Frank Iero and a First Date

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//Geoff's POV//

"Geoff! Awsten! Wake up, you won't believe who's here." Otto yelled, shaking me awake. Awsten was cuddled up beside me, so therefore he was awake now as well. After our walk last night we'd come back to the bus and watched Rick and Morty until we fell asleep.

"Otto, why are you so excited?" I groaned, getting up and rubbing my eyes. Awsten didn't get off the couch, he simply sat up.

"You're not going to believe this! Frank Iero is here. Frank fucking Iero!" Otto was practically bursting with excitement. Meeting Mikey Way was amazing, and it was our collective goal to someday meet everyone who had been in My Chemical Romance.

"You're serious?" Awsten asked, jumping up and running to a window. He peered out, as did I. And truly, there he was, talking to Alex.

"We've gotta meet him!" I said with excitement, running to my bag to look for clean clothes. Awsten did the same, and Otto was already dressed.

We wasted no time in brushing our teeth and changing, and soon enough we were outside.

"Oh hey! There they are." Alex said with a wave at us. We walked over to Alex, all of us standing near him and staring at Frank a little bit. Frank grinned and extended his hand to Awsten.

"Mikey told me about you guys, I thought I'd come by and say hi to All Time Low and meet you all." Awsten just nodded and shook Frank's hand, staring at the tattoos on his hands.

"We're Waterparks." I said, putting one arm around Otto and one around Awsten. Frank laughed.

"I figured as much. Anyway, how's tour been treating you? Has Alex been nice?" Otto took a bit of a deep breath and spoke up.

"Tour has been really fun, uh, Alex is good. We're all good. Um, I love you. I mean, I love your music!" Otto stumbled over his words. Alex laughed, and Frank smiled.

"I'm glad you're doing well, that's so rad. And I love you too! You're music is great and you're all cool." He hugged Otto, and Awsten's mouth dropped open.

"Oh wow, thank you!" Otto said, still looking stunned.

Frank continued to hang around, and we all went to lunch together. He was really nice and much more chill than his Twitter would suggest. Overall it was an incredibly enjoyable time.

He left at about 3 pm, and we were all a little sad about that. But there was something I wanted to ask Awsten. We'd never been on an official date, and I wanted to take him on one.

"Hey Awsten?" I yelled into the bus.

"I'm in the kitchen!" He yelled back. I went inside and grabbed a Red Bull out of the fridge. I opened it and sat on the counter.

"So," I tool a sip of my Red Bull as Awsten finished washing the few dishes we had, "How would you feel about going on a date?" His eyes opened a bit wider and he smiled.

"I'd love that, Geoff." I grinned.

"Awesome! We can go see Dunkirk if you want." Awsten grinned and nodded.

"Hell yeah! When should we go?" I looked at the clock on the microwave. There was a 4:00 showing, and the theater wasn't far.

"Now I guess." I said, drinking the rest of my Red Bull at top speed. Awsten was looking for his purple Vans, he had one on and was looking for the other underneath a pile of clothes. I pulled my own Vans on and helped him look for his. We eventually found the lost shoe underneath the couch.

"Let's go!" Awsten said, grabbing my hand excitedly. I smiled like an idiot, everything about him overwhelming me. His blue hair, his two-toned eyes, his sense of humor, his body– there was nothing unattractive about him. During our short walk to the theater, I showered him in compliments about everything. He was blushing furiously by the time we were at the theater.

"Dunkirk for two please." I said to the lady working behind the counter. She gave Awsten and I a bit of a judgemental side-eye as I put my arm around him. Awsten and I just shared a knowing glance and some smiles that were holding back our laughter.

"Come on, we're going to miss the previews!" Awsten said, half serious and half joking. I kissed his cheek quickly and said,

"Go grab our seats, I'll be right there."

"Geoff, you don't have to buy anything for me-" I put my finger to his lips and said,

"Don't worry about it baby, I'll be right there." As soon as Awsten was walking down the hall to the theater room our movie was in, I went to the concessions stand.

"What can I get for you?" The guy behind the stand asked amiably. I smiled.

"A large coke slushie, with two straws please. And a large popcorn bucket, oh and two boxes of M&M's." The guy smiled and quickly made my order. He handed it all to me, and I managed to balance it all in my arms. I paid him and thanked him again before quickly walking to the theater. Awsten had chosen seats all the way in the top row, the best seats they had. I slid into the row where he was and sat down beside him. Hr gasped softly when he saw the slushie.

"I haven't had one of these since our first Warped Tour." I smiled as he started drinking it. I put the popcorn bucket on my lap and handed him one of the boxes of M&M's.

"Don't drink it all!" I whispered in a playfully patronizing voice. He laughed and turned the cup so I could drink out of it from my straw.

The movie was good, and Awsten kept quietly commenting on how attractive Harry Styles was. I had to agree, he was hot. But in my opinion, Awsten was hotter.

"That was awesome!" Awsten said, holding my hand as we walked out of the theater.

"Yeah, it was great! I wish there had been some more dialogue, but overall it was incredible!" We continued to have a nerdy conversation about movies and filming as we walked back to the bus.

"Thank you so much, Geoff. This was the best date ever." Awsten said as we approached the bus.

"Anything for youm" I replied, trying to sound sweet and romantic.

"You know what would make it even better?" Awsten asked, the words sounding innocent but the look on his face anything but innocent.

"I just might know."


Hi so uhhh I love Frank Iero?? I just wanted to stick him in idk. And wowowowow a date. Nerds.

Song of the chapter is- you guessed it, First Date by blink-182.

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