Conquering Villains and Captu...

Da YouthfulPeach

154K 7.2K 1.4K

No matter how beautiful, smart, athletic, and personable Yoshino Shizuka is, compared to Semi Madoka, she is... Altro

1: He's so gorgeous, it'd be a crime not to make a move.
2: Goddamnit! Semi Madoka?!?! Why the hell is it you again?
3: Operation Shizuka Seduces the Seriously Sexy Semi
4: My body's fine. It's only my pride that's been critically damaged.
5: Lately, it seems you have a lot to thank me for.
6: Even the stray cats in my neighbourhood avoid me.
7: Please fall in love with me!
8: It's cuter than I expected...your dimple embedded smile that is.
9: I don't like being even ten steps away from you.
10: She would've been more than capable of...murdering him.
11: You would've liked it if it had been a kiss.
12: I want to walk home with you, for as long as you'll allow me to.
13: It's enough for me that you alone like it.
14: You jerk! Are you casting me aside because you have a girlfriend now?
15: Why should the world exist if the person I love isn't a part of it?
Extra 15.5: Can you not afford to go on the school trip either?
16: I wouldn't say these things to anyone but you.
17: If you'd like, I could offer my body to you right now?
18: I'm not someone you need to be supicious of!
19: If your ladyship wishes, this servant is willing to serve you for eternity.
20: I'd be satisfied with looking at one face my entire life if it were yours!
21: Doesn't it seem like I'm falling in love with him first?!
22: You're right. I'm yours...That means you can't throw me away, okay?
23: Let's fill our days together with even more unforgettable memories.
24: We're nothing like an old married couple!
25: Couldn't you just take me as a husband in this lifetime?
26: Sometimes you end up wanting mutually exclusive things.
27: Cheating is prohibited.
28: Because that's how much you mean to me.
29: If you explode, can I sell your stuff online?
30: Carelessness can be deadly.
31: Not everything the villain does will come together logically!
32: You're too adorable.
Extra 32.5: I like being needed by you.
33: The world we live in is unfair.
Extra 33.5: Author's Note and Character Profiles
34: Mental health -1000! Your opponent has delivered a critical hit!
35: Would you do something like this with your brother?
36: If you don't stop, I can't guarantee that you won't get hurt!
37: Rather than an actual threat, at best, you're more of a minor inconvenience.
38: You'd be so much more attractive if you just kept your mouth closed!
39: Are you not a fan of the maid concept?
40: Is that a voodoo doll?
42: Perhaps, I'm just someone who isn't meant to find love.
43: Failure isn't a luxury we can afford!
44: Would you have loved me if you had known?
45: Just be quiet and say that you'll marry me won't you?
46: He was a legend.
Extra 46.5: Author's Ramblings and Character Portraits
47: What kind of psychopath exacts his revenge like this?!
Extra 47.5: The girl I love the most will always be you.
48: You're much more wild and unihibited than I would've imagined.
Extra: Shall I beat you until you can no longer stand? [Madoka Special I]
Extra: I don't need your pity. [Madoka Special 2]
Extra: He had a dream more bizarre than any he had ever had. [Madoka Special 3]
49: Nothing is impossible unless you think it is.
50: Send me off like a worried mother on her child's first day of kindergarten.

41: Breaking and entering is simple for a fairy.

1.6K 93 1
Da YouthfulPeach

Although the curtains were raised, the stage lights remained dim as a single disembodied male voice resonated throughout the gym. "As of today, I've helped exactly 99 charges. That means  I just need to devise one more happy ending. Once I do that...I'll finally be freed..."

The audience who had only been informed that the play would be an adaptation of Cinderella were baffled by this prologue; however, before they were able to digest it, the stage lights were raised, casting a soft light on the stage.

Following this, the narrator walked across the stage and took his seat in a chair to the far right of the stage, just outside of where most of the action would take place. Flipping open a thick hardcover book he began to recite, "Once upon a time there was a kind and beautiful girl named Cinderella."

A spotlight shone down on Yuki who had assumed the role of the titular of Cinderella and was currently sweeping.

Immediately, the audience was taken by his appearance.

"Aw, how cute!"

"Did we always have such a lovely girl in our school?!"

A student who was seated in the second row whom also happened to be Yuki's junior in the astrology club squinted her eyes. "Wait, isn't that....Yuki-senpai?...Oh my god, it is!"

"No way! You're right!"

"But he's a guy! Their Cinderella's a guy?!!!"

"How the heck is a guy that cute?! He makes me feel ashamed as a girl!"

Although the audience had grown restless at this discovery, the narrator remained composed as he continued, "Because Cinderella's father had unexpectedly passed away, she was in the sole care of her stepmother and two stepsisters whom were as ugly as they were cruel."

Sakaki, Megu, and another male student appeared on stage and surrounded Yuki in a supercilious manner.

Megu sneered. "You missed a spot, Cinderella."

"I-I'm sorry. Could you point it out to me?"

"Yeah, it's right over here," spat the other student as he dropped a handful of bread crumbs onto the stage in front of Yuki's face.

Sakaki who had a lacy fan in one hand opened it dramatically and began flapping it in an irritated manner. "Honestly, you're not good at doing anything are you? You break more dishes than you wash, the clothes are never clean after you wash them, and now even sweeping the floor is too difficult for you."

Yuki's shoulders dropped dejectedly. "I'm sorry, mother."

"Ugh, how many times do I have to tell you, stupid girl? I am not and will never be your mother! It's this type of attitude that explains why I can't allow you to go in public!"

"But...what about the ball?"

"The ball?" Megu snickered. "You want to go to the ball? In your dreams!"

"But the royal invitation stated that all eligible women are allowed to attend." 

"As if Shiki ouji-sama would want to see a good-for-nothing bumpkin like you! You'd just be an eyesore!"

"Speaking of which, darlings, I believe it is time for our appointment with the tailor," proclaimed Sakaki. "We must look our best in front of our nation's beloved prince shan't we?"

"You're absolutely right, mother," chimed Megu.

"Mhm, let's not waste any of our breaths with this useless thing any further."

Before leaving, Sakaki turned around and added, "One last thing, for dinner tonight I want an extra large pigeon pie served with a fresh cherry sauce. And remember, if the taste is even the slightest bit gamey then your dinner will be withheld!"

"Yes, Lady Sakaki."

"Make sure to make a lemon cake too."

"Yes, Lady Sakaki."

"When I get back these floors better be spotless too."

"I understand."

Then with a loud humph, Sakaki spun around and sashayed away.

The moment Sakaki's figure could no longer be seen on stage, Yuki crumpled down onto his knees and began sniffling loudly in a pitiful fashion. "If only there was some way or someone who could help me get to the ball!"

The moment the words left Yuki's mouth, a slim figure emerged on the stage, "Did someone require the assistance of a fairy godmother?"

"Kyaaaaaaah! It's Semi-sama and he's dressed as a girl!!!!"

"He's so beautiful, I'm being blinded!!!!" 

"Be still my beating heart! No matter how pretty that's still a man up there!"

"This play is completely insane!"

As the audience was riled up, Madoka had to further project his voice to be heard. "Are you the one who summoned me?"

Yuki stared at Madoka with round eyes. "Who are you?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm your fairy training."


"Mhmm, you are the one known as Cinderella right?"

"Ah, that's the nickname my stepmother and stepsisters calls me by since I often get covered in cinders when I clean the chimney, but my actual name is Yukino Eira. May I know your name, fairy godmother-sama?"

For a second Madoka's face tensed up before he displayed a fixed smile. "My name isn't really worth knowing. What's important here is you. My dear Eira-chan, what is the thing you desire the most in the world?"

"Me?...What I want most is to attend the Royal Ball!"

"Of course you do." Madoka propped a hand on his chin knowingly. "Now let me guess, there's going to be a handsome prince at this ball that you want to impress right?"

Yuki covered his cheeks shyly. "Y-yes, Shiki ouji-sama...I'm in love with him!"

"Well, my dear, as your fairy godmother, I will do everything in my power to help you fulfill that desire."

Yuki clasped his hands together. "Can you really?! That would be wonderful if it were true! someone like me really suitable for Shiki ouji-sama?"

"Why wouldn't you be?" Madoka scoffed. "All these princes want the same thing: a young, sweet and pretty bride and you, Eira-chan, are the epitome of all these things. Believe me. I have a lot of experience with these situations."

"But Shiki ouji-sama isn't like any other prince! He's special!"

"I'm sure that you think he is since you like him and all-"

"No, it's true! Not a single fault can be found in Shiki ouji-sama's appearance, character, or abilities! He's the most perfect prince that our kingdom has ever produced! It's even rumoured that on the day he was born, every flower in the royal castle bloomed even though it was out of season! His smile shines brighter than the sun! He—"

Madoka held up his hands in defeat. "Alright, alright. I have heard enough and you have made your point. This prince of yours is a superior specimen."

Yuki adopted an embarrassed manner. "He's not really my prince so to speak..."

"And that's what I'm here to change." Madoka placed a hand on Yuki's shoulder. "Trust me, by the time I'm done with you even a million Shiki ouji-samas will be no match for your attractiveness!"

"Please take care of me, fairy godmother-sama!"

"Ohoh, you're in good hands. I'll be off now but do shed a tear if you need me for anything."

"Where are you going, fairy godmother-sama?"

"My dear, as an experienced veteran in this field I've learned that to capture a prince, you'll have to come to know that prince like he's the back of your hand, which is why, before any setups occur, I have to go collect research."

Offstage, Shizuka felt rather complicated. This part of the play always makes me cringe since it's just a little too similar to what Fuu-chan, Mii-chan, and I did before...and just like the fairy godmother, we totally got caught too...Why is my life just one big parody?

Yuki tilted his head. "But where will you go collect research from?"

Madoka revealed an enigmatic smile. "Where else but the target himself?"

"You don't mean-you're planning on sneaking into the castle?!"

"Relax. Breaking and entering is simple for a fairy and besides, it's not like I haven't done it before. It'll be easy."

"If you say so...."

As the two held their poses, the lights were dimmed, signalling the end of the first scene. Immediately afterwards, the people in charge for setting up the following scene scurried out carrying various setting pieces.

When the lights were once again raised, the set had been transformed to the inside of a castle.

Seated on two adjacent thrones were Hayato and Kiri dressed as the aged king and queen, respectively. Behind them was a classmate dressed as a servant. In front of them kneeled Shizuka in her prince attire.

"Is that Yoshino-senpai as the prince?!"

"Holy crap, just when I thought I was beginning to recover from seeing a crossdressing Semi-sama, Yoshino-sama pops out as a crossdressing prince?! How is my poor heart going to take it!"

"Shizuka-chan is so hot!"

Hayato sighed as he stroked his fake beard. "Son, in one month's time, you'll being coming of age and that means that it's time for you to begin seriously considering your future."

"I know, father, and I am aware of my future duties and responsibilities."

"Then you are aware that at the upcoming Royal Ball you'll have to find a prospective bride, correct?"

Shizuka lowered her head. "...Yes."

Kiri sighed. "Son...I know we've been putting a lot of pressure on you but I beseech you to not resent us as we only have your best interests at heart. Once you turn twenty, it'll no longer be appropriate for you, as the future king, to be unbetrothed; therefore, there is an urgent need for you to be engaged."

"Don't worry, mother," answered Shizuka with a faint smile. "I could never resent you. Rather I am thankful towards you and father for having gone along with my selfishness for so long. At the Royal Ball, I'll find someone who'll be a suitable queen candidate to become my betrothed."

"As queen, I'm glad to hear your resolution....However, as your mother, I sincerely hope that you'll be able to find someone who will not only be able to rule alongside you but someone whom who'll make you happy."

Hayato nodded as he reached over and held Kiri's hand. "That is my hope as well. Your mother and I have to leave for a prior engagement but do think carefully about this, son."

"I understand."

"You don't need to see us out."

"Please take care then."

"We will."

When they left, a classmate dressed as a servant approached Shizuka. "Will you really select your future queen at this ball, your highness?"

"It looks that way. What choice do I have?" Resignation was etched into every contour of Shizuka's face.

"Do you want me to go through those portraits that were sent to you before? I know you've already rejected them but to be fair, you didn't look at them too closely. If you take another look perhaps there might be a lady who'll catch your eye."

"I appreciate the thought but-"

Before she could finish, another servant rushed on stage. "Your highness, reporting! We've just apprehended a suspicious girl eavesdropping outside in the hallway!"

Shizuka frowned. "Bring her in."


The servant disappeared, then remerged with another servant and a tied up and struggling Madoka.

"Ugh, let go of me, you brutes! Don't you know who I am?"

Shizuka stared at him quizzically. "Er who are you?"

Madoka clicked his tongue in distaste. "What are the wings, glitter trail, and magic wand simply decorations to you people? I don't go around like this on my own volition, you know. These are all professional tools of the trade."

"I don't see a wand here."

Madoka scowled. "That's because your oaf of a guard stuffed it into his back pocket so I wouldn't be able to reach for it. Imagine, all that fairy magic just brushing up against some lout's odious behind!"

"Are you a fairy?"

"I'm not just any fairy! I'm a fairy godmother in training!" Madoka corrected.

"The fairy godmother's appearance was enough enough for the intelligent prince to consider this claim valid so he was assured of her identity," the narrator elucidated. "That being said he still wanted to know her purpose for trespassing."

"What were you doing lurking around the castle?" asked Shizuka plainly.

Madoka eyes darted around furtively before he revealed a sheepish smile. "About that, do you think we can talk after you release me? These ropes are digging into my wings."

"I suppose we can do that." Shizuka leaned in to untie the ropes but she froze before her hands could reach the knot.

"What are you standing around for? Hurry up and untie me!"

"I c-can't......" Shizuka admitted after a long pause,

"Why not?"

"T-there's a—there's a-"

"What? What?"

"There's a giant spider on your shoulder......"

Madoka's eyes widened in alarm. "What?! Get it off me! Quick!"

Shizuka and one of the servants backed away nervously. "But it's so big!"

"Aren't you suppose to be the perfect prince? Just roll up some paper and whack it off!" Madoka yelled as he trembled in fear.

"But bugs are so repulsive....Kuro-san, you do something!"

Madoka flailed wildly as the servant known as Kuro tried to eliminate the spider.

"I got it!" cried Kuro as he struck Madoka's shoulder forcibly, sending his crashing forward, straight into the arms of Shizuka who had somehow fallen backwards in the ensuing chaos.

For a long moment, Shizuka and Madoka froze in place as they gazed at into each other's eyes.

In his head, Madoka counted five beats before he broke eye contact. "Aren't you going to untie me?"

"Ah, right." Shizuka being untying the ropes.

"Following this, the fairy godmother requested for a private meeting with the prince."

"Since it's like this, I'm just going to cut to the chase. I heard what you were talking about earlier and from what I understand, the reason you have yet to be engaged is due to your pickiness with women, right? So exactly what is it that you're looking for in a girl?"

Shizuka narrowed her eyes. "Why is it that you care?"

"If you tell me I might be able to help you!"

"Thanks but I'd rather not," Shizuka replied indifferently.

"Just tell me!"

"I refuse."

"Tell meeeee!" he wheedled.


"Why won't you tell me?!" wailed Madoka.

"Honestly? I don't trust you," she answered.

Madoka was miffed. "Why not?"

"You really have to ask?" Shizuka raised an eyebrow. "You're literally a questionable trespasser with unclear motives."

"Tch, why are you nothing like the other princes I've encountered so far? Unlike them, you've got a poor sense of judgement on top of a cowardly personality." Madoka paused as if he recalled something and then chuckled lightly. "Heh, but to think that such a big fellow would be afraid of a teeny tiny spider."

"I wasn't afraid! I was just a little startled is all." Shizuka pursed her lips. "Also, even if I were a little wary of spiders it wouldn't make me cowardly alright? Arachnophobia is a common condition in the populace. Furthermore, as I recall, weren't you the first to scream earlier?"

"That's-that's different! In any case, hurry up and tell me what kind of wife you want!"

She became further displeased. "Why are you so fixated on that subject?"

"That's none of your concern," replied Madoka snappishly as he crossed his arms. "But fine, if you refuse to tell me then I'll just have to find out for myself."

"What makes you think I'd let you?"

"You can't stop me either way. It's not like your human laws allow you to hurt a fairy."

Shizuka pressed her lips together unable to refute.

Madoka smirked. "So be prepared petty prince, in the next little while, you'll be seeing a lot of me around."

"And so, true to her words, in the days leading up to the ball, the fairy godmother would pop up in the shadows of the castle to spy on the prince. As he really couldn't stop her, after a while, the prince directly told her that if she had to spy, she should do so openly as the servants were tired of being frightened by her unexpected visits. From then on, the fairy godmother became somewhat of a normal visitor at the castle."

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