Japanese Star

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Lights flashed through the bars of the metal crate that Akihito was housed in. The cold metal bit into his paws though he hardly noticed it. His hazel eyes flashed from one human form to another in the din of the club. His crate was hanging and swinging at the hip of one of Fei-Long's lackeys as he looked from face to face. The kitten was undoubtedly looking for Asami, though he would never admit as much. Bodies flashed in the stobe lights to the horrid, loud music with the smell of alcohol permeating the air.

The human did not pause and allow Akihito to look around for his ticket back to Tokyo, instead he walked through a door marked 'staff' and pulled the kitten into what looked like another office. Akihito did not understand what was with these people and their offices but it was really starting to annoy him.

The lights in this room however were more manageable, his eyes did not sting with the effort of looking about any more. The noise died down as the door shut behind Akihito. The cage made squeaking noises as it was placed on another desk. The door opened again and Akihito was left alone in the dark office. However the darkness did not bother the kitten as he could see in it.

The room was not interesting however, just like the other offices he had been in since Asami had picked him up, there was a desk, two couches, a number of chairs and electronics all over. Annoyance began to worm into Akihito's body, he hated being locked up. The kitten wanted to go out and search for Asami, anything to get out of this flee bitten city. To be honest Akihito hated Hong Kong with a passion and just wanted to be home, to feel the Tokyo soil under his paws.

He reached out of the crate as far as he could with his claw and pulled the lock free with practiced ease. For some reason the humans kept locking him up even though he had proved to be able to escape, over the last week he had become an expert at escaping human crates and cages. The metal scraped by, allowing the door to spring open. Akihito made no fanfare, instead he jumped out and down the desk as quickly as was possible.

The carpet beneath him sunk down under his almost nonexistent weight. Akihito padded across the dark room with a gait that only a prideful kitten could pull off. Once he reached the door however he realized just how impossible his task was. The door was a heavy metal door that was locked with a knob that jolted out far above his reach. Even with all of Akihito's stray knowledge he knew that there was no way that a cat could open this door. Okay, maybe the human's knew that Akihito was smart enough to escape the cage. That would explain why they locked him inside an even bigger metal box.

Akihito examined the walls, the furniture, and the door extensively but found no way out. He truly was locked in the room this time but the wild cat absolutely refused to give up. The kitten wanted to leave and no metal door was going to stop him. Suddenly the knob above him gave an ear deafening click, indicating that a human was about to join him in his metal prison. An idea jumped into Akihito's head and he ran under one of the couches.

The door opened and the kitten waited, listening from his hiding place. A voice echoed through the room, "He got out again."

Without shutting the door again the man ran into the bright club lights to get Fei-Long. The humans assumed he got out again and left the door open for him, how nice of them. Akihito bounced through the doorway into the horribly lit room. The loud noises frightened him at first but the golden kitten refused to give in to fear.

Ducking and weaving between legs and waving feet, Akihito searched for Asami. After a moment he noticed a smell that should not have been in a human nest such as this one. The kitten could smell another stray cat hiding out inside the building, more specifically in the ventilation shafts. Veering off of his original path, Akihito ran for the shaft where the smell was the strongest. That was no grate to keep him out of it so he walked in without much thought. After a moment of searching for the smell he fell, and fell.

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