had told us every one called her 'The Fat Lady' I saw what they meant now.

"Password." She said regally.

Percy spoke the password, "Cuput Draconis."

The painting swung open and let us all through. There were 2 flights of stairs one for the girls dorms and one flight for the boys.

There was Also a large room with a few couches and armchairs surrounding a fireplace.

Everything was red and gold which made the room seem alot warmer and comforting. The first years were sent up to our dormitries.

So I said goodbye to Harry and Ron and headed to the girls dorm with Hermione.
We had a dorm with a girl called Lavender Brown and Pavarti Patil.

Our clothes and bags were already were by our beds. My bed was opposite Hermiones.
I unpacked, while talking about books with Hermione and occasionally with Pavarti and Lavender.

But they were mainly talking beetween each other. We got undressed into our pyjamas and hopped into bed.
After a while of reading, my eyes got heavy and I fell asleep.
Nice Long chapter for you guys hope you liked.
Byeeeee pineapples 🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍

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