Mr. Popular is Falling for Me

By tmnt_hp01

100K 3.2K 627

There's always the bad boy and a good girl, or the very popular guy and the very shy girl. But what happened... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Another A/N
Another A/N pt.2

Chapter 18 // Epilogue

4.1K 125 14
By tmnt_hp01

It's already the middle of August, and this summer has been amazing. I can't tell you how many times Damon, Quinn, Zach (Quinn's new boyfriend *gasps*), and I went to the beach. Or hung out. There wasn't a day that I wasn't with any of them.

My mom didn't stop by again after that night 2 and a half months ago. Yes, of course I miss her because she's my mom. But I think I have lived better without her.

The police did stop at Quinn's house because my mom went missing 3 weeks later. So they came to take me, but Melissa ended up stepping in and telling them that she would take me as her own. Then this whole confusing process thing happened, so now Quinn is my step sister!

Damon and I have been doing really well. We had a few disagreements but it was all about food, which we laughed at the end.

Right now, we are at Quinn's aunts cabin by a lake. It's Quinn, Zach, Damon and I. Quinn and I are on the deck tanning, while the boys were being boys and playing in the water. That is until we end up being drenched with water, and the guys laughing.

"DAMNIT DAMON" I yell at him. I stand up, and jump on him. Since we was too busy laughing, he wasn't expecting it. So we ended up falling. Damon is a good swimmer, but not when I'm attached to him.

He finally pulls us both up, and he just glares at me. I give him the inoccent look.

Zach is still laughing, until Quinn does the same, but she's screeching. Then Damon and I start laughing because of Zach's face when she did that.

This summer has been filled with smiles and laughter. And I don't think that I've ever been happier.


For dinner, we decided to just order a pizza. No one felt like cooking, but we were all starving.

Every night while we eat dinner and kinda of just hang out the rest of the night, we watch two movies. And tonight, it was my turn to pick a movie.

Of course I decided to pick the Conjuring. That one, and the Insidious Trilogy are my favorites.

When the movie starred playing, Quinn and Damon got excited, but Zach wasn't much of a horror movie type. He kinda just sat there, unphased by it.

I cuddled up next to Damon we we were both done with our food.

"You know what" Quin said jumping up from the couch. "Screw this. I'm going back to the lake to go swimming. If anyone wants to join, go right ahead." She walks to the bathroom to change.

I stand up, and grab my things and go to the room I'm staying in. I was about to take off my bra when Damon walks in.

"You are lucky" I say, as he moves to the bed.

"How am I lucky? If anything I'm unlucky." He flops himself on the bed.

"Oh shut up." I turn around and finish changing. He chuckles.

"You coming out to the lake too?" I ask.

"But I wanted to stay in here with you" He says, walking over to me. He snakes his arms around my waist, burying his face in the crook of my neck.

"But I wanted to go swimming." I say in protest. I'm determined to go swimming.

"But I have an issue I don't like dealing with myself." I pull back and look at him, raising my eyebrows. He looks at me innocently. "Whaaaat. It's not like I can help it." I laugh, pulling away from him.

I start to walk away, before stopping at the bedroom doorway, "Take a cold shower." I say, and head to the lake.

He didn't even have to say anything, and I already know that he's just standing there shocked.

I meet Quinn out at the dock, and we jump in.

After a while of floating around and relaxing, all you could hear was a huge splash, me screaming, and a bunch of laughter. I look around and see Damon dying of laughter. I swim over to him and he wasn't laughing anymore. Mainly because I may have dunked him under the water.

He comes back up, spitting and coughing water. Now it's my turn to laugh. He fake laughs and glared at me.

Quinn pulls her self up on the dock by Zach, while Damon and I stay in the water.

I hear Quinn say "You know. They may be a couple but I don't think they have completely stopped pranking each other." We all look at her. "What. It's true."

"What do you mean?" Zach asks. He was actually new to town in the beginning of summer, when we bumped into him. He was trying to find his way back home from the gas station, so we helped him out. From then on, we've all been hanging out with him. About a month later, Quinn and Zach ended up dating.

Zach is your typical blonde hair, blue eyes. He tall, probably about 5'11". He isn't muscular, but he isn't completely skinny either. I would say he's a good middle. He's kind of pale, so it's clear he doesn't get much sun. His hair slightly falls over his forhead, and sky blue eyes are a perfect combination.

"About a month into the new school year, I caught Damon doing.... inappropriate things we'll say, with one of the teachers. Then he purposely bumped into me during lunch later that day, and my lunch was dumped all over me. From that moment we just kept going back and forth getting our revenge." Zach laughs.

"You fucked a teacher? Damn. Looking at you now, you wouldn't think that." We all laughed.

"Hey. But I've changed." Damon defends.

"Yeah, because you fell for me."

"Wait. So you guys hated each other and then fell for each other?" Zach asks. Damon and I look at each other, and say "Yeah."

"Damn. That's actually pretty awesome."

"I guess, yeah. But that's just what happens when you spend a lot of time pranking each other. We had to get to know what the others weaknesses and strengths were, and go off of that." I say, Damon nods in agreement.

"How long have you guys been dating?" Damon and I look at each other, and then at Quinn. We all shrug.

"I haven't even been keeping track honestly. When did you ask me out?" I look at Damon, and he looks down at the water.

"I think back in March actually. Maybe April." Damon speaks up.

"Really? Damn." Zach says. I smile, proud that I've been together with someone for this long.

I float around by our dock, while the other talk. I tune them out with my thoughts.

I thought about how much I actually love Damon. In the beginning, you wouldn't think that we would ever end up together. At least I didn't. But now we're here. Spending the summer together. The last few weeks at a cabin, hanging out. Being ourselves. Maybe life does get better.

I look around at my friends. My boyfriend. My best friend. Her boyfriend.

This is it. This is my life now. And I'm happy.

"What are you smiling about?" Damon asks.

"Nothing. I'm just glad to have you guys in my life." I shrug.

"Hey. Don't get all sappy on me now."

"Oh whatever." I splash water at him, and we all laugh.


Heeyyy. I am soooo excited. I honestly can not believe this book is over! I have so many ideas I would like to do with the story. Yes, I know many people love it, but to me it just seems so short and eh. So I'm going to be adding things, deleting things, and changing things. A majority of the story will be kept, but I would really like to spice it up a bit.

If you guys have any ideas you would like me to do, you can always comment on my story, or just message me your ideas. I'm always checking both!!

Oh, and when I'm done with fixing this story, I will be writing another one. It's not a sequel to this one, but it will be dealing with wolves, and alphas, and mates. So, you should follow me so you can check that out!!

Thank you for supporting me so much with this book, and I do apologize for the randomness of the updates.

I love you guys so much. Byeeeee!!


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