Tied Together

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Here you go guys, the epilogue.  I have a sequel to this story but I may end up not posting it.  Sorry but if some people ask for it I might put it here.  Thank you for reading this.  :)

Here is the chapter, Ironically titled...

Tied together

The late afternoon sun flickered in the sky as Akihito padded into the empty living room, yawning as he went. The day had started later for the kitten due to Asami coming home horribly late. The yakuza did not even apologize for making Akihito wait up for him until 5 AM. His hazel eyes locked on the full food bowl left out for him.

Over the last few weeks Asami had called his avoidance of taking human food 'childish acts' and that he would not longer accept such behavior. Since he and Akihito had conversed about it, or more like Asami demanded something while Akihito rolled his eyes almost constantly, the human placed the food in the kitten's food bowl and left it there until it was gone. Sometimes the food stayed there for days until Akihito gave in to his hunger and ate it.

The kitten's pride had dulled slightly to allow for him to eat what was given to him. The wet food went down nicely and stopped the hunger pains so he ate as much as was given to him. As he ate the food that was currently in his bowl he saw a flash of color from under the couch.

The kitten jumped away from the food, knowing it would be there later, and raced to see what was in his hiding spot. He thrusted his paw under the couch and pulled out a tie, it was bright red with a strange design that he thought was cool. Akihito had stolen the tie from Asami's closet, mostly because it was his favorite and the kitten liked ticking the human off in any way he could, and had hidden it under the couch before Asami had gotten home last night. The kitten just realized he had forgotten to put it back before his human woke up.

Asami would never admit it but he had a thing about his ties. He had an obsession that only Kirishima, Suoh, and Akihito knew about. For some reason Asami needed to wear the tie that Akihito stole every time that there is a big deal.

Whenever Asami doesn't wear the tie at the right time he gets angry, about just about everything. Akihito wanted to find out what was so special about a tie that could make Asami more calm about things. He had played with the bright fabric long into the night but found nothing truly different about it, the thing was exactly like his blue handkerchief.

He thought for a moment, he could hide the tie in the back of Asami's closet. The possibility made sense to Akihito but he felt bad for anyone that had to deal with Asami without his tie. Taking pity on Kirishima, and Suoh Akihito tied the red fabric to his tail gently and ran out of his cat door.

The elevator was like second nature to Akihito so soon after leaving the pent house he was leaving the front doors of the complex. The cement before him was wet from a rain the night before but the sun shine above him told the kitten that the dampness would be short lived. The sunshine made his golden pelt glimmer as he ran down the sidewalk, dodging between legs. Human's thought they were so smart, two men were following Akihito on his journey but he noticed them almost immediately and ditched them after running along a string of maze like alleyways.

After his men in black were blissfully absent he ran ever faster across the roof tops toward Asami's work place. The tall building had stone stairs that did not allow anyone to get into the building without getting past the two guards at the front doors.

In fact, a group of humans were arguing with the guards, trying to get in to see the owner, but Akihito paid them no heed. The golden kitten paraded through the door, past the guards that paid him no mind. The group of humans stared wide eyes at the cat that just strolled into the exclusive building like he owned the damn place but Akihito had a mission to complete.

Kitten Through The Window (Finder Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant