Little Things

By sbubz1

355K 5.5K 2K

Busy schedules and fear broke them apart. One little thing brought them back together. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 43

3.6K 60 39
By sbubz1

The first thing Harry and I did when we came back to Los Angeles was pick up Honey from Madison's. Harry had already puppy-proofed the house before we left, and I was so excited to have a dog now. I immediately fell in love with Honey when we picked him up.

"Thank you for watching him," I said to her.

"No problem. He's adorable," Madison replied with a smile. Harry and I put Honey in his crate in the car and drove him to our house. Once we got home I put Elizabeth down for a nap and then helped Harry with Honey. He was possibly the cutest puppy I'd ever seen and I loved playing with him.

"I'm going to be downtown recording and writing for the next few weeks," Harry said, setting out food and water for Honey.

"Alright. I finished the design for the invitations," I replied. I sat down on the couch and opened up my laptop to show Harry the design.

"Those look great, Sara. You should design and sell stationary online," he told me.

"Do you think people would buy them?" I asked, glancing up at him. He nodded and kissed my forehead.

"It would be something for you to do for yourself. Plus it would put your business degree to use."

I smiled. Maybe I could sell stationary that I design myself. It would certainly keep me occupied while Harry was in the studio.

The next few weeks were a lot like it was in London. I planned the wedding and started designing stationary and invitations for my online business. Harry came home for lunch every day and gave his input on some wedding stuff.

I tried to get a lot of things done, but after a certain point I started to run out of energy. On the worst days I'd have Madison come over to watch Elizabeth so I could lay down, only to get heartburn or throw up.

"Sara," Madison said as she held my hair back for the third time that week.

"What?" I croaked out, wiping tears out of my eyes. God I hated throwing up.

"Do you think you're pregnant?" she asked. I sat upright and Madison handed me a cup of water to rinse my mouth.

"No way, Harry and I are always careful," I replied.

"That's what you said when you found out about Elizabeth."

She was right and I think she knew it, too. I checked my calendar and realized that I'd missed my period for January.

"Can you go get a pregnancy test for me?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah, of course. I'll be back in ten minutes," Madison replied. She left the bathroom and I heard the front door open and close. I got up off the bathroom floor and steadied myself before walking into the nursery. Elizabeth was wide awake and smiling at the mobile above her crib.

"Hi sweet girl," I cooed, picking her up and kissing her cheek. The fact that I could be pregnant again both excited and terrified me. I was just getting the hang of parenting one child, but two? And I had no idea how Harry would react. He'd wanted to wait a year before trying for another baby.

Madison came back ten minutes later with a pregnancy test. I went into the bathroom and took it. Then we waited.

"The timer is done," Madison said. "Do you want to check or should I?"

"I'll do it," I replied, picking up the test with trembling hands. I took a deep breath and looked at the small window.

Positive. I was pregnant again.

"Well?" Madison asked eagerly.

"It's positive," I said monotonously. I should've been more excited than I was. I was pregnant again!

"Oh my god, Sara, that's amazing!" she replied. "Why don't you seem excited?"

"What's Harry going to say?" I wondered aloud.

"He's going to be over the moon and you know it."

I nodded quietly. I was pregnant again.

"I'm going to have to get my dress altered," I said.

"Yeah, you are. But it's okay, Sara," Madison replied reassuringly, wrapping me in a hug. "Everything is going to be okay."

"How am I going to tell Harry?" I asked, a lump forming in my throat. Why was I so scared to tell him?

"His birthday is in two days so you could tell him then," she suggested. Then I heard the front door open and close. Harry walked upstairs and saw Madison and I sitting in the bathroom.

"Or now," Madison said before standing and leaving the bathroom and ultimately the house.

"Hi, baby. Is everything okay?" Harry asked, walking into the bathroom.

"I'm pregnant," I said, showing him the test. His face was indecipherable for a second. Then he broke out in a big grin.

"You're having another baby?" Harry asked. "That's amazing. Very unexpected, but also very amazing." He pulled me in for a kiss and I felt myself relax. Harry was happy about this.

"We don't have any room for another baby here," I said after breaking the kiss.

"We can turn the office into a nursery," Harry replied.

"What about when we want more kids?"

"We'll figure it out like we always do."

"London," I said. "The apartment has enough room for all of us."

"But our wedding is here," Harry replied, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"We could move after the wedding."

"Sara, we've got time to figure this out. We should focus on setting up an appointment for you and Baby Styles Number 2."

I nodded and sighed as Harry wrapped his arms around me. He rested his hands on my stomach and kissed my cheek. I was pregnant again. Elizabeth was going to have a little brother or sister.

After a few minutes Harry and I went downstairs to eat some sandwiches for lunch. Harry couldn't stop smiling the entire time. He really was excited to have another baby.

"Can I tell people?" Harry asked, pouring me a glass of water.

"Not yet. Maybe after the wedding we could have a surprise gender reveal party?" I suggested. Harry smiled and I knew that he already liked the idea.

"What do you want to do for your birthday?" I asked Harry.

"I want nothing more than to spend time with my fiancé and my daughter," Harry answered, smiling at me. He leaned across the bar counter and pecked my lips a few times. I wanted to plan something for Harry, even if it were just a nice day with Elizabeth and a dinner for the two of us. He deserved a special day after all he did for our family.

Harry went back to the studio after we ate and I got to work planning Harry's birthday. I made a reservation at Harry's favorite restaurant in Malibu for the two of us. I also ordered a framed print of one of our engagement photos to give to Harry as a gift. It was the same picture we'd used on our save the date card.

The morning of Harry's birthday I brought him cereal and toast in bed. I was getting better at cooking but I wasn't going to chance it.

"Good morning sleepy head," I said, placing the tray on Harry's lap. "Happy birthday."

Harry kissed me and replied, "Thank you baby."

"Eat up because I've got the whole day planned," I told him with a smile. He raised his eyebrows but didn't ask questions. He ate his breakfast and I put the dishes in the dishwasher downstairs. I got Elizabeth fed and dressed in a white onesie, denim-looking bloomers, platinum sandals, and a headband with a pink flower on it.

I brought her into the bedroom and Harry's face lit up as soon as he saw her. I placed her in his arms and he held her in one, placing his free hand on my stomach.

"My babies," Harry said, kissing Elizabeth's cheek. I smiled and placed my hand over his.

"I set up an appointment for next week," I informed Harry.

"I cannot wait to see our new baby."

"Neither can I. But you need to get up and get ready, mister. We've got a full day ahead of us."

Harry got up and handed Elizabeth to me, kissing me as he did so. He went into the bathroom and I went into the closet to pick out an outfit. I decided on a blue and white patterned maxi dress and brown sandals. Once Harry was out of the bathroom I handed off Elizabeth and went in to do my makeup.

"What are we doing today?" Harry asked, leaning against the doorframe. "Like, what do I wear?"

"It's a surprise," I replied, never breaking focus from my makeup. "Just wear the shirt I got you for Christmas and your usual black jeans and boots."

After Harry and I were both ready we loaded up the car with the baby bag and the stroller. I got to drive since Harry didn't know where we were going. Our first stop was downtown to do everything that tourists do.

"Are we going to be tourists for a day?" Harry asked, a smile finding its way onto his face.

"Yes," I replied simply. Harry and I had lived in Los Angeles for years and had never done anything if the things that people travel from all over the world to do.

"First stop, the Hollywood Walk of Fame," I announced, pulling into a parking spot. Harry and I got out of the car and put Elizabeth into the stroller. The entire day was very low key but also very fun. We went to Venice Beach, Malibu, Beverly Hills, and then dropped Elizabeth off with Madison before going to dinner.

"Thank you for today," Harry said, taking my hand that wasn't on the steering wheel.

"We've still got dinner," I reminded him.

"You're amazing, Sara," he told me, kissing the back of my hand. I blushed and smiled. I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant and parked the car. Harry and I both got out and walked in hand in hand.

"Hi, I have a reservation for Styles," I said to the hostess.

"Right this way," she replied, her stare lingering on Harry for a second too long. I grabbed Harry's hand as we followed the hostess to our table.

"Your server will be out shortly," she said, mostly to Harry. She bit her lip and stared at him, making me roll my eyes.

"Thank you," I snapped, smiling sweetly at her. She huffed and walked away.

"Baby, are you alright?" Harry asked, taking my hand in his.

"She was practically undressing you with her eyes," I said, my irritation evident in my voice.

"No she wasn't," he replied softly. He was trying to calm me down but I was too hormonal to listen.

"She definitely was," I scoffed.

"Well I didn't notice because I was too busy staring at my beautiful fiancé, the mother of my children, and the love of my life."

I blushed. Harry was good at calming me down. "I love you. I'm sorry I got jealous."

"Don't be. You know I'd do the same thing if the situation was reversed."

We ordered our food and ate in a comfortable silence. Harry had some questions about the wedding which I was able to answer.

"I've got to call Gucci for a fitting," he said, pulling out his phone to set a reminder for himself.

"On one condition," I interrupted. "No crazy designs. You know how much I love your suits, but you need to match the wedding colors as well as your groomsmen."

Harry nodded and said, "I promise to have a simple suit that matches the colors and the groomsmen."

"Can you believe that we're getting married in a little over a month?" I asked, taking a sip of my water.

"I'm excited," Harry replied. "Then we'll have to do that surprise gender reveal party."

"I can't wait for that."

"We've got to plan our honeymoon still."

"Are we going to bring Elizabeth with?" I asked. "We can't just leave her with my parents or Madison."

"We could have the wedding night to ourselves and leave the next day or the day after, bringing Elizabeth with," Harry suggested.

"Where would we even go?"

"What's one place that you've always wanted to go?"

I thought for a second before answering, "The Bahamas. I've always wanted to go there."

"Then that's where we'll go," Harry said, smiling at me.

After we'd eaten, the waiter brought out a small cake for Harry. We split it, paid the bill, and went back to the car. Harry drove us to Madison's to pick up Elizabeth before we went home. I laid Elizabeth down in her crib and put Honey in his crate before going up to the bedroom.

I got ready for bed and changed into one of Harry's t-shirts before laying down in bed. Harry sat next to me and leaned down to kiss me. Then he placed a kiss on my stomach.

"Happy birthday, Harry," I said, cupping his cheek with my hand. "Did you see what I put on Instagram?"

"No I didn't," he replied, grabbing his phone. I'd posted a picture of Harry holding Elizabeth that I took when we were in Holmes Chapel. "'Happy 23rd birthday to the love of my life and my best friend. You're an amazing father to Elizabeth and the best person I know. Thank you for all you do for us. I love you always.' Thank you, baby." Harry leaned down and kissed me again.

The next week Harry came home from the studio around lunchtime to take me to my doctors appointment. Madison came over to watch Elizabeth. I'd ask my mom to babysit usually, but I didn't want her knowing I was pregnant yet.

Harry drove us to the women's center and we walked inside hand in hand. I checked myself in and waited with Harry in the waiting room.

A nurse called out my name and Harry and I followed her into an exam room.

"So, what brings you in today, Ms. Patterson?" the nurse asked as I sat in the exam chair.

"I took a home pregnancy test and it was positive," I said, smiling a bit.

"Congratulations," the nurse replied. "Let's take your blood pressure and your temperature. Then the doctor will come in so you can see your baby." She smiled at me before taking my blood pressure and my temperature. She left the room and the doctor came in a few minutes later.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Lawson," she said, shaking hands with Harry and I. "So, you took a home pregnancy test and it came back positive, correct?"

"That's correct," I replied.

"Lean back and roll up your shirt for me so we can take a look at your baby," Dr. Lawson commanded gently as she turned on the ultrasound machine. I did as I was told and Harry took my hand in his. I smiled at him and squeezed his hand, a gesture that he returned.

Dr. Lawson put a cool gel on my stomach and moved the wand around. A small dot came onto the screen and I felt tears prick my eyes. I knew that was our baby.

"There's your baby," Dr. Lawson said. "It looks like you're about six weeks along."

"Wow," Harry whispered, a smile crossing his face.

"Is this your first baby?" Dr. Lawson asked.

"No, we've got a five month old daughter," I answered with a smile.

"Would you like to listen to your baby's heartbeat?"

Harry and I both nodded. Dr. Lawson hit a button on the machine and the sound of our new baby's heartbeat filled the room. Harry kissed my hand and I smiled at him. Dr. Lawson printed a sonogram for Harry and I before we made another appointment.

"I can't believe this is our baby," Harry said, looking at the sonogram. "He's so tiny."

"He?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. "What if we have another girl?"

"We've got to have a boy this time," he explained.

"We won't find out the gender for a couple more months," I reminded Harry. He nodded and started the engine of the car. We picked Elizabeth up from Madison's and showed off the sonogram.

"I'm so excited for you two!" Madison exclaimed. "When can I tell people?"

"We're having a surprise gender reveal party after the wedding," I answered.

"Everyone is going to freak out."

"I know. I'm so excited."

Harry and I drove home with Elizabeth asleep in the back seat. Looking at her, I got excited. I knew that our new baby was going to be so loved whenever he or she arrived, just the way Elizabeth is.


*DJ Khaled voice* another one. HAHA I'm hilarious. Thank you so much for reading this chapter. Comment if you think it's going to be a boy or a girl & some baby names. I've already got it planned but I wanna see what y'all think :))) love you <3

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