
By fourseasonsflewby

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He was a dumb conceited boy,though he thought he was a man and she was a girl barely making it by so cliche I... More

The date
Ze End


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By fourseasonsflewby

Months later...
Saara's p.o.v
Me and Harry have bonded over these past few months.He still has his little diva moments now and then but it's all good,although I know there's still a reason why he was a douche and I am really tempted to find out why.

I know it's none of my business but as a friend I feel like it's my duty to find out and help him.

But for now he said he's going on a date with Louis.I ship it 110% He says they took a break from dating once Harry got cold.

Now Harry said he's gonna make it up to his "Loulou" I tried teasing him with the pet name and he freaking growled at me told me that was his thing and left a mark on me.

I of course had to help him plan the date,it had to be the best.Only the best for Louis.So me being me planned everything out an afternoon picnic on a rooftop and a night stargazing simple and sweet.

I tell Harry and of course he argues.

He said my plan was stupid and cheesy,he wanted to do a movie and dinner so I said No H your crazy I know Lou he doesn't care about the materialistic things.

And you know we argue back and forth until we come to an agreement a movie and a surprise which I am in charge of!

"Don't mess this up,I'm giving you one chance I rarely give those out so don't.ruin.it"Harry says and he gets real close to me looking me straight in the eyes.

Then he just leaves.

I feel a vibration from my pocket and I jump startled,I look down and see it's my phone.The caller I.D said "Niall Horan"I answer and he immediately sounds hella nervous.
N:Um...H-Hi S
S:Hey Hoe!
N:Can we meet up at our usual place?
S:Um...yeah right now?

That's weird he usually always laughs when I call him hoe.

Maybe I should stop that.

Eh whatever!

I grab my car keys and head out.Yes I have a car.Pretty cheap but it's something.

On the way to "Blu" that's where I work it's a cafe for dogs!It's also Me and Niall's hangout spot.

Anyways on the way I blast one direction and 5sos.I recently became a fan.By the time I get there I finish the M.I.T.A.M album.

I walk in and see Niall playing with a pekingese puppy.

"Aw who's this little guy?"I sit next to him and belly rub the cute mammal.

"Um girl and her name is Tulip!"Niall exclaims.

"Cool,so like are we here for anything special? You sounded pretty urgent on the phone"I ask giving Tulip to her rightful owner.

"Um yeah but I got us coffee"he hands me my favorite a skinny latte with half a quarter of sugar two pumps of caramel with coconut milk that's fat free and-Ha! You thought it was a vanilla bean frappe.

Once we finish he tells me to turn the cup.

"Will you go out with me?"it says.

"Uh-Oh Spaghetti-O"I mumble under my breath.

"What?"Niall ask.

"Um...Yes!I mean yea it's cool man"I cough.

"Ok I'll text you the details later!"he runs off obviously shocked and happy.

I walk away with a smile.Do I have feelings for Niall?

well I mean you did say yes so duh unless you're being mean and are leading him on...Shut up other me!

Yes I think I have undiscovered feelings for Niall.I have always had a gut feeling near him I guess this explains it.I smile even more feeling more giddy.I have a date!

I stop walking and do that thing Raven does when she gets a vision.What am I gonna wear!?Wait.This is my first date!Oh god the pressures really setting in now.What about Harry!?He's not gonna like this.I get home and decide to tell him now.

"Hey so...I'mgoingoutonadatewithNiallbyeee"I try sneaking away but he grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"What?"he growls,yo is this dude a werewolf?What's with all this growling?

"H-He asked me!"I defend quickly.

"Ok fine bye"he lets go and I run but secretly hide I know he's gonna call him.

Harry's p.o.v

I decided to call Niall and give him a piece of my mind

Niall's p.o.v

Uh oh it's Harry I'm dead meat
Harry's p.o.v
It rings once twice then I hear a thicc Irish accent.
H:You did not
N:Whatever do you mean?
H:You know exactly what I mean now tell me why the fuck you did that?Are you high?You must be to make such a stupid decision!
N:Listen here I like her,and you can't stop that you don't see me protesting against you and Louis!So let us be!
H:Ok fine but pay attention If you ever hurt her I will personally come to your house and rip your organs out and cut you up into tiny little pieces and burn you and make your life a living hell so have fun!
H:*hangs up*

Saraa's p.o.v

Awww but no."HAROLD!WHY?"I scream and he rolls his eyes.

"I need to protect you duh!"he pats my head.

"Ugh fine but don't be over protective!"I warn him and head to my room to contemplate my life.Wait...the date?!

"Harry!Your date!"I run out and shove him out the door.

"GOGOGO!"I hand him his keys and give a forcefully push and with that he's out.Ok time to plan this.I decided to go to a part of the backyard.He had a lot of space and I choose a spot with a cherry blossom tree.

I sprinkle petals around and put a table in the center.I put wine and wine glasses on the table along with cupcakes from the cafe that said "L-A-R-R-Y!"

I go to my room and look out the window waiting for them.After a while I get bored so I draw but then I hear car doors slamming shut.I look out and see them groping each other.I run out and wait patiently.

"Hello!And welcome to Casa de puto!"I say proudly.

"Um Saara?"Louis chuckles.

"Who is dis Saara you speak of I am Niel your host for tonight!"I fake an accent.

"Lou what does Pluto mean?"

"It's puto and it's not important"I lead them to the "spot" and Louis gasp.

"It's beautiful,did you do this?"He turns to Harry.

"um well actually-"I give him a 'don't ruin this' look and he seems to catch on.

"I did it!"he grins and Louis kisses him passionately.

"I love it"he squeals.I squeak and they look at me weird.

"Um ok I will leave but please don't make ze babies!"I make an ok with my fingers and get another finger from the non ok hand and stick it in and out of the ok hand smiling like a perverted 5th grader.

Then I proceed to leave while I squeal like a true shipper.

Harry's p.o.v
After our star gazing we go to my room and you can only guess what happened next...

Louis' p.o.v
I'll let your imagination run wild from here...

Saara's p.o.v

They did in fact make ze bebes
I ship it but I need my sleep man,come on!
I walk down stumbling from the lack of sleep and see Louis sitting near the island with sex ridden hair and a cuppa tea.

"I see you got jiggy with it last night"I smirk and he blushes looking down.

"Oh shut up!"he smiles.

"And Harry's not up so...let's make him breakfast!"I start to get out the ingredients for pancakes and Louis laughs.

"No I'm a horrible cook!I want to but I'll just end up burning the food"he frowns.

"Nonsense! I suck at cooking like Gordon Ramsey screaming at me bad but you don't see me sulking!"I grab his hand and let him mix the batter while I pour it on the griddle.We do the same for eggs,bacon,and the fruit.

I had the bright idea of making a green smoothie for the health freak,once I do we set it on a tray and walk over to his room.


"AHHH!"He glares at me but his features soften when he sees Louis.He's whipped haha.

"We made you breakfast honey!"he grins shoving the tray towards Harry.

"Aw Blu this is"he takes a bite of the pancakes and audibly moans,

"These are great!Thanks Blu-blu!"he ignores me.

"Oh and thanks Saara"I smile at the praise.

"Oh I gotta go! Bye babe!"Louis jogs over to Harry and pecks him and then says bye to me.I stand there and Harry looks at me expectantly.

"Oh!U-uh I have go.busy.yeah.bye!"I speed walk to my room.I see Louis is still at the door with a letter.

"Here good luck!"he winks and hands me the letter.I open it and see it's a card with gold lettering.

To:Saraa idk your last name
From:Niall Horan
Be ready next Saturday at 7pm.I will have someone there to pick you up and then we will have our date,I won't tell you where but dress casual.Bye S! Xoxo-N

Aw he's such a sweetheart."What's that!?"Harry rudely snatches it.nO.

"No way you are not going I won't allow it!"He sternly states.

"What!Are you my evil stepmother or something?"I try to get the card back but he rips it up.I don't know what came over me but that cut the line.Can't I have a love life without him ruining it!?I help him and this is how he repays me!

"I HATE YOU!"I run out the back door and slam the door.I run to my special spot. I'm certain Harry doesn't know this spot since he rarely comes out here.

It absolutely breathtaking though.Flowers are everywhere I even added fairy lights around.It's like my second home.I spot a butterfly and it lands on my hand.

"Hey little guy you trying to escape too?"I chuckle.I soon tire myself from crying and drift off to sleep.

5 hours later...

Harry's p.o.v

"NIALL HELP ME!"I shake him and he looks petrified.

"What happened!"he ask.

"It's Saraa"I whisper.

"What about her?"I don't answer.

"Harryyy!"he groans.

"She ran away"I sniffle.

"WHAT!"he runs out and frantically looks around.

"Niall...she went to the
backyard..."I laugh.

"But it's been 5 hours now so I don't know if sh-anddd he's gone.

"Yes I waited five hours I took a nap thinking she would come back...ok!?

Niall's p.o.v

I hate Harry right now he did this.He didn't talk when I asked that's one of his nervous antics.

"SARAA!"I call out.I try my best and look everywhere.Most of the area
is just grass,but beyond the grass there's a little forest.I walk into the forest and if I got a few cuts nobody needs to know.

"Saraa I know your here...there's no way you left you had a good life here and I know you wouldn't have left it unless...*gasp* is it cause of me! Our date? Is that why? I'll call it off if that's what you want!"I shout.

"Oh Niall I was just mad that's all"I look around for the source of the voice but I don't see anyone.

"Oh my god you're dead?!"I ask.

"No you dimwit I'm behind you" sure enough she was there.

"Saara!"I hug her tightly and lift her up.

"What is up with people carrying me!?"She says annoyed.I ignore her and head to Harry's house.I'm surprised to see Harry has called up all the guys and they're all heading out until they see me.

"YOUR ALIVE!"Ashton exclamations and they all hug us.

Saara's p.o.v

Niall puts me down and I smile but frown as soon as Louis ask why I ran away.A tide of memories hits me and I suddenly want to run away again.

"U-um...I It's nothing"I say but no,no I'm not going to lie for Harry I've already done enough.

"You know what no this dickhead tried to dictate me and won't let me go on a date with Niall!"I point to the frog himself.They all gasp.

"He ripped up the card Niall spent his time and money on,He ruins everything!"I run away frustrated.

3rd p.o.v

Everyone but Saraa and Harry stood there shocked even Niall.Harry like Saraa ran calling after her.They all swore they saw Harry with tears in his eyes but brushed it off seeing as he never cried and he wouldn't start now.

"Saraa?"Harry breathes out.

"What Harry?"she seethes instead of crying she was pissed.Seems like the roles were turned as Harry was bawling like his life depended on it.

"I-I'm s-sooorr- saaauhh ugh!"Harry strains out he's never done this before.It's only natural.

"You're what!? Sorry? Huh do you even have the guts to say it?Or are you just gonna yell and run away like always?"She challenges.

"I'M SORRY OK!"He says tears and all.

Now the lads didn't mean to eavesdrop but it's kinda hard not to when they're screaming.They all looked at each other wide eyed once they heard the S word leave Harry's lips.He's never said that not even to Louis which he was a bit jealous about but he let it slide due to the circumstances.

Harry realizes what he said and runs downstairs,he doesn't regret it but he didn't need everyone to know.

"Get out"he says calmly.The lot all leave as they know from experience that a calm Harry is worse than the usual yelling Harry.

Harry's p.o.v

I walk to Saara's room and I see she's standing outside,she opens her arms and for once I'm the one accepting the embrace.She leds us to her bed and tries to lay down but it's difficult when you have 150 pounds on your petite body.

"I'm sorry"I whisper and with those word I fall into a deep sleep.

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