Loving A Deformity

By PrinceDisabled

13.8K 355 19

Enemies since fifth grade. Cera Johnson despises Alec Rhodes almost as much as he does her. Everyday she's to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter Eight

397 10 0
By PrinceDisabled

***Four months later***

The worst Holiday to exist was coming up.

Valentines Day.

Cera's least favorite Holiday.

Yes, she was a bitter single on that day- she'd admit that. She hadn't seen Ben since the dance which made her that much more bitter. At least Kiley was excited.
"We're going to stay at his house since Alec's parents are out of town for the weekend. Oh! I'm so excited!" Kiley told Cera as they smiled.
"Sounds fun."
"Oh, you know it! We're gunna-"
"Just because I'm happy for you, doesn't mean I want to here the agenda." Cera laughed.
"Right. Sorry." Kiley laughed with her.
"Just remember to turn your phone off- both of you. I'll be texting you both the notes I wrote after I rewrite them- since they look so bad- and I don't want to be interrupting anything." Cera cringed.
"Hey." Alec sat down at the lunch table next to Kiley before kissing her cheek.
"Hey. What's up?" Cera asked.
"Nothing much. I just Aced my English test, thanks to you." Alec smiled.
"Alec, that's awesome! Congrats!" Cera said.
"Thank you. Now I just have to keep it up. We still on for today?"
"I'm free." Cera nodded.
"Oh... today... I can't make it... I've got a thing."
"Oh, well, we can reschedule." Cera suggested.
"Yeah, how about tomorrow?" Alec asked.
"No, it's okay. I'm pretty busy all week. You two go ahead." Kiley smiled.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes!" Kiley laughed. "Guys, I'm okay now, really. I trust you both." She lied. The feeling of jealousy grew by the day. She hated they got along so well and it showed a lot more than she realized. Alec felt a strain in the relationship because of it. Still, though he felt tension, he didn't want to let either girl go. Cera didn't see it as much, however. Alec had been wanting to talk to Cera about it but hasn't been able to get an excuse to be alone with her since they moved study day to Tuesday for Kiley's benifit.
"Alright. Then I'll see Alec after school." Cera shrugged.


Cera stood at her locker, switching out her books, when a guy walked up.
"Uh, Cera?" He greeted. Cera looked at him and thought he was familiar.
"Do you recognize me?" He smiled.
"You look familiar." She admitted.
"I'm Ben, from the dance?" He reminds.
"Oh, right! I remember!" She started smiling. "Hi. How are you?"
"I'm good." He laughed. "I've been wanting to talk to you for a while now but I didn't really know how to approach you." He shrugged.
"Any way would have been fine." She smiled.
"Yeah, well... look, I've been noticing you for a while now and I wanted to know if you would like to go out some time?" He smiled. Cera looked around for people who were laughing or trying to hid. She didn't see any and decided he was being sincere.
"Uh... S-sure." She smiled nervously.
"Awesome. Can I have your phone number to text you?" He asked.
"Sure." She smiled like an Idiot as they exchanged phones and input their numbers.
"Great. I'll see you around." He smiled and walked away.
"See ya." She smiled and watched him walk away. Cera sighed, completely enchanted by him. Alec was right, Cera thought. He did like me.


Alec and Cera sat right next to each other and tried to study. But, that was a bit difficult with both of them were being a little bit distracted with their love lives.
"So, what is number five asking?" Alec looked over at Cera who smiled and blushed at nothing. "Cera?" He called out. No response. "Cera?" He waved his hand in front of her face, again, calling, "Cera?" She finally snapped out of it and looked at Alec.
"I'm sorry, what?" She looked dazed.
"I asked what question five was asking." Alec said.
"Right. Sorry." She kept her smile as she rummaged through her things.
"...Are you okay?" Alec asked.
"Yeah. It's nothing." She giggled. Alec was curious, now.
"What happened?" He grinned. Cera thought about telling him but shook her head.
"Really, it's nothing." Cera said, still giggling.
"Cera Rose Johnson, what arn't you telling me?" He smiled. Cera shrugged but he kept staring at her.
"Okay, Fine." She rolled her eyes. "Do you remember Ben? The guy I danced with at homecoming?"
"He asked me out today!" She squealed. Alec felt something he couldn't place.
"Wait, he randomly showed up after four months and asked you out?" He asked, making her smile go away.
"He said he saw me but didn't know how to approach me." She shtugged.
"That seems sketchy." Alec said with no remorse.
"What do you mean?"
"It's just so random. Why now, all the sudden?"
"Maybe he was gathering courage! I told you he didn't know how to approach me. Besides, he could've been afraid of reject- everyone is!"
"Not me. If I want a girl, I get her! I got Kiley!"
"Well he's NOT you and you almost LOST Kiley! You're WELCOME, by the way!" Cera snapped and turned away. Alec sighed and frowned. He didn't mean to make her angry. There was a pang in his chest when she said, "he's not you" that he tried to ignore.
"Cera?" He said. She didn't respond. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you." He started. "It just doesn't sound right to me. You're my friend I don't want you getting hurt. You know that, don't you?"
"Yeah." She sighed.
"Forgive me?" He smiled as his way of pleading. Cera smiled and looked at him.
"Okay." She agreed.
"Okay." He smiled. "Now, mind if I talk bad about your best friend?"
"What'd she do?"
"She's still so jealous. It's driving me crazy and I don't know what to do. It's almost like, she doesn't even notice I'm there unless we're-"
"I get the picture." Cera said with a sour face. "Have you tried talking to her about it? Communicating?"
"Yeah, she just blows me off." He sighed. "I think she's going to break up with me."
"What? No. I don't believe it. Do you know how excited she was for Valentines Day?"
"But that's the thing, she only seemed like she wants to see me when she knows what we're going to do. And she never seems to want to do anything else." He explained.
"Huh... weird. This happened with her last boyfriend." Cera remembered.
"Yeah. He broke up with her because he actually wanted more of a relationship. She wasn't as interested in that. I thought she grew out of it but apparently not." Cera shrugged. Alec sighed. After a while, Alec felt a question come up.
"If Kiley and I, hypothetically, were to break up... would you-" he paused when she looked at him. "Would we still be friends?" He asked.
"With my current math grade, you're not going anywhere." She smiled, jokingly. Alec smiled and laughed. "I know you don't want to, though. I've heard you tell her you love her." Cera said, trying to be empathetic.
"I do love her." He admitted, looking down.
"I'll talk to her for you. I'm sure this will blow over soon." Cera smiled, warmly.
"I hope so." He said sincerely, grinning.


"So, when's the date?" Kiley asked Cera while that sat together at lunch.
"Don't know. He said he'll let me know later this week." Cera took a bite of her food.
"I'm so happy for you, Cera." Kiley said with a not so pure mind. If she gets in a relationship with Ben, she'll be unavailable to Alec. But, Alec wasn't as happy.
"I still don't like it, Cera. I really think you need to be careful." He pressed.
"I will." She rolled her eyes.
"I'm serious."
"Okay, Dad." She blew off. He sighed. "Look, I'll be careful. I promise. You know how I am. I won't let him do anything that isn't okay. I've been keeping up on my self defense classes, remember?"
"Cera is a big girl, Alec. She can handle herself." Kiley said in Cera's defense.
"You're not just slightly concerned?" Alec raised an eye brow.
"I trust her judgment. Besides, I want to meet him and make sure he's good for her but I think this is healthy. I think dating him can really do her some good."
"Well, I don't trust him. How about I go with- watch from a safe distance."
"No way!" Cera glared.
"Why not?"
"It's weird and creepy! Look, just so you don't freak out, I'll text you to let you know when I leave, when we go somewhere new and where, and when I come home. Sound good?" She offered. Alec thought about it and sighed.
"Okay." He agreed.


Friday. That was their first date.

Cera was super excited but especially nervous. She never went on a date before and didn't know what she was doing. Without thinking properly, she called Alec as she tried on a Jean jacket to go over her simple but casual white, knee length dress with knee length white leggings for safe measure.
"Hello?" Alec picked up, laying in his bed with Kiley under the covers.
"Hey, you busy?" Cera asked, liking in her mirror.
"I just finished being busy, what's up?" He smiled.
"I'm assuming Kiley is there so, one, ew. Two, I'm going on that date tonight and I wanted to know if you had any advice- I have no idea what to talk about."
'Wait, tonight?" He sat up, leaving Kiley who, just a second ago, was resting her head on his arm.
"Uh, yeah."
"Where?" Alec put the phone between his shoulder and ear as he started getting dressed.
"I called for advice, not so you could stalk me." Cera joked. "I already told you I'd text you. Don't you trust me?"
"I'm not stalking you." He laughed. I wish you didn't, Kiley thought. She sat up and starting kissing his relaxed shoulder but he pulled away to stand. "I do trust you. But, I don't trust him. I promise, you won't even know I'm there. What time is he picking you up?"
"In about fifteen minutes. But I have no idea where he's taking me and I still have no advice from you... You know, you should just stay with your girlfriend." Cera said as he continued to dress. Kiley heard her and felt her heart soften. Even if Alec wasn't paying her enough attention, her best friend was still loyal.
"We just spent the last few hours together. I'm sure she could take a break from me- especially if it's for her best friend." He assured. "As for advise, act how you would around me. You're cool- show him that and don't stress yourself out." He instructed, sitting back down to get his socks and shoes on.
"Got it. I'll be cool." She breathed. "I'm gunna go... still need to find my sandles." Cera said before starting to look around.
"Okay. See you in a bit." Alex hung up.
"You're leaving me?" Kiley half joked.
"I'm going to watch this little date. Something just doesn't sit right."
"I think you're over thinking." She hugged him from behind and started planting kisses on his neck. "She's tougher than you give her credit for. I think she can handle herself." She started tugging his shirt up but he pushed her away and faced her.
"I know she's tough but... I feel responsible for her... like a little sister. I wanna be a good brother figure." He nodded decisively.
"Brother and Sister?" Kiley raised an eye brow.
"Yeah. I used to support her going out with Ben- when I first heard about him... but now..." his voice trailed off. He shook his head. "I have a bad feeling. And I'll be dammed before anyone hurts anyone I consider family. I'll come back." He promised, smiling. "I love you." He said and placed his lips over hers. She reluctantly returned the goodbye kiss and watched him leave without saying a word.

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