Chapter Seven

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Hey yall! Im really having a good feeling of where this story is going! I'm also pretty proud of myself because I was on a ROLL yesterday when I wrote! I hit the fourty page marker on my real book yesterday afternoon, and Im feeling good about it :D

I actually finished this yesterday, but I have a strict 'one upload a day' policy... :)

Sorry! But it's if I can't write or don't have time to the next day, I can keep y'all up steadily :)

Anyways, happy reading! :D

- Haeley


I nibbled on the inside of my cheek nervously, my stomach both bubbling and fluttering. Would it hurt, getting there? He said something earlier, some sort of bridge to Asgard. If its anything like the bridges here, it'll be a long walk. I looked forward, standing next to Loki. I only had a small bag of things, since I would be "perfectly at home" in Asgard. The only things I had with me we're a few books, my notebook and pen, and one change of clothes.

I clutched my small tote so hard, my knuckles were white. Loki smirked, glancing at me from the corner of his eye. "Calm your nerves, young Haeley. Asgard is a place you will love." Loki assured me. I let out a deep breath I was holding and nodded absently. "I know, I'm... excited." I assured him. And I was. This would be an experience that would change my life, and hopefully, held my fathers.

Loki suddenly looked upwards. "Heimdall! Open the Bifrost." Loki commanded with smooth authority. As fast as I could blink, a flash of light shot down from the sky above us, and Loki put an arm around my shoulders tightly, holding onto me so I didn't tumble over. It was... Uncomfortable, to say the least.

And it happened within a few seconds, rainbow lights flashing around me like Christmas lights, beautiful yet frightening. I felt myself come to an abrupt stop, the hard ground seeming to lift up and hit my feet. My knees buckled and I thrusted forward, waving my arms for balance like a madwoman. Loki pit his other hand to my shoulder, yanking my upright.

I took a deep breath, my vision blotchy and dizzy. Loki helped steady me for a second, but as soon as I stood fairly straight up, he released me and moved forward with a dignified rush, leaving me behind to gather my composure from the floor. I blinked away the purple and black blotches, my breathing unsteady, and grabbed onto the wall.

Suddenly, I felt someone pull me upwards, two strong hands helping me over to a circular pedestal that rose up from the middle of the room, one or two stairs around it. He sat me down and I finally got a good hold on my surroundings, holding my nauseated stomach. Okay, not the most enjoyable experience. But as soon as it hit me that I was in Asgard, I was over it and ready to explore.

I looked over at the man who helped me. He looked... Giant. At least six and a half feet, and a strong muscular build. He had deep brown skin that glowed almost as much as his golden armor, and his eyes were a striking share of molten gold. He was a little frightening, but he watched me with a soft yet stern gaze. "Are you feeling better?" He asked, his voice booming and deep.

Nodding, I grinned at him. "Yeah, thanks. I'm Haeley." I held out my hand. Remembering that he was Asgardian and wasn't familiar with these customs, I said; "You take my hand and shake- its an Earth custom." I told him. I thought for a second that he would blow me off as Loki had done, but he took my hand with a firm grasp, and shook it hard.

"Welcome to Asgard, Haeley. I am Heimdall, gatekeeper of the Bifrost and guardian of Asgard." He announced. Interesting... So he controlled who came in and out of this place? One man, protecting the whole kingdom. He must be pretty powerful... As powerful as Loki? More? Was everyone here a God?

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