Kitten Through The Window (Fi...

By kuniknighte

27.6K 585 76

This is a short story on how a kitten form of Akihito met Asami. Yaoi, don't like dont read. :) More

Kitten Through The Window (Finder Series)
Bored in Asami's Office
Hide and Seek
Tao's Treat
Japanese Star
Welcome Home!
Tied Together
Author's Note


2.5K 55 3
By kuniknighte

Nausea raged through Akihito's stomach as the briefcase came to an abrupt halt. Over the journey the case had been thrown, dragged, carried, and shuffled so many times that Akihito did not know which way was up anymore. There were loud noises, high pitched siren like noises and talking was almost constant.

Silence dominated the now stale air in the briefcase and Akihito had hardly any energy to shift among the papers. A click sounded in Akihito's ears as the case was finally opened. Long black hair fluttered above the kitten and he knew who had inadvertently kidnapped him.

The Chinese man from Asami's office sat down on a desk with the briefcase open in front of him. Akihito made a jump for his life but because he was still disoriented from the jostling earlier when he did his feet jumbled together and he crashed on his face. The human man stared at the little demon that had crashed on his desk.

Fear spiked through Akihito and he tried to run away again but with the same result. Finally the kitten settled with hissing at the man while rubbing his injured nose. The man called out in a language that Akihito did not understand.

For a moment the two stared into each others eyes and neither of them moved but suddenly a hand shot out from behind the small golden cat and threw him into a cage. The metal was cold against his fur as he landed on the floor of the cage.

The bars in front of Akihito were iron or steel of some sort and he doubted he could do anything to them but that did not stop him from trying. His teeth gnawed on the bitter metal as the Chinese man stared at the kitten in fascination. Akihito found no give in the bars and settled back on his haunches in thought.

The bars would not be broken by a small kitten, maybe a rabid dog but definitely not him, and the rest of the carrier was made of unforgiving steel planes. The whole thing looked like a small metal box with metal bars for the front, probably so one could view the occupant.

Akihito knew that escaping by himself would be impossible but the humans would at some point have to open the small cage. There was no food or water in the metal carrier and they would not think of starving the kitten, would they?

The human picked up the cage from where it was placed on his desk and moved it to the floor under the desk. He spoke to Akihito in a language that the kitten did not understand, sure he had heard it once or twice before on the streets but he could not understand it.

The cage now was almost completely dark, not that it bothered the kitten but Akihito could feel the cold from the bottom of the cage intensify and radiate through his paws and under his pelt. The bitter cold made him shiver and he layed down, in hope of keeping warm.

His tail and pelt did almost nothing to keep the metal of the cage from freezing him from the inside out. Akihito began to remember those nights on the street when he couldnt get warm either. Living with Asami must have made him too soft. The metal bit into his pelt slightly so he shifted to the side as he heard people coming in and out of the room.

That strange language was being spoken every few seconds but the conversation tone of the people made everything sound like Asami talking in his office.

Minutes turned into hours and his stomach growled loudly all the while. It felt like days since he had last eaten. The taste of food was a constant day dream that riddled his mind for those hours of imprisonment. Time slugged by with the rumbling of his stomach the only indicator of time.

Akihito lay on the floor of his prison, huddled in the smallest ball possible for maximum warmth,when the cage was grabbed and lifted from under the desk. The long haired human stared through the bars at Akihito and spoke in his language that the kitten was coming to hate more and more.

The door to the crate was opened slowly but Akihito could not summon enough energy to fight or run, instead he layed on the floor like the pray he was. His pride that clung to him tried to make him scratch and bite the human but all the kitten could manage was a small hiss.

The human extended his hand and plucked the kitten from the cage by the scruff of his neck. Akihito did not fight the hand and instead danged limply in the humans grasp. The man stared into Akihito's eyes for a moment before his gaze settled on the blue handkerchief around the kitten's neck.

After a moment some energy spiked through the small kittens body. Akihito began to squirm in the man's grip but the hand just redoubled their grasp. The human never stopped looking at the blue fabric around Akihito's neck and this began to anger the kitten. The man caught him but then just left him to hang like some prize to be paraded around. One should not play with their pray and his mother always told him to kill them quickly. Did this human understand that just because Akihito was his caught pray did not mean he could gloat in his face about it.

Just as Akihito was about to attempt scratching the Chinese man the human placed the kitten softly on the desk. The hand gently held Akihito flat to the desk as the human picked up his phone and talked into it.

The kitten made no attempt at escaping. He had learned with Asami that as long as the human had a grip like this there was no escape let alone the room was sealed as well. A sense of hopelessness washed over him and left him in a dark mood.

After a few minutes of that strange language that Akihito did not understand it changed. Suddenly the human before him was speaking the language that he knew, "Asami, I believe I have something of yours." There was a small silence before Fei-Long continued, "Perfectly unharmed. In fact the little beast tried to scratch me a few times."

Akihito knew that on the other line Asami was speaking to Fei-Long but the kitten, even with his acute hearing, could not quite make out his words. "No, I do not think that that will be necessary, Asami. I believe we can look after this little 'Akihito' until you can arrive to retrieve him." More silence that seemed to drone on, "Very well. We will await your arrival."

The phone receiver was slammed down with such force that Akihito began to tremble in fear of being hit by the human. The hand over him applied even more pressure, causing Akihito to flatten his ears in distain. After a moment the hand loosened and Akihito was allowed to sit up.

Looking around at his surroundings he realized that he was no longer in his city. Outside of the window across from the kitten was a huge city with lights windows and peopel, just like Akihito's, but the kitten knew that it was not his city. The streets and buildings were not right, them emanated wrongness from their very core. His fur puffed out as the world seemed to have been swept out from under him.

Just as Akihito began to growl at his sudden lack of knowledge of his current location the door to the office opened. A boy about ten years old walked in. The boy held a tray with a cup of tea and his head was held at an almost impossible hight, like he was horribly proud to be delivering it to Fei-Long.

The smaller human stopped in front of the desk and stared at Akihito, almost as though he had never seen a kitten before. The room seemed chill for a moment before Akihito came up with an idea, sometimes a cute voice worked on Asami. That was rare to almost never but when it did work Akihito got what he wanted in moments and currently what he wanted was food.

A mew burst forth from Akihito as he padded toward the child. He tilted his head to the side softly and purred, almost begging for anything at this point. He did not want to be placed in that cold metal cage again so pride be damned.

Again came the language that the kitten did not understand but now he pleaded with his eyes and ignored all human words. Panic seared through his pelt all the way to the tip of his nose when he saw the boy's eyes go cold. The kitten realized quickly that the small human was not going to help him but before he could move away another hand shot out of no where and grabbed the kitten by his tail.

Pain and anger spiked in Akihito, his tail felt as though someone had pulled it off. His vision turned red as he yowled in pain, flailing and scratching anything in reach. That almost immeasurable moment of pain was gone when Akihito was once again chucked into another cage, this one bigger but stronger.

By now Akihito was done, what was with these humans? Did they think that he enjoyed being manhandled like that? Or that he thought of cages as a vacation home. The anger that flowed freely through the kitten's blood would not allow him to relax. Instead he paced back and forth in the cage while shouting profanity. Never once in his life had he wished that a human could understand him as much as he did now. He wanted to tell the older human just what he though of his hand that kept chucking him in metal cages. He wished the man understood him when he told him just how much of his skin would be left if Akihito ever got a hold of him.

For a few moments the human stared at Akihito like he was a freak show. The kitten did not slow and he never stopped but after a little bit, when the noise did not stop, both of them began to get annoyed with the little furry demon.

Shouts came from both of the humans that Akihito could not understand so he just started yowling even louder. Humans and kitten slowly getting louder and louder until words reached Akihito's ears that he understood, "Cat, be silent before you get yourself killed."

The moment that Akihito heard those words pass the human's lips he went silent. Fei-Long and The boy, whose name is Tao, also went silent and stared at their feline prisoner.

The humans quickly understood that the kitten knew Japanese but not Chinese. A small little wild cat that belonged to Asami knew human language and to top it off, Akihito had to live here for a few days until Asami could fly out and pick him up.

Ideas began to float through Fei-Long's head, one that could help his business with Asami for the better.

Back in Asami's office, before Akihito got caught, when Fei-Long sat down neither of the yakutza made a noise for a moment. "I suppose you have the payment prepared." Fei-Long asked in his thick chinese accent.

Asami took a drag from his cigarette before he responded, "The price is too steep for the properties value." When the chinese man heard that he cracked his knuckles, "Excuse me? That was a completely fair price. You either want the club or not, Asami."

Anger pierced through Asami and he slammed his fist on his desk. In the echoes of the loud noise no one noticed a briefcase fall and slam shut. Asami did not move and kept his voice emotionless when he spoke, "I will not accept your terms. The value of that property will go down in the matter of a week. Why don't you go back to Hong Kong and I will continue doing business with you when you have seen reason."

Fei-Long was angry that Asami saw fit to treat him like a child but decided that angering the great Asami was not a good choice in the current situation. He stood up, grabbed his briefcase roughly and stormed out in a huff.

Asami sat at his desk, puffing on his cigarette and contemplating if the club he wanted to buy in China was worth all the trouble. As he thought his eyes were drawn to the window where Akihito was napping, but he found the bed strangely empty. Asami smiled softly and snuffed out his cigarette as he stood up. Akihito always tried to escape when he though Asami was not paying attention and the kitten entertained the human endlessly because of it.

The mans golden eyes guided over the room in search of the kitten. The windows were empty of the golden kitten's pelt, the furniture held no napping form, and no sound of kitten mischief rang though the room. Concern flooded through the human, did Akihito escape while Fei-Long opened the door? Asami quickly called out, "Kirishima, get me the data from the cameras in my office and the hallway outside."

After a few minutes of searching for the small kitten he found that the kitten was no longer in his club. His kitten, His Akihito had finally escaped. Lighting a cigarette, Asami smiled softly. He would enjoy trying to recapture the kitten and when he did Akihito would regret running away.


Author's Note

Thank you for reading this story!

I tried to fix everything so that it made a little bit more sense.




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