Our Family Reunion (A Dramion...

By RaynDragneel16

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So I've read all the Hogwarts reunion and Granger family reunion fics. All of them, literally. And I'm surpri... More

One: Thank You
Two: Reunion
[Details and Explanations]
Three: The meeting
Four: Around the fire
Six: It's not that easy
Seven: Late discussions
Eight: Confrontations
Nine: Closure
Chapter Ten: United

Five: First steps

9.7K 170 26
By RaynDragneel16

"You sure you're okay?" Hermione looked over at her husband glaring. He'd been bothering her since morning. "For the one hundredth time, yes! Draco stop overreacting." He glared right back. He was only worried about her, and she really doesn't make it easy for people to help. Women were just so weird. Look at him, married to this woman for seventeen years and he still can't really understand how her mind works sometimes.

Hermione sighed. Maybe that was a little harsh. "I'm sorry. I'm just tired. But I'm not a baby, I can take care of myself. Thank you for being concerned, but you seriously tend to take things overboard." Draco scoffed, offended.

" I do not take things overboard." At that moment scorpios was passing by, he abruptly stopped, turned to his dad and put his hand on his shoulder. "Sorry dad. But I'm with mom on this one. You do go overboard." Draco glared at his son, promising a lifetime of pain to the young Malfoy. He was about to protest when Elaina cut him off. "Sorry daddy. I agree with mummy and Scorp." She was leaning against her mom. No one really noticed when she slipped between them. "Remember Scorp's fifteenth birthday party?" Hermione and Scorpios both sighed. That was a traumatic experience for everyone. "Elaina, honey, let's not mention that." Hermione suggested. "I still get nightmares", shuddered Scorpios.

"Not you too princess?" Elaina just shrugged and had the decency to look sheepish.

"Hold on, what's going here?" They all turned from where they where standing next to the stairway to look at the source of the voice.
"Auntie Christina!" Exclaimed Elaina, walking over to her. "We were just telling daddy how he goes overboard sometimes." Christina looked over at them with a raised eyebrow. Then she burst out laughing, clutching her stomach.

Everyone else joined in. Scorpios and Elaina walked out still laughing and saying something about cookies. After his laughter subsided, Draco followed them screaming about leaving some cookies for him. Christina looked over at Hermione who sat on one of the stairs, then joined her. "So...", Christina started, "what was that about?" Hermione looked a little shocked but regained her composure and managed a smile. This was actually a big deal and inside Hermione was jumping from joy. "Remember that shrimp from yesterday?" Christina nodded. "Well my stomach didn't really agree with it and I threw up this morning. And Draco
went all 'protective mode' on me. He means well, yes. But he's annoying sometimes."

Smiling, Christina face palmed. "You've got one hell of a family you know that?"
"Yeah. I don't know who I would be without them. What about you?" Christina stuttered for a bit. "I-l-l'm actually getting married."

"Who's the lucky guy?"
"His name is Don, Donald Riland. He's an American lawyer. He came for some business and to visit his grandparents." They seemed so deep into the conversation, not noticing what was going on around them. And not noticing the shadow standing behind the wall beside them. "How did you guys meet then?" Hermione asked.
"We met at a friend's party. Actually we bumped into each other earlier that day and he spilled my coffee." Christina sighed playfully. "My beloved coffee, ah, gone. I lashed out on him and then just left. When we met at that party he apologized and I apologized too for the screaming-" Hermione interrupted. "Wait, you screamed?" Hermione was laughing and Christina mock glared at her. "Yes I screamed. Don't blame me, I was having a bad day and he just happened to be there." Hermione continued laughing and Christina shoved her playfully. "Oh, sod off."

"At least you screamed", said Hermione smiling, "I punched Draco in the face." It was Christina's turn to laugh. "He was such a prat and I was angry and- stop laughing." Hermione whined. "He got on my nerves okay?"

When all the laughing stopped, a comfortable silence stretched out. Christina laid her head on Hermione's shoulder. "I miss you Chris." Hermione sighed. A huge wait was lifted off her shoulders. She was finally able to breath. "I miss you too, Herm." They stayed like that for a couple of minutes. Until Hermione broke the silence. "I'm sorry. For everything. I don't want to loose you guys, too." The ginger remained silent. "Do-do you still visit Anna?" Christina nodded. "Yeah. Do you?" The griffindor sighed, nodding. "Yeah. Occasionally."
"What happened to us? We used to be so close. Me, Tristan, you and Ann. What happened?" Hermione shook her head, her curls covering her face where gently pushed behind her ear. "I don't know. We just had too many bottled up emotions. Too many things were left unsaid. But.......I-I wanna go back to what we used to be." Hermione got up and turned to Christina with a spark in her eyes. Determination maybe. "So? Will you help me?" The brunette extended her hand to her cousin. Christina took her hand, stood up and pulled her in for a hug. "Yes, I'll help you."

"Scorp! Scorp! Guess what?!"
Scorpios turned around to face his sister. "Ever the energetic." He muttered. "What? What happened?" Elaina jumped up and down and squealed confusing Scorpios further.

"Elaina, spit it out." He was getting impatient. "Okay. Mum and aunt Christina made up!"


I know I broke my promise . But hear me out. I've been having huge problems lately with my phone and the laptop(my sister's laptop). All my works came to a direct stop because of that. And if that's not enough, I came down with the flu. It's not fixed but I'm working on it.

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