Transformers: Allies With A T...

By GeekyGirl424

12.4K 202 48

Warning: I don't own Transformers or any of its characters! About a girl with a rough past and an adoptive fa... More

*Short Bonus*
New Book


1.7K 43 4
By GeekyGirl424

Once we make it to the city we climb out of Bee and watch F-22's fly above us. All of a sudden Ironhide transforms and yells, "It's Starscream!" We all run around for cover. "Back up, take cover! Bumblebee!" Ironhide and Bumblebee run over to a semi-truck and pick it up to try and use it for cover. "Back up!"

"Back up!"

"Incoming!" Ironhide warns. Not even a second later a missile was shot at us. We all got thrown back a few feet. I sit up, shaking my head to get rid of the ringing.

"Everyone ok?!" I begin to look around to check. "Oh god. Bumblebee! Your legs!" Sam and Mikaela kept begging Bee to get up. "Rachet!" Bumblebee crawls making noises in pain causing me to cry. "Bee please!" Explosions are heard and as an enemy tank is shooting at us Mikaela runs off somewhere while Bumblebee crawls up to me and Sam.

"We're not gonna leave you." Sam states for me. Bee holds out the Cube, giving it to Sam.

"It's Megatron! Retreat!"


I turn to see Ironhide and Rachet fighting off Decepticons while trying to usher the humans to safety. "Fall back!"

I watch as Jazz tries to hold off Megatron only to get shot. My heart breaks at the sight and I know I have to do something. "I have to do something." I mumble letting the fact of the matter sink in. Turning to Bee more tears stream down my face. "Bee. Bee I'm sorry but I have to do something. I have to leave." I hold onto one of his fingers, "Stay safe, stay alive."

"What? Summers what are you doing?!"

Ignoring Sam I run up to Ironhide, "Ironhide! I need a sniper!" Barely sparing me a glance he tosses me a random sniper. Snatching it up I make sure it has bullets before running into a nearby building and up the flights of stairs.

I run out onto the roof in time to see Megatron dangling Jazz by the foot. Jazz is yelling at Megatron, obviously provoking him. I aim the sniper once I see Megatron ready to rip Jazz in half and shoot him in the eye.

A surprised and pained cry leaves Megababy, my plan being successful he drops Jazz and cradles his eye.

I watch Jazz fall, landing roughly on the ground. Seeing him get back up makes a relieved sigh escape my lips. I look back up to see Megatron found me. He screams, launching himself off his perch and towards me. Looking past Megatron I see Jazz look at me and scream something I can't hear.

Backing up, I grunt as Megatron lands, shaking the building. "You insufferable pest." He snatches me up and squeezes me hard; forcing the breath out of me. "I might let you live as my pet if you tell me where the All Spark is."

"As tempting as that sounds I'm gonna have to take a hard pass on your offer." I smirk as his enraged expression.

"Well then," he walks over to the ledge and gives me a sadistic grin. "Let's see how well you humans can fly!" And just like that I'm airborne. Megatron continues to grin at me as I fly across the warzone.

Just when I'm about to close my eyes and accept death I slam against something warm and metal. "Megatron!" I gasp for air as Optimus quickly lands and sets me down.

"Prime!" Megatron transforms, flying through the air. Optimus jumps and latches onto him. They fly through multiple buildings; I struggle to run after them and breathe at the same time. I turn the corner to see Megatron on top of Optimus, "Humans don't deserve to live."

"They deserve to choose for themselves!"

"Then you will die with them!" He picks Optimus up and throws him a few feet. "Join them in extinction!" He transforms his hand into this big cannon but Prime beats him to it and shoots him. Sadly, it doesn't affect Megatron and he blows Prime into a building. Megababy runs off, most likely to find the Cube, while Optimus falls onto the ground.

"Optimus!" I run up to him and he sits up. "Are you ok?!" I scan him for any injuries that may cause extensive damage while he regains his breath.

"I'm fine. I must get to Megatron before he reaches the Cube." He stands up and bends his knees, ready to take off in a sprint.

"I'm coming with you!"

"It is too dangerous. You must get to safety."

"I just got chucked off of a building by that Megababy! I will come with you and I will help Sam!" I cross my arms defiantly and see his eye ridge quirk and his lips twitch at the nick name I gave Megatron.

"Very well." He holds his hand out for me and I climb on. He picks me up and holds me close to his chest. "Hold on." He warns and soon we take off into a sprint. He climbs a building and follows the helicopters to Sam. Once Starscream shoots down a helicopter that was right next to Sam Optimus calls out to him, "Hang on Sam!"

Optimus runs past him and has me hold onto him while he uses both hands to hold himself up, in between the buildings. I watch as Sam climbs onto the outer part of one of the statues. "Is it fear or courage that compels you fleshling?" I hear Megatron's heavy steps come closer to Sam. "Give me the All Spark and you may live to be my pet!" Seriously? The same offer? And here I thought we had something special.

"I'm never giving you this All Spark!"

"Oh, so unwise." I hear the unraveling of chains and soon explosions went off and Sam's girly scream could be heard.

Sam spun and flipped as he fell, Optimus was lucky enough to be born (made?) with long limbs so he easily plucked Sam out of the air. "Ah, I got you boy. Hold on to the Cube!" He held me and Sam close and put his mouth guard up. Optimus skillfully hopped from building to building, but on our way down Megatron jumped on Optimus, pulling us down.

After we landed a slight ringing could be heard, annoying me to no end. Optimus removed his protective hand over us and addressed Sam. "Sam, you risked your life to protect the Cube."

"No sacrifice, no victory."

"If I cannot defeat Megatron you must push the Cube into my chest. I will sacrifice myself to destroy it." A light 'no' escapes my lips as I begin to brainstorm on how we can destroy the cube without killing Optimus. "Get behind me." Sam and I hop off of Optimus and take cover in a makeshift trench. We huddle in a hug like form, cradling the cube between us. "It's just you and me Megatron."

"No, it's just me Prime!"

"At the end of this day, one shall stand, one shall fall."

We heard jets start up and the clang of metal on metal quickly stopped them. "You still fight for the weak. That is why you lose!" Megatron grabs Optimus and throws him against the building.

We move to get a better look at what's going on. To my horror we see Optimus trying to crawl away from Megatron only to be kicked in the face and flown a few feet back. "Sam! Sam don't put the Cube in Optimus's chest!"

"I have to."

"No! You don't! If you do it'll kill him. Megababy is of the same race as Optimus. Put it in his chest! That way Megatron will fall instead of Optimus."

Sam's eyes widen in realization, "That's brilliant!" I smile at him and nod. His face goes serious and he gives me one nod back before running out to Optimus.

He has to duck a few missiles that slam into Megatrons back making him fall forward. Sam runs over to Optimus and Megatron quickly stumbles over to try and get the cube. Optimus slams his hand into Megatron's legs causing him to fly forward and over Sam.

Megatron turns around and crawls to Sam as he crawls back. "I'll kill you! Mine! All Spark!"

"Sam put the Cube into my chest now Sam! Sam! No Sam!" While Optimus was yelling for Sam to put the cube in his chest Sam found an opening to put it in Megatron's chest. He ran up to Megatron and held the cube in front of his chest where his heart, or in this case spark, should be. The cube materializes and gets sucked into Megababy's chest.

Megatron pulls back, clutching his chest. He lets out strangled, throaty cries as he falls back and dies. Sam stands up and steps back in shock. Optimus rises and makes his way over to the fallen Decepticon leader. "You left me no choice brother."

Ironhide and Rachet approach, Ironhide helping a one-leged Jazz walk. I crawl out of the trench and stand a few feet away; watching as Optimus bends down to face Sam. "Sam I own you my life. We are in your debt." Optimus rises and Sam speaks up in response to what he had said.

"Well, I can't take all the credit. Summers is the one who had the idea of putting the Cube in Megatron's chest to kill him instead of you."

Optimus looks around and spots me a few feet away. "We are in you debt, brave Summers. Both of yours."

Mikaela pulls up in a tow truck with Bee strapped to the back. A weight lifted off my chest finally knowing Bee made it out alright.

"Prime," Ironhide steps forward with Jazz. "We nearly lost him."

Upon seeing Jazz's lost limb Optimus sighed, "Aww Jazz." He turned to us, "We nearly lost a great comrade today; but we gained some new ones. Thank you; all of you. You honor us with your bravery."

"Ha, would've lost me too if Summers didn't save my arse." Jazz spoke up.

"And all I had to do was shoot him in the face and get thrown off a building."

"You what?!" Jazz said alarmed checking me for injuries while Rachet did a scan.

Optimus sighed and knelt down in front of me. "What you did was brave. I can't thank you enough for saving Jazz's life. But it was also reckless."

"Hey, no sacrifice, no victory." He hummed and stood up.

"Permission to speak, sir?" Bumblebee spoke up.

"You talk now?" Sam asked/yelled.

"Permission granted old friend."

"I wish to stay with the girl."

"If that is her choice." They all look towards me and I grin up at Bee.


Optimus bent down over his fallen brother's body and picked a fragment of the All Spark out of his chest; clenching it tightly.


We all gathered around a hilltop. Optimus was standing, recording a message for any remaining Autobots in space. Sam and Mikaela are making out on Bumblebee, Ironhide is sitting peacefully in his car form, and Rachet is transformed, working on Jazz's leg.

I was leaning back, my legs dangling off the side of the cliff. I soaked in the sun, relishing in the peaceful moment we all were having.

I am an Autobot now. I may be human, but I have been welcomed into the Autobot family along with some friends. So while my life may not be perfect, it's pretty damn close now. I couldn't ask for a better family, for better comrades... for better friends. This is something I'll never forget.

And I can't wait for our future adventures.

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