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Saara's p.o.v
I grab Harry by the collar of his shirt.

"S-Saara we can't do this!" Harry breathes out.

"Your pants say different" I smirk.

"That's why I love you"he sends me his signature grin.

"Kiss me Daddy"I pull him and our lips collide.He moans.-

"Omg this stuff is hilarious!"I laugh.

"Huh?"Harry sees what I'm reading and blushes.

"Ew why do people write this?We don't even like each other!"He grimaces.

"I know right I totally agree...daddy" I raise my brows.

"Oh hell no" he walks out of the room.

"Yeah ew why did I say that?" I say to myself.

"Daddy?" Niall says.

"AH! Oh Hey..."I smile awkwardly at him.

"How much did you hear?"I ask.

"Enough"he chuckles.Niall and I have been seeing each other for about a month now, we still weren't "official" but that's fine.I didn't want to move too fast and Niall agrees.

"So what brings you to casa de Haara?"I ask.

"Do I need a reason to see my girlfriend? And don't say Haara it sounds like a ship name"he kisses my cheek.

I freeze "g-girl friend?"I look at him with wide eyes.

"oops be my girlfriend?"he smiles sheepishly.

"Uh...I don't know." I say.
"What? Do you not like me?" his face falls.

"No it's just I-"

"I thought we had something!Did you just lead me on?" his eyes turn dark.

"Niall hear me out!"

"No! Don't speak to me you-you bitch!" he slaps me and walks away fuming. What the heck...Niall's never acted like this,it's weird. If he expects me to apologize he's wrong.

"What happened!?" Harry ask.

"Are you okay?" He lifts my head checking for injuries. He pinches me."Ouch!" I groan.

"Good your still conscious." he says.

"I'm fine Harry just a little sad" I admit.

"Why?" He furrows his brows.

"No reason you wouldn't understand" I sigh.

"Come onnnn" he whines.

"'s a-a girl problem!" I say, it was the first thing that popped into my mind.

Harry wouldn't stop bothering me so I ended up confessing in the end.

"Niall's a dead man" he growls.

"Whoa slow down" I try to calm him down but he already grabbed his keys and pushed me off his shoulder.

"Ow! Harry what the heck!" He pushed me so hard I'm pretty sure my leg is broken. It left a dent on the floor. I try to catch up with Harry but he's gone. People here overreact too much. I hope he was kidding about killing him. The pain in my left leg was unbearable. I had to get it treated. So I called the one person with sanity.

"Ashton? Hey it's Saara I kinda broke my leg can you pick me up?"I ask.

I hear a gasp and a "Yes!" before the phone goes dead.

"Get in the car!"I hear from outside.

"Hey!Ash!"I greet him and get in the car.

"YOUR BONE IS OUTSIDE YOUR BODY..." He points to my leg. The pain seems to increase 10x more once I see the reality of my situation.

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