Their Next Chapter

By donmaryfan

118K 2.7K 367

This story follows Love is the Best Medicine. I wrote this about 4 years ago. I only have a few chapters of i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85

Chapter 56

1.1K 30 4
By donmaryfan

"There she is." Don smiled as he and Brad walked into the living room while Meryl began to lay down on the couch. "What sounds good for lunch? I want to take you and Dad out."

Meryl looked at Don in shock. "You WANT me to get out of the apartment?"

"I was surprised too, Meryl." Brad laughed at his daughter-in-law.

Don held up his hands. "I'm trying to back off. But we're taking a cab; you're not walking."

"I knew there was a catch." Meryl winked. "Don Man, you two go out and get lunch; I'm going to stay here."

Don sat on the couch next to her and tucked her hair behind her ears so he could get a better look at her; that was when he saw her green tint. "Morning sickness?"

"Some." Meryl nodded. "I'm just really exhausted and not feeling well at all. I was going to take a nap."

Don looked at Brad who nodded. "We will just have something here."

"No, please go." Meryl said threading her fingers through his. "You two have been wonderful nurses to me; but you haven't had much one on one time. Birdie here will take good care of me."

Don smiled at Birdie who was laying on the floor next to the couch; she was never far from Meryl these days. Don pointed to Meryl's cell phone on the coffee table. "You'll call if you need me? If you feel worse?"

"I promise." Meryl smiled as he covered her with a blanket. "Please go have fun; take a break. I'll just fall asleep watching TV."

Don nodded as he handed her the remotes. "Here you go. I'll lock up when we leave. Can I get you some ginger ale or hot tea or anything? Saltines?"

"I have my gatorade." Meryl pointed to the table. 

Brad went over and kissed Meryl on the top of the head. "We'll just go eat and come right back."

"You sure you're okay? PTSD?" Don asked concerned.

Meryl cupped his handsome face in her hands as she leaned forward to kiss his lips. "I'm really okay, Don Man. You're off the clock. Brad, you might have to drag him out of here."

"I'm going, I'm going." Don said with a quick kiss to her lips. "Get some rest. I love you."

Meryl shooed him away with her hand. "Go, have fun; and I love you too."

"I'll keep him calm." Brad laughed as Meryl smiled at him and he guided his son out of the living room.

Meryl looked down at Birdie as she turned on the television. "Well, Birdie girl, we better get used to this laying around thing because I think that's how things will be for awhile. Let's see what we can find to put me to sleep."


Don suggested they go to Zuckers Bagels in order to give Brad the New York bagel experience. He also thought he could pick something up to take to Meryl. Don was enjoying The Tribecca Bagel Sandwich while Brad went with the Reuben Bagel Sandwich. Brad noticed how Don kept looking at his phone. "No phone call is a good thing, son."

"I know." Don sighed as he put his phone back in his pocket. "Sorry."

Brad shook his head. "I think it's sweet you two are still so attached."

"It's not just that; I mean we are pretty attached and I'm glad we are." Don started to explain. "I mean we spend weeks apart at times in different countries because of our work. It's just with this pregnancy, her heart and everything else. I'm usually not this hovering husband."

Brad looked at his son. "Being pregnant at this age is scary and she's been incredibly sick. It's understandable. You both are lucky to have each other."

"We are." Don smiled; and then decided to change the subject. "So, have you had a chance to get to know the boys very much?"

Brad nodded. "They're good men; a lot like you. Not much like James."

"Which is a good thing." Don laughed. "One thing I will say about James is he really did love my brothers and their families. For them, I'm glad."

Brad nodded as he continued to eat. "Did you ever resent them for that?"

"Not really." Don shrugged. "My brothers and I have had our ups and downs especially when they would accuse Meryl of things James did which was uncalled for. But, he was their father. To be honest, I wasn't at the house a lot growing up; I was mostly at the Browns."

Brad smiled. "A good family."

"They are." Don agreed. "So, have you thought about how you're going to propose?"

Brad laughed. "We're in our early 80s. I'll probably just ask her at dinner."

"Trust me, woman like to be wooed." Don said giving his father marriage advice.

Brad laughed at his son. "You still woo Meryl?"

"We woo each other." Don winked as they both laughed. 

Brad was so glad he could have these kind of conversations with his son. "How are the kids? I'm surprised they haven't been by."

"They're all busy with their lives and works." Don said as he picked up a menu to see what he could take Meryl. "To be honest, we haven't met them much lately since we're trying to keep the pregnancy under wraps. I don't know how much longer we will be able to do so; but the longer the better for Meryl and the baby, for all of us I think. We are constantly talking and texting with them."

Brad nodded. "How do you think they'll take the news?"

"Shocked as hell." Don laughed as he answered honestly. "The only one who is ever remotely at home is Louisa and she'll graduate the spring after the baby is born; and will be out on her own. We talked about how strange it will be that our baby and grandchild will be born in the same year, but we're not the only ones that has happened to. I hope they will be happy because we are happy. I am sure they will be just as concerned about Meryl as I am. We just need to get through the next 7 months then I think I'll be able to breathe easier."

Brad laughed at his son. "Do you breathe easier now than when Meryl was pregnant with Henry knowing he is grown?"

"Not really." Don laughed. "You always worry."

Brad looked at his now grown son and agreed. "Yeah, you do. Come on, let's get something for Meryl and go check on her to stop you from wearing out the home button on your phone."


"We're just going in?" Susie asked Henry, Mamie and Grace as Mamie unlocked the apartment door.

Henry nodded. "They are acting so strange. Dad says he is always at the studio; yet he's not."

"Mom isn't acting like herself." Mamie said.

Grace nodded as they walked in. "They won't meet us out anymore. They never want to do anything. Whenever we talk to them Dad is always right next to her."

"That's not really that strange." Susie said as they walked through the apartment. "This is Don and Meryl after all."

Mamie pointed to their mother asleep on the couch with Birdie beside her on the floor. "It is during awards season."

"THIS is very strange." Grace said as they went over to their mother. "ESPECIALLY during awards season."

Henry noticed the crackers and gatorade on the table next to their mother. "Yeah; and where the hell is Dad if he is never leaving her side?"

"Look at her ankles." Mamie said holding them to inspect. "They're all bruised."

Grace went over to lift up Meryl's arms and wrists. "So are her wrists."

"What in the hell is going on?" Henry barked.

Meryl started thrashing around as she felt someone holding her ankles and wrists it was happening again. She tried to move out of their hold. "NO! STOP! DON!"

"Meryl?" Don asked as he ran into find his children all standing over his wife and her crying, trying to move out of their touch, thrashing around on the couch. "What in the hell is going on?"

Meryl was sobbing. "They're going to do it again; please don't let them do it again."

"No baby, they're not." Don said as he held her in his arms as Brad also walked in. "What in the hell are you kids doing to your mother?"

That was when Meryl started coming out of it. "The kids?"

"They're here, baby." Don said pointing to them. "It's not the nurses."

Henry was even more concerned. "We are the ones who deserve to know what the hell is going on. You won't do anything with us anymore. You are always together."

"Dad, you are NEVER at the studio anymore like you say you are." Mamie started.

Susie chimed in. "Meryl is all bruised. Brad is here."

"Mom is asleep in the middle of the day during awards season." Grace pointed out. "Drinking gatorade which she NEVER drinks unless she's really sick."

Don sighed as he looked at Meryl and kissed her forehead. "You okay, Darl?"

"I was just startled because of..." Meryl trailed off.

Don nodded as he kissed her lips. "I know, baby. You're okay."

"What in the HELL is going on?" Mamie yelled. "We want answers and we want them now!"

Brad decided to try to diffuse the situation. "Non-cancerous ovarian cyst."

"Yeah." Don breathed a sigh of relief that his father thought so quickly. "She was in the hospital with another ovarian cyst which was removed. She's okay."

Mamie's eyes were huge. "You didn't think we should know this?"

"Didn't want you to worry." Meryl choked as she was trying to calm herself down so they didn't give anything away.

Don nodded as he continued to hold Meryl close. "That's right. She needs rest and NOT stress."

"That doesn't explain why Grandpa Brad is here." Grace pointed out.

Don looked at Brad who thought on his feet. "I decided to make a surprise trip while your grandma is traveling with her bridge group. Not knowing this was going on."

"That doesn't explain why Mom is so bruised." Henry pointed out.

Susie held Henry's hand in hers. "Why she thought we were going to hurt her and we were nurses."

"Tell them." Meryl nodded at Don.

Don sighed as he kissed Meryl's lips. "After the procedure I came home to get a few things. Your mother was disoriented and the nurses tied her down and severely sedated her; that's how I found her when I got back to the hospital less than an hour later. She's okay, she is.

"Your father has made sure of it." Meryl said as Don held her tighter.

 Don nodded as he kissed the top of his wife's head. "I am taking away the nurses licenses. If I don't get them then I'm suing the fucking hospital."

"That's why I thought you all were them." Meryl choked. "Holding my legs and arms."

Don rubbed Meryl's back. "Why didn't you all just call instead of scaring your mother to death?"

"They didn't know, Don." Meryl said trying to diffuse the situation.

Grace threw her hands up in the air. "That's just the point; we should have known."

"I know and I'm sorry." Meryl said. "I didn't want anyone to know. I was trying to slide under the radar then all this happened. I didn't want you all to worry or change things because of me. Your dad, and Grandpa Brad, have taken great care of me. I was only in the hospital overnight."

Mamie softened. "You're really okay, Mama?"

"I really am." Meryl held her arms open as she got hugs from all their children. "Thank you for being concerned."

Don was starting to calm down. "We really didn't mean to worry you; we just didn't want you to worry. She is fine. We're fine. More than anything she needs rest and no stress."

"But I can always do with hugs from my babies." Meryl smiled at them. "All my babies."


Meryl was sitting in the living room while Don was with the kids and Brad in the kitchen. She was terrified that her reaction to the kids blew their cover. She wasn't ready to tell people. Not because she didn't ant to, not because she wasn't excited, but because she was afraid that something would happen since she was BARELY 7 weeks along.  She was looking off into space and tiring her wedding ring as her tears escaped her eyes when her husband walked in. "Mer? Darl?"

"Oh, hi." Meryl tried to smile at him as she quickly wiped away her tears.

Don handed her a cup of tea and placed a kiss on her cheek. "I brought you some tea and honey."

"Thanks, babe." Meryl sighed.

Don lifted up her legs so he could sit on the couch next to her with her legs in his lap. "You doing okay? What are the tears about?"

"Did I completely blow our cover with the kids?" Meryl asked. "Because of how I reacted when I woke up."

Don shook his head as he trailed his fingers through her hair. "No, they bought it. They're no longer mad at us. However, what in the hell were they thinking lifting your arms and legs while you were sleeping?"

"Better than poking on my eyes while I'm sleeping like they used to do when they were little." Meryl joked.

Don nodded as he laughed. "True. I'm really sorry it scared you though."

"I just felt hands moving me and holding me, hands that I knew weren't yours. I woke up disoriented. It's still with me." Meryl choked.

Don nodded as he softly kissed her forehead. "I know; it will be but we're getting through it. Are you doing better now?"

"Thanks to you." Meryl winked. "Where are the heathens?"

Don laughed at their nickname for their kids. "They are in the kitchen with Dad and Susie cooking dinner. I thought I'd give them time to bond with him."

"I'm glad." Meryl smiled. "How long do you think we can keep it from them?"

Don shrugged. "I guess we weren't doing as good of a job as we thought."

"Yeah, I guess not." Meryl agreed. "We need to go out with them more. Do more than just talk and text with them."

Don nodded. "I agree, but sweetheart not if you're not feeling well. It's not worth yours and the baby's health."

"Yeah." Meryl sighed. "I'm sorry I tipped them off."

Don shook his head as he kissed her hand. "You didn't. They're just nosy. Wonder where they get that from.."

"Their father." Meryl teased. "So, what's for dinner?"

Don hoped this wouldn't make her sick. "Stuffed chicken breasts, rolls, mashed potatoes and corn."

"Ugh." Meryl groaned.

Don frowned at her. "I didn't know how to tell them no. Soon as they leave I'll heat you up some broth."

"Well, I can do the potatoes and rolls." Meryl said. "Maybe I can pick at the other food enough to make it look like I'm eating it. I have watched our picky eaters enough to learn how it's done."

Don laughed at her. "True."

"Thanks for coming to my rescue." Meryl smiled at him.

Don rubbed her legs. "We're in this together just like every other time. Besides, you didn't get this way on your own."

"I know." Meryl winked at him. "I'm glad."


Later they were all sitting at the dining room table and Don could tell Meryl was struggling to get through the meal. He put his hand on her leg under the table to try and give her support. Mamie looked at her brother and Susie. "So, how are things coming for the baby?"

"Baby?" Meryl choked on her food.

Don knew she was thinking about their baby and not their grand baby. Don patted her on the bak and gave her some water to drink. "Careful, Darl. Our grand baby; baby girl Gummer."

"What baby did you think she meant, Mom?" Henry laughed.

Don was rubbing Meryl's back. "She's still a little out of it because of all the drugs."

"Of course I knew you meant our grand baby." Meryl said sheepishly. "Your dad's right, things aren't firing like they should yet."

Brad jumped in. "Remind me when my first great-grandchild will be here."

"Not soon enough." Susie laughed.

Henry kissed her cheek. "We're 2/3 of the way there; April 10."

"I can't wait." Grace said excitedly. "I already have a onesie that says 'Mommy's little tax deduction.'"

Henry laughed. "Thanks, sis."

"You and your numbers." Susie teased. Of all the kids, they thought Grace would go into the finance profession cause of her love for numbers.

Mamie had to blink back tears. "I'm really happy for you two."

"Mames, you okay, sweetheart?" Meryl asked in concern.

Henry sighed. "I'm sorry, sis."

"No, no." Mamie shook her head. "I'm so excited. I can't wait to hold her; and be her aunt."

Don sympathized with Mamie. "It's still hard, baby girl. No matter how excited you are about being an aunt."

"I remember when Abe was born not long after we lost William." Meryl said as she held Don's hand tightly in hers. "As excited as I was that my baby brother had a little boy, my first nephew it was still hard."

Don nodded. "It was."

"I don't want you two not to talk about things regarding the baby around me and Ben." Mamie began. "We want to be involved and hear all about it."

Meryl agreed. "That's right; it almost makes it worse not to."

"Okay." Susie smiled. "So, Grandpa Don..."

Don's face lit up. "Yes?"

"How would you like to give your granddaughter's nursery a Don Gummer original?" Henry asked. "Will you paint a mural for her?"

Meryl didn't think it would be possible for Don's smile to grow anymore. "I would be honored."

"We want to pay you for your time." Susie said.

Grace couldn't help but laugh. "Good luck with that. When you try to refuse money from Dad he always wins; I think he will this time too."

"No way am I taking your money." Don said. "I can't wait to get started."

Grace looked at Brad. "So Grandpa Brad, tell us all the Indianapolis Gummer family gossip."


Meryl and Don were saying bye to the kids at the door and soon as Don closed it Meryl ran off. Brad looked at Don. "What happened?"

"That damn morning sickness." Don sighed. "I'll be back." Don ran off after her and found her in the guest bathroom getting sick. He crouched down beside her and watched her throw up everything she ate at dinner. "It's okay, baby, get it out."

Meryl wretched and wretched until it was all out of her system. "I didn't know how much longer I could keep it in."

"You did good." Don laughed as he helped her up and led her to the sink, handing her the toothpaste. "I shouldn't have let them cook chicken. That NEVER sets well with you when you're pregnant."

Meryl shook her head after she rinsed with water, toothpaste and mouthwash. "It's not your fault. We couldn't tip them off. I almost did that earlier."

"I just hate it made you sick." Don sighed. "I'll warm you up some broth and get you some crackers and ginger ale. You haven't eaten that much today, that's stayed down, and I need to fatten you up."

Meryl laughed at him. "Remember that when I can't lose that damn baby weight."

"I always tell you that I like my girl with some meat on her bones; and I mean it." Don said with a kiss to the top of her head. "Besides, we wanted to talk to Dad."


"How's that?" Don asked as he and Brad sat in the living room with Meryl while she sipped on broth, ginger ale and ate some crackers.

Meryl smiled in appreciation. "SO much better; thank you, Don Man."

"My pleasure, Darl." Don winked at her as she laid with her legs in his lap.

Brad looked at the two of them. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have suggested chicken."

"Those kids always want chicken." Meryl laughed. "It's not your fault."

Don looked at Meryl and she nodded. "Dad, we wanted to talk to you about something."

"Anything." Brad said.

Meryl smiled. "Well, Don is painting a mural for our granddaughter's nursery; he painted something for all of our kids nurseries. We thought it was time for a change."

"That's right." Don smiled. "We were hoping you'd paint a mural for our baby's nursery."

Brad was obviously choked up. "Me? You're the world renowned artist, Don."

"Where do you think I got it from?" Don smiled.

Meryl rubbed Don's arm. "He's right, Brad. You are incredibly talented. Jane kept your pieces and we've seen them over the years. We would LOVE it if you painted something for our baby's nursery. Don will get plenty of chances to share his art with the baby."

"The kids always came to me to color." Don teased. "What do you say, Dad?"

Brad had the biggest smile on his face. "On one condition; we do it together."

"I'd like that." Don beamed. "A lot."


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