The Game of Love

By KaiHeart15

263K 4.2K 314

Eight years ago, Sarah Winrey has always been bullied by Leon Ferron, whom she's feared since the very first... More

The Game of Love
The Game of Love Chapter 2
The Game of Love Chapter 3
The Game of Love Chapter 4
The Game of Love Chapter 5
The Game of Love Chapter 6
The Game of Love Chapter 7
The Game of Love Chapter 8
The Game of Love Chapter 9
The Game of Love Chapter 10
The Game of Love Chapter 11
The Game of Love Chapter 12
The Game of Love Chapter 13
The Game of Love Chapter 14
The Game of Love Chapter 15
The Game of Love Chapter 16
The Game of Love Chapter 17
The Game of Love Chapter 18
The Game of Love Chapter 19
The Game of Love Chapter 20
The Game of Love Chapter 21
The Game of Love Chapter 22
The Game of Love Chapter 23
The Game of Love Chapter 24
The Game of Love Chapter 25
The Game of Love Chapter 26
The Game of Love Chapter 27
The Game of Love Chapter 28
The Game of Love Chapter 29
The Game of Love Chapter 30
The Game of Love Chapter 31
The Game of Love Chapter 32
The Game of Love Chapter 33
The Game of Love Chapter 34
The Game of Love Chapter 35
The Game of Love Chapter 36
The Game of Love Chapter 37
The Game of Love Chapter 38
The Game of Love Chapter 39
The Game of Love Chapter 40
The Game of Love Chapter 41
The Game of Love Chapter 42
The Game of Love Epilogue!

The Game of Love Chapter 43

4.6K 68 2
By KaiHeart15

This is the last chapter, but no worries, I have an epilogue (so technically, this isn't really the last chapter). And since I don't like how I ended this chapter, the epilogue will end this story so much better. I'm sorry it's short and seems slightly...rushed...but I don't want to drag it either so I hope you like it! xD Vote, comment, fan and just give me some feedback! xD





“How do I look?” I asked my parents, tugging at my navy blue gown and cap. My hair was in its usual soft curls and there was only a small application of makeup. I wore black shoes with heels about an inch high, and my nails were done. French tips and black, floral designs. My skin was slightly tan from going on beach dates with Leon.

Finally, after five minutes of gaping at my appearance, my mom had replied with a warm smile, “You look like a successful and gorgeous girl ready to get her diploma.”

I smiled back. I really felt successful that I’ve finished my four years of high school and earned an advanced diploma. And to top it all off, I managed through all the maddening drama of my senior year, dealing with Leon, Seth, and Laurie in ways I couldn’t imagine. Yet it’s kind of funny how my parents never seemed to realize or catch on to the drama I got myself into for the past seven/eight months or so.

Finally, I left the parking lot after a final checking with my parents on how I looked and met up with my fellow classmates. And after a bit of socializing with my friends and Leon, we were told to line up alphabetically. The sad part was that I won’t get to sit next to any of my friends. Ferron. Houston. Langley. Winrey. Plus, I was in the very back, so I had to wait after hundreds of people have been called. I was the second to last person.

After filing in with “Pomp and Circumstance” playing in the background, we seated ourselves in this huge room in the convention center. At the very beginning, I hardly paid any attention to the speeches. Not to be disrespectful or anything, but I just really wanted to get my diploma already. Not to mention, the place was just too congested and hot for me to want to wait for like an hour or two for my name to be called up.

There were just so many people, and it just heated the place even more. I basically needed a water bottle at my feet and a fan to cool myself off. Heck, everyone felt that way.

Finally, the first row of students lined up to the right side of the stage, and the first name was called. “Louis Abernathy.” The girl with dyed red hair and green eyes stepped up to the stage and shook hands with the principal, got her diploma, and walked off.

“Greg Aires.” And to my right, Luke Warner clenched his fists so much that the knuckles were white. I didn’t say anything though.

After about fifty or so names, the voice boomed again, “Leon Ferron.” And without even realizing it, I got on my feet and started cheering for him. I was probably the loudest out of everyone. His head turned to the crowd, and he smiled at me merrily. What didn’t surprise me was seeing that his parents and Damien weren’t here to watch his graduation. For that split second, I felt bad for Leon, and then I just became infuriated at his parents and brother.

Once ten names were called up, Leanne Houston filled my ears and Sophia and I got on our feet, cheering for her. The same went for when Sophia went on. And once it got to the M’s I wondered about when Seth’s name would be called if he was here. I still missed my dear best friend. When Leila’s name was called up, everyone got on their feet and cheered for her, but Luke was the loudest of them all. And when it came to Laurie, I stifled a laugh when only her family clapped for her, but it was more of a short, silent clap.

By the time my line was called up, I was boiling up in my cap and gown. Thankfully, I wasn’t sweating like a hog. I was just burning up and had this urge to take off my cap and gown. Seriously, where was the A/C?

“Luke Warner.” Leila got up on her feet and everyone followed her example. I merely clapped for him, and I felt my heart race just as Luke walked off the stage. I took a deep breath as I heard my name boom:

“Sarah Winrey.”

Leon, Sophia, and Leanne (and of course, my parents), got up on their feet, cheering for me with Leon being the loudest. What made me laugh was when he cried out at the top of his lungs, “THAT’S MY GIRLFRIEND!” I turned my face to meet his, and he was smiling goofily at me. I couldn’t help but smile as the principal and all the other adults shook my hand, gave me a hug of praise, and say, “Excellent job. Congratulations.” And as I walked on and off the stage, my legs were still wobbly and like jelly.

Towards the end, I zoned out of the principal’s and valedictorian’s final words. But I snapped back to reality when these words entered my ears, “Congratulations to JamesMadisonHigh School class of 2010!” At that, everyone stood, including me, and tossed their hats up in the air, flying across the room. The room was filled with loud chants, cheers, hollers, whistles, and outbursts. The exhilarating feeling still pulsed through my veins, coursing my body with thrill and excitement. And as all the adults walked off the stage in an orderly manner, we had done the same.

Once we were out the convention center to meet up with our parents, the heat immediately got to me. I turned to Leon. “What’s the temperature?”

He dug in his pocket for his phone. After doing this and that with his Android, he checked the weather and replied, “Its eighty-eight degrees.”

I heaved sigh and aggravated groan, “Oh my God… It’s sweating balls out here!” Leon raised an amused brow and gave a low chuckle. “Oh you know what I mean…shush…” He smiled and I bumped my shoulder into his teasingly. He did the same to me, and we ended up laughing.

After about a minute, I bit my lip and my face went red. “Did you really have to say that?” I finally asked.

He didn’t need to ask what I meant—he knew immediately. A wide Cheshire grin grew on his face. “What’s wrong with telling the entire graduating class and their parents that you’re my girlfriend?”

I bit the inside of my cheeks. “It sounded a little…possessive…even though you didn’t say that in a threatening tone…”

Leon rolled his eyes as he pointed out, “But you laughed at it. You’ve got to admit that you liked it when I shouted it in there.”

My smile showed that I completely agreed with it. However, I added, “It was a little embarrassing and…out there…” His grin only widened as he tweaked my nose. I scrunched up my face as he had done so and my parents had finally reached us.

“Congrats, Sarah!” my mom squealed as she pulled me into a big, suffocating hug. My dad joined in on the hug.

“Congrats, sweetie,” he said. He smiled towards the way he said it despite me hating being called that.

When the pulled away from me, Mom hugged Leon, while Dad shook hands with him, congratulating him sincerely. “So…” my dad began, “where are your parents.”

Leon and I stiffened. Neither of us bothered to mention his situation to my parents. However, Leon figured that now should be would be a good idea to just flat out say it. “They weren’t planning on coming,” he said flatly and dejectedly. Despite the indifference in how he said it, it was like a knife twisting in my heart. Leon was so used to being neglected and unloved that saying these things doesn’t bother him enough to make him cry anymore. Instead, he just has this edge in his voice.

My parents frowned. “What kind of parents would do that?” my dad asked.

Leon shrugged. “My parents…”

Mom shook disapprovingly. “Such cruel parents…” she muttered angrily. “It’s ridiculous how they won’t come to an important event!”

Again, Leon shrugged carelessly, the light in his eyes sucked right out. “Whatever…” He shook his head and brought his voice to a light, happier tone. “Look, let’s just forget it. We’ve graduated. It’s not a good idea to dwell on something so…” he trailed off, and neither of us pressed onto the matter.

“Well,” my mom began, and she turned to me, “I’m just wondering, but you said you’re moving in with him, right?” I gave a slow nod. My dad narrowed his eyes at Leon, and I kind of knew that my dad wasn’t so big on this. When I told them about it the day after prom, my dad almost had a mad fit. He initially refused—and strongly at that, too. However, he took it into consideration and finally permitted it. After all, if I’m happy, he’s happy.

Mom continued on, “I was just asking when you said you’re moving in… I mean, you’ve already packed up all your stuff.”

I gave a twist of my lips as I thought about it. I was planning on moving sometime today, but why should we focus on me getting moved to Leon’s apartment when really, we should be focusing on celebrating our graduation? I answered, “Probably tomorrow.” My parents nodded. “For now,” I began, “we can just go out and eat someplace.” They smiled.

* * * *

I changed out of my cap and gown and was dressed in a dark purple, silk, strapless dress. I had smoky eyes and little blush and lipstick. I kept my inch high black heels, and when I stepped out the bathroom of The Cheesecake Factory, heads turned my way, but I averted my gaze from them and hurried over to my table.

Leon had on a purple tie to match my dress, and his hair was still a tad bit messy. However, other than that, he had on a normal tux and still looked ridiculously handsome. When I took the seat next to him, I realized that the bread and butter were already on the center of the table. “Ooh.” I outstretched my hand to pick out a piece of bread, spreading it over with butter. The moment I placed it in my mouth, I was in Heaven. God, I just loved their bread and butter.

For the most part as we ate our way towards our entrees, we talked about my move and if this really was a good idea. Well, it was more me and my dad discussing this more than anything. My mom just repeatedly told my dad, “Its fine. I don’t think there’ll be too much of a problem.”

As for Leon, he kept reassuring my dad, “Really, Mr. Winrey, I won’t cause any problems for your daughter.” Leon being formal…I’ve never seen it before now… That’s interesting.

This whole conversation kept going even through dessert. “I’m just not sure…” Dad started up again. “You two are eighteen. I mean, you’re legal age and you just graduated, but don’t you two think you’re moving a bit fast?”

As a matter of fact, we always feel like we’re moving too fast when we attempt to make love. Moving in is actually going a bit slow for us. “Oh come on, Dad, it’s not like we’re going to have sex,” I accidentally blurted. I smacked my face like an idiot.

He raised a brow and asked with a bit of an edge and suspicion in his voice, “Are you sure about that, Sarah?”

I nodded my head vigorously, assuring him, “You know how touchy I am about doing it before getting married, Dad.”

Dad studied me very, very carefully. And when it felt like minutes have passed by in silence between us, he finally nodded. “But now the problem is,” he carried on (I fought the urge to groan and sigh in annoyance), “what if this arrangement doesn’t work between you two anymore? What if…after a long while of living together you two just can’t stand being under the same roof?”

I pressed my lips together and answered firmly, “I’m absolutely positively sure that we’ll do just fine.”


I interrupted, “Dad!”

He stopped and didn’t continue on for once. And I didn’t even realize the spoonful of chocolate gelato held in front of my face by Leon. I wrapped my lips around the slimy and cold gelato, savoring the taste slowly. Leon held an amused (and a little turned on) expression.

* * * *

My mom fought the tears while my dad kept a stoic expression. I leaned on the back of my car, filled with all my belongings. This was awkward…for us to say our goodbyes. But it wasn’t like I was going abroad or anything. I was simply living in another neighborhood about twenty minutes away from here. That didn’t stop my mom from getting all emotional however.

“Just remember to visit and call his,” my mom reminded, pulling me into a hug. I pat her back softly as I whispered to her:

“I will. I’m only twenty minutes away, Mom. I’ll be just fine.” She pulled away from me, a smile etched on her face.

I turned to my dad, who kept a straight face. But the moment I opened my arms wide, he held me tight like I was still a little girl who came back home, lost for years. He kept his voice steady, and threatened, “If that boy ever does anything to you that you don’t like—or it doesn’t work out, let us know and you can move back in.”

Honestly, I didn’t want to tell him that nothing will go wrong; I can’t guarantee that though, so I replied, “Okay.”

When I pulled away, I opened the door and said to them, “Bye. I love you.”

“We love you, too, Sarah,” they said in unison. I smiled at them before sliding into the driver’s seat.

Once I was on the road, I felt my phone vibrate, and as I picked it up, I greeted him, “Hey, Leon.”

“Um…” he began, “are you almost here?”

I looked at the street and the neighborhood ahead of me. “Yeah, I’ll be there in five.”

“Okay…” was all he said before hanging up.

When I got to his apartment, I put my stuff down, and knocked on his door. It swung open and there stood Leon with a welcoming smile on his face. I picked up my stuff and placed them on the floor of the living room. I turned to face him, but before I could bother to properly greet him, he crushed me to him and pressed his lips against mine. I was stunned, but I didn’t push him away at all.

Then he picked him up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me over to his bedroom. Were we seriously going to attempt this again? I wasn’t sure.

He laid me on the bed, as he continued to kiss me, our lips moving together in sync. When he asked for entrance, I allowed for his tongue to enter my mouth. A satisfied moan escaped my lips and I made him do the same when my tongue entered his mouth. And in the midst of our make out session, I felt something hard under my back. I winced in pain, and broke the kiss. We were panting, breathless.

As I’m reaching for the object behind me, I kept my blue eyes glued to his deep grey ones. It was filled with such intensity, passion, and love. And when I brought the object to my face, I gaped and was rendered speechless.

It was a diamond engagement ring.

I focused my eyes back to Leon who was smiling in anticipation. Then my eyes focused on the ring again. “Leon…” I began, not knowing what else to say but his name.

When I looked at him again, he pressed his forehead to mine. Our breaths mingled. “I did it right this time…” he whispered. Did he mean he did the proposal right? Of course he did, stupid Sarah. I ended up smiling like an idiot. And when our breaths had finally steadied, Leon finally asked:

“Sarah Winrey, will you marry me?”

How could I say no? I nodded my head fervently and he crushed his body to mine as we continued with our intense, passion filled kisses.

This is the man that I’ll love…forever and always…


Stay tuned for the epilogue...

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