Best Friends with the Player

By RealityCheck101

16.1M 276K 122K

Kimberly Taylor was a quiet, shy girl with no friends growing up, until Kindergarten when Asher Knight change... More

Chapter 1- Best Friends with the Player
Chapter 2- Little Bit of Love
Chapter 3- Bad Ass Friends
Chapter 4- Asher's Day of Torture
Chapter 5- Party
Chapter 6- Regrets
Chapter 7- All For Me
Chapter 8- Awkward Movie Time
Chapter 9- It's A Date
Chapter 10- Surprisingly Sorry
Chapter 11- Silver Lining
Chapter 12- Mumbling Truths
Chapter 13- Thrill Ride
Chapter 14- Moral Change
Chapter 15- Family Matters
Chapter 16- Family Gathering
Chapter 17- A Change For Better or Worse
Chapter 18- Love Can Change You
Chapter 19- Love Actually
Chapter 20- What's Said Is Never Promised
Chapter 21- Everyone Has A Breaking Point
Chapter 22- We All Have Secrets
Chapter 23- Secrets Are Secrets For A Reason
Chapter 24- Riptide
Chapter 25- Hold Nothing Back
Chapter 26- Athazagoraphobia
Chapter 28- Golden Moments
Chapter 29- Snow Day
Chapter 30- Holiday Plans
Chapter 31- Everything I Didn't Say
Chapter 32- Morning Suprises
Chapter 33- Christmas Love
Chapter 34- The Love That Must Go On
Chapter 35- Thinking Out Loud
Chapter 36- A Leopard Changes its Spots
Chapter 37- The Knight's Version of Family Game Night
Chapter 38- One Last Time
Chapter 39- Come Together
Chapter 40- Graduation
Chapter 41- Epilogue

Chapter 27- Let's Be Normal

341K 5.4K 3K
By RealityCheck101

Chapter 27- Let's Be Normal

Kim's POV

When I walked into school, holding hands with Spencer, he continued to ask what was in the bag I was carrying. He didn't believe me when I said it was a peace offering. Well, some sort at least. I didn't have to ask him to go looking for Maddi or call her up and tell her to meet us, because I knew she'd come looking for him anyways. I shrugged off my thick coat, and hung it in my locker, grabbing my books for my morning classes.

Then Asher showed up. He didn't look happy as usual, but I don't think it's because Spencer is around. "What are you doing tonight?" He asks me, grinning at Spencer briefly before looking back to me.

"Uh, don't know yet. Why?" I question in return. I don't know how fond he'd be if I told him I would probably be going out with Maddi to the mall.

"Championship game is tonight. Are you going to be there?" He states, shifting on his feet. Spencer and I both look at each other, and then my eyes flicker back to Asher, "You already have other plans." He scoffs, rolling his eyes, "Whatever." He mumbles before walking away.

"Asher, wait, no. That's not it." I tell him, catching up to him. I look back at Spencer seeing him uncomfortably following, "You go ahead, I'll meet you at your locker." I tell him. I just needed a moment without him so I could talk to Asher.

He nods his head, running his hand down my arm before turning away, "Wow, you want to spend time with me? By the way, nice study group we had last night-oh wait, there was none." Asher complained when Spencer was out of sight.

"Asher don't start please. I don't want to start the day off with a fight." I warn him, trying to keep up walking in sync, "And as far as that study session goes you never called or texted me back after practice so I just figured you didn't want to study anymore or you were just tired from practice."

"Well I wouldn't have to call or text you to go over before. No, now I have to go through some fucking protocols." Asher grumbles, trying to pin it back on me.

"It's not so hard to pick up your phone and send me a quick text or call. You've done it before and it hasn't killed you. But this isn't what I wanted to talk to you about anyways." I argue, shaking my head when we reach his locker.

"What?" He asks, a bit snappy and ripping his locker door open. A couple of books fall out of his locker. Looking even more annoyed he rolls his eyes, groans, and stares at them on the floor.

I bent down to help pick them up. I noticed, now that we were eye level, his face looked exhausted and under his eyes looked a bit dark, "Have you been sleeping?" I ask him. Maybe that's why he's cranky this morning.

"I'm fine, I got a few hours in last night. What did you want to talk about then?" He says, dismissing the subject quickly and moving on to the next. I handed him his books to put back in his locker.

I sighed, looking up at him and trying to figure things out in my head, "What time is the game?" I ask.

"Seven o'clock." He says in a snap, stuffing notebooks and other stuff in his bag.

"I'll try to make it. I'll promise you that." I told him, shutting his locker door.

"Sure you have time for me?" He scoffs, slinging his backpack over his shoulders and walking away.

"For you? Oh of course." I tell him dramatically even though he was trying to be rude, "My best friend is going to the championships. I can't miss that." I'm one hell of a friend if you ask me. To risk my freezing butt outside for three hours, and one hell of a girlfriend to spend hours shopping with my boyfriend's ex.

Students were antsy in their seats throughout the day. Rumors were already going around the school saying the victory party was going to be thrown at Dylan's house; as usual. And if they lost-either way there was still going to be a party. Automatically, I knew Asher was going to attend. Pretty much the whole senior class is going to be there. It's Asher's duty to go being part of the football team and all.

I found out I had no classes with Maddi after going through the whole day. I didn't know if that was a really good thing, or a you-just-got-so-lucky kind of thing. I did have to see Maddi at lunch though. Of course, she sat with us because Spencer is her only friend, but still, even though I didn't like her very much I still offered her a piece offering.

The bag I had brought to school consisted of a couple pairs of jeans I didn't use much, a sweater that I grew old to see in my closet, and a couple of long sleeve shirts that I bought and never really used. I figured she could use something warmer until we go shopping. Plus, it made Spencer happy to see me trying; that was just bonus points though.

"Why don't you girls go after school today?" Spencer suggests, when we walk out of lunch.

"That's not a bad idea. If Kim doesn't have any plans already that is." Maddi agrees, excited. She looks down at her schedule after finding me not looking equally as excited as she is.

"I have somewhere to be at seven o'clock tonight though." I state.

Spencer took a moment to think about it, and then he remembered why the time was so important. "The football game, right. You want to go to that?" He says questionably. I know I'm not one at all to go to football game and stand in the cold, but I would only do that for Asher. Since he asked oh-so nicely.

"Yeah, it's the last game." I said to Spencer with a nod. "I'll see you after school." Before departing to class Spencer grabbed me by the waist and kissed my cheek, leaving with smiles on our faces.

It wasn't until I sat in class, waiting for the teacher to begin attendance when my brain really start to turn it's wheels and think of a good idea. I grabbed my phone from my bag and found Katie's number, shooting her a long text:

So, Spence wants me to take Maddi to the mall and I don't think I can survive that alone and because you're a better shopper than me I was going to ask if you can come along. I don't think I can do this alone, I REALLY don't want to go but I can't seem to get out of this. So will you please, please, PLEASE, come along? I'll buy you Starbucks :)

I sent the text just before the teacher began attendance. As my hand shot up to indicate I was here my phone vibrated obnoxiously on my desk. Katie had sent a short text. I just hoped she had agreed to come along. Then again, this is shopping we're talking about and Katie loves to shop. She wouldn't pass on the offer.

Well if you're offering to buy Starbucks then you know I can't pass that up ;) After school?

My brain threw a little party in my head. I guess I knew she would come along. Starbucks offer or not. I think Katie had a little shopping problem that she will never admit.

Sure, I guess we can go after school. You're going to the game tonight, right? I was planning to come back for that.

Katie never answered me back, but it was alright with me because I couldn't really text, write notes, and give all my attention if I were too busy texting her back. But when I was walking to physics I did feel my bag vibrate.

When I walked into physics class Asher was already sitting down on our lab table. Tyler behind us, and I could tell they were talking about the game tonight. I took my phone out to read Katie's text that read she did have to come back to take pictures of the game for the year book.

"Ready for the test?" Asher asks, when Mrs. Clemens walks into the room with the copies of tests in her hands- or so I assume.

"Yeah, I think I know what I'm doing." I respond, nodding my head. So there I was, sitting in my chair with no more than fifteen minutes left of class, trying very hard to take my test as Asher drums his pen annoyingly on the table, staring at the clock like it was going to move faster.

"Can you stop?" I hiss quietly taking his pen. I really couldn't concentrate.

"Sorry." He replies back with a smile, "Can't help it. I'm nervous."

"You seem to be in a better mood than earlier." I mention under my breath, "What's there to be nervous about anyways? You guys have been doing great." I whisper looking at Mrs. Clemens to find here absorbed into a science magazine.

"We lost four games out of the twelve we played and so did Greyson's Academy. I'm not so sure if we'll win or lose." He explains as he takes back his pen from my hand and starts to fidget with his fingers.

I'm not a sporty person but I know football is important to the school, the guys, the coaches, and to Asher especially. Sometimes I wish the concept 'It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's all about having fun' still applied. Football to this school is like a drug, all the sports are. It's the one thing a public school-like ours- is good at. They pour a lot of money into these programs. Some of them just take it too seriously, and when we lose a game I swear half the school is depressed about it.

I've always heard that Greyson's Academy (the team they're versing) is a snotty rich kid school filled with extremely hot guys and slutty girls. Their money is practically put into sports, looks, and technology.

"Just try your best. No matter what I'll still be proud of you." I tell him with a smile before getting back to my test. Finishing it up I checked it three times before giving it to Mrs. Clemens to correct. I stood by her desk waiting anxiously and impatiently.

"82% Kim, good job." She smiles, putting it in the pile with the rest of them.

"YES!" I scream throwing my hands in the air and jumping up and down. Finally! I needed the good grade! Of course I got some weird looks coming from the other students but I was too thrilled about my good physics grade to worry about them.

"What did you get?" Asher asks as I walked back to our table.

"Eighty-two!" I tell him proudly, waiting for him to high fiving me back.

"Since when did you get smart in physics?" He wonders, eyeing me as I sit back in my chair.

"Since I've been studying a bit more. What did you get?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

He smiles, leaning back in his chair and telling me "Perfect score of a hundred." He gloats gushing over his higher grade.

"Show off." I stated pushing his shoulder, "Tyler what did you get?" I ask turning around in my seat, thinking I'd get some sass or rude answer about asking what his grades are and how private something like that is.

"Ninety-seven, but whose bragging." He retorts sarcastically rolling his eyes.

Damn boys.

The last two minutes before class ended I listened to Tyler and Asher's conversation for five seconds and instantly hit boredom, but the bell finally rang. I left the class room, Asher following me to my locker. It was weird though, it was probably the first time we were ever silent. We always had stuff to talk about, but right now we just walked in peace. It was a bit awkward I'll admit.

"Are you staying here until game time?" I ask, catching him trying to figure out the number codes to my locker.

"Kind of. Coach wants to do a little practice then spend the rest of the time resting. He wants full energy out of us for tonight." He answers, catching a book that was slowly trying to slide out of my locker. "You're locker is messier than mine." He mentions, peeking through it.

"It is not." I scoff, "I just cleaned it yesterday." I say, disagreeing. It looks a whole lot cleaner than before.

"Are you coming to the victory party?" He ask, leaning up against the locker near mine.

"You know I don't do so well with parties." I remind him, frowning and shaking my head as I thought of last party's memories.

"Nothing is going to happen to you again. It was a couple of bad parties. Just don't drink." He suggests, shrugging his shoulders.

"Well it's hard to say no when people keep shoving things in my hands or doubting me or calling me a good girl or ner-"

"Ready?" Katie interrupts, bouncing by my side.

"Brilliant idea that just came over me, listen up. Why don't you bring Katie?" Asher recommends.

"Bring Katie where?" Katie says talking in third person.

"Tonight's after party. You should come and I don't know, keep Kimmy company or something." Asher states, looking down at his phone with wide eyes, "And I better go before Ty comes looking for me. I'll see you girls tonight!"

"Well I'll go! As long as you keep me from Tyler that is." Katie agrees.

"You actually want to go?" I question unsurely.

"Yeah sure, why not? Sounds like a lot of fun." She comments, nodding her head, "So where's the blond headed troll in need of a shopping spree?"

"I'm looking at her." I joke, staring at Katie. She slaps my arm playfully, rolling her eyes. Maddison is there right on cue, no surprise Spencer on her tow.

"Hey, why don't you ask Katie to go to the mall with you guys?" Spencer suggests, "I'm sure Katie isn't one to deny a shopping trip."

"Wow, everyone wants me today. I feel so special!" Katie laughs. Spencer gives her a questionable look that we both ignore.

"The more the merrier." Maddi agrees. She had changed from her khaki Bermuda shorts and bright pink top to the jeans and long sleeved shirt that I had given her earlier. Along with her more conservative outfit she wore a pair of gray Converse All-Stars and varieties of colorful bracelets and rings. She still had the same small leather tote bag, holding her books in her hands. She looked more normal now let's just say that.

"Then let's go." I order, pointing to the way out. Spencer grabbed hold of my hand as we all walked down the hall way. He seemed to be the only one to keep the conversation alive.

The weather outside looked frightful with threatening dark gray clouds and a cold winter breeze. I heard of little talk that it could snow, and although I couldn't wait for some snow, I didn't want it to be snowing during the game. Spencer wished us luck, and we'd need it incredibly. Not just because of Maddi, but because Katie is an intense shopper.

As Katie drove the silence in the car increased in an uncomfortable state. None of us knew what to say, or what to talk about, and I guess without Spencer to strike up conversation Maddi was pretty much mute.

"So, what's your favorite store?" Katie asks, looking in her rearview mirror to Maddi in the back seat.

"Um, well I don't know if you have this store up here but it's called Garage. It's pretty cool. I like buying my clothes there. Or Billabong, that store is pretty popular." Maddi responds, looking up from her lap.

"I've heard the brand Billabong but I've never been in the actual store. I've never heard of Garage though." Katie replies, her eyes seemed to be focused on the road but her mind was very much into the conversation.

"What's your favorite store, Kim?" Maddi pipes up after a long moment of silence.

Katie gives me a look, a look saying answer-the-damn-question-for-goodness-sakes. With a sigh I roll my eyes and reply with, "I don't know. I don't really have a favorite store. I shop everywhere."

"Kim shops at the fancy stores even though she never wears fancy clothes." Katie corrects. That was Katie's way of saying 'she's rich and like to shop at expensive stores even though she has nowhere special to go' in as nice as it can sound, kind of way.

"Oh, well that's nice." Maddi mutters. "What about you Katie?"

Even I knew this answer, "JCrew." We said simultaneously. We giggle, strolling into the parking lot of the mall and scouting for a parking spot.

Finding space wasn't easy. Since Christmas is on the way people have been at the malls nonstop and even leaving the work place early to beat the parking ordeal. Eventually though we found we found a place. We rushed to the front doors of the mall to escape the harsh cold breeze. I saw Maddi's eyes glow and widen capturing the immense and modern looks of the mall.

"Let's shop till we drop."


"They look great on you." Katie complements as Maddi walks around in her first pair of Ugg boots.

She let out a squeal, "I know! I love them and they are so warm!" She gushes wiggling her legs deeper in the fluffy boot. Katie made sure to give Maddi the 'should haves of winter', from Uggs boots to peacoat, and the must have looks of winter. Katie and Maddi really seemed to have bonded more because of their shopping similarities. Whereas I just stood there, observing more than actually getting to know her.

"I have that chestnut color and I love it. It goes really good with jeans. I like my gray ones better than my black ones. A lot of people have the black ones too so it's different to have the gray." Katie explains looking at the shelves of UGG boots.

"I know, it is such a great color." Maddi agrees, looking in the mirror.

"Are you thinking about purchasing a pair of UGG boots today?" The store clerk interrupted with a dazzling smile.

"I think I just might." Maddi nods her head, "Should I buy another pair?" Maddi asks Katie hesitantly, glancing up at the wall full of boots.

"Your mom did give you her credit card." Katie says with a sly smile.

Maddi bites her bottom lip, turning back to the store clerk, "I take these, and the gray pair in the same size. Oo, are those buttons?" She admires picking them up.

"I have the ones without buttons, but the ones with them are cute." Katie agrees.

"I'll take them both. Size seven please." Maddi says to the store clerk.

"Right this way." She says, nodding her head with a big smile.

Maddi walked off with the store clerk. Katie and I waited for her by the entrance and exit. "Maddi is a sweet girl. Don't you think?" I nodded my head, looking around to spot what store we could go next, "But you won't know because you're not actually trying to get to know her."

"Well I'm here shopping with her. I'm observing. Banana Republic is right over there." I point out, seeing the big red sign reading up to 40% off.

Katie turns up her nose shaking her head, "Nah, nothing really good there." She says referring to the store, "You should try harder to get to know her. I know she's Spencer's ex and all but can you put that fact to the side and get to know her?"

I sigh, seeing Maddi walking towards us with a bag in her hand, "I guess." I mumble. So far shopping with Maddi has been a breeze. The expressions and comments she says while trying on new things allows me to mentally chuckle at her.

"Ready to shop for some pants?" I offer as we leave the store. Maddi is now carrying her fifth shopping bag and most of them are pretty full if you ask me.

She looks up at me with a big smile on her face. Probably because this was the first time I've addressed her in our two hour trip. "Yeah. I'd love to. Where do you guys normally buy your jeans?"

"American Eagle or JCrew. Depends who has the better sale or nice cheaper pair." Katie responds.

"Where do you shop Kim? Same place?" Maddi asks as we lead her to the store.

Katie laughs when I stay quiet and just nod my head, "Kim buys her jeans at Michael Kors. Fancy shmancy." She giggles, hooking her arm through mine when I roll my eyes at her.

"That was one pair and they were a great price-" I argue.

"She has three pairs and she paid one hundred and twenty dollars." Katie corrects, shaking her head.

"From four hundred fifty dollars to one hundred and twenty that is a very good deal. And those other two are hand me downs from my mom." I explain, walking into American Eagle. I'm just glad she got distracted with the 60% off sign sale and didn't bring up the whole Diesel jeans thing and make a big deal about it.

"You know the last time I wore pants I was twelve and camping." Maddi said behind the dressing room door, "Worst experience ever. Ended up being pushed into a gross swamp. I remember because a branch ripped a tear on my cotton PJ pants, so I had to rip them and make shorts out of them. It was one of the few times I've ever wore pants. I always thought it was Mother Nature's way to tell me to always wear shorts." She told me as we laughed through the whole thing. "Stupid I know. I just never seemed to be cold enough to wear pants. I've worn capris since but that's the closest I've ever got to pants again.

She came out of the dressing room with her a pair of light washed ripped jeans that Katie had picked out. She said every girl needed at least one pair. I agree even though mine are mostly dark,but it's nice to change it up.

"I'm. Wearing. Pants!" She gasps staring at the mirror. We laugh as she rubs her hands up and down her legs feeling the long fabric.

"How does it fit?" I ask.

"Really nice surprisingly." She nods, turning around in front of the mirror and looking at it from behind, "Holy Shit, my mom is going to freak!" She exclaims doing a little dance in front of the mirror.

We left the store, all three of us buying a couple pairs of jeans since they were on sale. When we walked out of the store and down a little ways we came across Starbucks and like I told Katie I owed her we waited in the long line. Coffee was on me and as we stood in line Katie pointed out to the Victoria Secret and Pink store across the way.

"Another thing you need to know is that sweats are a gift from God." Katie exaggerated as we looked at some shelves of sweatpants at Victoria Secret. I have to agree with her, they are the comfiest sweat pants I own, "You're going to need sweatpants for those days you just don't want to get out of your jammies or out of you warm snugly bed. Trust me I'd wear sweatpants all the time if that didn't make me look like a lazy ass. But instead I limit myself two days a week, Mondays especially!"

She nods her head absorbing the new information in. I know I have too many sweatpants already for someone who just uses them around the house but I just had to buy another one. For myself I picked out a sapphire blue pants with the words 86 PINK coming down the side of the leg. It instantly made me remember of Asher's blue eyes and I have to admit it's my favorite color.

I've noticed that Maddi likes more of the vibrant and bold colors like neon hot pink and hot orange. She could pull it off those colors though, because of her golden hair and tanned skin. She was liking them very much otherwise she wouldn't have bought another pair and two yoga pants. That's dedication.

Walking down to Aldo for more shoe shopping fun, my phone went off in my bag. It was a struggle to get it with all the bags on my arms, but eventually I got it, probably on the last ring. That's why I didn't look at the caller ID and just answered it.

"Hello?" I say breathlessly into the phone. Damn that was a real struggle. It's getting hot too, probably having to do that I have a jacket and scarf on.

"Hey. How's the shopping going?" Spencer asks.

"Oh you know, its going. Lots of bags and lots of deals." I tell him, holding the phone to my ear with my shoulder as I pick up a pair of brown leather boots and examine them.

"Well I hope I didn't send you girls out to max out your credit cards." He chuckles, "How's the bonding going?" He asks.

I bit my bottom lip and set the boot back down, "Peachy. She's nice." I reply, my eyes browsing over more shoes.

"You don't seem so confident." He counters. I can hear the slight disappointment in his voice.

"I don't know what else to say." I giggle, giving Katie a thumbs up when she shoes me another pair of boots. "She's nice. Good taste in both summer and winter clothes. I bought her coffee-"

"You have a weird way of bonding." Spencer interrupts.

"Well, at least I try to bond with your ex-girlfriend. I don't see you ever trying to bond with Asher." I say with a deep sigh. I'm annoyed that he's practically telling me I could be doing a better job connection with his ex.

"And this is my cue to say goodbye and enjoy the rest of your shopping spree." He says, trying to end the conversation quickly.

"Come to the party tonight." I invite, quickly before he could end the call.

"What party? I thought you said before that you don't like parties." Spencer ask, staying on the phone because curiosity got him.

"Victory party at Dylan's." I told him, grabbing pair of black leather boots and looking for somebody to get me my size.

"They didn't even win the game yet and they're already calling on a party?" Spence comments.

"Well win or lose the party is going on. They seem confident about it though." I mention, telling the guy to get me either a six or six and a half.

"And you're going?" He asks again, doubtfully.

"Well, yeah. Also Asher invited me so I think it's a perfect opportunity for both of you to hang out and try to get along just like I'm getting along with Maddi." I mention, sitting on the couch and trying the boots on.

"Kim that really doesn't sound like a good idea. I mean, the last time we talked-"

"Wasn't really all so great. It was a bad moment, but don't you think this is the perfect opportunity to patch things up?" I suggest, standing up and looking at my reflection in the mirror with the boots on. I do like them a lot and I don't have black leather boots to go with my black leather jacket. "If Asher could forgive Tyler for saying every rude and inappropriate thing to me, then you should be able to forgive Asher for that day at lunch. We all said something things and we just need to move on."

It was a silent moment as Spencer continued to think about things. It was perfect timing since I needed to take these boots off and purchase them. "What are you buying?" Katie asks, standing in front of me with a box.

I pointed to the boots and listened to what Spencer had to say, "What time is the party?" He asks with a long defeated sigh.

"Right after the game. I might go home and change though." I tell him looking at the black high healed booties Katie was planning on purchasing. This would be only the second thing she'd buy today and I was a bit surprised. I figured though she was waiting for JCrew to spend her money.

"Alright. I'll see you at the game." Spencer says.

"I'll see you later, bye." I hang up just as I'm about to pay for my boots. "Did Maddi get anything?" I ask, looking behind me to Katie waiting in line.

She nods her head to the left to the register near me. When I look over Maddi stood there a little jumpy as the girl rang her out for three pairs of shoes. "And you say I have a problem." Katie chuckles.


We had visited JCrew, for almost an hour, Forever 21, Abercrombie, Juicy Couture, Urban Outfitters, Nordstrom, and lastly because Katie believed I couldn't go a shopping trip without visiting, Michael Kors. To be honest, I can live without it, Katie just makes it a bigger deal.

I rather by my things from Kate Spade now.

"Can you guys help me find a maroon cardigan?" I requested, looking through the racks when we were at Urban Outfitters.

"Why do you need a burgundy cardigan?" Maddi asks, looking through a rack a few feet away from me.

"Our school colors are maroon, white, and gold. I have a gold and white dress from Pacsun I bought years ago for my brother's eight grade graduation. So I thought if I just buy a maroon cardigan I could show a little pride at the after party." I explain to her, pulling out a cool, cream colored poncho cardigan with some white tassels on the end. It wasn't a maroon cardigan, but it was still pretty cool. And on sale.

"I found one here." Maddi says, looking over to me. I take the poncho cardigan with me and look at the maroon colored cardigan she pulled out.

"I guess that will do." I shrug, looking for a size small.

"That's a cool poncho cardigan." She points out.

"Thanks. It's on sale and I thought it would be pretty cool to wear in the spring or summer. Probably not now though, kind of out of season." I explain, looking through the rest of the rack to see if I could score any more deals.

Maddi hasn't been so bad to hang out with. I don't love her or consider her as my new BFFL, but it's the start to a new friendship. One that will take a bit of time to build. We have a lot of things in common actually. Not just in the taste of clothes or handbags or shoes, but even TV shows or celebrities. She likes to read, and that something you rarely find a person liking to do. Though she reads sappy romance novels it's still cool. I suggested her a few books I enjoy like "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed, "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho, and my personal favorite "Looking for Alaska" by John Green.

Maddi enjoyed more of books transformed into movies. Which isn't bad because I too read those before I see the movie. Books beat the film though every time. We're almost done shopping though, only because I reminded everyone of the time. If I didn't I don't know how much longer we would have spent here. I was slightly jealous though, because Maddi found a really great deal on a think parka jacket with a furry hood. If she hadn't gotten to it first I would have surely purchased it. She needed one though, so that was that.

"Ugh! Shopping is a lot of work." Maddi complains as we dumped all our bags in the trunk of Katie's car. About more than half of the bags are Madison's, "Shopping should be a sport. Like in the Olympics or something." She giggles scooting into the back seat.

"Thank you! I've been saying that for year!" Katie shouts, laughing as we as she starts up the car.

Driving back on the high way we started up our small talk. My phone rang in my bag for the second time. It was Spencer and I didn't pick it up because of the text he first sent. I knew from the text he was having second thoughts about the party and just planning the perfect excuse to back out.

"Ugh, Spencer is getting on my nerves." I grumble under my breath.

"What's going on?" Maddi wonders, looking so calmly. I wasn't ready to talk about boyfriend problems with her. Especially when my boyfriend is her ex.

"I'm sure she knows a whole lot more than you and can tell you how to resolve it." Katie chuckles, looking down at my phone momentarily, as if she could read my mind as well.

Maddi looks up at me with batting eye lashing, as if not seeing a problem at all with the conversation. With a big sigh though I give in, telling her and Katie, "Spencer has a problem with Asher. I know he doesn't like him but what can I do? He's my best friend. He's already annoyed with Spencer because we hang out less, and Spencer is annoyed because of how lose we are, and not to mention the whole fight at lunch the other day. He still can't get over that." I rant, shaking my head and looking out the window, finding that the sky looked exactly the same. An ugly gray sky and threating to snow.

"Spencer has always been hot headed and stubborn. Spencer tip number one, if you ever just want to shut him up, kiss him." Maddi reveals, nodding her head with much certainty.

That's no big deal, people do it all the time to shut someone up, it's the perfect excuse slash get away. But I try to act surprise like this was the first time I've ever heard such a thing, "Really?" I said shocked looking over my shoulder to her.

"Yep. When he starts blabbing away just grab his face and plant one on him. You'll get him to shut up for two minutes, maybe." She shrugs, "It gives you enough time to calm him down and wrap him around your little finger."

Maybe this is what I needed, things I didn't know about Spencer so I could use it against him. I guess this isn't so bad talking to Maddi about Spence, "What else do you know about him that I don't?"

"I know a lot of things." She giggles twirling her hair between her fingers, "If you want him in a good mood the next day either sleep with him- just sleep nothing special- or send him a loving good night text. He'll be smiling like an idiot all day. I did that once so he'd come visit my mom. He was like putty in my hands that day." She laughs.

"Good to know." I smirk. Not that I needed to bring Spencer to see my parents. That already happened and well, that day was something else.

"Want to piss him off or get him started, talk about Captain America vs Thor. He gets so aggravated if you tell him Thor is way better than Captain America. He likes peanut butter M&Ms not the regular kind though. His favorite food is Mac 'N Cheese. He only eats chewy soft chocolate chip cookies. No milk with his cereal. Strawberry or chocolate milk, never plain. Football, soccer, hockey, women's volleyball, basketball, not baseball; he says it's boring to watch people run around in circles or diamond to be correct. Favorite TV show, anything that's funny, and he hates the Discovery channel."

Holy Jesus.... she practically knows everything there is to know about the guy. I know close to nothing, but spend a year with the guy and you get to know a lot. Like Asher and I, sometimes I feel like I know more than I should.

"That's a lot to know about a guy." I grin.

"Yeah. I know almost everything but his favorite color. Weird, huh?" She chuckles scrunching up her nose.

I smile, because at least I knew something as simple as that, "Orange, because no one else chooses it." I state to her.

"Make sense. He would say that." She giggles shaking her head. We stay silent for a moment, and I feel jealous for a moment too. Maddi knew so much about Spencer. Yet I knew almost nothing about the guy. I felt almost ashamed or a bad girl friend.

"I get it though, stay with the person for so many years and you pick up on stuff. You get to know them better than yourself." I agree, looking out the window as a distraction.

"Yeah." Katie scoffs, piping up into the conversation for the first time. "Ask Kim any question about Asher and she can tell you in a heartbeat; and vice versa. It's crazy how well they know each other." She goes on to explain.

"Well that like that I was saying. You know a person for some many years you just get to know everything about them." I justify, agreeing with Katie though.

"How long have you known Asher for?" Maddi asks.

"Since we were in kindergarten." I tell her. "I can tell you Asher's favorite childhood game growing up was Hungry Hungry Hippos. If you asked him what toy I liked, he'd probably tell you The Game of Perfection. You know the one with the shapes and you had to put them on the board and when sixty seconds ran out the board would pop."

It was like a flash back to the nineties and early two thousands as we started naming our old favorite games and TV shows. "Remember that one time when I slept over your house. You told me everything about Asher. Right to the type of boxers he wears." Katie laughs, getting off the highway.

"Ugh, I remember." I agree, nodding my head.

"You'd think the girl was obsessed with him or that she was in love." Katie tease, giving me a secret look. She knew how in love I was with Asher.

"Did you two ever...?" Maddi asks, drifting off.

"No! God no. We've always been friends." I tell her, shaking my head.

"Neither one of you ever liked each other or admitted it?" She questions further.

Biting my lip and twirling a strand of my hair I lied to her easily, "No. It was never like that." I tell her. "There's not one thing I probably don't know about him. When he taps his pen, he's nervous. Run a hand through his hair he feels awkward or stressed out. Run a hand down his face, aggravated. Loves Doritos, loves when I make him chocolate chip peanut butter brownies. He doesn't have one certain band that he likes; he listens to whatever is on the radio. He's always making jokes. Always tease people jokingly; so don't take that first day seriously it's just his wacky personality. He loves all the women in his life. Always wants to please everyone, especially his dad. He's the only guy I know that will walk into Victoria Secret with me- and that says a lot about a guy. Hates baseball too, doesn't like cats. Animal planet puts him to sleep. He wants to travel around the world. He already has a bucket list. And-"

"And he wear boxers instead of tighy whites." Katie interrupts and laughs.

"Oh my God, I can't believe you still remember that!" I laugh hysterically. I must have told Katie about that year ago, before we were in high school. "By the way, he wears Calvin Kline now." I had to add.

"And how do you know missy?" Maddi gasps, leaning away from her seat.

"I saw his mom doing laundry once." I lie, easily again. I wouldn't tell her how he walked across my bedroom with them on.

"You do know a lot about Asher." She agrees, nodding her head.

"I do." I whisper, smiling about it. "But I am not Asher's type." I say strongly, shaking any loving thoughts away, "You don't even want to know what he does in between classes with the girls on the cheer leading squad. Parties are even worse."

"See that's where you're wrong." She says smirking and shaking her head, "He's already in love with you-"

"Yeah, loves me as a sister, Maddi." I interrupt, "If, let's say, Asher actually could possibly love me, he wouldn't be going around acting the way he does. Trust me, when it comes to Asher I know him in and out. He likes his life just how it is."

"Just wait and see. I'm always right." She says smugly. Rolling my eyes I notice Katie entering my neighborhood.

"It doesn't matter anyways." I mutter, looking back out the window, "I'm perfectly happy dating Spencer." When Katie pulls into my drive way I go to the trunk to take all my bags out. I offer Katie and Maddi the chance to shower if they wanted to before the game.

Maddi took up on the offer, because she wanted to wear her new clothes to the game. After she finished admiring my home, I showed her the bathroom she could use and the spare bedroom she could use to change in.

"All that talk about Asher in the car was... Interesting." Katie points out as she sits in my closet when I'm hanging things up.

"Mhm." I hummed, putting away my poncho cardigan with all the other beige and cream colored sweaters. I might be a little of an OCD freak. I like color coordinating my closet and keeping thing organized.

"Never in love with Asher, huh?" She smirks, opening the Aldo box and looking at the boots I bought again.

"Well I wasn't going to tell her that now was I? Only you and I know that secret and we're going to keep it that way because I'm not ruining my friendship with Asher." I tell her, grabbing the dress I was going to wear tonight and hung it on the peg behind my closet door with the maroon cardigan I bought.

"You know what I've always told you. You should have told him when you gotten that chance junior year." She mentions, twirling her hair between her fingers.

"You mean, the same day he introduced me the girl he had run off with to Miami for half the summer? Yeah, that seemed way to perfect to me." I tell her sarcastically, hanging up the jeans I bought.

"You had plenty of chances, Kim. You should have told him." She tells me, shaking her head. "I have a strong feeling he would have felt the same way back.

"But then I would have never been with Spencer this year." I said a little snappy. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as I ran a hand through my hair slowly. "I'm sorry. I just don't want... I just don't want my heartbroken by the guy I have been in love with since middle school. I don't think I could bare it."

I slide down the wall, sitting next to her on my closet floor. We stayed there in silence, leaning on one another until Maddi came. Since we had an hour to kill I and I was in the mood to bake I asked Maddi and Katie to help me bake some of my special brownie and even a batch of cookies until we had to leave.

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