Banana Bus Squad X Reader

By Anastat1c

289K 7.5K 4.3K

You're a junior in high school, your kind of shy and really don't have any friends which makes you become an... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Author's Notes
Quick Update
Part 15
Part 16
A/N Thank You!
Part 17
A/N... again...
Part 18
A/N 4K!!!
Part 19
A/N... I Know I'm Sorry
A/N- Update
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
(A/N)~ Let's Take A Break
(A/N)~ Q&A Pt.2!
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
50K Q&A!!!
Q&A Time!
Part 30
A/N Sorry
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Another Question
Part 38

(A/N)~ Q&A Time!

4K 87 152
By Anastat1c

  Alrighty so in order for you guys to know who's talking I made a key!
AC- Author~Chan
V- Vanoss
W- Wildcat
N- Nogla
B- Basically
D- Delirious
Lui- Lui
M- Mini
Moo- Moo
J- Jack
Ma- Mark
Dan- Dan
P- Phil
Ja- Jaiden
Je- Jess
Li- Lizzie
T- Tony
O- Ohm
Br- Bryce
A- Arlan
Brian- Brian
L- Luke
  Okay now that's over let me clarify that this doesn't effect anything that happens in the book. This is all just for fun. Now let's get on with the questions!

AC- Alright first question! This is from KCisStaticRainbow, and it's for Bryce!

Br- Awesome! What's the question?

AC- "Why did you still have hope when the others didn't?"

Br- Hmm... That's a good question. I guess it's because I trust (Y/N), and I don't believe she would treat us how Vanoss said she did.

AC- Good answer Bryce! The next question is from Errorsans198 for Nogla.

N- Awesome! What is it?

AC- *starts to giggle* "Do you ship Minicat?"

N- Of course!

M- What?!

W- Nogla!

AC- Alright, alright. Next question! Oh this one is for me! Ni_Ni-Chan asks, "Why do yo need a nickname? I like Author-Chan best!" Well you see a lot of people call themselves Author-Chan, I want a more intimate name than that I guess? I don't know... Here's an idea! If you guys have a suggestion for what I should be nicknamed leave a comment!

W- Alright next question!

AC- Okay, this next person has quite a few questions. The first question Tori_Does_Writing asks is, "To everyone who is still with Vanoss; Why are you still with him?"

B- He's my friend I guess. I mean he's an awesome person once you get to know him.

W- Yeah! He's actually a big softie!

N- He may seem heartless but outside of school he's a completely different person.

AC- Alright second question, "To Vanoss: Will you ever have a change of heart?"

V- Probably. We'll just have to see what the future holds.

AC- Good job being vague and spoiler free Vanoss! Third question, "To Nogla: Do you ship H2OVanoss? Or MiniCat? Or any other ships?"

N- Yes! I ship all the ships! Haven't you heard I'm the captain of the H2OVanoss ship?

D- You have a problem man...

AC- Okay, their last question is, "To Ohm: Why did you treat Bryce like that when he still believed in (Y/N)?"

O- I was upset... I was angry and I took it out on Bryce...

AC- Alright our next question is by Sparkledampeach. They ask, "For Vanoss, Wildcat, Basically, and Nogla: I forgive all... my question is do you like beating us up?"

N- At least they forgave us...

B- I wouldn't say I find joy in beating people up...

W- Yeah...

V- Umm... next question?

AC- Alright then. This next question is from ChynaNChina and is for Basically. They ask, "Do you like Olive Garden?"

B- H*** yeah!

AC- Okay this next one is for Dan!

Dan- Oh cool!

AC- MayRene5 asks, "Are you secretly Anthony Padilla's long lost twin brother?"

P- *Starts to laugh*

Dan- I mean who knows at this point. The "only" difference between us apparently is our nationalities and accents. So you know what sure. Why not.

AC- Okay then. This next on is for Vanoss from Wolf_Does_Nuthin.

V- Oh awesome! I can't wait to see what they want ask me!

AC- They ask, "Yo why you being an a**?"

V- Cause that's how Author~Chan here decided to write my character!

AC- Hey don't drag me into this!

V- It is technically your fault I'm like this!

AC- I know that! And I ultimately regret writing you like that but it's too late now!

V- Next question!

AC- Fine! This one is from HarmonieMicciche for me! They ask, "Who's your favorites? Mine our Mini, Bryce, and Brock." Well I'm gonna guess you mean out of the crew. Honestly that's a really hard question to answer. I really love all of them. I'll list my top four I guess... First is definitely Mini!

M- Really?

AC- Yeah! Craig, you were the first one I subscribed to! You've always held a special place in my heart! Whenever I need someone to lift my spirits I always go straight to your videos!

M- Awe!

AC- Next would definitely be Smii7y!

Sc- He's not even here!

AC- I know! But that doesn't mean he's not one of my favorites! He has the same humor as me so I've always been drawn to his content! I love that meme filled milkbag so much! Okay third is Nogla.

N- Seriously?

AC- Yeah! You never fail to make me laugh! And when I'm feeling down or need to clear my head I always listen to you sing and it helps me a lot! You have such a beautiful voice!

N- Thank you!

AC- And finally, Brian.

Brian- Wait really?

AC- Of course! You always make me smile! Whether it's watching you get the living daylights scared out of you while playing Resident Evil or watching you dominate in MarioKart I enjoy every minute! There's never a dull moment with you!

Brian- That's sweet of you.

AC- I still absolutely love everyone else as well though! Anyways, next question! This one is from Reading_to_Writing for Ohm, Bryce, Arlan, Brian, and Luke. They ask, "Try to trust that I will tell you the truth, that I will tell you everything you need to know. I just need you to trust me. Can you do that?"

Br- I trust you!

L- I want to trust you...

Brian- I don't know if I can trust you.

A- Will I be able to trust you?

O- I don't think I can trust you...

AC- Okay that was depressing! Let's move onto the next question! This one is for Wildcat from Makenzie_Senpai. They ask, "Are you secretly gay for Vanoss?"

W- What?! H*** no! I'm straight!

M- *mumbles* As straight as a circle maybe...

W- What did you f***ing say Mini?!

M- Nothing!

AC- Next question! This is to Ohm from SpecialMoth9897.

O- Let me guess, it has something to do with how I treated Bryce.


V- Wow I'm hurt...

O- I was upset and I let Vanoss get to me.

AC- Okay that's the end of that answer! We don't want any spoilers here! Our next question is from DemonicKat12. They have two questions for us! The first one is for the people with Vanoss. "Why the f*** are you humans with him and are being f***ing a**holes?"

V- Thanks for making me the most hated character ever Author~Chan...

AC- I'm sorry! I'll fix it soon! I promise!

W- I blame Author~Chan for the way we act. I mean she's the one who tells us how to act in the book.

AC- Fair enough. Their second question is for the people that believed Vanoss' lie. "Why are you all dumb as f***?"

Sc- Well I'm a little hurt by that...

Br- I mean it's already common knowledge that we're idiots...

A- That's true...

O- I was upset and I was thinking straight...

L- I don't even know what side I'm on anymore.

AC- Okay this next question is from Pet_Named_Steve. They ask, "To Mini, Delirious, Moo, and Lui: What made you guys change your minds about the Vanoss Crew?"

M- Well, Moo and I have been wanting to leave the group for awhile now. We didn't like how our group of fun loving nerds turned into a group of notorious bullies.

Moo- We regret not leaving the group with Bryce, Ohm, Luke, Scotty, Brian, and Arlan. When (Y/N) came along we hoped for her to be our escape. And she was for the most part.

D- After (Y/N) snapped I realized what I was really doing. I had become what I hated. After weeks of being with (Y/N), and getting to know her. I began to realize just how amazing she really is. I didn't want her to go through what Vanoss was putting her through anymore, so I made a vow to myself that I would help and protect her.

Lui- I'm kind of like Mini and Moo. I hated what we all had become. I wanted out of it. (Y/N) was my chance to become the person I used to be. The person I want to be again. I new it would be risky to join her side, but it's a risk I was willing to take if it meant everything would go back to the way it once was.

AC- Okay this next question is from EnAnNe03 for Moo. The ask, "Why are you such a lovely person?"

Moo- Umm... *nervous laugh* I don't know...

AC- It's because he's a precious cinnamon roll that needs to be protected! Next question! This one is from TheHandMadeSign for Delirious. "If you and Reader~Chan were siblings would you protect her as humanly possible?"

D- How is this even a question? Of course I would!

AC- Here's another question for Delirious, well it's not actually a question, but I thought it was cute so I'm adding it! tarshish123 says, "Thank you for helping and giving advice to Reader~Chan when nobody else did."

D- Of course! I'll always be here for

AC- Here's another question from Reading_to_Writing. "To everyone: I just wanted to know, how's your day going so far? No real big question just how's your day?" My days been good! I actually went rafting to day with some friends today! It was a lot of fun!

W- *grumbles* And she didn't bring us with her...

AC- I mean I technically did since I brought my phone with me...

W- Touché

AC- yanna_state asks, "Mini, do you like (Y/N)?"

M- I mean yeah. Why wouldn't I? She's an amazing, smart, talented girl!

AC- I think she meant romantically Mini... oh well! Ma Boi Mithross-Ship here asks to everyone, "Do you guys have a little crush on (Y/N)?"

V- What?

W- Last time I checked no

B- Hmm... I don't think so...

N- I mean she's good looking I'll give her that, but I don't think I have a crush on her...

D- Does wanting to protect her no matter what count as having a crush on her?

M- Whether I like her in that way or not, (Y/N) will always be dear to me.

Moo- *blushes* I mean maybe a little bit...

Lui- I'm not really sure...

L- I think of her of more as a little sister...

Br- I'm not sure... maybe.

O- I don't know... emotions confuse me...

Brian- Who knows at this point.

A- Maybe...

Sc- I haven't known her for too long so it's hard to say...

AC- Okay itsdapuncake asks Vanoss, "Why are you such a b**** to other people?"

V- Again, I blame Author~Chan for how I act.

AC- RissalsMassa asks Vanoss, "If you weren't an a**hole, would you have a thing for Reader~Chan?"

V- Hmm... I'm not sure... maybe.

AC- Okay so this one is from AngelicD3MON. Their question is really long so I'll just screenshot it.

I guess I'd go with C

V- Wait are you serious?

W- C

V- Really?

N- C

V- Come on guys!

D- C

V- Okay we get it!

M- C

Moo- B

Lui- C

V- Next question!

AC- Okay, okay. Itsdapuncake asks Bryce, "Why are you do adorable?"

Br- Kittens. Is that a good answer?

AC- Sure. tarshish has a comment for Bryce. They ask, "I like you because you can see through bull****, but how long will it last until you're hypnotized into believing what Vanoss says is true?"

Br- I hope that day never comes where I fall for those lies, but we'll never know for sure...

AC- Another question for Bryce! BeingWeirdIsBest1 asks. "Do you believe what Evan said? How are you going to convince the others that what Evan said is a lie? Why can't you and Ohm just make up and kiss already?"

Br- First, no I don't believe Evan. Second, I don't have any idea. And third, umm... I have no response to that...

AC- ALRIGHT! We still have a TON of questions left! So this will be split in parts! No more question okay? Okay! Thanks for reading and all the amazing questions! See ya later!

Love ya~

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