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Asami's POV

The lights of Tokyo filtered through the tinted window that led to Asami's office desk. The yakuza himself sat at his oak desk, holding a cluster of papers in front of his nose. No one wanted to bother Asami because of his current dark mood. Even Kirishima seemed hesitant to enter the office. The phone on the man's desk went off loudly. At first Asami did not acknowledge the annoying noise but after a few rings he could not handle the pitched sound any longer. He picked up his desk phone roughly and answered sternly, "What is it Kirishima?"

The voice that answered him seemed equally as annoyed as Asami, "Sir, Fei-Long is here to see you." The older man growled under his breath, "Send him away. I will not see that man."

The voice Asami used warned Kirishima to not challenge him however Kirishima kept his voice calm as he state evenly, "Fei-Long insists that he see you immediately. He is refusing to leave until he sees you." Asami put down the papers in his other hand and clenched it into a fist as Kirishima continued quickly, "I can have security escort him out if you wish, Asami."

Asami shook his head slightly and said, "No. Bring him up. I will listen to what he has to say." Without any sort of good bye Asami hung up, not that Kirishima expected one. As Asami waited for his unexpected and unwelcome guest to arrive he piled his to be signed papers in one stack off to the side. As his ears hear the ruffles of papers shifting on his desk Asami's mind drifted, back to the day at the club in Hong Kong.

Asami's POV of the club fight (by popular demand)

The older man stepped out of the black limo onto the streets of Hong Kong. The noise of the club before him leaked out into the night air that was otherwise silent. Asami approached the door to the Heise Mianzhao club with Kirishima and Suoh close behind him. The man at the door bowed deeply saying in a respectful voice, "Asami-sama, the boss is expecting you."

The three Japanese men walked by with only slight nods at the mans words. The din inside was not to Asami's liking but not unexpected as he glanced around to find the man who held his wildcat. Suoh did not let himself relax, glancing from person to person. Asami approached the bar and asked the barkeep, "Where is Fei-Long hiding himself? Tell him that Asami is here to see him. I will not appreciate being kept waiting."

The barkeep turned away quickly and walked away to find his boss post haste. During the conversation, or more like Asami demanding things while people ran to accommodate him, Suoh and Kirishima had made certain that the barkeep was moving to fetch his boss when something happened.

Something dark came into view but only for a second. Before anyone could react, Asami had a gun pointed at his head with a loud voice stating, "Nobody move or there will be one less yakuza in the world." Slowly people froze, the music died away, and everyone turned to stare at the situation that Asami was in.

The silence that followed the assassin's words rang through the room like the gun shot that everyone knew was coming. Asami took a drag on his cigarette and breathed out the smoke in the assassin's face. Just as the smoke cleared a different kind of bullet shot out.

A kitten, a golden one, jumped from outside of Asami's vision and crashed into the man's gun, knocking it from his gloved hands. Instead of dropping however, Akihito flexted his lithe body and grabbed on to the only thing within reach, the man's still outstretched hand.

The absence of the gun Suoh pulled out his own, but things moved far too quickly. For full use of his hands, the killed before Asami threw the kitten into the nearest concrete wall. The smack sound along with the symphony of bones cracking and breaking could be heard. Without much thought Suoh shot the assassin before he could do any more harm, but enough was don. As blood drained out of a hole in the assassin's head Asami's eyes shifted to the golden, bloody heap on the floor where it had fallen.

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