The date

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Saara's p.o.v
It was a Saturday and 6pm.Niall and I were going on a date today.To say I was nervous was an understatement I was sweating like crazy.I still gave an effort to look decent though,he said causal so I was just in jeans and a shirt with a jacket over it.

I still gave an effort to look decent though,he said causal so I was just in jeans and a shirt with a jacket over it

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I walk out and Niall says the limo should arrive!Whoa.What happened to casual?I see a baby blue limo pull up and the elderly man squints at me and ask

"Are you Haraa?"I laugh no one can ever get my name right.

"Um no it's Saara"I get in the back and we drive off.We drive for about twenty minutes until the diver abruptly stops and opens the door for me.

I get out and see a bunch of my favorite candy in a trail leading to somewhere.I pick up the candy because why not?

When the candies are gone I look up to see Niall standing there with a rose.There were two bikes and a basket.I smile and try to hug Niall but my arms are full of candy so I drop it and hug him properly.

"Niall!Thank you!This is too much"I look at him with worried eyes.

"Nonsense now come on before it's too late!"He hops on a bike and gestures for me to do the same.I follow behind him bumping into him once or twice.We arrive and I gasp Niall has set up a picnic at the beach.Candles were lit all around and a blanket was laid out.

" never cease to surprise me"I chuckle.He smiles and we spent the next hour or so eating because priorities.

"Look!"I point to the sun setting.I've seen it a million times but never like this.I cuddle into Niall and we just lay there watching the sunset.

"It's beautiful"I awe.

"Not as beautiful as you"Niall says.

"As cheesy as that is you make it work"I smile.

"I was just thinking of the top of my head"Niall blushes.I noticed a smell.

"Do you smell that?"I ask.

" that something burning?"Niall ask.I notice his clothes were lit.

"FIRE FIRE SHIT AH!"I panic and throw the first thing I found which was a cup of beer.

"AH! GET IT OFF ME!GET IT OFF!"Niall screams his accent coming on thicc.He runs to the sea and lets out a breath of relief.He takes off his shirt and I blush having never seen him shirtless before.We both stare at each other,blink,and laugh.Not a perfect date but it doesn't have to be perfect to be fun right?

So that's how we ended up here,at a McDonald's at midnight.We decided to be spontaneous and went to the fair,and here.

"Niall!I-I'm stuck!"I wail my rear end stuck in the faded yellow slide.

"Uh oh" Niall tugs at my feet and fails until he calls Harry.

"What the actual fuck Niall"I hear Harry say and I laugh.Harry arrives and with help he thankfully gets me out.

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