Boyfriends [Gawsten]

By plastiictaste

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sad boy: I'm a 14 year old girl STINKY FRIEND: explain sad boy: full of angst, loves Fall Out Boy, dyes hai... More

Sweaty Boys and Cold Showers
Stage Antics and White Lies
Drinks and Dances
Hangover From Hell
Angst and Innuendos
Involuntary Functions
3 am Decisions
Conflicted Emotions and 90's Movies
Angry Kissing
Stupid blink-182 Song
Possible Outcomes
Don't Call It Love
Pokémon and PDA
Frank Iero and a First Date
Kiss On The First Date?
Flip Flops and Laundry Stores
Future Hearts
Second To Last
Happy Ending


1.8K 100 97
By plastiictaste

//Geoff's POV//

Things between Awsten and I had never been better, but there was a slight problem. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. I was as guilty as he was about it, and neither of us had enough sympathy for Otto or decency to stop.

We had to be somewhat careful on stage, of course we messed around, but we had to be guarded. We both had girlfriends, and essentially we were cheating on them– but neither of us talked about that. And besides, we weren't official or anything, so it want really that problematic, right?

At dinner, one hand was in Awsten's lap as we carried on a conversation about video games with Zack and Rian.

While we watched The Conjuring, Awsten's head was resting on my shoulder and his legs were draped over mine, with Otto sitting as far from us as possible on the couch.

Whenever we were supposed to be napping, were usually spooning in my bunk with the curtains drawn. Alex and Cole were very proud, yet relentless about teasing.

"How are my favorite gays?" Jack asked as walked down the sidewalk to dinner before tonight's show. He put one arm around me and one around Awsten while Rian and Otto talked in the background.

"Gay, how are you?" Awsten answered, laughing at Jack's antics.

"Fine and dandy, glad to have my boyfriend back." He said with a fake glare at me. I rolled my eyes and shrugged Jack's arm off as we entered Applebee's.

"Table for seven please and thank you." Rian said with a smile as the waitress greeted us.

"Right this way, please." She said cheerfully, showing us to a large table. I sat next to Awsten on the booth side against the wall, and Otto sat on my other side.

The other four were on the other side of the table in chairs, and we were all looking at our menus.

The waitress came back and took our drink orders, and we were all figuring out what we wanted to order. I grabbed Awsten's hand under the table and locked our fingers together, rubbing the top of his hand with my thumb. He smiled a turned a little bit pink, but no one else seemed to notice. It was probably better that way.

We ordered our food and got our drinks, Awsten and I sharing a huge glass of iced tea. Once our food came, I let go of Awsten's hand so we could eat. He kissed my cheek quickly, his eyelashes brushing against my skin. However, someone did notice that. Several someones, actually.

"Don't they remind you of us?" Alex said dramatically, leaning on Jack and batting his eyelashes. Jack laughed.

"They really do." Rian put his head in his hands and sighed, and Zack just laughed. Awsten and I were both bright pink by now.

"Would you shut up?" Awsten said with a laugh as Jack made kissing faces and Awsten and I.

The rest of dinner was uneventful but fun, and we played the show not long after.

"I'll be right back, then we'll go out to merch." Otto said, walking to the bathroom backstage. Awsten and I stepped out of the back door, only a few steps from the venue. However, it was enough for some privacy.

"You have no idea how much I've wanted to kiss you all day." I whispered hoarsely as Awsten backed against the wall, grabbing my shirt collar and pulling me close to him. I wasted no time in doing so, and he reciprocated my actions. His lips were kind of slippery from singing, and our teeth kept brushing together. However, that didn't stop either of us. I slid my tongue across his bottom lip and bit down on his lip gently, and he moved his hands from the position cupping my face to my waist.

"Are you guys done yet? We've got to go to merch." Otto said, poking his head out of the back door. He sounded like a frustrated mother who'd just given up at this point. I laughed and stepped away from Awsten, fixing my hair quickly.

"Yeah, let's go."

The merch table went well, and we met a lot of amazing people. By the time we were back at our bus, we were all thoroughly exhausted. Awsten was changing and I was already in my bunk, and Otto was sitting upright in his bunk, scrolling on his phone. Probably texting Alex or Jack.

"Um, guys?" Otto's voice was laden with confusion and concern. "Alex just sent me this... you might want to take a look." He handed his phone to me, and Awsten walked over to look over my shoulder. On Otto's phone a video was playing– a video of Awsten and I making out behind the stage. It was dark and the lighting was bad, but it was certainly identifiable as us.

"Who took this?" Awsten asked, panic rising in his voice. Otto sighed deeply.

"You do realize that people go out there to smoke, right? A fan probably took it. And its too late to ask them to take it down, because according to Jack and Alex, its blowing up all over Twitter and Tumblr." I flopped back on my bunk, my head spinning.


Awsten was checking his own phone now, and getting a phone call. He answered it quickly.

"Hey- whoa, slow down!" I heard him say to whoever was on the other end of the call. A sinking feeling in my stomach told me it was Ciara. And of course, it was. "What video? That? Um, its not what you think, Ciara. I swear- no we aren't cheating! Look, I'm not gay, okay? Geoff isn't my boyfriend, that's crazy!"

Even hearing one side of the conversation hurt. But he was right, we weren't boyfriends. Neither of us knew what we were, and we'd thought that we'd have time to figure it out. It had only been four days since we confessed to each other anyway. But now we didn't have time, and Awsten had made it pretty clear that Ciara was more important than me.

"Crazy, huh?" I asked, standing up off my bed. I was taller than Awsten, which was an advantage now, as I stood in front of him and tried to look scary and mad.

"I didn't mean it-"

"What do you mean, then? Who are you lying to, me or Ciara? Or is it both of us?" Otto stood up and walked over to us, pushing us apart. Awsten looked like he was about to cry, and I was bright red from anger.

"Listen, neither of you expected the video thing to happen, so neither of you are ready to deal with this. Why don't you sleep on it-"

"No, Otto. I think I was right, it is crazy for me to even care about Geoff at this point." Awsten said, shoving Otto's hand off of his chest. His words cut deep, and snapped me out of my insensitive anger.

"Aws, please wait!" I yelled as he stormed out of the bus. I had no idea where he was going, and I didn't want to know. All I wanted to do was cry right now, and Otto had a shoulder, box of tissues, and fuzzy blanket available that was perfect for that.

"Sh, its going to be okay. He'll come back." Otto said comfortingly as I sobbed on his shoulder.

"W-what if he doesn't?" I stuttered, pulling the blanket closer to my body.

"He will, I promise."


don't attack me pls.

song of the chapter is Told You So by Paramore

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