Forbidden Eternity.

By TylerNicole1x

51.2K 951 154

After a should've been fatal crash, Katie Lewis wakes up on her birthday with no recollection of the night be... More

Forbidden Eternity. (1)
Forbidden Eternity. (2)
Forbidden Eternity. (3).
Forbidden Eternity. (4).
Frobidden Eternity. (5)
Forbidden Eternity. (6).
Forbidden Eternity. (7).
Forbidden Eternity. (8).
Forbidden Eternity. (10).
Forbidden Eternity. (11).
Forbidden Eternity. (12).
Forbidden Eternity. (13).
Forbidden Eternity. (14).
Forbidden Eternity. (15).
Forbidden Eternity. (16).
Forbidden Eternity. (17).
Forbidden Eternity. (18).
Forbidden Eternity. (19).
Forbidden Eternity. (19). Katie.
Forbidden Eternity. (20).
Forbidden Eternity. (21).
Forbidden Eternity. (22).
Forbidden Eternity. (23).
Forbidden Eternity. (24).
Forbidden Eternity: (25)
Forbidden Eternity. (26).
Forbidden Eternity. (27).

Forbidden Eternity. (9).

1.6K 37 2
By TylerNicole1x


I didn't think I would react like this, my body, tensed up and I felt my heart rate quicken. I start shaking, hyperventilating. No, it can't be that quick... surely not, what happened to my six months! Why didn't he tell me this earlier! He frowns, watching my reaction.

"What's wrong?"


"Why is that a problem?" I look at him, disbelief flooding through me.

"I thought... I thought I had a bit longer." I stutter. He shakes his head slowly.

"No." He breaks eye contact with me and his head jerks. Forgetting my sudden drama I instantly become concerned.

"Why is it so hard with me, I mean you obviously look in pain, but the thirsty kind of pain, like you're controlling yourself? Why is it so bad around me?" He met my eyes again, and he looked so worried for something.

"When you've changed, you'll understand the bloodlust for a... changing vampire... normal vampires, easy to ignore... You... not so much."

"So what you're saying is, you really want to drink my blood right now?" He sneers and looks away, shaking his head.

"Please, your blood may be singing to me but I will never drink it. I can control myself, its just your blood smells really sweet... has anyone told you about the danger of being here... you know with being a changer?" I nod quickly. "See, I can control myself, I've had nearly two centuries to practice, but other vampires don't give a shit about your well being, hence the Power to protect the school and the pupils from said vampires." Something about his age just registered in my mind.

"Wait a second, how old are you?!" He stiffens, and flicks his eyes off to the side. "I've already guessed your something near two hundred years old... so you were born around the 1800's mark?" He nods. "I was born in 1856, I was changed in 1874." I calculated in my head. (Pretty quickly if I say so myself)

"So your... 136 years old!" I gasp. He looks at me, and nods. "But wait, why are you at this school then, since you're like, old." He cringed at the word old.

"I am not old! Anything but, here I'm considered a mere child... but I am incredibly powerful. I was sent here to undergo the school years, mostly as punishment."

"What did you do?" I lean forward.

"Nothing that will ever concern you!" He snaps. I flinch again. (Jeesh, this guy is making me flinch a lot!)

"You don't have to speak to me that way, you could've just said no." His lip twitches and his eyes sadden.

"I have a bad temper. I would tell you, but I'm not going to scare you away, you shouldn't have to know of something like that" He spat the last word, yet I could hear the fear in his voice. I instinctively flail my arms out to hug him to me, but catch myself. No, I can't scare him off.

"You wouldn't scare me away." I say quietly, not sure if he heard it.

"Enough of that subject, talk about something else." I ramble through my mind, when I remember what Ara said about me on the field.

"When I was on the field... did anything... surround me? Like a black shadow or something like that?" he smirks at me, obviously delighted I have changed the subject.

"The black mist, your transformation... watch." Transformation? I steadily watch him as he stands up. Then out of nowhere, a grey thin finger like mist starts to caress him, and his hands become part of the shadow like mist, the mist itself becoming denser and darker, the long thin strips flickering out of him merging with his body like a sharp knife slicing through him, turning his body into the mist, before all that is left is the grey mist/shadow/smoke like thing. It flickers around and travels towards me, gracefully looking so beautiful, It's coldness surrounding me. It wraps around me and ends up behind me while two lace like wisps wrapped around my neck.

"You're Power is black." He murmurs, and I only just realise he's returned to normal form, with both his hand on my neck and speaking into my ear from behind me. I hadn't realised also that my head is falling back, almost into his voice, and my eyes have closed with utter pleasure... shivering from his touch, I stifle a moan.

"Will I be able to do that?" I stammer. His hands move and I feel cold where his touch has left me, he jumps over me in one quick movement and is back on the log in a quick blur, looking as if he hasn't even moved.

"Yes, we can move more stealthily in these forms, and if you become powerful enough, you may even be able to possess your animal."

"Well, not to be a sour puss, but won't the animal mind being taken over?" He shakes his head.

"They will do anything to help you, and they even can understand you, not like speak to you in English, but they understand commands, and once you take over there body. It's like they're sleeping at the back of your mind."

"When - When will I get my animal?"

"Soon, and you have a special mark after they bite you, sort of like a tattoo." I remember Ara showing me her small tattoo on her hand, so I nod.

"Have you got one?" Stupid question Katie!

"Of course." And he threw off his black hoodie, he had a loose black t-shirt on underneath it and he proceeded to take that off.

"What's with all the black clothes? No offence, but, are you Emo?" He grabs the bottom of his shirt.

"Pfft, no, I'm no little whiney Emo kid who wishes life wouldn't be so hard on them." I felt a rush of relief, no offence to Emo's, but I believe in the sanctity of life, and, slitting your wrists is just wrong. I was interrupted in my inner babble as Daniel had his shirt halfway off, his head couldn't be seen... but his six pack and perfectly sculpted chest can. I literally gasp, my mouth hanging open, god... I've never seen anyone so god damn sexy! I ran my eyes over his perfect body, and caught a scar just coming from his back, around to his waist, about 3 inches long, looking like a larger version of his eyebrow scar. Completely drawn to it, I reach out, and trace it with my fingertips and Daniel stiffens, his shirt fully off now.

"How did this happen?" I whisper, touching it so lightly, almost afraid I would hurt him, and he would throw my hand away. The tiny zaps of power and pleasure, shooting through my fingertips from him. I look up at him, not realising how close I am, that I'm actually kneeling in front of him. He looks down at me with a pained expression. I look back down at the scar, whiter than his skin, standing out against his chiselled abs, just touching them. I look up at him again, and he's looking up to the sky, his neck sleek and strong.

"I had a... fight."

"A fight?" He nods. "But, I thought you were strong... so who could've done this to you, unless it happened when you were human?" He shakes his head. "So, who did this?" He pauses again, but sighs giving in.

"An original." I think you could hear my gasp a mile away. "I killed him." I watch his eyes turn to stone.

"You - You killed him?" I couldn't feel any sympathy towards the Original that he killed.

"Yes, and I am strong, obviously not strong enough." Can I hear deep regret in his voice? I shake my head.

"No, if you killed an original, and they seem pretty badass to me from what I've read, then you must be at least the most powerful here." I nod, as if finalising my point. He chuckles and points to his left shoulder. A black mark, reminding me of a black tribal tattoo, spread from below his collar bone, disappearing over his back. It had jagged edges that curved off into single defined points, it looks truly amazing.

"Wow, will I get that mark when I get my animal?" He shakes his head and pull his shirt back on (much to my dismay) he sits back down on the log and I edge my way back onto it.

"No, all of our marks are unique, dedicating us to our animal." He puts his hoodie back on, making his hair dishevelled and slightly messy (not that that made him any less delicious). "Ours are slightly bigger than normal vamps markings, as we have bigger animals. Usually we get our animals in the first three weeks or so. Never beyond that." I started to nod, I had already been 'Changing' for two weeks nearly, since the crash, when my whole body stiffened, and the oh so recognising pain shot down my spine. Oh please, not again. My body answers by sending another jolt of agonising pain down my back, as if saying 'oh yes, this is happening again'. I stand up so quickly that the blood rushed to my feet and my eyes had black spots circling the edge of my vision. The burning feeling started up again as the pain jolts down my back in quick successions after the other, each within a second of each other.

"Katie?" I look down, not daring to move my head. And as if something has crashed into me, I crash to the ground. I internally groan, its exactly the same as last time! The pain spread to my finger tips, deepening as it went along, until I couldn't keep myself quiet for very long, I let out a broken sob.

"Katie! Is it the same thing as the field?" Daniels face came into view, the trees softly billowing behind him. I nod and bite my lip angrily, as if substituting this pain for that. The burning kicks up a notch and another sob burst out of my lips, and Daniels hands press gently to either side of my face, sending a massive pain relief flooding through me. But the pain is still there, running through me with a vengeance.

"Look at me Katie, focus on just me okay?!" He spoke urgently. I avert my eyes from the floor, and look into his eyes, tears starting to mist up my sight. But not decreasing the intensity of Daniels emerald jewel gaze that dims the pain even more. The seconds tick by and the pain starts to dwindle but then something cold starts to creep around me, like wrapping me in a blanket of soft gentle wisps, and I see the black mist Ara was talking about, slowly seeping into my vision and wrapping around Daniel too. And it looks beautiful, majestic in its movements almost afraid if it moves to quick it will anger the air around it. And then everything goes quiet, my heavy breathing being the only sound, and frankly Daniels heavy breathing to.

"Are you okay?" He murmurs, his beautiful lips forming the words, his voice like honey and silk, instead of the usual sharp cut voice. I nod quickly and purse my lips.

"Will that happen anymore?" he hesitates, but nods slowly.

"How badly does it hurt?"

"Bad." I whisper. "But when you... touched me, the pain nearly went away, are you... doing something?" He frowns, and takes his hands from my face, standing up. I stand up with him and brush my knees off. "Well?"

"I wasn't doing anything." I knit my eyebrows together.

"Then why did I feel so... good when you touched me." My cheeks blaze as soon as I realise how dirty my sentence sounds. He frowns even more so and looks away.

"I wasn't doing anything, I think you're mistaken." He's back to the clean cut voice.

"But I felt better, why though?" I step toward him and he takes a step back.

"I have to go; I'll see you... some other time."

"But-" Before I can finish my sentence he blurs, and disappears sending a wash of earth scented air across my face. Damn it! Why did I have to go and make things all awkward? Surely this one time I could've just said something...Normal for once, this happens every time I'm confused, stupid idiotic brain can't keep up with the situations around me, especially when it comes to this boy. I sigh dramatically, and kick a twig. Yep, I fail at being a girl. I never used to fail though, so why is it now? I stuff my hands in my pockets and walk back out to the path, feeling dejected... again. The sky's turning an orange red colour, how the time has passed. Well, just nearly two weeks ago I crashed and now I'm supposed to become a vampire... And to top it all off, I have left everything at home just to be here, well forced to leave everything at home just to be here. Thanks again Dad, bastard, sometimes I wonder what my mum see's in him. I haven't even rang my mum yet! I hurry back to the dorm, skipping passed a confused looking Elvis. I burst into the room and Ara is still fast asleep. I tiptoe up to her, and lightly push her shoulder.

"Gooo away." She moans.

"I just want to know if we have a phone in here." Her arm flails out and I dodge to avoid it, she points to the TV. "Cheers." I rush over there, the telephone behind the TV. I'd use my mobile phone, but apparently they're banned here, and they know if you use it... I grab the huge brick of a phone and tap the numbers in. Hopefully she's home, but she doesn't always answer the phone. I really hope Dad doesn't answer... we don't exactly get on. After the seventh ring I huff and was about to put the phone down when my mum's loud voice shouts through the phone.


"Hey mum it's me, remember the 'no need to shout down the phone' thing we talked about?"

"I'm not shouting!"

"You are mum, anyway... I thought I'd give you a ring and tell you how things are going."

"OOOh, how are things at the... so and so Academy." I was about to tell her the name of the Academy when I realise... I don't know the name.

"One second." I press the phone to my shoulder and look at Ara. "Ara! What's the Academy called again?"

"What?" She groans.

"What's the Academy called?"

"Deridia, named after someone I think." I scrunch up my nose, whothe hell picked that name for a school (or whatever this place is.)

"Hey mum, the schools called Deridia."

"Oh, what a... pleasant name. Sweetheart, I want you to answer me seriously, are you okay?" I chew my lip.

"Of course I am mum, you shouldn't worry about me."

"Yes but I do, I still don't agree with you going to that school, but your father was adamant... we could've taken care of you here." I feel the sting of tears in my eyes, god I miss my mum.

"I like it here mum, I will be better off here... wait, how did you and Dad know about... You know."


"Yeah, that." I wait, twiddling the phones cable in my hand and around my finger. After a while she decides to answer.

"Let's just say your father is... acquainted with them."

"What do you mean?" I press.

"Nothing honey, would you like to speak to your father?" I frown at nothing and purse my lips.

"Okay, put him on." I hear some shuffling on the phone and then my dad's voice grunts through the phone. "Hey dad." I could put more effort into my voice... but I can't be arsed.

"Hello Katie, how is it at that blasphemy of a school?"

"Dad, you sent me here, so don't disrespect the school."

"I'll do whatever I want, disgusting creatures." He grunts.

"If you haven't forgotten dad, I'm going to be one of those disgusting creatures." See, he always brings the angry side out on me.

"I haven't forgotten." He says scornfully. Okay, now he's pissing me off.

"So, basically you're calling me a disgusting creature." I pause. "'Cos if you are, then you can fuck off."

"Don't you dare speak to me like that!" I roll my eyes.

"Don't insult me then. I would like to speak to mum now, so toodaloo." I love teasing him, he's about to say something from his intake of breath but then my mum is back on the phone. "What a wanker."

"Katie!" She huffs. "Language... and yes, I know." I love my mum. "How is the school then?"

"Actually, I really am starting to like it, even if they drink blood."

"Have you made a lot of friends?"

"I like to think so." I smile at nothing.

"So there's a boy." I was caught off by her sudden question that I stammer like a lunatic.

"Mum! N-No of course not, W-Why would you think that so soon?"

"Sweetheart, I know you, and, you seem so... happy." I pause, thinking this over.

"I suppose I am."

"Sorry to be the party pooper honey but I have to go, your father needs me. Ring me soon Okay."

"Okay mum, I'll see ya later."

"Bye bye!" I cringe when she shouts.

"Love you."

"Love you too sweetheart." And the phone goes dead. Well, that was fun. I put the phone back on its holder and pounce on my bed feeling like weight has been lifted off my shoulders now I've talked to my mum. But something is niggling away at me, how did my dad know about... Vampires. I mean, I didn't know and I bet not many other people do either, scratch that, not anybody should know about Vampires, up until a few days ago vampires were fictional to me, just a few girls imagination of a hot boyfriend from those books. From what I've seen, they don't sparkle in the sunlight... they definitely don't even though I haven't had the chance (hopefully never have the chance) to see one being burnt by the sunlight. So... how does my dad know about them? Maybe I should ask Barry, he should tell me, he said I could go talk to him whenever I want to. Hopefully he won't be busy. I look out of the window, the tint still going strong. He may be sleeping. I'm sure I could go during English, not that I wouldn't love another run in with Vondula (Sarcasm much?). I glance up at the clock, eight P.M. I suppose I should wake Ara up, since our classes start in what... an hour. I lean backwards and stick my leg out, and prod her with my toe. She grunts and pulls her cover tighter. I prod her again.

"Ara, its eight, you should get up... like now." She sits up in the bed making me jump. "Okay, you didn't need to get up that qu-"

"Daniels been here."


"Daniel has been here, I can smell him... when did he come?" She looks over her shoulder at me with her big almond red eyes.

"Er- I- I don't know about half six?"

"Thank god, I though he just decided to come sniffing around while you were sleeping." She chuckles. I laugh with her and run my hand through my hair, my hair probably sticking up because of my quiff, damn quiff. She jumps over the bed and stands in front of me, and bends down and takes a big whiff of the air around.

"What... are you doing?" I look up at her, with an omg-you're-being-weird Look.

"You reek of him." She grins. "Not that that's a bad thing, he does have a GORGEOUS smell. You know, that boy smell, that makes a guy totally huggable." I nod the tiniest bit creped out. She darts to the bottom of her bed and pulls out her school uniform, a black pencil skirt with some black flats. This school likes black clothes. I grab some black skinny jeans and some multi strap shoes. I really like these, Craig bought me them on our anniversary, just because we've broken up doesn't mean I'm throwing them away. I head to the bathroom and straighten my hair, fluffing it up slightly and re-applying some mascara and eyeliner. Yes, I'm gross, but what ya gonna do. As soon as I walk out of the bathroom Ara sprays me with some perfume, smelling like a mix of chocolate and sugar.

"What are you doing?!" I flinch.

"Well, you can't go out smelling like Daniel otherwise everyone will start gossiping." I look at her incredulously. She has issues. "Are you ready?" She smiles, showing her very dangerous looking fangs.




Hope its long yet again, took me forever.



Fan :D i would like that ;) (alot)


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