Above All Else

By AliciaMarino

981K 51.6K 5.3K

Mia and Henry are back in England. Back to Buckingham Palace. Back to the world that's been destined to pull... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One

Chapter Fifteen

21.6K 1.2K 213
By AliciaMarino

Henry steps into the house, walking slowly. I stare at him, feeling only fear. The look on his face isn't one of determination. But of defeat.

In his hands is a bright red portfolio. He stops a few feet away from me and finally looks up from the ground.

Alexander sleeps as I hold his head to my shoulder. Henry looks between us, desolately.

"I will be king today," he whispers, his voice lacking emotion. My eyes widen suddenly as our reality hits. Once again, we will be moved from a home. Except this time, there's no leaving. There's no leaving Buckingham again. Our lives as they were before are over... for good.

Mrs. Ike is standing by the kitchen, a small towel pressed to her chest. Her eyes are wide too. Ivan stands behind him, beside Daniel. They both have their heads bowed in silence, knowing that this has to feel like defeat for Henry.

This is his worst nightmare, coming true.

"I wanted you to know before I went to Buckingham... I have asked to be the one to tell Richard... to spare him the embarrassment."

Ivan steps up, grasping Henry's shoulder. "You are doing the noble thing, Henry. The world will appreciate it. They will know your sacrifice."

Ivan speaking his mind, helping Henry in his time of need brings a tender smile to my face... At least we aren't alone. We have much more than Nicole and Richard ever did.

We have our friends. Our allies. Each other.

Nicole and Richard went into this because he was the next in line, because it was his turn. It's not Henry's turn. Henry is doing this solely for his country. Only I know how powerful his sacrifice actually is. What he's turning his back on.

Henry nods to Ivan, but can't seem to smile. I fear I won't see one for a long time. I turn, looking at Mrs. Ike. She comes over quickly and I carefully hand her Alexander, who doesn't fret.

They all leave the room in a eerie silence, probably digesting how their world is going to change too. I walk straight to Henry, resting my palm against his tight jaw, caressing his freshly shaved skin.

"You are my hero, Henry," I murmur softly.

"I'm sorry," he whispers, his eyes squinting, showing his pain. I shake my head, smiling. He leans in, kissing me softly. "I will see you tonight."

I nod as he turns, making his way back to the Bentley waiting to transport him to the palace. Ivan looks my way as he shuts Henry in and rounds the car. I cross my arms over my body, trying to breathe. Trying to figure out how to get through this.

I watch Henry stare at the leather seat in front of him, staring off into some surely frightening part of his mind. I watch them go, hoping that Richard resigns without a fight.

However, that seems unlikely.


"I need to speak with the King and Queen privately. Please let them know I have arrived."

"They have both asked not to be disturbed, Your Highness," the frightened servant informs. I shake my head, breathing in deeply. It's moments like these that make me remember why I'm being forced to do this.

"Then tell them it's urgent."

"Yes, sir," he nods, bowing. I watch him walk towards the large staircase before I look down at the Porfolio that contains the document for Richard to resign from his royal duty.

"The meeting will be held in the King's bedroom," the young servant says when he comes back. I nod.

"Thank you." I walk up the stairs, feeling the weight of every step.

I am about to have the worst conversation I'll ever have. Possibly the worst fight I'll ever see. I don't know what to expect, but if I know Richard at all, he will hate me for this. I can only hope in time he will forgive me.

I stop outside the bed chambers, closing my eyes. I open my eyes and walk through the door.

"Henry," Richard says, standing in a maroon-colored robe. Nicole is beside him, a hand on her belly. They both look like they haven't received visitors all day. "I've been thinking on a way to possibly salvage this situation. It will come with backlash, but hear me out..."

"Richard," I utter, firmly.

"What if y-you went up in the press conference and said you knew about the child as well? It would be a blow at first but I'm sure it would make the country stop their aggression towards the crown so fiercely."

I stare at him, bewildered. "What?"

"I know you haven't done anything to deserve the scrutiny. I know it would be a sacrifice but it would be for the greater good. For your king... for your brother, Henry."

His hair is wild, his eyes red-rimmed from lack of sleep probably. He doesn't even look like himself.

"You'd ask me to compromise myself for your mistake? To lie for you... knowing the harm it would bring to... myself and my family?" I whisper, in shock. Nicole is even looking towards the ground.

By the look I saw on her face when I walked in, I'm sure she's pieced together why I'm here unannounced, carrying a sealed portfolio from Parliament.

"Please, Henry," Richard whispers.

"There was once a time when you loved me, Richard," I utter, angrily. "When mother and father died and all we had was each other." I point at him. "I love you but I don't know who you are anymore... But what I do know is you are not a king I can stand behind any further."

I walk to the table, opening the seal of the portfolio. I slam it down on the table. "And clearly neither can Parliament."

Richard holds up his hand, and I see the look I've feared all day. He immediately begins to shake his head, hyperventilating. Nicole brings her hands to her mouth, eyes wide in fear.

"Henry, no, please tell me that isn't what I think it is," he breathes, looking at Nicole and then back at me.

"I asked them to let you resign, for they were going to force you out. This way, you can say you bowed down gracefully and make your apologies to your people."

"You're telling me I'd have to give up my throne! What I was born to do!" he shouts, panic in his words.

"Henry, there has to be some other way," Nicole begs. I don't take my eyes off Richard, who's shaking visibly. I point at him, feeling an immense amount of anger.

"You have forced me into an impossible situation. You've always told me to choose between the crown and my personal feelings. I am now taking that advice because this time, you have gone too far."


"I stuck behind you after you forced me to leave Mia! After you exiled me from my country because of your anger! I came back when you bid me to. I rallied behind you. I went to every event you've asked of me!" I shout, slamming my hand down. "I left my dying wife and newborn son for two months because you wanted to take advantage of my vunerability!"

"Please, HENRY!"

"In doing what you did, in lying to the entire world about this child, you have forced me from every dream I have fought for!"

"Then help me!" he shouts. "Don't just abandon me! HELP ME!"

I'm struggling to keep it together. "It's too late! If you do not sign this right now, you will be forced to abdicate and they will make it known to the world. They will humiliate you! I am trying to save you from that, save you from yourselves!"

"I can't believe you could do this to me! My own brother- stealing my throne!"

My lips press together, resigned. "I am giving you a chance to do the right thing, Richard. As your brother, I cannot bear to see you disgrace yourself further."

I barely have a moment to react before he's grabbing my suit jacket roughly, pulling me in inches from his plum-colored face. "YOU ARE NOT MY BROTHER!"

I stare at him, not blinking. Ivan opens the door then, with the guards.

"Stay back!" I growl to Ivan, holding out my hand. I look to Richard, exhaling.

"It's over, Richard," I whisper. "Please, I'm begging you to give up. You are better than this."

"How will you be able to live with yourself? Doing this to Mia?" he utters, menacingly. "I'm sure she didn't expect that marrying you, you'd take away any dream she'd ever have? The life she could have had? With her talent... she could have gone so far."

My gaze falters as his words finally hit a tender wound.

"And your son... god, then your son will have to go through this too. And I wonder if he makes a mistake, a stupid, reckless mistake that harmed no one, if he'll get forced from everything he's ever known in one minute! I wonder if his friends, his family will turn on him as quickly as you have me. Father would be ashamed of you!"

I shake my head. "You can insult me all you like, Richard but this is inevitable! You were going to be forced out of this palace no matter what I chose to do. I was going to become king any way... But in this scenario, I am giving you the chance to try and restore your name."

Richard lets go of my jacket, slowly.

"Parliament listens to you, Henry. If you begged them to give Richard another chance, they may listen! Richard can change! I can too. Just don't do this-" Nicole begs. I point to the document.

"It's not my choice, Nicole! Goddammit Richard! Sign the damn papers!" I bellow, feeling out of place in my own skin. Richard chuckles darkly, looking down, rubbing his jaw. On impulse, he turns my way and his boney fist connects with my face. I nearly fall back at the impact, feeling a sharp sting along with the blow.

Ivan moves forward within seconds towards Richard, but I hold up my hand once more. "I said NO!" I command angrily.

Richard is heaving, his fists clenched together tightly. Nicole is now crying hysterically in the corner of the room. I lift my hand, wiping my fingers along my lip, where it's broken open. I wipe the blood, shaking my head.

"Do what you want to Richard," I mutter, tiredly. "I know in my heart I did everything I could have to prevent this from happening. Sign the papers, don't sign them. Either way, Parliament will be here within the hour."

He shakes his head.

I feel my walls begin to crumble and break as I turn my back on family. "I will always be your brother, Richard, whether you choose to acknowledge the fact or not. I will make sure your life is a comfortable as I can make it, I promise you that... I am giving you my life. The life I wanted."

"Don't do this to me, Henry," he whispers, again, his eyes wet. "Please, you know I won't have anyone. No one will want to know me. You're sentencing us to a life of solitude! A life of shame! You know me! You know I can't do that!"

I turn, unable to take this beating any longer.


"I'm sorry," I utter before leaving the room, Ivan directly behind me.



I'm considering sprinting to the doors when I hear Nicole begin to shout.



"Stop! PUT IT DOWN!"

I freeze in place as if a forcefield were in place at the entrance of the palace, turning back towards their voices. Oh my god. My mouth drops open in fear as I begin to run back towards the bedroom as fast as I can.

"RICHARD, DON'T!" I bellow, making it to the top of the stairs.

"Henry!" Ivan shouts.

"PLEASE, RICHARD!" Nicole cries. "NO-"

I hear the deafening sound of a bullet fired and my heart stops. My body too. I freeze in the middle of the hallway as Nicole begins to wail. My knees give out and I fall onto the ground, on all fours. Nicole runs out of the door, into the arms of the guards, who are out of breath from running up the stairs as well.

"Oh my god!" she screams, choking on her own tears.

"No," I whisper, staring at the carpet. My body begins to shake. I look back up towards the room, unable to see it through the water building in my eyes. "No," I beg, standing up.

"NO!" I shout, running towards the room.

"Prince Henry, don't!"

I nearly collapse at the sight of Richard's body laid low by the window. Unmoving, surrounded by his blood. My body lets out a noise, an odd, high, unrecognizable sound as I realize my brother is truly dead.

I move forward, hesistantly, dropping down before him. His eyes are open, his cheeks still wet from his tears. I feel my chest expand as the horror of it all comes crashing down on me. I grab him, pulling him into me as hard as I can and scream.

I scream, feeling pain I'd never known was possible.

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