Man of Mischief

By HaeleyWilliamson

106K 2.8K 979

Haeley is just your average girl. Just over twenty, she has secretly dedicated her time to researching aliens... More

Man of Mischief
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Cheaper Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Two

7.8K 201 90
By HaeleyWilliamson

HEY Y'ALL!!! So I'm pretty darn PUMPED about writin this story!!! Loki is my favorite character ever, besides Snape from Harry Potter of course :)

And if anyone reading hasn't seen Thor or The Avengers, or read the Marvel comics, you probably should. It is amazing anyways :D

But the movie Thor is what this is all going off, and soon, it'll bleed into The Avengers movie. Really the only thing that I make up is my character, and the rest that'll happen later in the book is all head cannon. If anyone here went into the Norse Mythology or at least the comics, you'll know that Loki, the god of mischief (you'll meet him in this chapter, though not formally), you'll know that he has a wife, who is Sigyne, the goddess of fidelity (loyalty). I sort of cut her out- he isn't married to her yet, anyways. And Thor is origionally married to Sif, goddess of war, but I don't have that in here either, it isn't in the movie anyways, and a lot of y'all may go off that.

ANYWAYS, enough of this- here's the next chapter!!! :D


It was pouring rain. I cursed to myself, knowing that the sand would turn to a grainy, staining mud. The ankles of my skinny jeans were already wet and dirtied, as we're the toes and heels of my ash brown TOMs. Thy were originally a chocolate brown, but the dust and wear of them has made them a permit ate shade of dusty brown. I had my small jacket over my head that I had in my car out of a whim.

I was crouched low, balanced on the balls of my feet as I watched the scene before me. Some crazy guy had busted into the place, fighting like a mad-skilled genius. He was pretty hot, on top of that. After admiring his good looks and epic fighting skills, my yes made there was to the real reason I was here, and the reason the FED's were, too: the so called "crashed satellite".

I watched as he friend pulling it up out of the ground, but with no luck. It seemed to make him pretty aggravated, too, because he collapsed on his knees and tarted screaming to the heavens. It was awkward. I wasn't sure it I should laugh or feel bad. So I just stayed silent and watched his muscles ripple in the rain, which was entertaining enough for me. A moment later, a few burly guys came and drug him off. That was my cue.

I carefully stood up, stretching out my legs a little from the incomfertable position. I shook out each leg and took a deep breath, puttin on my jacket and popping the hood up over my head. My medium brown hair was long and curly, thrown up into a loose ponytail, a black headband in my hair to create a small bump in my hair in the front. A few strands had managed to get loose and were now sticking to my face from the water.

I trotted silently down the small hill, closing in proximity to the site. It was within a small crater, and it was almost like a small town was built around it. I was obvious that they were investigating an alien related crash, with the white plastic tubes and tents around it. I inched through the hole made my Mr. Hottie jut minutes before carefully, peering around and stepping inside. I paused, waiting to see if anyone would come after me and drag me away the way they did him, but when no one did, I continued inside.

I stood inside the eerie-feeling place, in front of the late piece of metal that was causing so much commotion. It was a... A hammer? Really? I had the sudden urge to reach down and grasp a hold of it, just to see if I could maybe get it up. Surely they had already tried to lift it and, obviously, failed. It looked pretty stuck, after all. It's bottom was partly covered in the cement-looking bump in the ground. It looked almost man-made, not like something nature would accidentally create.

I tapped my lower lip thoughtfully. This hammer didn't /look/ alien... But you could never really tell. And there was something about it... It seemed so /familiar/ in a way. Like I had seen it before. The markings, the shape and look... Had I seen this in one of my researches before? It almost seems as of I had, yet I don't recall ever reading about this sort of thing. I'm mostly your "sneak into Area 51" kind of girl. I'm down to get the hard cold facts about other life forms, not this.

My heart sank a little. This was what I came all his way for? I got muddy and wet for a look at a hammer? Yet, there was something about it. It must be pretty special to attract this much attention from the FED's. I hesitantly, I reached out my hand.

I grazed my fingers along the cool metal and leather of the hammers handle, the engraved symbols something I had never seen before in my studies. I bit my lower lip and took another step forward, sliding my whole palm onto the handle. I softly closed my fingers around it, ready to give a small tug.

"Interesting..." A low, silky voice hummed from behind me. I nearly jumped out of my skin, turning on my heels quickly, glasses falling sideways on m face and hair whipping around my face. I came to face a man, about two feet away, leaning on the doorframe, arms crossed casually as he stared at me intently.

I struggled for what to say. Was I caught, just like the hottie before me was? What wild happen to me now? Jail? Torture? Murder? Somehow, I managed to speak. "What... What do you mean?" I asked. He blinked in surprise a few times. Standing up straighter, he uncrossed his arms. "Can you see me?" He pressed curiously, dark eyebrows raised.

I tithed my brow together dubiously. Why wouldn't I see him? "Yes...?" I said slowly, unsure of what he meant. The man took a step forward, then paused, standing perfectly still like a statue for a second, then cracking a smile. "Well, isn't this quite the surprise." He rubbed his bare chin in thought, coming off as even more sophisticated than before. I took a step backwards, coming in contact with the stone structure and hammer.

He smirked. "What realm are you from?" He asked, a sly look upon his face. One word stuck out to me. I shrugged, peering around me. I was completely backed up to the hammer now, and I reached behind me to hold onto it, so I wouldn't topple over. "I don't know what your talking about..."

His look of confusion deepened a bit, though it was nowhere close to the intensity of mine. "Of what race are you?" He questioned again.

This guy was crazy. Realm? Race? Well, I was obviously pretty fair-skinned, if that was what he meant. My mother is German and my father is from Louisiana. I don't really see how any of that is relevant, though. I shrugged again. "Human?" I replied consciously.

He looked away, down to the ground, his face lines with thought. It was then that I got a better look at him, and realized how handsome he was. He had pale skin, too pale to be real almost, that glowed with an inhuman perfection. Now a single flaw dotted or scathed his complexion. His shoulder-length hair was jet black and only added to his pallor, and was slicked back. His eyes were the deepest green I had ever seen, bright but a dark and mossy color. Even his clothes seemed unearthly; some sort of armor that looked royal and high-tech in ware, made of a metal that looked comfortable yet protective. Behind him, a sort of cape just touched the dusty floor, the thick velvety material looking extravagant and fine. It alone must have cost a fortune.

His perfectly built frame stood at least six feet, compared to my five feet four inches. His hand was still on his chin, and his facial expression told me that he was mulling something over. After another moment of utter silence, he looked back up at me. "This /is/ quite the unexpected treat." He chuckled.

I shifted uncomfortably under his glare, green eyes piercing my skin. Now he was jut starting to creep me out a little too much. "Who are you." I demanded. I tried to stand up a little straighter, but I had gone ridged like an animal, sensing the impending danger. He chuckled darkly, the sound reverberating through the small enclosed space. I cleared my throat. "Im not afraid of you." I said, my tone warning. I just hoped I didn't sound or look as afraid as I felt. The last thing I needed in this situation was for my posture to give away my fear.

But he looked as if nothing could trick him, and that my tone didn't even phase him in the slightest. "Aren't you the feisty one? Rare and odd for a mere mortal... Especially to have the ability to see me..."

I gave him an incredulous look. "What the hell are you talking about?!" I threw my hands in the air, tired of this insane talk. I heard footsteps shuffle behind the thin tent wall, and shadows bounced dimly through it. I blinked in the direction, then looked back to the man whom I was jus addressing. He was now leaning back against the doorframe lazily, arms crossed and staring at me with one black eyebrow raised, as if to say "What now, girl?"

Suddenly, two men came through the door wearing black suits, slightly dirtied from wrangling the man before, and looked at me. My jaw fell as they walked right past the man in the doorway, straight to me. "Your not authorized to be in here, young lady." One of them snapped in a deep, throaty voice. My eyes darted to the man, and as our eyes met, his smirk widened, showing off a set of perfect white teeth. Even now, I couldn't help but admire how spectacular his smile was.

Shaking that from my head, I pointed to the man. "What about him?" Was he the boss, or something? Was he the man who did this all? The two men looked over to where I pointed, then back to me, a new grimace on their calloused faces. "That's enough games out of you." The other man growled, grabbing my upper arm with a steely grip. I tried not to wince, still shocked. "Don't you see him?! He's right there, in the doorway!" I shouted.

"C'mon, enough tricks." Snapped the first man, and the other grabbed onto my other arm. I made a small attempt to shake them off, but their grip only tightened. "I'm serious! This is t funny!" I lashed out, still trying to yank my arms from their grip.

"No, it's isn't." The first man gruffly barked, rolling his eyes. But his was insane... Could this be a trick? There was no way they didn't see him there, in the doorway, just chilling like he was watching a movie. He even seemed to be enjoying it. I locked eyes with him. He was defiantly there. "Just look! Right there-"

"Shut it, now." The second man hissed, cutting me off. "If you don't stop, we'll take you to the hospital. They treat people like you like rabid animals." His warning was enough to silence me, the images of long needles and white rooms popping into my head. I hated needles. I pressed my lips together, growling and stiffening my posture again, angry that they got the best of me.

From the corner of my eye, I saw the man laugh, a hearty and dark chuckle but one of pure amusement. "Have fun." He called after me, still laughing huskily. The sound vibrated through the tube hallways, fading as I entered a real place, like someone had brought a large mobile home out here. It was more like a mobile office, really. But his silky voice was stuck in my head, his chuckle echoing in my head, bouncing around. Had I just seen a ghost?

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