Chapter 57

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It was the day before Brad was to leave to go back to Indianapolis and he accompanied Don and Meryl to the doctor's office. He said he would stay out in the waiting room while Meryl was being examine. Don stood next to Meryl holding her hand in the examination room; worried. "How is she doing?"

"Right on track." The doctor smiled as she saw relief watch over her patient and her husband. "Your gestational diabetes is under control. Your weight is a little low, but I know the morning sickness isn't helping. I really am not worried about that. In about another four weeks or so I would like to do the amniocentesis. I still want you to have your feet up as much as possible. I know you have engagements and commitments to keep; but it's really important to have your feet up whenever you can. Just keep doing what you're been doing. Don't take on anything extra if you can avoid it. Let your husband wait on you."

Meryl winked at Don. "Oh, he has been."

"I will continue to do so." Don said with a kiss to her hand. "How's the baby?"

The doctor patted the examination table for Meryl to lay back on it. "You know the drill by now; let's do an ultrasound."

"Don." Meryl said looking at her husband; nonverbally communicating what they had talked about that morning as they were getting ready for this appointment.

Don nodded as he kissed the top of her head; immediately knowing what she was silently saying and thinking. "I'll be right back."


Brad was sitting out in the waiting room trying to find something that was interesting to him to read; with not much luck. He looked up when he saw Don come out into the waiting room; but he noticed that someone very important was missing from his side. "Where's Meryl?"

"She's still back there being examined." Don smiled as he motioned his father back to the area where he was standing. "We want you to come on back."

Brad was confused as he followed Don back towards the examination rooms. "Is everything okay, Don?"

"We're about to find out." Don smiled as he guided his father into Meryl's examination room.

Brad looked at Don and Meryl confused; not quite understanding why he was back there during such a private time for them. "I don't understand."

"We thought you might like to see and hear your grandchild." Meryl smiled as Don took his place by her head and held her hand.

Brad stood next to Don as the doctor squirted the gel on Meryl's stomach. "I would."

"There's the heartbeat." Don choked as he kissed Meryl's hand when they heard the whooshing sound.

Meryl looked at the monitor and pointed at it. "There's your grandchild."

"How does it look?" Don asked the doctor.

The doctor noticed how the older Gummer was dumbfounded. "It looks perfect. Baking just like it should be."

"That's the baby?" Brad asked in astonishment.

Meryl smiled at her father-in-law. "What do you think?"

"I'm in love." Brad smiled and patted Don's back. "Good job, you two."

Meryl and Don smiled at each other while they laughed. Don hugged his dad. "Thanks, Dad."

"Thank you for having me in here for this." Brad said with a kiss to Meryl's cheek.

Meryl reached out to squeeze Brad's hand. "You're family."

"Okay, Meryl, you can get dressed." The doctor began.

Brad looked at his son and daughter-in-law, wiping his tears. "I'll be in the waiting area."

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