Leave A Note

By 1998izzy

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Melissa Hughes is a typical teenage girl except for one thing... she HATES boys, expecially one player named... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
BC: Melissa's Mother's Day
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Author's Note
Chapter Eleven
Author's Note
Chapter Twelve: Life Or Death
Chapter Thirteen: The Three
Author's Note
Chapter Fourteen: The Past
Chapter Fifteen: Home
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Author's Note
Chapter Eighteen
Bonus Chapter- Merry Christmas
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Two

208 16 1
By 1998izzy

"You really did that?" Chelsea cracked up laughing after I had finished explaining why Mark had suddenly lost his flawless complexion in the parking lot earlier. I joined in a matter of seconds after as we continued on our route home with the car averaging a 60km/hr speed.

"You never seize to amaze me." Chelsea shook her head, finally calming down from her fits of laughter well after my own had diminished. "Well thank you," I accepted what I took to be a compliment in gratitude.

"This is why you're my friend," I glanced at her briefly, reviewing her statement silently before I asked a question of my own out of genuine interest, "Why am I your friend?"

"You keep life interesting." Her simple reply again had me guessing, especially as I caught the sly look on her face, but I deemed it better not to question her logic and instead opted for a simple, "Don't I." After all, this statement alone was far more true than I'd care to admit.

Our absentminded chatter continued up until we arrived at our destination. Without hesitation, Chelsea and I both jumped out of my car the second it was parked and I was sure to lock it behind me, I've always been a little conscious of my things getting stolen.

"See you later!" I called to Chelsea as I headed towards my front door. Her reply came just as quickly as she threw a swift, "call me if you need anything!" over her shoulder, already running across the street to her own house. I chuckled a bit when she tripped over the last step on her porch but she quickly recovered and ran inside just in time to hide the faint blush that I assumed would cover her face in mere moments.

I opened the door to my own house and entered without hesitation. I always liked to think I had a loving home. It was only the five of us with my mother, father, little sister and brother. It was unfortunate that my parents often flew across the world for business, but we got no less love than other children and they always tried to be around for holidays, especially Christmas.

"Who's there?" My dad's voice flowed from the kitchen doorway. He sounded scared, like he thought I was a robber or something; it seems someone may be more conscious than I am. I walked into the kitchen to calm his fears and he immediately looked relieved.

"It's just me daddy." I trotted over to kiss him on the cheek with a goofy smile on my face. "Hey sweetie pie," came his immediate response, "you're home early, did something happen?" He added, sounding slightly concerned. We had only been a few minutes early as normally Chelsea would stop by her locker, but today she must have finished the equations with some time to spare.

I shook my head, to grant him relief from his worries. "No, Mr Williams just let us leave early, you know first day back and all." I explained, walking over to the fruit bowl, I peeled a banana, taking a bite as my first priority.

He nodded in understanding in time to flip one of the pancakes he was making.

"Really, Dad? Pancakes? It's like three o'clock." I chuckled at his inability to have meals at the time they were meant for. "Hey! You love pancakes too, don't deny it." He accused, pointing his spatula in my direction.

I only shrugged, not debating his verdict, "I never did."

"Good point," He now flipped the pancakes onto a plate where several were already piled high before turning the stove off.

"Here you are sweetie." He said as he placed a pancake in front of me. I grinned happily and straightened myself in my chair; Pancakes are easily my favourite food, well that and pizza. Before I could take a bite, I recognised the familiar sound of footsteps meeting the stairs, so instead I turned to dad and started counting down. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1... and here we go."

Just as I said that a five-year-old boy - more commonly known as my brother - Sam, poked his head around the corner and excitedly stated the obvious- "I smell pancakes!"

"You most certainly do little man. Here you can have one." Dad said placing another plate on the table in front of the seat across from my own. Sam jumped onto the chair with a spring and cheered, "Thanks Daddy, you're the best!"

"Be sure to tell your mother that," Dad counted in time for Sam to pick up the pancake with his hands and shove it in his mouth, having no regard for table manners. "Shure tha-ng-waddy," came his intelligent response as Sam attempted to say 'sure thing daddy' with his mouth full.

I shook my head, "Ew, Sam, that's gross." This just caused him to tease me further by opening his mouth revealing the chewed up food. "That's just nasty," I commented.

He finally swallowed his mouthful to allow a huge grin to take up his face, "Hey sissy!" he finally greeted me properly. "Hey Broey," I returned the favour of the unwelcome nickname.

"Nah-uh, broey isn't a word, my teacher says so," He crossed his arms stubbornly and shook his head, protesting my statement. "Rats!" I clicked my fingers, pretending to be surprised, "I guess you're just smarter than I am."

"I am!" He exclaimed, looking at me like he already knew this piece of information.

"I'll get you for that!" I rose up, beginning to chase him around the dining room pretending to be the tickle monster as he giggled uncontrollably. We both halted in our step as we heard the front door slam closed. Not this again.

"MELISSA ROSE HUGHES!" A voice came from the front hallway sounding as terrifying as the cry that had left her mouth the day he was born which I could only remember from home videos.

"Sounds like your sister wants you." Dad sent a knowing look in my direction causing me to shrug and claim, "it's not my fault she's lazy."

The kitchen door swung open revealing a very angry Nina. Sam ran to hide behind my leg in fear of what he knew she could do, not that it was that terrifying once you were used to it.

"YOU!" She pointed at me and started to approach, stomping like an elephant, "You said you'd take me home today!"

I shook my head, denying her accusing words and correcting her, "you said I'd take you home today." She obviously didn't take well to my words as she huffed and opened her mouth once again to say, "I had to walk home!"

I rolled my eyes at her dramatics; she could almost make a convincing actress. "It's a ten minute walk and if you're so worried just get your licence already! But you could probably use the exercise anyway."

Her mouth opened and closed a few times as if trying to muster a worth-while response but she eventually gave up and settled for, "B*tch" before she stomped away in a huff.

"Remind me why you had her again?" I turned to my father to ask the rhetorical question that I sometimes wished there was an answer too. Dad shook his head, "Be nice, she is your sister," he scolded.

"Sorry but she's a spoilt brat!" I tried to make my point more clear by adding in hand gestures and voicing the truth. Dad shrugged, "Not really," he pretended he didn't notice her behaviour but the glint in his eye said otherwise.

"She asked for a car for last birthday," I raised an eyebrow, pushing my point. "So?" Dad failed to see the flaw in her logic, so instead I spelt it out for him in simple terms; "She can't even drive!"

Dad lowered his hands in a gesture to say 'calm down' as I had gotten a bit riled up, "Sure she can be a bit spoilt sometimes, but you were like that once too." I argued his point with one of my own, "but I grew out of it when I turned eight, she's sixteen,"

He walked over to sit down next to me. "Look sweetheart, she is just used to getting what she wants. Your mother and I have stopped giving her everything, but it will take a while for her to get out of the habit," he defended her behaviour, earning a sigh from me.

My family were multi-millionaires for two reasons. Firstly my grandparents were major business people, they used to own over fifty hotels world-wide plus several businesses, so when they died my parents inherited everything. Secondly my parents were doctors, however they had to quit the jobs they had once loved when my grandparents died so they could look after their properties. They still spent as much time with us as possible, but when they had to leave on a trip to look after one, I was left in charge of our household

"Whatever..." I gave up the fight, deciding to let Nina be Nina and instead opted to walk to my room, not bothering to spare a glance back at my father and brother.

Hours and several games of Mario Kart later, I heard a knock at the door. "Come in..." I beckoned with little interest directed towards the subject until I heard their voice. "Hey sweet pea." A sweet tone echoed through the room.

I dropped the remote I was holding in a mixture of shock and excitement before tumbling over to the lady in question and, engulfing her in a bear hug. "Mum! Your back!" I squealed in happiness at seeing her again. She had been away for a month on a business trip and to say i missed her presence was a total understatement. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too sweetie, but you can let go of me now," she chocked, attempting to pull my death grip away from her neck. I apologised with a giggle, finally releasing her and walking over to sit back on my bed, leaving room for my mother beside me. "So how was your trip?" I jumped straight in with the questions.

"The usual; boring long and lonely. Sometimes I wish we could just sell the company," she announced to me with a sigh of exhaustion. "Why don't you?" came my instant inquiry.

"It's not that simple, there are lawyers, bills and heaps of other things to worry about, plus it meant so much to my father and I couldn't just sell it," she listed off the cons of getting rid of the business.

"I'm sure grandpa would want you to sell it if it makes you this unhappy." I rested a hand on her shoulder in a comforting way, bringing up a positive to counteract all the negatives she had contributed. She sighed once again, "Your right but I just can't bring myself to do it. I would never wish this on you kids, all I ever want is for you to be happy."

I smiled at her kind words, "I know mum and we are. We have amazing parents a wonderful house and everything we could ever dream of. You have done a marvellous job raising us and you don't need to worry. I know you are going to raise that baby in the same way." I may have forgotten to mention before but my mum is eight months pregnant and I was only a bit nervous as to how my little brother or sister would turn out to be, with my parents the way they are, I would assume it would become like Nina.

"Thank you sweetheart. You truly are one of the most amazing people I know." She pulled me into a brief hug and kissed the top of my head, "Anyway, I came here to tell you that your father is leaving tomorrow."

"Again?" I asked trying to conceal the disappointment in my voice. It seemed like they were always leaving to go to some place or another, but I tried not to make them feel guilty. It was just as hard on them as it was us.

She nodded sadly, "Yes, I'm sorry sweetie but it's his turn to go for two weeks. I can't travel now in case the baby is early." I let out a deep breath, "So he'll miss my birthday again?"

"I'm so sorry honey, but I'll be here! And so will Nina and Sam and even the little rascal in here." She tried to cheer me up as she rubbed her stomach. "Yeah it's fine," I smiled and put on the cheery voice she always fell for. I'm glad she made me take those acting lessons when I was younger.

She smiled back thinking all was well and got up to leave, "Dinner will be ready in a few minutes so wash your hands, ok sweetie?" I only nodded half-heatedly in response until she left. However, the minute the door closed, the smile fell from my face. I hate to sound like a stereotype but right then more than ever I needed a friend.

I turned on my phone and started to type a message to Annie,

Hey Anns, What's up. -M

She replied within matter of seconds.

What's wrong this time? -A

She knew me too well to know that I never message anyone first without a reason. The last time I texted her, my car had broken down and I needed her mechanical skills to help me fix it. Regardless, I continued with my foe cover;

What do you mean? Nothing's wrong. Why do you think something's wrong? -M

Because you only ever use your phone when something is bothering you and you need a distraction or you need something desperately. You can't fool me. -A

Letting up my act, I let my thoughts show through:

Fine... I'm just a little sad. -M

What happened? (worried face) -A

It's nothing serious. It's just that dad leaves tomorrow and he has to miss my birthday again. I really wish he could stay. This is going to be the third year in a row. -M

I know how you feel; mum and dad are leaving tomorrow too, probably the same meeting. Look on the bright side though; at least you have Nina, Sam and your mum. -A

Annie's parents are business people as well and they generally have deals with my family, which is why I almost always come to Annie with my problems because she understands them better than any of my other friends. I do feel guilty sometimes though because I am better off than her, not in a money way but she is an only child and her parents act like she wasn't born because the only reason she was is because they wanted a boy who could become the air to their family fortune. After having Annie, they had given up because they didn't want to take the chance of getting another girl.

Annie may get whatever she wants but that's only so that her parents won't feel guilty about leaving her alone all the time. Her only real companion is her nanny and maid, Aurora.

Your right, I need to get over it, we know this is how it has to be, thanks. -M

No problem. Sorry Mel, I have to go, Mum is calling me and you know how she gets... Bye! -A

See ya! -M

I did feel a bit better after we talked, but I still can't get over the sadness that is pumping through my veins. At least now I have been reminded that Annie, Josh and Chelsea will be there every year without fail. I hadn't realised how far my mind had wandered until my door was slammed open by a bored looking Nina, "Get up loser, its dinner time."

"Huh?" I watched as Nina's face morphed into an annoyed expression that I was used to seeing. She's harboured that look since she hit puberty and got accepted into what you could call the 'popular' crowd at our school.

"Dinner. You know it's a meal you eat once a day." She said in a 'no-duh' tone, mocking my intelligence. "Well thank you Captain Obvious," I returned the favour with a roll of my eyes.

"No problem Sergeant Sarcasm," was her last response before- with a grunt- I hopped off my bed, grabbed her arm and yanked her away from my room and towards the stairs. "Ouch" She complained, rubbing her arm after I had finally let it loose at the top of the staircase, "You didn't have to man-handle me."

"I'm not a man," I retorted earning a soft mumble from her saying, "that's debatable." I sent a glare in her direction, letting her know I had heard what she'd said and so she expanded, "you certainly dress like one." I saw she might have had a point when she pointed to my current attire which consisted of a hoodie and some loose, ripped jeans.

My stubbornness disallowed me from admitting defeat so instead I exclaimed, "there is nothing wrong with this!" in defence of one of my favourite outfits.

She rolled her eyes, "Face it Mel, you could do so much with your figure and pretty hair but instead you hide it in baggy clothes and hair ties. It's a crime!" I scoffed, "There is no law against clothes like these."

"Well there should be."

As we were talking, I hadn't noticed that we had arrive in the dining room where the family was already seated around the circular table.

"Finally, I want to eat." Sam whined, from the moment he noticed our late entrance. "You know the rules, wait till everyone is seated." Mum scolded her son from beside him, now beginning to place food on his plate as we had entered.

Sam pointed to Nina as she and I began to find our seats, "If she didn't take so long I would be fine." His sister narrowed her eyes at him and opened her mouth to defend herself as she sat next to our father, "Hey! Mel took the same amount of time as I did!"

"Yeah but I like her and you're just a big meanie-bo-beanie." Sam stuck his tongue out at her and I had to stifle a laugh at his statement. It had always been clear that Sam favoured me over Nina, but that was only because of Nina's attitude. She was only really nice when she wanted something; even around her friends who I'm surprised she still had after the way she treats them.

Instead of choosing the high road, Nina immaturely starter, "And you're just a little-" however dad cut her off before she had a chance to curse. "OK! I think that's enough fighting for the time being, can you please just be quiet so we can start?" Dad practically begged of the pair.

I finally took my seat between mum and dad but Nina had other plans as she stood from her position. "I won't stay here after you side with that little brat" She sent a glare to Sam and then looked back to Dad, "I'm eating in my room." With this said, she whisked up her plate and stormed off back upstairs.

All eyes turn to dad to view his reaction but he simply sighed at her outburst and said, "I'll talk to her after dinner, let's just eat." We all nodded in agreement, our stomachs taking precedence over our minds, and dug in; Sam ate like a pig which wasn't unusual as you may have realised fro earlier.

After we had all been stuffed to the brim, I made my way back upstairs to my room to get ready for bed. I was in the middle of brushing my teeth when I heard my phone beep in the pocket of my Pyjama shorts. I fished it out and read the text, as I rinse my mouth with water and walked over to collapse on my bed..

Annie told me what happened and I'm here if you want to talk. -J

I smiled at the message Josh had sent me. Annie never could keep her mouth shut about anything and Josh was always ready to lend a cheerful hand as he hated nothing more than seeing people sad. It only took a few seconds before I replied:

Tanks J, it means a lot. -M

I put my phone away thinking the conversation was over, but it beeped again so I looked at the new message from Josh:

Autocorrect? -J

Initially, I failed to understand what he was talking about but, as I looked back at the previous message I had sent, I realised I had written tanks instead of thanks. I couldn't help the small giggle that slipped passed my lips as I realised my mistake and then I texted back:

Yeah, if I ever get a time machine, remind me to go back and make sure that it's not invented.-M

Will do, anyway goodnight. -J

Night. - M

And with all things said and done, I laid my head on the pillow to close the chapter on a not-so-great day.


A/N: Yay! Chapter two.

I have dedicated this chapter to miss_terious because of her book 'starstruck.' It's not completed yet but so far I love it.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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